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Lesson 21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了

New words and expressions

1、mad adj. 发疯的

be mad 发疯,发狂(强调状态)

go mad 发疯,发狂(强调转变)

drive sb mad 逼疯/send sb mad


be mad about sth 对…疯狂的,狂热的 /be mad on sth be mad on football 对足球狂热 be mad on pop music be crazy about… 对…着迷


They are going bananas. =go crazy=go mad


go mad 发疯,发狂/go crazy/go insane [in'sein]

the insane 精神病人

go bananas (pl.) become mad or angry, act very foolishly. 发疯,发怒,傻里傻气

go nuts 发疯

nut: (sl.) foolish, eccentric or mad person

mental patient 精神病患者

mental hospital 精神病医院

like mad 拼命地,猛烈地,疯狂地


1) n. 原因

for this reason 由于这个原因

for some reason 由于某个原因 ( some:某一个,加可数名词单数) / for a certain reason

give a reason 提出理由 the root reason 根本原因

the reason is that…理由是…

the reaso n why…is that……的理由是…

eg. The reason why I study English is that I envy those who speak English well.


the reason for sth…理由

eg. What’s the reason for your absence?


the reason to do sth做某事的理由

eg. Is there any reason to go there?

有去那儿的理由吗?cause 导致某事发生的起因

the cause of the fire 大火的起因

eg. Smoking is one of the causes of lung cancer. 吸烟是肺癌的起因之一。

as+句子 because+句子由于……

2) 理性,正常心智

eg. Only man has reason. 只有人类才有理性。lose one’s reason 丧失理智

beyond all reasons毫无道理

bring a person to reason


reasonable adj. 合情合理的,良好的,尚可的

at a reasonable price 以合理的价格

eg. The plane is in a reasonable condition.



1) n. 金额,款项a sum of money 一笔钱


a great many + pl. a number of + pl.

a great number of + pl. a large number of + pl.

a sum of (money) an amount of (money)

a large sum of money 一大笔钱

the sum of incomes 收入总计

2) n. 大意,要旨 the sum of a speech 演讲大意sum up

(1) 合计

sum up all the expenses 把所有的花费加起来

(2) 总结,概括

eg. To sum up, he agrees with us.


in sum = in a word / in short / in brief 总之,要言之4、determined adj. 有决心的,坚定的determine vt.决定,确定,影响

determine a date for a meeting 确定开会的日期eg. The environment determines one’s character. 环境决定人的性格。

determine on sth 决定做某事

/determine to do sth

eg. We determined to study English hard.


eg. I am determined to stay here. 我决定留下来。

eg. I am determined to succeed. 我下定决心一定要成功。“决定做某事”的表达:

determine to do sth make up one’s mind to do sth decide to do sth make a decision to do sth

( decision n.)

be determined to do sth

determination n.判断力,决心

a woman of determination 有判断力的女人

eg. He showed great determination. 他显示了坚定的决心。




will/shall +be+过去分词

例:When will the road be opened to traffic?


例:Your watch will be repaired. 你的表将被修理。



例:My bag has been stolen. 我的包己经被偷走了。例: This point has not been covered yet.



can/could be+过去分词must be十过去分词

may/might be+过去分词must have been+过去分词例:Your watch can be repaired. 你的表能够被修理。例: He asked how the video could be operated.


例:This new car must be tested. 这辆车必须被检验。例:Cars must not be parked here. 车不能被停在这。例:My bag must have been stolen.


must have done想必是,一定是


例:He must have gone. 他一定是走了。Exercises:改写以下句子变成被动语态

I will send a message immediately.


A message will be sent immediately.


2. We must sell all these goods.我们必须卖掉所有的货物。

一AII these goods must be sold. 所有的货物必须被卖掉。

3. I told you he would receive the parcel in time.


-+I told you the parcel would be received in time.


He has to deliver the letter by hand.

4. 他必须亲手去送这封信。

--The letter has to be delivered by hand.


5. They must have lost your letter in the post


Your letter must have been lost in the post.


1、Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.


eg. He drives his car very badly. 他开车技术非常糟糕。eg. The farmer drove the cattle in the field.


eg. Our army drove the enemy back.


eg. During the war, many people were driven out of their homes. 战争期间,许多人被赶出家园。

2、I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day

(in fact the noise of passing planes can be heard night and day) (借喻)

eg. I couldn’t hear the actors.

→ I couldn’t hear the actors’ words.

night and day/day and night表日夜

3、The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then.
