※ 接收关于现在所在场所的时区信息信号,需要进行时区校正 的操作。 → 时区校正的方法 P.17
※ 本太阳能 GPS 腕表不同于一般导航用的机器,在技术规格上, 它不是平时使用时经常性地接收 GPS 信号。 只有在时区校正和强制或者自动进行时间校正等时候,腕表 才会接收 GPS 信号。
1 须首先阅读
接收 GPS 卫星电波信号
在世界任何一个地方,只需按压一次按钮※就可以 调整为当地正确的时间。
※ DST(夏时制)需要手动调整。 通过接收来自 GPS 卫星的电波信号,可以迅速调整时间。 → 容易接收信号的场所或无法接收信号的场所 P.15 适用于全世界所有时区。 → 关于时区 P.6 当使用腕表的地区和时区发生变化的时候,可以通过“时区 校正”操作来调整时间。 → 时区校正的方法 P.17
{{受到磁气和静电影响的地方 {{灰尘较多的地方 {{振动较强的地方
• 出现了过敏、斑疹的时候 应立即停止腕表的使用,并到皮肤科等专科医生之处就诊。
• 其他注意事项
{{金属表带的调整需要专业知识和技术。所以,调整表带时应该与购买商店联系。如果自 己调整的时候,则有可能导致手或手指受伤,也有可能导致零部件遗失。
+3.5 +4.5 +5
+1 +3
+5.5 +5.5
+6 +6.5
+12 -9
※ 本手表即使拧动表把,表针也不会走动.每次移动1秒每次移动2秒每次移动5秒秒针已停止已充好电※ 充电以后,仍然没有恢复1秒走针的时候→这种时候怎么办?时间·日期·星期正确可以继续使用时间·日期·星期不正确时区的确认→ 8电波接收的大致范围 → 1电波接收困难的环境 → 5不能接收电波的时候手动调整时间手动调整日期手动调整星期能够接收电波的时候電接收电波,调整时间·日期·星期→ 412能源余量已经短缺正在保留能源 保留能源解除后,确认秒针的动作没有能源充电的方法请充分进行充电使用时注意事项2・日常要注意多充电,把手表放置或保管在光线照射之处。
■ 注意充电■ 如何更好地接收电波・ 把手表放置于窗户边儿等容易接收电波的场所。
天线部分※ 电波发射站的地点→ 1电波接收的大致范围・在接收电波过程中,不要挪动手表。
通过接收电波来调整时间·日期·星期 使用说明书4・应该把手表放在窗户边儿等容易接收到电波的地方。
・在接收电波过程中不要挪动手表 → 1 使用时注意事项 ■如何更好地接收电波除了自动接收以外,还可以随时任意实施电波接收。
→ 强制接收的方法※ 当接收成功时,则自动接收即刻结束。
■ 自动接收■ 强制接收※ 当时区选择为日本和中国及美国以外的时候,不能接收电波。
→ 8 选择时区※ 接收电波是否能够成功受接收环境的影响。
SEIKO 1B21 1B22 1B32 手表说明书
2207我们真诚地感谢您购买 SEIKO 手表。
为了保证您正确地使用好您的 SEIKO 手表,请您在使用之前认真阅读说明书。
如果因礼品赠送或者搬家等而无法联系购买商店为您做调整,可以与 SEIKO 客户服务中心取得联系。
1使用注意事项 (5)当使用腕表之际 (9)平时要注意给电池充电 (9)怎样接收电波信号 (9)特性 (10)各部分的名称及其功能 (12)关于按钮 (16)关于表冠 (17)在使用之前 (18)接收电波信号来调整时间和日期 (20)接收电波信号的工作原理 (20)自动接收电波信号和强制接收电波信号 (21)关于接收电波信号的环境 (22)接收电波信号的大致范围 (22)接收电波信号的大致范围:日本(JJY) (23)接收电波信号的大致范围:中国(BPC) (24)接收电波信号的大致范围:美国(WWVB) .. 25接收电波信号的大致范围: 德国(DCF77) .. 26怎样容易接收电波信号? (27)接收电波信号困难的环境 (28)确认接收电波信号是否成功 (30)关于接收电波信号结果的显示 (30)SC2时差调整功能(在国外使用时) (32)时差调整功能特性 (32)设定时差(设定电波信号发射站) (33)世界主要地区的时区差异表 (35)时区和时差 (36)时差调整问答 (37)给电池充电 (38)如何给电池充电 (38)充电时间指南 (39)关于电池能量 (40)关于电池能量耗尽预告功能(2 秒走针和5 秒走针) (40)关于节电功能 (41)动力源 (42)日常保养 (44)功能和型号 (45)Lumibrite(智慧光能) (46)防水功能 (47)抗磁功能 (48)表带 ..................................50如何使用针对皮革表带的三折叠式表带扣(专用表带扣) (52)售后服务 (58)SC3强制接收电波信号的方法(手动接收电波) .. 60当无法接收电波信号的时候 (62)手动校准时间的方法(1B21:无日期显示的型号) (63)手动校准时间的方法(1B22 / 1B32:有日期显示的型号) (66)手动校准日期的方法(1B22 / 1B32:有日期显示的型号) (69)关于基准位置 (71)表针位置自动修正功能(时分秒针基准位置校准) (71)日期的基准位置校准 (71)这种时候怎么办? .......................72万一出现异常走动的时候怎么办? (79)系统复位 (79)日期的基准位置校准 对准“1”(1日) 81设定时区 (82)校准时间和日期 (85)规格 (86)SC4SC51关于本产品61关于本产品SC71关于本产品81关于本产品■平时要注意给电池充电本腕表把通过表盘接受到的光线转换为电能,在蓄电过程中驱动腕表走时。
156目錄頁設定時間及調整秒錶指針位置 (159)設定日期 (162)如何使用秒錶 (163)測距儀 (166)遙測儀 (168)旋轉環 (170)螺絲擰入錶冠 (171)安全鎖定按鈕之操作 (172)更換電池 (173)如何保護手錶品質 (175)規格 (178)☆ 關於手錶之保養,請參閱附頁的環球保修書及使用手冊上的“如何保護手錶品質”。
157精工 機件編號 7T92秒錶158159設定時間及調整秒錶指針位置在秒針處於12點鐘位置時拉出到第二格。
● 根據本手錶之設計,當錶冠處於第二格時可實施下列各項操作: 1)時間設定 2)秒錶指針位置調整一旦錶冠被拉出到第二格,務必要確認時間並調整時間。
SEIKO 精工表中文说明书 光动能 光波v172
頁 特徵........................................................................................... 228 顯示及按鈕.................................................................................. 229 螺絲鎖定型錶冠............................................................................ 230 如何設定時間和調整秒錶指針位置...................................................... 231 如何設定日期............................................................................... 235 秒錶........................................................................................... 236 單次時間鬧鈴............................................................................... 239 如何充電和起動本錶....................................................................... 241 過度充電預防功能.......................................................................... 242 關於充電時間 / 精確度.................................................................... 243 電力耗儘預警功能.......................................................................... 244 電源的注意事項............................................................................. 245 非正常性能.................................................................................. 246 旋轉環........................................................................................ 247 視距儀........................................................................................ 248 測距儀 ....................................................................................... 250 故障排除..................................................................................... 252 規格........................................................................................... 256
