
FMS: DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTIONSummary:1. Flexible manufacturing systems are regarded as one of the most efficient methods to employ in reducing or eliminating problems in manufacturing industries.2. Definitions of FMS vary depending on industry type and the user’s point of view.3. FMS enables manufacturers to machine a wide of workpieces on few machines with low staffing levels, productively, reliably, and predictably.4. FMS is made up of hardware elements (machine tools, movable pallets, material-handling equipment, coordinate measuring machines, computer hardware equipment, and the like)and software elements ( NC programs, inspection programs, work-order files, and FMS software ). The sophisticated FMS software is what actually drives the system.5. A true FMS can handle a wide variety of different parts, producing them one at a time in random order.6. FMS is not an end in itself, but a means to an end and the natural partner to integrate to existing CAD/CAM systems and progress toward CIM.Key words: FMS NC CAM CADDefinitions of FMS,or Flexible Manufacturing Systems ,are plentiful and in many respects are dependent on the ultimate user’s point of view as to what the FMS consists of and how it will be used. However, the following represent a collection of FMS definitions, some traceable and some not traceable to their originating source. 1. United States Government: A series of automatic machine tool or items of fabrication equipment linked together with an automatic material handling system, a common hierarchical digital preprogrammed computer control, and provision for random fabrication of parts or assemblies that fall within predetermined families.2. Kearney and Trecker:A FMS is a group of NC machine tools that can randomly process a group of parts, having automated material handling and central computer control to dynamically balance resource utilization so that the system can adapt automatically to changes in parts production, mixes, and levels of output.3. FMS is a randomly loaded automated system based on group technology manufacturing linking integrated computer control and a group of machines to automatically produce and handle(move) parts for continuous serial processing.4. FMS combines microelectronics and mechanical engineering to bring the economics of scale to batch work. A central on-line computer controls the machine tools,other workstations, and the transfer of components and tooling, The computeralso provides monitoring and information control. This combination of flexibility and overall control makes possible the production of a wide range of products in small numbers.5. A process under control to produce varieties of components or products within its stated capability and to a predetermined.6. A technology which will help achieve leaner factories with better response times, lower unit costs, and higher quality under an improved level of management and capital control.Regardless of how broadly or narrowly FMS is defined, several key items emerge as critical to a general definition of FMS, and repeat themselves through a cross-section of standard definitions. Words like NC machine tools, automatic material handling system, central computer controlled, randomly loaded, linked together and flexible, all serve to help define a very general description and definition of FMS.Flexible manufacturing systems are based on modular part producing machinery machine tools, or injection molding machines, for example, and a wide variety of ancillary support equipment , linked and integrated together under central computer control to produce a variety of component in random order.Basically, a FMS is made up of hardware and software elements. Hardware elements are visible and tangible such as CNC machine tools, pallet queuing carousels (part parking lots), material handling equipment (robots or automatic guided vehicles), central chip removal and coolant systems, tooling system, coordinate measuring machines(CMMs), part cleaning stations, and computer hardware equipment. Software elements are invisible and intangible such as NC programs, traffic management software, tooling information, CMM program work-order files .and sophisticated FMS software. A typical FMS layout and its major identifiable components can be seen in Fig-1.A true FMS can handle a wide variety of dissimilar parts, producing them one at a time, in any order ,as needed (very few so-called FMSs meet this strict definition ). To adapt efficiently in this mode, a FMS must have several types of flexibility. It needs the flexibility to adapt to varying volume requirements and changing part mixes, to accept new parts, and to accommodate design an engineering modifications. FMS also requires the flexibility to cope with unforeseen and unpredictable. FMS also requires the flexibility to cope with unforeseen and unpredictable such as machine downtime problems or last minute schedule changes; and the ability to grow with the times through system expansion and configuration, improvements, and alterations. These types of flexibility are made possible through computers and appropriate FMS software.In the long rage, FMS is the natural partner for CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) which ultimately all server to bring a product from design from design to reality by the most efficient and cost-efficient means.In a FMS installation, the moment-by-moment functions, actions, and decisions are inherent within the system-operating completely without (or with very little) humanintervention. These moment-by-moment activities involve not only material handling, but also inspection, part washing, tool storage, fixturing, and warehousing, in addition to downloading of NC programs and other normal machine functions.Depending on a company’s specific manufacturing needs, a FMS may or may not be the answer. The graph in Fig-2 illustrates the range of application solutions available for a given set of workpiece volume and variety requirements. A FMS is set apart from any other kind of manufacturing system, such as a transfer line used in high volume automotive applications, because of its ability to accept parts or components in varying quantities, in random order. Thus, a FMS