接下来D行,每行有4个用空格隔开的整数,第i行的4个整数X i,Y i,P i,Q i,表示坐在位置(X i,Y i)与(P i,Q i)的两个同学会交头接耳(输入保证他们前后相邻或者左右相邻)。
第一行包含K个整数,a1a2……a K,表示第a1行和a1+1行之间、第a2行和第a2+1行之间、…、第a K行和第a K+1行之间要开辟通道,其中a i< a i+1,每两个整数之间用空格隔开(行尾没有空格)。
第二行包含L个整数,b1b2……b k,表示第b1列和b1+1列之间、第b2列和第b2+1列之间、…、第b L列和第b L+1列之间要开辟通道,其中b i< b i+1,每两个整数之间用空格隔开(行尾没有空格)。
【输入输出样例解释】1 2 3 4 5上图中用符号*、※、+ 标出了3对会交头接耳的学生的位置,图中3条粗线的位置表示通道,图示的通道划分方案是唯一的最佳方案。
1995-2008 历届NOIP试题及详解
例如:N=6 时,有:
此时,数组 A 的编码定义如下:
A[0]的编码为 0;
A[i]的编码为:在 A[0],A[1],…,A[i-1]中比 A[i]的值小的个数(i=1,2,…,N-1)
∴ 上面数组 A 的编码为: B=(0,0,0,3,1,2)
③ 给出数组 A 后,求出其编码。 ④ 给出数组 A 的编码后,求出 A 中的原数据。 <2> 灯的排列问题: 设在一排上有 N 个格子(N≤20),若在格子中放置有不同颜色的灯,每种灯的个数记为 N1,N2,……Nk(k 表示不同颜色灯的个数)。 放灯时要遵守下列规则:
b 输入:N=10 B=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
输出编码: A=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
c 输入:N=7 B=(0,0,0,0,4,5,6)
输出编码: A=(3,2,1,0,4,5,6)
<7> 本题共 30 分(10%+10%+10%)
④ 数据输入: N=6
NOI’95 “同创杯”全国青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克竞赛
(上机编程,完成时间:210 分钟)
<1> 编码问题:
设有一个数组 A:ARRAY[0..N-1] OF INTEGER;
数组中存放的元素为 0~N-1 之间的整数,且 A[i]≠A[j](当 i≠j 时)。
SCAR 回复 8D 编写作业规范
建立SCAR 回复8D 之制作与文件管制作业规范。
凡处理XXX 客户抱怨者皆可利用8D 之制作方式,回复客户。
3-1. 客户抱怨处理作业规范8D :8 Disciplines, 八项项目,为intel 所定义回复抱怨的普通格式。
SCAR:Supplier Corrective Action Request,供货商改善对策要求,为intel 对供货商要求改善之正式文件。
客戶結案客戶抱怨客戶抱怨處理回覆8D8D 歸檔(藍圖室)6-1. 8D 格式制作说明:8D 格式计有八个部份,范例如附件二所示。
其中若是客户有开SCAR(Supplier corrective action request)文件者,对于处理上有时效的限制,如防堵计划须于收到起24 小时内处理完毕,整个异常处理须于1 周内完成(有关Intel SCAR 写作指引详细请参考附件三)。
对于普通未开SCAR 之客户抱怨,处理时在线相同,若同时发生时,则需评估严重性,依照优先级排序进行处理。
6-1-1 Team Approach成立问题解决团队,解决该问题。
6-1-2 Problem Description问题描述:问题描述需基于客户所开的SCAR 及遭剔退的缺点板加以分析,将问题发生的时间、发生问题的内容如Failure Mode 为何?影响的广度与深度为何?受影响的料号、批号为何?发生客户是谁?缺点率等相关问题陈述的内容加以说明,明确说明真正的问题。
6-2-3 Analysis & Finding分析与发现:分析相关的异常信息,确认缺点或者问题的形成过程,进行问题的澄清与验证。
确认问题所影响的制程范围,如回溯问题批号之生产纪录,关参数数据如管制图有无异常,L/A 检验资料有无异常。
6-2-4 Containment Action防堵行动计划:防堵计划应列出防堵对策结果有效的时间点,保证异常物料发生的期间内所有的物料皆已纳入并回溯确认该异常物料,以区隔正常与异常的物料。
IT系统分析员考题 v1-answer
Answer: ER圖如下:2、請編一帶迴圈條件的程式,可分部門遍曆上例中的每一條記錄。
Answer:Declare cursor cur_DepartmentSelect Deptcode from Department order by deptcodeFetch cur_Department into @DeptcodeWhile @@Fetch_status= 0BeginSelect ‘部門’, ‘姓名’, A.Station ‘崗位’, A.Age ‘年齡’, A.Salary ‘工資’, (select staffname from staff where staff.staffcode = b.staffcode ) 部門領導from staff A, Department BWhere A.Deptcode = @Deptcode and A.Deptcode = B.DeptcodeFetch next cur_Department into @DeptcodeEndClose cursor cur_DepartmentDeallocate cursor cur_Department3、在編寫SQL語句時為了提高性能,與資料庫索引匹配時應注意哪些?舉例說明。
Answer:1. 匹配所有的索引2. 匹配盡可能多的主健3.高級(主)的表放在等式左邊,而低級(次)的表放在等式右邊。
(a)指令周期流程(b) 非流水线时空图(c) 标准流水线时空图图8.1 例8.1答图(4)由图8.1(c)所示的10条指令进入流水线的时空图可见,在13个时钟周期结束时,CPU执行完10条指令,故实际吞吐率为:10/(100ns×13) ≈ 0.77×107条指令/秒(5)在流水处理器中,当任务饱满时,指令不断输入流水线,不论是几级流水线,每隔一个时钟周期都输出一个结果。
对于本题四级流水线而言,处理10条指令所需的时钟周期数为T4 = 4 +(10 −1)= 13。
而非流水线处理10条指令需4×10 = 40个时钟周期。
故该流水处理器的加速比为40 ÷13 ≈ 3.08 例8.2设某机有四个中断源1、2、3、4,其硬件排队优先次序按1→2→3→4降序排列,各中断源的服务程序中所对应的屏蔽字如表8.1所示。
表8.1 例8.2各中断源对应的屏蔽字中断源 屏蔽字1 2 3 41 1 1 0 12 0 1 0 03 1 1 1 14 0 1 0 1(1)给出上述四个中断源的中断处理次序。
第7章习题答案 计算机组成原理课后答案(清华大学出版社 袁春风主编)
• 159 •
7. 假定以下 MIPS 指 令序列在图 7.18 所示 的流 水线数据通路中 执行:
addu $s3, $s1, $s0
subu $t2, $s0, $s3
流水线深度( Pipeline Depth) 流 水 线 冒 险 ( Hazar d) 控制冒险(Control hazard) 流水线阻塞( Pipeline stall) 空 操 作 ( nop) 分支预测(Branch predict) 动态分支预测(Dynamic predict) 分支 延迟槽(Delayed branch slot) 旁 路 ( Bypassing) IPC(Instructions Per Cycle) 动态多发射(Dynamic multiple issue) 超长指令字 VLIW 动态流水线(Dynamic pipelining) 指令分发(Instruction dispatch) 无序发射( out-of-order issue) 重排序缓冲(Reorder buffer) 乱序执行( out-of-order execution) 无序完成( out-of-order completion)
(1)插入 一个流水段寄 存器,得到 一个两级 流水线 (2)插 入两个流水段 寄存器,得 到一个三 级流水线 (3)插入 三个流水段寄 存器,得到 一个四级 流水线 (4)吞 吐量最大的流 水线 参考答案:
(1)两级流水线的平衡点在 C 和 D 之间,其前面一个流水段的组合逻辑延时为 80+30+60=170ps,后 面一 个流水 段的 组合逻 辑延时 为 50+70+10=130ps。这 样每个 流水段 都 以 最 长 延 时 调 整 为 170+20=190ps , 故 时 钟 周 期 为 190ps , 指 令 吞 吐 率 为 1/190ps=5.26GOPS,每条 指令的执行时 间为 2x190=380ps。