2207我們真誠地感謝您購買 SEIKO 腕錶。
為了保證您正確使用 SEIKO 腕錶,請您在使用之前仔細閱讀說明書。
如果因禮品贈送或者搬家等因素而無法聯繫購買商店調整錶帶,請聯繫 SEIKO 客戶服務中心。
1產品使用注意事項 (5)使用本產品時 (9)留意電池的充電 (9)如何接收電波訊號 (9)特徵 (10)各部分的名稱及其功能 (12)關於按鈕 (14)錶冠 ..................................15使用之前 (16)接收電波訊號以校正時間與日期 (18)接收電波訊號的結構原理 (18)自動接收訊號與強制接收訊號 (19)關於接收訊號的環境 (20)接收訊號範圍的標準 (20)接收訊號範圍的標準:日本(JJY) (21)接收訊號範圍的標準:中國(BPC) (22)接收訊號範圍的標準:美國(WWVB) (23)接收訊號範圍的標準:德國(DCF77) (24)容易接收訊號的方法 (25)接收困難的環境 (26)確認是否已成功接收訊號 (28)關於顯示訊號接收結果 (28)TC2世界時間功能的使用方法 (30)世界時間功能的特性 (30)選擇時區(顯示世界各地區時刻) (32)設定時差(顯示世界各地時間) (34)時區顯示與時差一覽表 (36)關於時區與時差 (38)世界時間功能常見問與答Q&A (39)電池充電 (40)如何為電池充電 (40)充電時間指南 (41)關於電池電力 (42)關於電池電力耗盡預告功能(2秒走針、5秒走針) (42)關於節電功能 (43)使用電源 (44)關於日常保養 (46)關於性能和型號 (47)關於環保蓄光塗料 (48)防水性能 (49)關於抗磁功能 (50)關於錶帶 (52)如何使用皮革錶帶的三摺式錶扣(特殊錶扣) ..54關於售後服務 (60)TC3強制接收訊號的方法(手動接收電波訊號) .. 62無法接收電波訊號的時候 (65)手動校正時間的方法 (66)手動校正日期的方法 (69)關於基準位置 (71)指針位置自動修正功能(時針、分針、秒針的基準位置的調整) (71)調整日期的基準位置 (71)問題解決 (72)當腕錶出現異常走動時 (79)重新設定系統 ........................79將日期的基準位置調整為「1」(1日) .. 81設定時區 (82)校正時間與日期 (85)規格 ..................................86TC4TC51關於本產品61關於本產品TC71關於本產品81關於本產品■留意電池的充電本產品是將錶盤所接收的光線轉換為電力,並儲存電力以供腕錶運作。
精工7B22-oayo 中文使用说明
每次移动 2 秒 每次移动 5 秒
能源短缺预告 功能已发挥作用
能源已开始短缺。 请充分进行充电。
7B22・7B32・7B37・7B42 快速使用手册 K
承蒙选购 SEIKO 公司的手表,谨在此致以衷心的感谢。 使用手表前,
请阅读《快速使用手册》, 以便能正确使用。
1 能源余量
每次移动 1 秒
2 充电
※ 请注意秒针的位置,不用理会时分针的动作。
5 自动显示目的地的 时间
时分针的快移停止后, 秒针在 5 秒后开始动作。
■如 果在半路上不知道该怎样操作,这时请 搁置一段时间。时分针快移停止后,5 秒 以后就会脱离时差修改模式,回到时间显 示。
■到底设定了多少小时的时差, 可通过②~③的操作确认。
7 要和海外当地的时间对准时(修改时差功能的使用方法)
可以 1 小时的单位,和海外当地的时间对准。设定时差后,就能自动显示目的地的时间。
1 掌握至目的地的 时差
事先调查好从日本 到目的地的时差有
2 按下 B 按钮一次后离开
※ 为了防止错误地按下 B 按 钮,B 按 钮在 设 计上是较难按下的。
· 手 机,电脑,传真等办公自 动化机器的附近。
· 金 属桌子等金属制家具的上 面和附近
精工 v110v111v145v181 及v182 机型手表 说明书
目錄頁特徵 (89)如何充電和起動本錶 (90)時間/日期的設定 (92)關於充電時間/精確度 (94)電力耗儘預警功能 (96)電源的注意事項 (97)如何操作螺絲鎖定型錶把 (97)旋轉環 (98)規格 ............................................................................................................99特徵n 由光能提供電源n 無需更換電池n 充滿電能後可持續操作2~6個月(根據機型略有變化)n 電能耗盡預告燈功能(只限V111、V145、V181及V182機型)n 快速啟動功能(只限V145、V181及V182機型)n 過度充電預防功能精工V110、V111、V145、V181及V182機型手錶中 國 話899091▲▲如何充電和起動本錶*參照“關於充電時間/精確度”。
中 國 話中 國 話9293註:中 國 話中 國 話1. 將錶冠拉出到第一格。
2. 轉動錶冠以設定需要的時間。
3. 將錶冠完全推回到原位。
)l 有兩/三個指針的機型l 有日期顯示的機型1. 將錶冠拉出到第一格並設定前一天的日期。
2. 在秒針指向12點鐘時將錶冠推到第二格。
3. 轉動錶冠直到需要的日期出現。
4. 轉動錶冠以將時針和分針設定在需要的時間上。
‧ 若手錶停住或秒針開始以2秒鐘間隔(有秒針的機型)移動的話,將其置於光源下充電。
‧ 根據手錶機型之不同,充電所需時間會出現差異。
精工手表 8X53 快速使用手册说明书
For details, please read the“8X53 (GPS Solar) Complete User Guide”(/support/ib/index.html).Please carefully read theinstructions in this Complete UserGuide before using the watch.Length adjustment service for metallic bands isavailable at the retailer from whom the watch was purchased. If you cannot have your watch repaired by the retailer from whom the watch was purchased because you received the watch as a gift, or you moved to a distant place, please contact SEIKO WORLDWIDE SERVICE NETWORK. T he service may also be available on a chargeable basis at other retailers, however, some retailers may not perform the service.If your watch has a protective film for preventingscratches, make sure to peel it off before using the watch. If the watch is used with the film on it, dirt, sweat, dust, or moisture may be attached under the film and may cause corrosion. 