can be designed to process any product, in an volume, in any order, within the family of components designed for the system./By definition, a FMS can simultaneously process a variety of workpieces, using tooling and fixturing made available at the right machine, at the right time, and in the right sequence. The FMS computer functions to identify these needs and allocates resources in the from of tooling, fixtures, material movement, and NC and inspection programs in order to fulfill predetermined work order requirements.Is there an optimum size of FMS? At the present time the answer is no; size depends on users’ needs and resources. The number of NC machines in a system, for example, can be as low as one or two. This can provide a starting point for those who wish to take advantage of FMS in a step-by-step or phased-in approach. Generally, the number of processing machines or machine tools is three to ten.But what about the evolution of FMS.The concept of flexible manufacturing systems was born in London in the 1960s when David Williamson, a research and development engineer, came up with both the name and the concept. At the time he was thinking in terms of a flexible machining system, and it was in a machine shop that the first FMS was installed. His concept was called System 24 because it was scheduled to operate for 24 hours a day under the control of a computer, but otherwise unmanned on the 16-hour night shift. This simple concept of decentralized computer control of machine tools, combined with the idea of using machine tools for 24 hours per day (16 unmanned on night shift ), was the beginning of FMSs.Williamson planned to use NC (numerically controlled) machines to work out a series of machining operations on a wide range of detail parts. Workpieces would be loaded manually on pallets, which would then be delivered to the machines and loaded automatically when needed. Each machine would be equipped with a magazine from which tools could be selected systematically to perform a variety of different operations. Included in this overall process were systems for removing chips and cleaning workpieces. Included in this overall process were systems for removing chips and cleaning workpicecs. This system combined the versatility of computer-controlled machines with very low manning levels.With the growth in computer-controlled equipment and broader applications developing from metal forming to assembly, the concept of “flexible machining systems” was broadened to become what is known today as “flexible manufacturing systems,” or FMS.As the first FMS systems were installed in Europe, they followed Williamson’s concept, and users quickly discovered that the principles would be ideal for the manufacture of low-volume, high-variety products. The addition of refinements to a FMS to detect and compensate for tool wear were then added to further aid unattended FMS operations. These first FMSs on the market had dual computers: DNC(direct numerical control) for cell control functions and a separate computer to the traffic and management information systems.Since the 1970s there has been an explosion in system controls and operational enhancements. The programmable controller appeared in the late 1970s. and the personal computer emerged utilizing distributed logic control with many levels of intelligent decision making capabilities.Thus, through a conceptual idea originating with David Williamson, it became possible to machine a wide variety of workpieces on few machines with low manning levels productively, reliably, and predictably; this is what FMS is all about. In almost any manufacturing industry, FMS will pay dividends as long as it is applied in its broad sense, and not just to define a machining system.The FMS has evolved rapidly and will continue to evolve because technology continues to evolve, global competition intensifies, and the concept of flexible manufacturing gains wider acceptance. The growth of flexible manufacturing is projected to increase steadily in the years ahead.In 1984, 56 percent of all FMSs were used for manufacturing machinery and 41 percent for manufacturing transportation components. Construction and material-handling industries will comprise around 12 percent of the user market in the early 1990s as their adoption of FMS increases.Flexible automation is presently feasible for a few machining operations that account for a fraction of the total manufacturing process. However, development efforts continue to expand the FMS’s capabilities in the areas of improved diagnostics and sensors, high speed, noncontact, on-line inspection, multifunction or quick spindle head changing machine tools, and extending flexible automation to include forming, heat treating, and assembly. This is why FMS continues to grow and prosper. It feeds on technology evolving and expanding as technology itself evolves and expands.FMS(柔性制造系统);定义与描述摘要:1.柔性制造系统被认为是在减少或消除加工企业问题方面所采用的作为有效的方法之一.2.FMS定义取决于企业类型和用户的观点.3.FMS是制造商在很少的机器上无需较高的人员水平便能高效可靠地加工出各种预期的工件.4.FMS由硬件(机场、移动托盘、物料处理装置,坐标测量机、计算机硬件等等)和软件(NC程序,检查程序,工作清单文件,FMS软件)组成,复杂的FMS实际上由软件驱动着系统.5.一个真正的FMS可处理各种不同的工件,在某一个时间内加工其中任一规格的品种.6.FMS不是自身的最终目标,而是达到最终目标的工具,是集成CAD/CAM系统向CIM迈进的自然伙伴.关键词:柔性制造系统数控技术计算机辅助制造计算机辅助设计FMS或柔性制造系统的定义很多,很多方面取决于最终用户对于FMS的组成、如何使用的观念。

物料管理系统从物料进入系统,到最终退出系统,能 进行自动跟踪,保证物料储运系统的正常运行。
•控制相对简单; •具有连续输送的能力,单位时间内输送量大; •传送设备造价低镰; •实施的技术要求低、维护方便; •工件(或托盘)定位准确性差; •设备占地面积较大、空间利用率低; •运行速度比较低,传输途径柔性较差。
(2)工业机器人 工业机器人是一种特殊的物料传送系统,它常用于机床 之间距离较短,工件和夹具的总重量较轻的情况。对于按 群集式机床布置的加工单元,机器人最有效。由于所有机 床都围成圆形,一台机器人可以为多台机床服务。机器人 常用于无夹具的回转体零件的装卸。机器人往往也用于刀 具的传送和装卸。 (3)有轨小车(RGV-Rail Guided Vehicle) 有轨小车一种无人驾驶的自动化搬运设备。有轨小车沿 着预先铺设的导轨,在牵引装置的推动下,按照控制需求 行走,实现物料的自动传送。
业的一个重要特征;科学技术的迅猛发展推动了自动化程 度和制造水平的提高。
体化及数控的概念出现了。 机电一体化技术进一步发展,出现了计算机数控、计算机 直接控制、计算机辅助制造、计算机辅助设计、成组技术、 计算机辅助工艺规程、工业机器人技术等新技术。
刀具工作站控制系统; 物料工作站控制系统; 制造工作站控制系统。