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest2008East Central Regional ContestMcMaster UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of Michigan–Ann ArborYoungstown State UniversityNovember1,2008Sponsored by IBMRules:Problem A:Bordering on MadnessBob Roberts owns a design business which creates custom artwork for various corporations.One technique that his company likes to use is to take a simple rectilinearfigure(afigure where all sides meet at90or270degrees and which contains no holes)and draw one or more rectilinear borders around them.Each of these borders is drawn so that it is a set distance d away from the previously drawn border(or the originalfigure if it is thefirst border)and then the new area outlined by each border is painted a unique color.Some examples are shown below(without the coloring of the borders).The example on the left shows a simple rectilinearfigure(grey)with two borders drawn around it.The one on the right is a more complicatedfigure;note that the border may become disconnected.These pieces of art can get quite large,so Bob would like a program which can draw prototypes of the finished pieces in order to judge how aesthetically pleasing they are(and how much money they will cost to build).To simplify things,Bob never starts with afigure that results in a border where2horizontal (or vertical)sections intersect,even at a point.This disallows such cases as those shown below:InputInput will consist of multiple test cases.Thefirst line of the inputfile will contain a single integer indicating the number of test cases.Each test case will consist of two or more lines.Thefirst will contain three positive integers n,m and d indicating the number of sides of the rectlinearfigure,the number of borders to draw,and the distance between each border,where n≤100and m≤20. The remaining lines will contain the n vertices of thefigure,each represented by two positive integers indicating the x and y coordinates.The vertices will be listed in clockwise order starting with the vertex with the largest y value and(among those vertices)the smallest x value.OutputFor each test case,output three lines:thefirst will list the case number(as shown in the examples), the second will contain m integers indicating the length of each border,and the third will contain m integers indicating the additional area contributed to the artwork by each border.Both of these sets of numbers should be listed in order,starting from the border nearest the originalfigure.Lines two and three should be indented two spaces and labeled as shown in the examples.Separate test cases with a blank line.Sample Input26210 2030100301000000102010 10172050705070000030 20302010601060402040 Sample OutputCase1:Perimeters:340420Areas:30003800Case2:Perimeters:380Areas:2660Problem B:Jack of All TradesJack Barter is a wheeler-dealer of the highest sort.He’ll trade anything for anything,as long as he gets a good deal.Recently,he wanted to trade some red agate marbles for some goldfish.Jack’s friend Amanda was willing to trade him1goldfish for2red agate marbles.But Jack did some more digging and found another friend Chuck who was willing to trade him5plastic shovels for3marbles while Amanda was willing to trade1goldfish for3plastic shovels.Jack realized that he could get a better deal going through Chuck(1.8marbles per goldfish)than by trading his marbles directly to Amanda (2marbles per goldfish).Jack revels in transactions like these,but he limits the number of other people involved in a chain of transactions to9(otherwise things can get a bit out of hand).Normally Jack would use a little program he wrote to do all the necessary calculations tofind the optimal deal,but he recently traded away his computer for afine set of ivory-handled toothpicks.So Jack needs your help.InputInput will consist of multiple test cases.Thefirst line of thefile will contain an integer n indicating the number of test cases in thefile.Each test case will start with a line containing two strings and a positive integer m≤50.Thefirst string denotes the items that Jack wants,and the second string identifies the items Jack is willing to trade.After this will be m lines of the forma1name1a2name2indicating that some friend of Jack’s is willing to trade an amount a1of item name1for an amount a2 of item name2.(Note this does not imply the friend is also willing to trade a2of item name2for a1of item name1.)The values of a1and a2will be positive and≤20.No person will ever need more than 231−1items to complete a successful trade.OutputFor each test case,output the phrase Case i:(where i is the case number starting at1)followed by the best possible ratio that Jack can obtain.Output the ratio using5significant digits,rounded.Follow this by a single space and then the number of ways that Jack could obtain this ratio.Sample Input2goldfish marbles31goldfish2marbles5shovels3marbles1goldfish3shovelsthis that47this2that14this4that7this2theother1theother1thatSample OutputCase1:1.80001Case2:0.285713Problem