1. Features ���������������3 2. Names of the parts ���������5 3. Check the charging status ������7 4. Time zone ��������������9 5. T ime zone display and list of time zones around the world ����11 6. Time Zone Adjustment �������13 7. M anual time zone selection of the main-dial �������������15 8. M anual time zone selection of the sub-dial ��������������17 9. DST setting of the main-dial ����1910. DST setting of the sub-dial �����2111. How to manually adjust the time ��2312. When boarding (in-flight mode ()) �2513. L eap second (Automatic leap second reception function) ��������2714. Reception result display ������2915. H ow to check when the time zone information was configured for your watch ���������������31CONTENTSFeaturesThis is a Standard Charging Time1GPS signal reception consumes a lot of energy. It is necessary to charge the watch by exposing it to light so that the indicator hand points to the “middle” or “full” position. (If the charging status is displayed as “low,” the reception will not start even with manual GPS signal reception.)watch by exposing it to light until it moves at steady one-second intervals. Even if the watch is partially charged for a shorter period, the watch will resume one-second- interval movement. However, it may shortly return to two-second-interval movement. Use the charging time in this column as a rough guide for sufficient charging time.The required charging time slightly varies depending on the design and the dial color of the watch.2 Names of the partsmodel (design). Check the charging status3The indicator hand position shows whether this watch is able or unable to receive GPS signals.In addition, for the low charging state, the movement of the second hand shows the energy depletion state in further detail.GPS signal reception requires a lot of energy. It is necessary to regularly charge the watch by exposing it to light.Reception is allowed Reception is not allowed Time zone4 Time zoneBased on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the standard time commonly used is adopted by countries and regions around the world. The standard time is determined by each country or region, and the region where the same standard time is adopted is referred to as the time zone, and presently, the time zone is divided into 40 zones as of March 2015.Further, DST (Daylight Saving Time) is individually adopted in countries and regions.DST (Daylight Saving Time) Depending on the area, DST (Daylight Saving Time) is individually set.Daylight Saving Time, or summer time, is a systemto lengthen daylight time by advancing 1 hour when daylight time is longer during summer. Daylight saving time has been adopted in about 80 countries, mainly in Europe and North America. The adoption and duration of daylight saving time varies depending on the country.D aylight Saving T ime is subject to change due to circumstancesof the country or region. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)UTC is the universal standard time coordinated through an international agreement. UTC is the primary time standard for recording time around the world. The time obtained by adding a leap second to the “International Atomic Time (TAI)” is determined based on the atomic clock around the world. It is coordinated in order to compensate for deviations from universal time (UT) which is astronomically determined by the UTC.Time zone display and list of time zones around the world 5The following list shows the relationship between displays of the bezel and dial ring and time difference from the UTC.Please refer to the second hand positions below to set the time zone or to check the time zone setting.DST (Daylight Saving T ime) is used in time zones with a ★ mark.In the Lord Howe Island time zone in Australia with a mark, the time isadvanced by 30 minutes while Daylight Saving T ime (Summer T ime) is in effect.This watch corresponds to DST in the Lord Howe Island time zone.The time zone of each region and DST (Daylight Saving T ime) are as ofMarch 2015.