The flexible manufacturing system The flexible manufacturing system(FMS) train points to have the high manufacturing system of the automation degree.The FMS speak about usually means in the lot size, batch size machining of metals currently with the forerunner's automation and Gao level of flexible is the manufacturing system of target.Along with society to product diversification, the low manufacturing cost and short manufacturing period's etc.'s need be gradually urgent, the FMS deveolps very and quickly, and because of micro-electronics technique, calculator technique, correspondence technique, machinery and the development of controlgear, also urge flexible manufacturing technique day attain mature, in 80's after, the manufacturing industry automation gets into for a brand-new ages, namely according to calculator of integrated manufacturing(CIMS) ages, the FMS has become the national machinery manufacturing of each industrialization to automate of develop and deveolp point.A, scalePress the scale all of the FMSs can be is divided into as follows 4 types:1.Flexible Manufacturing Cellular(FMC)The FMC publish and use to invite ratio FMS night in the manufacturing for 6~8 years, it is processed a centre, industrial robot by 1~2 and counts to control engine bed and material carrying to save to store equipments composing and have an adaptation to process have another species product of vivid.The FMC can be regarded as a FMS with minimum scale, is a FMS to cheap turn and small scaled turn direction development and a kind of outcome, its characteristics is to carry out single machine flexible turn and automate, have already get into up to the present universal application step.2.Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS)Usually include 4 or more full-automatic numbers to control engine bed(process centre and truning centre etc.), from concentrate the handling system of control system and material to connect, can under the sistuation that not shut down realization have another species, in process of small lot size, batch size and manage.3.Flexible Manufacturing Line(FML)It is be placed in the quantisty not- flexible and automatic line of single orlittle species large quantity with medium small lot size, batch size have another of species FMS of manufacturing line.It processes an equipments and can be an in general use earth, ground to process a centre, CNC engine bed;May also adopt definite purpose engine bed or NC definite purpose engine bed, have low request at the FMS to the system flexible earth, ground of the material handling, but the rate of manufacturing be higher.It with the long-lost type produce medium flexible manufacturing system with connect the control system(DCS) of the dispersion type within manufacturing line is representative, its characteristics is to carry out manufacturing line flexible turn and automate, its technique already the day attain mature, have already got into application to turn step up to the present.4.Flexible Manufacturing Factory(FMF)The FMF connects several FMSs, go together with to automate stereoscopic storehouse, use the progress contact of the calculator system, adoption from order, design, process, assemble, examine, deliver to hair goods of complete FMS.It included CAD/CAM, and make calculator integrated to make system(CIMS) devotion physically, realization manufacturing the system be flexible to turn and automate and then carry out whole plant the manufacturing control, product of the scope to process and the material store completely turn of the luck progress.The FMF is the tallest level that the automation produce and the reflection is most born the top of the boundary the forerunner's automation application a technique.It is manufacturing, product development and management the automation of management connect into one whole, with information stream control substance stream of intelligence manufacturing system(IMS) is representative, its characteristics is to carry out works flexible turn and automate.Two, key techniqueputer Aided Design, CADThe CAD technique development will lead into the expert system in the future, make it have intelligence to turn, can treat various complicated question.At present design a latest of the technique breakthrough is that the light is quick stereoscopic forming technique, that the new technique be directly to make use of CAD data and pass a computer control of laser scanning system, be divided into some lamellas:3Dnumerical pattern a two-dimensional flake form sketch, and press the two-dimensional flake form sketch to carry on an optics scanning to the quick resin liquid surface of the light in the bath, is scan of the liquid surface then becomes curing plastics, thus circularly operate, pursue lamella to scan to take shape, and of oneself glue the each flake form curing plastics that the delamination take shape to match together and only need certain data, then can make a prototype of precision in few hours.It contributes to quickly developping new product and developping the speed of new structure.2.Fuzzy control techniqueThe actual application of misty mathematics is a fuzzy control machine.The high performance fuzzy control apparatus which develops recently has from the study function, can in the process of control in continuously obtain a new information and of oneself make an adjustment to the control quantisty, make system function greatly in order to improve, among them particularly with according to artificial neural net, artificial neural network, ANN of self-educated method cause people tremendous concern more.3.Artificial intelligence, expert system and intelligence transducer techniqueUp to the present, the artificial intelligence adopt mostly points according to the expert system of rule in the FMS.The expert system makes use of expert knowledge and reasons logically rule progress a reasoning and solve each kind of question.