C:LCRLCR is a simple game for three or more players.Each player starts with three chips and the object is to be the last person to have any chips.Starting with Player1,each person rolls a set of three dice.Each die has six faces,one face with an L,one with a C,one with an R and three with a dot.For each L rolled,the player must pass a chip to the player on their left(Player2is considered to be to the left of Player1);for each R rolled,the player passes a chip to the player on their right;and for each C rolled, the player puts a chip in a central pile which belongs to no player.No action is taken for any dot that is rolled.Play continues until only one player has any chips left.In addition,the following rules apply:1.A player with no chips is not out of the game,since they may later gain chips based on otherplayers’rolls.2.A player with only1or2chips left only rolls1or2dice,respectively.A player with no chips leftdoes not roll but just passes the dice to the next player.Your job is to simulate this game given a sequence of dice rolls.InputInput will consist of multiple test cases.Each test case will consist of one line containing an integer n (indicating the number of players in the game)and a string(specifying the dice rolls).There will be at most10players in any game,and the string will consist only of the characters‘L’,‘C’,‘R’and‘.’.In some test cases,there may be more dice rolls than are needed(i.e.,some player wins the game before you use all the dice rolls).If there are not enough dice rolls left to complete a turn(for example,only two dice rolls are left for a player with3or more chips)then those dice rolls should be ignored.A value of n=0will indicate end of input.OutputFor each test case,output the phrase“Game i:”on a single line(where i is the case number starting at1)followed by a description of the state of the game.This desciption will consist of n+1lines of the formPlayer1:c1Player2:c2...Player n:cnCenter:ctwhere c1, are the number of chips each player has at the time the simulation ended(either because some player has won or there are no more remaining dice rolls)and ct is the number of chips in the center pile.In addition,if some player has won,you should append the string“(W)”after their chip count;otherwise you should append the string“(*)”after the chip count of the player who is the next to roll.The only blank on any line should come before the game number or the player number. Use a single blank line to separate test cases.Sample InputR.L.RLLLCLR.LL..R...CLR. 5RL....C.LSample OutputGame1:Player1:0Player2:0Player3:6(W)Center:3Game2:Player1:1Player2:4Player3:1Player4:4(*)Player5:4Center:1Problem D:Party Party PartyEmma has just graduated high school and it is the custom for the new graduates to throw parties for themselves and invite everyone in school to attend.Naturally,Emma wishes to attend as many parties as possible.This is not such a problem on a weekday since usually there are only two or three parties in the evening.But,Saturdays are packed!Typically some parties start at8AM(breakfast is served) while others might end at midnight(much to the annoyance of the neighbors).Emma naturally wants to know how many parties she can attend.Each party has a starting and stopping time,which are on the hour.These are listed via a24-hour clock.For example,a party might start at10AM(10)and end at2PM(14).The earliest a party can start is8AM(8)and the latest it can end is midnight(24).In order not to be rude,Emma stays at each party at least one half hour and will consider traveling time between parties to be instantaneous. If there are times during the day when there are no parties to attend,she’ll simply go home and rest. InputThere will be multiple test cases.Each test case starts with a line containing an integer p(≤100) indicating the number of parties on the given day.