“·” between figures of the display of time difference shows that there is a time zone in that place.Representative city names… 28 cities among the total of 40 time zones around the world6 Time Zone AdjustmentThe time zone where you are is localized to adjust the watch to the precise current timeDST (Daylight Saving T ime) can be set manually.Precautions on time zone adjustmentIf the time zone is adjusted near a time zone boundary, the time of the adjacent time zone may be displayed.In some areas the boundaries observed by the watch may not exactly correlate to the actual time zone markers on the land. This does not indicate a malfunction. In this case, set the time zone in the manual time zone setting mode.When the time zone is adjusted while traveling on land, avoid time zone boundaries to carry out time zone adjustment in the representative cities in the time zone whenever possible. In addition, when the watch is used near time zone boundaries, makesure to check the time zone setting, and manually set the time zone as necessary.In places where the time zone cannot be adjusted, the time zone can be set manually.How to manually set the time zone Manual time zone selection Manual time zone selection of the sub-dialAdjust the sub-dial by selecting the time of the time zone.The sub-dial cannot be adjusted to a time outside the time zone. How to select the manual time zone of the sub-dial19DST (Daylight Saving T ime) is not automatically changed.ON/OFF of the DST (Daylight Saving Time) is not automatically changed with operation of time zone adjustment/manual time zone selection. When traveling to a region where DST (Daylight Saving T ime) is not adopted from a region where it is adopted, turn off the DST (Daylight Saving T ime) setting.DST (Daylight Saving Time) can be manually set.T urn ON DST (Daylight Saving Time)Carry out steps ① to ③ in the state where DST (Daylight Saving Time) setting is ON.In step ②The hour and minute hands return by one hour.Turn OFF DST (Daylight Saving Time)2122Carry out steps ① to ④ in the state where DST (Daylight Saving Time) setting is ON.In step ③The hour and minute hands return by one hour.The setting of the DST (Daylight Saving T ime) of the sub-dial does not change automatically.ON/OFF of the DST (Daylight Saving Time) is not automatically changed with operation of manual time zone selection. When DST (Daylight Saving Time) ends in the time zone set in the sub-dial, reset the DST (Daylight Saving Time).Turn OFF DST (Daylight Saving Time)DST (Daylight Saving Time) can be manually set.Set the DST of the sub-dial.232411 How to manually adjust the timeManual time adjustmentHow to manually adjust the timeThe watch can be set to the precise current time of the currently set time zone. (The time zone is not changed.)252612Set to the in-flight mode ().Reset the in-flight mode ().Carry out operation ①.When the indicator hand points to “the charging status” in the figure at the right, the in-flight mode () can be reset.< In-flight mode () >The indicator hand points to .When the in-flight mode () is reset, the indicator hand indicates the charging status.Set to the in-flight mode () where the receptionmay influence operation of other electronics devices in an airplane, etc.In the in-flight mode (), the GPS signal reception (time zone adjustment, manual time adjustment, and automatic time adjustment) does not function.In-flight mode ()The display when the charging status is “full”272813 Leap secondThe leap second is to compensate for deviationsfrom the universal time (UT) which is astronomically determined and the “International Atomic Time (TAI).