(like explanation, predict, diagnose, check to seek a fault, failure, design, plan, keep watch on, repair, command and control etc.)Because expert system can simplely the theory of various fact and experience certificate super - with pass the knowledge of experience acquisition to combine together, as a result the expert system intensified for the FMS various aspect operate gentle.Prospect a future, with knowledge intensively is characteristic, with the knowledge treat for the artificial intelligence(include expert system) technique of way necessarily will have in the FMS(particularly intelligence type) decisive action.The artificial intelligence is in the future FMS lieutenant general exertive gradually important ed for various technique in the FMS currently, anticipate to there is the artificial intelligence of the is still of development prospect most .Anticipate till the beginning of 21 centuries, the artificial intelligence is in the FMS of applied scale will compare currently greatly400%.The intelligence manufacturing technique(IMT) aim is in the process of integrating the artificial intelligence into the manufacturing each link, ask for help of intelligence of imitate the expert movable, replace or extend a manufacturing environment parts of mental works of the middleman.In the process of make, the system can automatically monitor it to circulate condition, while be subjected to the external world or inner excitation energy the automatic regulation its parameter with attain the best operating state, have self-organization ability.The past IMT is called make of the coming 21 centurieses technique.To the future intelligence turn 1 that the FMS has important meaning is an intelligence transducer in the realm of rapid development now technique.The item's technique accompanies with the technique of calculator application and artificial intelligence but creation and it makes the transducer have inside"decision" function.4.Artificial neural net, artificial neural network, ANN techniqueThe artificial neural net, artificial neural network, ANN(ANN) is a kind of method that the neural net, neural network which imitates intelligence living creature proceeds together to treat to the information progress.The past artificial neural net, artificial neural network, ANN is also a kind of artificial intelligence tool.At the automatic control realm, the neural net, neural network soon will be be juxtaposed in expert system and fuzzy control system and become a modern from pay to turn a composition division in the system.Three, deveolp trendThe 1. FMCs will become the popular technique which deveolps and applieds This is because the FMC investment is much less than the FMS but the economic performance connect near, be applicable to the financial power limited medium small scaled business enterprise more.Numerous foreign plant house lists as FMC to deveolp currently of heavy.2.Deveolp the efficiency higher FMLHave another species large quantity the manufacturing business enterprise of the quantisty such as workses such as autocar and tractor etc. to FML of the need caused biggest pay attention to of the FMS manufactery.Adopt the price cheap definite purpose number controls engine bed to act for a process of general purpose acentre and will be a FML development trend.3.The dynasty multi-function direction deveolpFrom the simplicity process the type FMS develops further to weld, assemble, inspection and Ban material process is to manufacturing work prefaces, such as Zhu and Duan...etc. and have of various function FMSs. The FMS is a realization future novel concept mode and new development trend of the works, decide to make raise of the strategic meaning of the have of prospect of the business enterprise future development Cuo.The FMS which reflects the works whole level currently is number generation FMS, in 90's this kind condition still will keep on next go to, Japan comes into force from 1991 of"intelligence manufacturing system"(IMS) be international to develop item and belong to the next generation FMS;But real perfect next generation FMS's anticipate would carry out to 21 centuries.Then, the intelligence turns machinery and the person's and will blend mutually and gentlely moderates completely from accept order goods to produce, sale this business enterprise produce the full activity of management.Since the mid 80's, the FMS acquisition fast fierce development, almost became manufacturing automation of hot spot.On the other hand is because the single-item technique,such as NC, processes the development of centre, industrial robot, CAD/CAM, resources management and high technique etc. and provided to can be provided to integrate a technique foundation of whole system;On the other hand, the world market took place a graveness change, from past tradition, opposite stabilization of market, the development much changes into the dynamic state of the market , for begging existence and begging a development from the market, raise a business enterprise to the market demanding strain ability and people start investigate new manufacturing method and business model.In recent years, FMS conduct and actions a kind of science"philosophy" and works which modernizes industrial manufacturing automate of advanced mode already for the country the top of the border generally accepted, can think so:The FMS is automate a technique, information technology and makes technical foundation, former business enterprise in mutually independent engineering design, produce manufacturing and conduct a management etc. process, constitute a complete but organic system which overlays the wholebusiness enterprise to carry out an overall situation dynamic state under the prop up of the calculator and its software superior turn, population efficiently benefit, Gao gentle, and then win the manufacturing system of the intelligence that the competition complete victory.FMS conduct and actions nowadays world manufacturing automation technique deveolp of ex- follow science and technology, for future the mechanism manufacturing provided one arm grandiosity of blueprint, will become for 21 centuries, the mechanism is manufactural main produce mode.。

FMS 兼有加工制造和部分生产管理两种功能,因此能综合地提高生产效益。