(A value of p=0indicates end of input.)The following p lines are each of the form s e,both integers where8≤s<e≤24,indicating a party that starts at time s and ends at time e.Note there may be multiple parties with the same starting and ending time.OutputFor each input set output a line of the formOn day d Emma can attend as many as n parties.where you determine the value of n and d is the number of the test case starting at1.Sample Input8121313141213910910121312149113141514151415Sample OutputOn day1Emma can attend as many as7parties.On day2Emma can attend as many as2parties.Problem E:Su-Su-SudokuBy now,everyone has played Sudoku:you’re given a9-by-9grid of boxes which you are tofill in with the digits1through9so that1)every row has all nine digits,2)every column has all nine digits,and 3)all nine3-by-3subgrids have all nine digits.To start the game you are given a partially completed grid and are asked tofill in the remainder of the boxes.One such puzzle is shown below.415676985972453919853752472398187286231In this problem,you will be given Sudoku grids which you have nearly completed;indeed you’vefilled in every box exceptfive.You are asked to complete the grid,or determine that it’s impossible.(You might have already made an error!)InputThefirst line of input will contain a positive integer indicating the number of test cases to follow.Each test case will be a nearly completed Sudoku grid consisting of9lines,each containing9characters from the set of digits0through9.There will be exactlyfive0’s in each test case,indicating thefive unfilled boxes.OutputOutput for each test case should be eitherCould not complete this grid.if it is impossible to complete the grid according to the rules of the game,or the completed grid,in the form given below.(There are no blank spaces in the output.)If there is a way to complete the grid,it will be unique.Separate test cases with a blank line.Sample Input2481253697267948105539671204654389712908704563173562849702136958315897426896425371481253697267948105539671284654289710908704562173562849702136958315897426896425371Sample Output481253697267948135539671284654389712928714563173562849742136958315897426896425371Could not complete this grid.Problem F:Tanks a LotImagine you have a car with a very large gas tank-large enough to hold whatever amount you need. You are traveling on a circular route on which there are a number of gas stations.The total gas in all the stations is exactly the amount it takes to travel around the circuit once.When you arrive at a gas station,you add all of that station’s gas to your tank.Starting with an empty tank,it turns out there is at least one station to start,and a direction(clockwise or counter-clockwise)where you can make it around the circuit.(On the way home,you might ponder why this is the case-but trust us,it is.) Given the distance around the circuit,the locations of the gas stations,and the number of miles your car could go using just the gas at each station,find all the stations and directions you can start at and make it around the circuit.InputThere will be a sequence of test cases.Each test case begins with a line containing two positive integers c and s,representing the total circumference,in miles,of the circle and the total number of gas stations. Following this are s pairs of integers t and m.In each pair,t is an integer between0and c−1measuring the clockwise location(from some arbitraryfixed point on the circle)around the circumference of one of the gas stations and m is the number of miles that can be driven using all of the gas at the station. All of the locations are distinct and the maximum value of c is100,000.The last test case is followed by a pair of0’s.OutputFor each test case,print the test case number(in the format shown in the example below)followed by a list of pairs of values in the form i d,where i is the gas station location and d is either C,CC,or CCC, indicating that,when starting with an empty tank,it is possible to drive from location i around in a clockwise(C)direction,counterclockwise(CC)direction,or either direction(CCC),returning to location i.List the stations in order of increasing location.Sample Input1042343619355014121311100Sample OutputCase1:2C4CC9CCase2:0CCC1CCC2CCC3CCC4CCCProblem G:The Worm TurnsWinston the Worm just woke up in a fresh rectangular patch of earth.The rectangular patch is divided into cells,and each cell contains either food or a rock.Winston wanders aimlessly for a while until he gets hungry;then he immediately eats the food in his cell,chooses one of the four directions(north, south,east,or west)and crawls in a straight line for as long as he can see food in the cell in front of him.If he sees a rock directly ahead of him,or sees a cell where he has already eaten the food,or sees an edge of the rectangular patch,he turns left or right and once again travels as far as he can in a straight line,eating food.He never revisits a cell.After some time he reaches a point where he can go no further so Winston stops,burps and takes a