“1 second” may be added (deleted) once a year or every few years. Automatic leap second receptionfunctionA leap second is automatically added by receiving “leap second data” from GPS signals at the time of leap second addition.“Leap second data” includes information about future leap second addition and current leap second data.When GPS signals are received under the following conditions, the leap second data reception is also started.• GPS signals are received after the system reset • GPS signals have not been received for a long time • Leap second data reception has failed(Leap second data reception is performed again during the next GPS signal reception. It is repeated until the leap second data reception is successful.) Receiving Leap Second DataWhen the GPS signal reception is performed on or after December 1st and June 1st, the indicator hand displays as shown at the right.When the leap second data reception is completed, theindicator hand returns to displaythe charging status. Use the watch as it is.The leap second data reception is performed every half a year regardless of leap second addition.It takes up to 18 minutes to receive the leap second data. Leap second (Automatic leap second reception function)Receiving the leap second data14 Reception result display Check whether the leap second data reception was successful The successful / failed reception result of the regular leap second data reception is displayed for 5 seconds.2930313215The case back shows the caliber-casenumber of your watch.By referring to caliber-case number shown on the case back, you will be able to determine when the time zone data was configured.For more details, refer to the URL below./gpstimezonedatainfo/If the official time zone has changed in a region after the watch’s time zone data was configured, the correct time will not be displayed even after receiving GPS signals. Please perform the following operations to display the correct time:< To set the time of this watch in a region where the official time zone has changed >1. Select the time zone appropriate for the current time in the target region by manual time zone setting.→F or details, please refer to “7. Manual time zone selection of the main-dial” P. 152. Next, adjust the time by manual time adjustment.→F or details, please refer to “11. How to manually adjust the time” P. 233. When using the watch within the same time zone, the correct time will be displayed after automatic (GPS) or manual time adjustments.4. When moving from a region where the official time zone has changed to a different time zone, then back to the region where the official time zone has changed, carry out the same operations from 1. - 3. as indicated above to display the correct time in the region where the official time zone has changed.How to check when the time zone information was configured for your watchDisplay may vary depending on the model.SPECIFICATIONS1. Basic function ���������Main-dial; three hands (hour/minute/second hands), date, day display,indicator hand, Dual time displayfunction, 24-hour display, world timefunction (40 T ime zones)2. Frequency of crystal oscillator �32,768 Hz (Hz = Hertz ... Cycles persecond)3. Loss/gain (monthly rate) ����Loss / gain ±15 seconds on amonthly rate (When the watch isused without automatic time settingby receiving GPS signal and when itis worn on the wrist within a normaltemperature range between 5°C and35°C (41°F and 95°F)).4. Operational temperature range �Between −10°C and +60°C (14°F and140°F)5. Driving system ���������Step motor (hour/minute/secondhands of main-dial), day display,date, indicator hand, sub