【关键字】精品Flexible ManufacturingAs an introduction to the subsequent discussions of production systems and advanced manufacturing technologies it is useful to present a definition of the term manufacturing system. A manufacturing system can be defined as a series of value-adding manufacturing processes converting the raw materials into more useful forms and eventually finished products.In the modern manufacturing setting, flexibility is an important characteristic. It means that a manufacturing system is versatile and adaptable, while also capable of handling relatively high production runs. A flexible manufacturing system is versatile in that it can produce a variety of parts. It is adaptable because it can be quickly modified to produce a completely different line of parts.A flexible manufacturing system is an individual machine or group of machines served by an automated materials handling system that is computer controlled and has a tool handling capability. Because of its tool handling capability and computer control, such a system can be continually reconfigured to manufacture a wide variety of parts. This is why it is called a flexible manufacturing system.A FMS typically encompasses:* Process equipment e.g. , machine tools, assembly stations, and robots* Material handling equipment e.g. , robots, conveyors, and AGVs (automated guided vehicles) * A communication system* A computer control systemFlexible manufacturing represents a major step toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing. It involves integration of automated production processes. In flexible manufacturin , the automated manufacturing machine and the automated materials handling system share instantaneous communication via a computer network. This is integration on a small scale.Flexible manufacturing takes a major step toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing by integrating several automated manufacturing concepts:* Computer numerical control (CNC) of individual machine tools* Distributed numerical control (DNC) of manufacturing systems* Automated materials handling systems* Group technology (families of parts)When these automated processes, machines, and concepts are brought together in one integrated system, an FMS is the result. Humans and computers play major roles in an FMS. The amount of human labor is much less than with a manually operated manufacturing system, of course. However, humans still play a vital role in the operation of an FMS. Human tasks include the following:* Equipment troubleshooting, maintenance, and repair* Tool changing and setup* Loading and unloading the system* Data input* Changing of parts programs* Development of programsFlexible manufacturing system equipment, like all manufacturing equipment, must be monitored for bugs, malfunctions, and breakdowns. When a problem is discovered, a human troubleshooter must identify its source and prescribe corrective measures. Humans also undertake the prescribed measures to repair the malfunctioning equipment. Even when all systems are properly functioning, periodic maintenance is necessary.Human operators also set up machines, change tools, and reconfigure systems as necessary. The tool handling capability of an FMS decreases, but does not eliminate involvement in tool changing and setup. The same is true of loading and unloading the FMS. Once raw material has been loaded onto the automated materials handling system, it is moved through the system in the prescribed manner. However, the original loading onto the materials handling system is still usually done by human operators, as is the unloading of finished products.Humans are also needed for interaction with the computer. Humans develop part programs that control the FMS via computers. They also change the programs as necessary when reconfiguring the FMS to produce another type of part or parts. Humans play less labor-intensive roles in an FMS, but the roles are still critical.Control at all levels in an FMS is provided by computers. Individual machine tools within an FMS are controlled by CNC. The overall system is controlled by DNC. The automated materials handling system is computer controlled, as are other functions including data collection, system monitoring, tool control, and traffic control. Human/computer interaction is the key to the flexibility of an FMS.1 Historical Development of Flexible ManufacturingFlexible manufacturing was born in the mid-1960s when the British firm Molins, Ltd. Developed its System24. System 24 was a real FMS. However, it was doomed from the outset because automation, integration, and computer control technology had not yet been developed to the point where they could properly support the system. The first FMS was a development that was ahead of its time. As such, it was eventually discarded as unworkable.Flexible manufacturing remained an academic concept through the remainder of the 1960s and 1970s. However, with the emergence of sophisticated computer control technology in the late 1970s and early 1980s, flexible manufacturing became a viable concept. The first major users of flexible manufacturing in the United States were manufacturers of automobiles, trucks, and tractors.2 Rationale for Flexible ManufacturingIn manufacturing there have always been tradeoffs between production rates and flexibility. At one end of the spectrum are transfer lines capable of high production rates, but low flexibility. At the other end of the spectrum are independent CNC machines that offer maximum flexibility, but are capable only of low production rates. Flexible manufacturing falls in the middle of continuum. There has always been a need in manufacturing for a system that could produce higher volume and production runs than could independent machines, while still maintaining flexibility.Transfer lines are capable of producing large volumes of parts at high production rates. The line takes a great deal of setup, but can turn out identical in a part can cause the entire line to be shut down and reconfigured. This is a critical weakness because it means that transfer lines cannot produce different parts, even parts from within the same family, without costly and time-consuming shutdown and reconfiguration.Traditionally, CNC machines have been used to produce small volumes of parts that differ slightly in design. Such machines are ideal for this purpose because they can be quickly reprogrammed to accommodate minor or even major design changes. However, as independent machines they cannot produce parts in large volumes or at high production rates.An FMS can handle higher volumes and production rates than independent CNC machines. They cannot quite match such machines for flexibility, but they come close. What is particularly significant about the middle ground capabilities of flexible manufacturing is that most manufacturing situations require medium production rates to produce medium volumes with enough flexibility to quickly reconfigure to produce another part or product. Flexible manufacturing fills this long-standing void in