nap.For instance,suppose Winston wakes up in the following patch of earth(X’s represent stones,all other cells contain food):01234X13XIf Winston starts eating in row0,column3,he might pursue the following path(numbers represent order of visitation):0123442X11816620143X2281012In this case,he chose his path very wisely:every piece of food got eaten.Your task is to help Winston determine where he should begin eating so that his path will visit as many food cells as possible. InputInput will consist of multiple test cases.Each test case begins with two positive integers,m and n, defining the number of rows and columns of the patch of earth.Rows and columns are numbered starting at0,as in thefigures above.Following these is a non-negative integer r indicating the number of rocks,followed by a list of2r integers denoting the row and column number of each rock.The last test case is followed by a pair of zeros.This should not be processed.The value m×n will not exceed 625.OutputFor each test case,print the test case number(beginning with1),followed by four values:amount row column directionwhere amount is the maximum number of pieces of food that Winston is able to eat,(row,column) is the starting location of a path that enables Winston to consume this much food,and direction isone of E,N,S,W,indicating the initial direction in which Winston starts to move along this path.If there is more than one starting location,choose the one that is lexicographically least in terms of row and column numbers.If there are optimal paths with the same starting location and different starting directions,choose thefirst valid one in the list E,N,S,W.Assume there is always at least one piece of food adjacent to Winston’s initial position.Sample Input55304313200Sample OutputCase1:2203WProblem H:You’ll be Working on the RailroadCongratulations!Your county has just won a state grant to install a rail system between the two largest towns in the county—Acmar and Ibmar.This rail system will be installed in sections,each section connecting two different towns in the county,with thefirst section starting at Acmar and the last ending at Ibmar.The provisions of the grant specify that the state will pay for the two largest sections of the rail system,and the county will pay for the rest(if the rail system consists of only two sections,the state will pay for just the larger section;if the rail system consists of only one section,the state will pay nothing).The state is no fool and will only consider simple paths;that is,paths where you visit a town no more than once.It is your job,as a recently elected county manager,to determine how to build the rail system so that the county pays as little as possible.You have at your disposal estimates for the cost of connecting various pairs of cities in the county,but you’re short one very important requirement—the brains to solve this problem.Fortunately,the lackeys in the computing services division will come up with something.InputInput will contain multiple test cases.Each case will start with a line containing a single positive integer n≤50,indicating the number of railway section estimates.(There may not be estimates for tracks between all pairs of towns.)Following this will be n lines each containing one estimate.Each estimate will consist of three integers s e c,where s and e are the starting and ending towns and c is the cost estimate between them.(Acmar will always be town0and Ibmar will always be town1.The remaining towns will be numbered using consecutive numbers.)The costs will be symmetric,i.e.,the cost to build a railway section from town s to town e is the same as the cost to go from town e to town s,and costs will always be positive and no greater than1000.It will always be possible to somehow travel from Acmar to Ibmar by rail using these sections.A value of n=0will signal the end of input.OutputFor each test case,output a single line of the formc1c2...cm costwhere each ci is a city on the cheapest path and cost is the cost to the county(note c1will always be0 and cm will always be1and ci and ci+1are connected on the path).In case of a tie,print the path with the shortest number of sections;if there is still a tie,pick the path that comesfirst lexicographically. Sample Input70210036245343354417518Sample Output03413。
7 答案: 这个程序先读入文件 original 中的内容, 然后对每个字母进行后移 2 位的编码转 换工作,最后把重新编码后的字符串写 到文件 savetoo 内。 文件“savetoo”内存储的内容: Write a program. Ytkvg c rtqitco.
