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兴趣相投share the same hobby
宁死不屈would rather die than give in
反之亦然vice versa
不知所措be at a loss to do
坚守岗位stick to one's post
坚持不懈perserve in doing
半途而废give up half way
75.从前in the past
76.研究显示Research indicates that…
77.新的规定the new regulation
78.生效go / come into effect
79.秋季学期的开始the beginning o百度文库 the fall semester
80.对。。。有效have effect on
61.新的交通法规the new traffic rules
62.给予足够的重视pay enough attention to
63.使他不可能make it impossible for him t …
64.赢得世锦赛to win the world championship
65.被西湖的美景所打动be struck by the beauty of the West Lake
每况愈下from bad to worse
安然无恙safe and sound
全心全意/一心一意heart and soul/whole-hearted
奋不顾身have no through for one's own safety
视而不见/充耳不闻turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to
一箭之遥within a stone's throw
别无选择have no choice butto do
情不自禁can't help doing
迫不得已can do nothing butto do
迫不及待can hardly waitto do
化险为夷turn danger into safety
57.如果你…我将不胜感激I would appreciate it very much if you …
58.古人想都不敢想的事What the ancient people would not dare ( to ) think of
59.规定make it a rule that…
60.上海市民Shanghai citizens
大相径庭be totally different
焕然一新take on a new look
置之不理take no notice of
三言两语in a few words
鼎力相助do whatever one can to help
刮目相看look at sb with new eyes
百听不厌be worth listening to a hundred times
欣喜若狂be wild with joy
不辞而别take leave without saying goodbye
一事无成achieve nothing
梦想成真one's fream come true/realize one's dream
一无所有have nothing
一无所获gain nothing
一鸣惊人surprise the world with one's first success
不辞辛劳take trouble to do/take pains to do
85.处理日常事务deal with daily life
86.在于lie in
87.偏爱体育be fond of sports
88.对。。。满意be satisfied with
89.在世界杯中的表现his performance in the World Cup
90.随着税收的增加和物价的上涨with increasing taxation and rising prices
71.防止疾病的蔓延prevent the disease from spreading
72.而不是rather than
73.一个实话实说的人A person who always speaks her / his mind
74.保护自己免遭抢劫protect themselves from robbery
跋山涉水travel over mountain and waters
不遗余力spare no efforts
不能自己can't control oneself
一见钟情fall in love with....at first sight
受益匪浅benefit a lot from
爱莫能助be powerless to do
81.在穿越沙漠的旅行中on the journey across the desert
82.没有发现/买(得)不到be no / not available to sb.
83.双方的品味the tastes of both sides
84.作进一步探讨的必要There’s a need to make a further discussion
固执己见stick to one's own opinion
不屑一顾throw all cantion to the winds
忍无可忍can no longer put up with
不得而知remain unknown
因人而异vary from person to person/depend on the individual
66.开始意识到come / begin to realize
67.献血donate blood
68.她梦寐以求的工作the job she has been dreaming of
69.感到满意be / feel satisfied
70.经过多年的奋斗after years of hard work / working hard