manufacturing.Flexible manufacturing, with its ground capabilities, offers a number of advantages for manufacturers:* Flexibility within a family of parts* Random feeding of parts* Simultaneous production of different parts* Decreased setup time and lead time* More efficient machine usage* Decreased direct and indirect labor costs* Ability to handle different materials* Ability to continue some production if one machine breaks down3 Flexible Manufacturing System ComponentsAn FMS has four major components:* Machine tools* Control system* Materials handling system*Human operators(1) Machine ToolsA flexible manufacturing system uses the same types of machine tools as any other manufacturing system, be it automated or manually operated. These include lathes, mills, drills, saws, and so on. The type of machine tools actually included in an FMS depends on the setting in which the machine will be used. Some FMS are designed to meet a specific, well-defined need. In these cases the machine tools included in the system will be only those necessary for the planned operations. Such a system would be known as a dedicated system.In a job-shop setting, or any other setting in which the actual application is not known ahead of time or must necessarily include a wide range of possibilities, machines capable of performing at least the standard manufacturing operations would be include. Such systems are known as general purpose systems.(2) Control SystemThe control system for an FMS serves a number of different control functions for system:* Storage and distribution of parts programs* Work flow control and monitoring* Production control*System/tool control/monitoringThe control area with the computer running the FMS control system is the center from which all activities in the FMS are controlled and monitored. The FMS control software is rather complicated and sophisticated since it has to carry out many different tasks simultaneously. Despite the considerable research that has been carried out in this area, there is no general answer to designing the functions and architecture of FMS software.The scheduler function involves planning how to produce the current volume of orders in the FMS, considering the current status of machine tools, work-in-process, tooling, and so on. The scheduling can be done automatically or can be assisted by an operator. Most FMS control systems combine automatic and manual scheduling; the system generates an initial schedule that can be changed manually by the operator. The dispatcher function involves carrying out the schedule and coordinating the activities on the shop floor, that is, deciding when and where to transport a pallet, when to start a process on a machining center, and so on.The monitor function is concerned with monitoring work progress, machine status, alarm messages, and so on , and providing input to the scheduler and dispatcher as well asgenerating various production reports and alarm messages. A transport control module manages the transportation of parts and palettes within the system. Having an AGV system with multiple vehicles, the routing control logic can become rather sophisticated and become a critical part of the FMS control software. A load/unload module with a terminal at the loading area shows the operators which parts to introduce to the system and enables him or her to update the status of the control system when parts are ready for collection at the loading area. A storage control module keeps an account of which parts are stored in the AS/RS as well as their exact location. The tool management module keeps an account of all relevant tool data and the actual location of tools in the FMS. Tool management can be rather comprehensive since the number of tools normally exceeds the number of parts in the system, and furthermore, the module must control the preparation and flow of tools. The DNC function provides interfaces between the FMS control program and machine tools and devices on the shop floor. The DNC capabilities of the shop floor equipment are essential to a FMS; a “full” DNC communication protocol enabling remote control of the machines is required.The fact that most vendors of machine tools have developed proprietary communication protocols is complicating, the development and integration of FMSs including multi-vendor equipment. Furthermore, the physical integration of multi-vendor equipment is difficult; for example, the differences in pallet load /unload mechanics complicate the use of machine tools from different vendors. Therefore, the only advisable approach for implementing a FMS is to purchase a turn-key system from one of the main machine tool manufacturers.(3)Human OperatorsThe final component in an FMS is the human component. Although flexible manufacturing as a concept decreases the amount of human involvement in manufacturing, it does not eliminate it completely. Further, the roles humans play in flexible manufacturing are critical. These include programming, operating, monitoring, controlling, and maintaining the system.柔性制造正如对制造系统和先进的制造技术后来的讨论,介绍制造业系统术语的定义是十分有用的。

附录:Flexible Manufacturing SystemA logical step from the concepts of group layout and of NC machine tools and robotics are computer-controlled interlinked outstation machining complexes, or 11exibe manufacturing systems(FMS)as they have bedclothes call.do.Such systems can be looked upon as highly automated cells manufacturing families of components. The concept of FMS is not a new one; the first proposals were made in the mid 1960s. In recent years we have seen a growth in the number of systems, particularly in Japan, such that it is estimated that in excess of a hundred systems have been installed worldwide. A flexible manufacturing system contains a number of features as follows:1. Interlinked NC workstations operating on a limited range or family of work pieces. In early propos-ales the machines were of modular construction, but in recent systems general-purpose NC machines, in particular machining centers, are most commonly used.2. Automatic transportation, loading at unloading of work pieces and tools, using automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), robots, etc.3. Work pieces mounted on pallets ft* transportation, pattly to overcome the problems of new setups at each workstation.4. Centralized NC or DNC, together with overall computer control of the system.5. Operation for significant periods of time with little or no manual intervention.With FMS the tern flexibility means the ability to aptness a variety of components without having to adjust machine setups. Or change tooling. High flexibility implies that a large family of different components can be produced by the particular system. Figure 5. 