for i in range( len(str) ): (num) num = ord(str[i]) output..append print output
2. i3 = i3 + 1 while i1 < len(lst1): lst3[i3] = lst1[i1] i1 = i1 + 1 i3 = i3 + 1 while i2 < len(lst2): lst3[i3] = lst2[i2] i2 = i2 + 1 i3 = i3 + 1 def mergeSort(lst): n = len(lst) if n > 1: m=n/2 lst1, lst2 = lst[:m], lst[m:] mergeSort(lst1) mergeSort(lst2) merge(lst1, lst2, lst) 3. def f(a,b,c): max = min = a return max, min 4. from random import randrange from string import * def main(): lines=input("please input the lines of triangle: ") for i in range(lines): space=' '*(lines-i-1) character='' for j in range(2*i+1): if randrange(2)==0: mark='*' else: mark='#' character=character+mark print space+character main() # item added to lst3
量子计算机 经典问题
量子计算机经典问题【中英文版】Title: Quantum Computers and Classical QuestionsTitle: 量子计算机与经典问题The phrase "quantum computer" often evokes images of futuristic technology, capable of solving complex problems beyond the scope of classical computers.However, the concept of quantum computing also raises classical questions in the field of computer science.“量子计算机”这一词汇常引发人们对未来科技的想象,能够解决传统计算机难以应对的复杂问题。
One of the classical questions in computer science is the "halting problem," which asks whether it is possible to determine, for an arbitrary program, whether it will eventually halt.This problem is known to be undecidable in the classical computing paradigm.However, quantum computing offers a potential solution to this problem.计算机科学中的一个经典问题是“停机问题”,它询问是否可以确定任意程序最终是否会停止。
2008年长沙市小学生计算机奥林匹克竞赛决赛试题(时间:150分钟)一、整数处理(100分)(存盘程序名:T1)电脑老师让小慧编程做一道题:输入一个正整数A(A≤100000000),如果A的个位数字是5,则统计A能被5整除多少次?否则,统计A当中含有多少个“0”?你能做吗?例如:输入:125输入:305160输出:3 输出:2程序:program cs200801;vara:longint;{根据A的取值范围,采用长整型}n:integer;beginreadln(a);n:=0;if a mod 10=5 thenrepeata:=a div 5;n:=n+1;until a mod 5<>0{统计A能被5带除多少次}else beginrepeatif a mod 10=0 then n:=n+1;a:=a div 10;until a<10;{统计A当中含有多少个0}end;{采用if……then……else……结构,以符合题目的逻辑关系}writeln(n);readlnend.过年了,小慧与邻居邻居的小伙伴共n人相约一起放花炮:他们同时放响了第一个,随后n个人分别以a1、a2、a3、……、an秒的间隔继续放花炮,每人都放了b个。
问:总共可听到多少声花炮响?输入:n(n≤10)a1 a2 ……an(每个数≤100,以空格相隔)b(b≤100)输出:一个整数(听到的花炮响声数)例如:输入:3 输出:71 2 34解题思路:用数组的下标表示时间,元素的值不为0表示听到花炮响。
程序:program CS200802;varn,b,i,j,k,s:integer;a:array[1..100] of integer;c:array[1..10000] of integer;{用于记录花炮响。
算法导论 第八章答案
{ if(m >n)
cout<<"区间输入不对"<<endl; else { if(n <0) else if(m <=0&& n <= k) else if(n > k && m >0) else if(n > k && m <=0) else
cout<<"个数为"<<0<<endl; cout<<"个数为"<<c[n]<<endl; cout<<"个数为"<<c[k] - c[m -1]<<endl;
cout<<"个数为"<<c[k]<<endl; cout<<"个数为"<<c[n] - c[m -1]<<endl;
return 0;
void counting_sort(int*&a, int length, int k, int*&b, int*&c)
{ for(int i =0; i < k +1; i++)
const int k =2504; int* c =new int[k +1];
counting_sort(a, LEN, k, b, c); //这里需要注释掉
//for(int i = 0; i < LEN; i++)
// cout<<b[i]<<endl;
