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Module 1


Unit 1 It ' s more than twenty thousand kilometers long.



1. These postcards are great .

2. It 's a picture of the Great Wall .

3. How long is the Great Wall ?

It 's about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .



【重点】:words and phrase: postcard more thousand kilometer million Mexico Canada 【难点】:Sentences: Tell memore about the Great Wall. It 's a picture of great wall.

【课时安排】: 1 课时



老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型“It ' s a picture of . __It's very …”等。


1. 将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,呈现

SB活动1,让学生看书,听听Daming和Simon 的对话,听完之后,让学生说一说:Who is Simon ? Where isDaming ? What are they doing ?

2. 让学生打开书,放录音,学生边听边看书,勾画出课文中的生词。教师讲解单词:

Postcard more thousand kilometre million Mexico Canada

3. 再放录音,让学生勾出文中的重要信息,引导学生回答以下问题:

(1 )明信片上画的是哪里?(2)关于长城、纽约和北京,他们都谈了些什么?


1. 讲解课文重点句型:

(1 )These postcards are great .

(2)It ' s a picture of the Great Wall .

(3)How long is the Great Wall ? It ' s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .

(4)How big is Beijing ? It has got eight million people .




Unit 1

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These postcards are great! It 's a picture of the Great Wall .


Module 1


Unit 2 It 's in the west.


知识与技能:Where is New York ? It 's here, in the east .

Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America. 过程与方法:情感、态度和价值观:讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。

【重点】:用east/west/south/north 来表述方位【难点】:地名的读法

【课时安排】: 1 课时



一. 复习:

1. 老师出示一张中国地图。与学生进行交流:并进行介绍:

What' s this ?(It 's a mapof China.) Yes, it ' s a mapof China .I 'mfrom Beijing it's in the north of China.

2. 向学生提问:

Where are you from ? Where is it on the map? Please find it on the map.

二. 任务呈现与课文导入:

1. 出示Simon 的图片,提问:Whois he ? (he ' s Sim on. He' s Dami ng ' s cousin .)

Where is he from? (He ' s from Now York , America.)

板书New York Where is New York?

2. 出示美国地图。提问:This is a map of America ,Can you find New York? 引导学生在图上找到纽约的位置。


Please turn to the north.

Please turn to the south.

Please turn to the east.

Please turn to the west. 老师随意发出口令,学生要尽快执行口令。老师可以不断加快发出口令的速度,以加大活动难度。

老师放录音,请学生边听边看SB Unit2 活动 1 的地图。把录音中提到的几处美国城市名称和周边国家名称写在黑板上帮助学生理解。再放录音,每句话后停顿,请学生跟读。学生用书第二单元活动 1 录音原文。

最新外研版小学英语六年级上册全册教案带领学生学习表达地理位置的方法。老师用彩色笔或其他方式在地图上标出纽约的位置,并通过问展现“ Where is New York? It 's in the east of America. ”用同样的方式讲述“What about San Francisco? It ' s in the West of America. ”