17 show that several variants of the basic FMS con-kept exist. These are;l.Flexible manufacturing cells(FMs): These are basically machining centum but with the addition of a pallet pool or magazine(Fig.5. t8 ).The aim is to machine the work piece with one stupefies type of machine can be operated unmanned for long periods of time, with the palletized work pieces transformed au-somatically to and from the machine. Flexible manufacturing cells of this type must be served by machines or operators engaged in blank preparation and polarization of work pieces. These cells are highly flexible in operation, having the ability to deal with a wide range of pats (40 to 800), in small batches of from 15 to 500.2. Flexible transfer lines (fall): These, systems consist of a number of NC or head-changeable ma chine tools connected by automatic material transfer systems. The system can machine different components but without flexible routing of the workpieces.The family of components is relatively small (< 20) and the components must be quite similar to one another, as the overall flexibility of tote system is too low for a larger variety to be accommodated@. In consequence, the work cycles at each station nulls are quite well balanced. Production quantities must be quite large for economic use of these system (1 500 to 15000 per annum for each component).3. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), in these systems NC workstations are linked by automatic work piece transfer and handing. With flexible routing and automatic work piece loading and unloading. A-chining times at each station can differ considerably. The number of different components that can be pro-cussed by these systems is 'ohm 10 'o 150 in general and moderate quantities can be produced (15 to 500 components per annum for type)1.Work Handling for FMSWork pieces are usually mounted on standard pallets for processing in FMS and these pallets locate automatically at each workstation in the system. A variety of work-handling devices are used to transport parts, pallets, and tools around the system. Some of these ate as follows:1. Tow carts: These are the most cannon devices used; they consist of a simple platform on castors and are towed around the system by engagement with under floor, continuously moving chains. Cats stop at workstations by means of a mechanism total releases the tow pin at the appropriate time. Branches and loops are canalled in a similar manner to railway systems. 11te main advantage of tow carts is their simplicity and low cost, since no on-board power is required for their movement or control. Facilities must be available at each workstation to load and unload pallets from the carts. Also, the circulation of carts must be unidirectional.2. Automatic guided vehicles (AGVs). These devices are usually designed to follow wins buried in the floor of the plant or lines painted on tote floor. On-board power and control is required for bolt move mint and steering ate for tote handling of pallets. Automatic guided vehicles ate more expensive than tow cats and are both larger and heavier. Tale main advantage of AGVs is their greater flexibility of opera-ton. These devices may move in either direction, but for ease of control, circulation is usually restricted to one direction only in practice.3. Rail cats: These carts move on rails and are generally restricted to backward and forward motion along straight tracks. Power and control instructions ate ttunsferred by overhead conductors or extra rails. Rail carts often accommodate two pallets to allow for pallet exchange at the system workstations.4. Roller conveyors: Most of tote early FMS developments utilized powered-roller conveyors for moving work pieces from statuette to station. The use of these convents in modern systems is less common. Roller conveyors are expensive to install and occupy valuable floor space. In addition, these conveyors are relatively inflexible in operation and difficult to alter if the overall system is expanded.5. Industrial robots: Robots are used in FMS but not extensively unless the cell consists of only a few machines. They may be used as second at) handling devices, particularly for turned work pieces, which may be transported around the system in hatches on pallets by other handling devices and then transferred to the machine tool by robots at each workstation. Gripper designs suitable for handling a wide variety of components are important in this case.2.Layouts for FMSA variety of different layouts for the machine tools in FMS have been adopted, The choice depends on the scope of the system and the type of handling devices used for transporting work pieces from workstation to workstation. The use of rail carts mean that a straight track must be used, with machines located at the side of tote track. Early systems using roller conveyors usually employed a simple loop configura-tio11, with branches to the workstations.The increased use of tow carts and AGVs has resulted in more complex multicolor or tree-type layouts being used. The latter type is most suitable for AGVs and is particularly useful if expansion of the system with additional workstations is anticipated. Figure 5.19 shows a typical multicolor layout using tow carts, and Fig.5.20 shows a typical layout where AGVs are used for work handling.3.Factory of the FutureOn the basis of the advances made to date in all aspects of manufacturing technology and computer controls, we may envisage the factory of the future as a fully automated facility in which human beings would not be directly involved with production on the shop i1oor (hence the term unmanned factories).All manufacturing, material handling, assembly, and inspection would be done by automated and computer-controlled machinery and