功能前缀0 Attendant Call 呼叫话务员9 Professional Trunk Group Seized 中继组出局*10 Set In/Out of service 退出/进入服务*11 Adjust Display Visibility 显示屏调整*12 Lock 话机锁定/解锁*13 Protect. against barge-in & beeps 临时通话保护*14 Substitution 替代*15 Language 语言选择*16 Sta. group exit 退出连选组*17 Sta. group entry 加入连选组*18 Camp-on Control 呼叫等待控制*19 Password modification 修改个人密码*20 Speed call to associated set 快速呼叫关联话机*21 Select Primary Line 选择主线路*22 Select Secondary Line 选择辅线路*23 Message deposit 回叫文本请求*24 Switch off Message LED 关闭留言灯*25 V oice Mail Deposit 点亮留言灯*26 Conversation Recording 通话录音*27 Recordable V oice Guides 动态语音提示录制*28 Remote Extension Activation 激活远程分机*29 Remote Extension Deactivation 取消远程分机*30 Agent processing group call pickup 坐席组代接*31 Secret/Identity 身份保密*32 Manual Hold 手动保持*33 Business account code 业务帐号代码*34 Access to waiting call 查询等待呼叫*35 Park Call/Retrieve 呼叫驻留*36 Night service answering 夜间服务代接*37 Common Hold 通用保持*38 Malicious call 恶意呼叫追踪*39 Direct trunk seizure 直接抓取中继线*40 ACD Prefixes ACD功能*41 Room status management 客房状态管理*42 Mini-bar 迷你酒吧管理*43 Last Caller Callback 回叫最后主叫*44 Meet-me Conference 遇我会议*45 Manual Add-on Conference 手动主控会议*46 Automatic Add-on Conference 自动主控会议*47 Announcement 广播*48 Explicit Precedence level 优先级别*49 Background Music 背景音乐*50 Remote forward 远端转移(跟我转移)*51 Overfl.busy to assoc.set 忙线时溢出至关联话机*52 Overfl.on no answer to associate 无应答时溢出至关联话机*53 Overf.busy/no answer to assoc.set 忙线或无应答时溢出至关联话机*54 Cancel Overfl.to associate 取消溢出至关联话机*55 Cancel auto. callback on busy 取消自动回叫*56 Personal directory Programming 个人通讯录编辑*57 Personal Directory Use 使用个人通讯录*58 Ubiquity Mobile Programming 一号通移动号码编辑*59 Ubiquity 一号通*60 Immediate forward 无条件立即转移*61 Immediate forward on busy 遇忙立即转移*62 Forward on no answer 无应答延时转移*63 Forward on busy or no answer 遇忙或无应答延时转移*64 Forward cancellation 取消转移*65 Cancel Remote forward 远程取消转移*66 Forward cancel.by destinat. 由目的地取消转移*67 Access Callback list 访问回叫列表*68 Suite Do Not Disturb 套房请勿打扰*69 Associated Direct. No. modif. 修改关联话机号码*70 Redial last number 重拨最后号码*71 Direct call pickup 直接代接*72 Group call pickup 组代接*73 Suite Wake-up 套房叫醒*74 Suite Wake-up Cancel 取消套房叫醒*75 Cancel Wake-up 取消叫醒*76 Wake-up/appointment reminder 约会提醒/叫醒服务*77 V oice Mail Access 查询语音消息*78 Do not disturb 请勿打扰*79 Tone test 音频检测# DTMF end-to-end dialing DTMF双音频透明发送功能后缀1 Broker Call 代理呼叫2 Consultation Call 查询呼叫3 Three-Party Conference 三方会议4 Barge-in 强插5 Callback On Free Or Busy Set 遇忙或无应答自动回叫6 Busy Camp-on 遇忙呼叫等待7 Call Announcement 呼叫通知8 V oice Mail Deposit 语音消息留言* DTMF end-to-end dialing DTMF双音频透明发送#71 Business number 业务帐号代码。
《信号与系统》工程设计问题华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院 1 / 1 Agent008的任务供题老师:洪伟本题研究莫尔斯码的幅度调制与解调。
Agend 007的最后一句话是:“The future of technology lies in 。
”你(Agend 008)目前的任务就是要破解Agend 007的最后一个字。
信号x(t)具有下式的形式:x (t )=m 1(t )cos (2πf 1t )+m 2(t )sin (2πf 1t )+m 3(t )sin (2πf 2t )式中的调制频率分别由变量f 1和f 2给出,信号m 1(t ),m 2(t )和m 3(t )对应于字母表中的单个字母,这个字母表已用国际莫尔斯码进行编码,如下表所示:本题中信号x(t)由文件ctftmod.mat 定义,可用命令Load ctftmod 将文件ctftmod.mat 定义的变量装入系统内存。
运行命令Load ctftmod 后,装入系统的变量有af bf dash dot f1 f2 t x其中bf af : 定义了一个连续系统H(s)的分子多项式和分母多项式。
可利用freqs(bf,af,w)求出该系统的频率响应,也可用sys=tf(bf,af)得到系统的模型,从而用lsim 求出信号通过该系统的响应。