dial (hour,minute).6. Power source ���������Secondary battery, 1 piece7. Duration of operation �����Approximately 6 months (Fullycharged, and the Power Save is notactivated).If the Power Save is activated afterit is fully charged, the watchcontinues to run for approximately 2years at maximum.8. GPS signal reception function �Time zone adjustment, manualtime adjustment, automatic timeadjustment9. IC (Integrated Circuit)�����Oscillator, frequency divider anddriving circuit C-MOS-IC, 4 piecesThe specifications, as noted above, are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement purposes.Product : GPS solar watchModel : 8X53TRAREGISTRED No: ER34314/14DEALER No: DA0090709/12TRC/GPS/2014/6This product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the RE Directive (2014/53/EU)./support/ib/pdf/ SEIKO_8X53.pdf#declarationSEIKO WATCH CORPORATION/33。
■■前言■~关于Spring■Drive腕表~··········································································324・・Spring・Drive的历史··························································································325・・Spring・Drive的构造··························································································326・・Spring・Drive与机械表的不同之处···································································329■■产品在使用操作上的注意事项(适用于所有机型)·············································330■■请您确认机型编号以及防水功能·······································································331■■关于防水功能的注意事项···················································································332・・如果功能显示为“WATER・RESISTANT”的情况··········································332・・如果功能显示为“DIVER'S・WATCH・200m”或“AIR・DIVER'S・200m”的情况······333■■各部分的名称······································································································335■■使用方法··············································································································339・・关于表把··········································································································339・・关于动力储存显示··························································································340・・使用方法(以9R31为例)··············································································342・・使用方法(以9R84、9R15、9R65为例)·····················································344・・关于计时秒表(以9R96、9R86、9R84为例)·············································346・・使用方法・(以9R96、9R86、9R16、9R66为例)············································351・※世界主要地区时差一览表···········································································358■■潜水类型的功能··································································································359・・关于带防止反向旋转功能的旋转表圈···························································359・・潜水员调节器··································································································360■■需要注意的事项··································································································361・・关于售后服务··································································································361・・关于保修问题··································································································362・・关于日常保养··································································································363・・关于表带··········································································································364・・关于抗磁功能(磁气的影响)·······································································365・・关于LUMIBRITE ·······························································································366・・在这种情况下怎么办?...................................................................................367■■规格(机芯) (368)简体中文325324真诚地感谢您购买Grand Seiko Spring Drive自动机械式腕表。