dash dot : 给出了莫尔斯码中的基本信号dash 和dot 的波形f1 f2: 载波频率t: 信号x(t)的抽样点x: 信号x(t)的在抽样点上的值 信号x(t)含有一段简单的消息。
(1) 字母B 可用莫尔斯码表示为b=[dash dot dot dot],画出字母B 莫尔斯码波形;(2) 用freqs(bf,af,w)画出系统的幅度响应;(3) 利用lsim 求出信号dash 通过由sys=tf(bf,af)定义的系统的响应,解释你所获得的结果;用fft 画出信号dash 调制 cos (2πf 1t )的信号频谱(双边谱),它是否在这个低通滤波器的频带范围内?(4)用解析法推导出下列信号的Fourier 变换,并与用fft 函数得到的结果比较:m (t )cos (2πf 1t )cos (2πf 1t )m (t )cos (2πf 1t )sin (2πf 1t )m (t )cos (2πf 1t )sin (2πf 2t )(5)利用(4)中的结果,设计一个从x(t)中提取信号m1(t)的方案,画出m1(t)的波形并确定其所代表的字母;(6)对信号m2(t)和m3(t)重复(5)。
A.控制器B.运算器C.存储器D. I/O接口标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.03.第17题计算机操作的最基本时间单位是______。
A.时钟周期B.指令周期C. CPU周期D.微指令周期标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.04.第24题以下四种类型的二地址指令中,执行时间最短的是____。
A.RR型B. RS型C.SS型D.SR型标准答案:A您的答案:题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.05.第25题在cache的下列映射方式中,无需考虑替换策略的是____。
容易想到的思路是: 令 d[x1,y1,x2,y2]表示甲在 x1,y1,乙在 x2,y2 以后(包括取走(x1,y1))的过程中可以获得的最大和。 则 d[1,1,1,1]就是原问题的解。
若 ,则必然有 ,也就是说根在 中,应该对此区间重复该过程。 最后,就可以得到精确到 0.001 的根。 再考虑什么样的区间内会有根 。由于题目给出了所有的根都在-100 到 100 之间,且根与根之间差不小于 1 的限制 条件,故我们可知,在 、 、……、 、 这 201 个区间内,每个区间内至多只能存在一个根。这样对除去区间 外 的其他的区间 ,要么 ,要么 时这个方程在此区间内才有解。若 ,显然 为解;若 ,则可以利用上面所说的方法 球出解来。这样就可求出这个方程的所有解。 最后是输出的解要求排序。我们既可以在求出来之后排序,也可以从小到大的顺序求解,就可以按照升序求出所有 解。 数据:
第四题: 有同学搜索第一个人,拣了以后第二个人用动态规划,一定能得最优解,但时间效率不大高。 有同学采用贪心,即用动态规划算出第一个人最大能拣的数,再在剩下的数中用动态规划。 反例如下: 191 000 191 第一次是: 1->9->9->1 第二次是:1 和是 21 但显然可以两次把所有的数拣完(22)。
但是是否能取数和另一个人是否事先已经到过该格子有关,我们需要设计一种走的方法,使得只根据 x1,y1, x2,y2 就能判断一些关键的格子是否已经到达过。这样,问题才具有无后效性。
NOIP2007提高组第一题格雷码 (Gray Code)Gray Code是一种二进制编码,编码顺序与相应的十进制数的大小不一致。
另外,最大数与最小数间也仅有一个二进制位不同,以4位二进制数为例,编码如下:十进制数格雷码十进制数格雷码0 0000 8 11001 0001 9 11012 0011 10 11113 0010 11 11104 0110 12 10105 0111 13 10116 0101 14 10017 0100 15 1000如果把每个二进制的位看做一个开关,则将一个数变为相邻的另一个数,只须改动一个开关。
下面程序的任务是:由键盘输入二进制的位数n(n<16),再输入一个十进制数m(0≤m<2n),然后输出对应于m的格雷码(共n位,用数组gr[ ]存放)program s501;varbound,m,n,i,j,b,p:integer;gr:array[0..14]of integer;beginbound:=1; writeln('input n,m'); readln(n,m);for i:=1 to n do bound:=[ ① ];if (m<0)or(m>=bound)then beginwriteln('Data error!');[ ② ];end;b:=1;for i:=1 to n dobeginp:=0; b:=b*2;for[ ③ ] to m doif ([ ④ ]) then p:=1-p;gr:=p;end;for i:=n[ ⑤ ] do write(gr); writeln;end.NOIP2007提高组第二题连续邮资问题某国发行了n种不同面值的邮票,并规定每封信上最多允许贴m张邮票。
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Intel 8088使用两类I/O指令格式。
因此,总线占用时间为:200ns+max(2.56ms,63500ns)+500ns+200ns=2.5609ms [晁贝贝,121250007]b)使用周期窃取式DMA时,DMA每次进行数据传输都要获取和交回总线,所以设备占用总线的时间为:128B/1B×(200+500+200)=0.1152ms6.假定某计算机的CPU主频为500MHz,所连接的某个外设的最大数据传输率为160kbps,该外设接口中有一个16位的数据缓存器,相应的中断服务程序的执行时间为500个时钟周期,则是否可以用中断方式进行该外设的输入输出?假定该外设的最大数据传输率改为16Mbps,则是否可以用中断方式进行该外设的输入输出?a)外设的最大传输率为160kbps,而每传输完16位进行一次中断处理,因此1秒内的中断次数为160kbps/16bit=10k次。
)c)在周期挪用方式下,由于CPU和DMA没有访存冲突,则CPU受到影响的时间为2000×1ns=2μs,所以I/O操作上占整个处理器时间的百分比为:2μs/(1000B/400kbps+1ns×1000+2μs)=0.01%[卢苇,121250091][马昕,131250093] d)当设备的速度提高到40Mbps后,传送1个字节需要的时间为0.2μs。
[卢苇,121250091][杨松,121250190][马昕,131250093] (这里与几位同学进行了讨论,主要分歧在于“DMA处理一个字节需要1个主存周期”中“主存周期”的大小到底是1个时钟周期还是1000个时钟周期。