equipment.Similarly, activities such as processing incoming orders, production planning and scheduling, cost accounting, and various decision-making processes (usually performed by management) would also be done automatically by computers. The role of human beings would be confined to activities such as supervising, maintaining (especially preventive maintenance), and upgrading machines and equipment; ship-ping and receiving supplies and finished products ; providing security for the plant facilities ; and programming, upgrading, and monitoring computer programs, and monitoring, maintaining, and upgrading hard-ware.Industries such as some food, petroleum, and chemical already operate automatically with little human intervention. These are continuous processes and, unlike piece part manufacturing, are easier to automate fully. Even so, the direct involvement of fewer people in manufacturing products is already apparent: Surveys show that; only 10-15 percent of the workforce is directly involved in production. Most of the workforce is involved in gathering and processing information.Virtually unmanned manufacturing cells already make products such as engine blocks, axles, and housings for clutches and air compressors .For large-scale, flexible manufacturing systems, however, highly trained and skilled personnel will always be needed to plan, maintain, and oversee operation.The reliability of machines, control systems, and power supply is crucial to full factory automation. A local or general breakdown in machinery, computers, power, or communications networks will, without rapid human intervention cripple production. The computer-integrated factory of the future should be capable of automaticallyrerouting materials and production flows to other computers in case of such emergencies.柔性制造系统以成组布局的方式,将由计算机控制的多台数控机床及机器人结合成多工位成套加工设备,即称为柔性制造系统(FMS),这种系统被视为对各类零件族进行加工的高度自动化制造单元。

附录1:外文译文AGV:在柔性制造系统中寻路1 介绍机器人技术的发展受到了用户对机器人技术的新要求的影响服务产品的特性(质量、数量和时间)。
其中一个进化或发展是柔性制造所使用的操纵器系统( FMS)在重复任务中具有明显的优势(装配、涂漆等)。
对研究带有拖车的AGV系统的设计和操作尤其涉及到电子、机械、控制和协同集成到项目、产品或制造中过程,创造了“机电一体化”的概念( Lengerke和Dutra,2007)。
2 柔性制造中自动导引小车的导航与规划系统FMS旨在同时制造各种物品或产品为单个产品提供可选的加工路线。

【机械专业英文文献】柔性制造系统机械专业中英文文献翻译TheflexilemanufactuingsystemTheflexilemanufactuingsystem(FMS)tainpointstohavethemanufactu ing systemofthe automation degee.The FMS speakaout usually meansinthelotsize,atchsize machiningmetalscuentlywiththefoeunne‘s automation andGaolevelofflexileisthe manufactu ing systemtaget.Along with societytopoduct dive sification, thelow manufactu ingcostandshot manufactu ingpeiod’setc.’s needeg aduallyugent,theFMS deveolps veyand quickly, and ecauseofmic oelect onics technique, calculatotechnique, co espondence technique, machineyandthe development ofcontolgea,alsougeflexile manufactu ing technique dayattain matue,in80’safte,the manufactu ing industy automation getsintofoa andnew ages, namely accodingcalculato ofinteg ated manufactu ing(CIMS) ages,theFMShas ecome the national machine y manufactu ingofeach indust ializationautomate of develop and deveolp point. A, scalePessthe scaleallofthe FMSs caneis divided intofollows4 types:1.Flexile Manufactu ing Cellula (FMC) TheFMCpulishandusetoinvite atioFMS nightinmanufactu ingfo68yeas,itisp ocessedacente,industialooty12and countscontolengineedandmateialcayingtosavetostoe equipments composing andhavean adaptation toocess have anothe species poductof vivid.The FMC caneegadedasaFMS with minimum scale,isaFMStocheaptunandsmall scaledtundiection development andakindof outcome,itschaacteisticsistocayout single machine flexiletunand automate, havealeadygetintouptothepesentunivesal application step.2.Flexile Manufactu ingSystem(FMS) Usually include4omoe fullautomatic numestocontol engine ed(p ocess centeandtuning cente etc.),fom concent atethe handling system ofcontoland mateialto connect, can undethe sistuation thatnotshut down ealization have anothe species, inpocessoflotsize,atchsizeand manage. 3.Flexile Manufactu ingLine(FML) Itiseplacedinthe quantisty notflexileautomaticlineofsingleo16机械专业中英文文献翻译littlespecieslagequantitywithmediumsmalllotsize,atchsizeanotheof species FMSof manufactu ingline.Itp ocessesan equipments andcaneaningenealuseeag ound top ocess acent e, CNC engine ed;May also adopt definite pu pose engine edoNC definitepose engine ed, have low equest atthe FMS tothe system flexi leea th,g ound ofthe matehandling, uttheateof manufactu ingehighe.Itwiththe longlost typepoduce medium flexile manufactu ingwith connectthecontolsystem(DCS) ofthedispesiontypewithin manufactu inglineisep esentative, itschaacteistocayout manufactu inglineflexiletunand automate, its technique aleadytheday attaine,havealeadygotinto application totunstepuptothep esent.4.Flexile Manufactu ingFactoy(FMF) The FMF connects seveal FMSs, go togethe withto automate ste eoscopic sto ehouse, usethepogess contactofthe calculato system, adoption fomode, design, p ocess, assem le, examine, delivetohai goodsof completeFMS.It included CAD CAM,andmake calculato integatedtomake system(CIMS) devotion physically, ealization manufactu ingthesystemeflexiletunand automate andthencayout whole plantthe manufactu ingcontol,poductofthe scopepocessandthemateialstoe completely tunoftheluckpogess.The FMFisthe tallestthatthe automation poduce andthe eflection ismostonthetopofthe oundaythefoe‘s automation application a technique.It is manufactu ing,poduct development and management the automation of management connectintoone whole,info mationsteamcontolsustancesteamof intelligence manufactu ingsystem(IMS) isep esentative, itschaacteistocayoutwoksflexiletunand automate. Two,key technique pute Aided Design, CADThetechnique development willleadintotheexpetsysteminthefutue,makeithave intelligence totun,caneatvaious complicated question.At pesent designalatestofthe technique eakth oughisthatthelightisquickeoscopic foming technique, thatthenew technique ediectlytomake useofCAD dataandpassa computeoloflasescanningsystem,edividedintosomelamellas:3D26机械专业中英文文献翻译numeicalpattenatwodimensionalflakemsketch,andpessthe twodimensional flakefomsketchtocayonanoptics scanningtothequickliquid su faceofthe lightinthe ath,is scanofthe liquid su face then ecomes cuing plastics,ci culalyope ate,pu sue lamella to scanto take shape, andof oneself glue the each flake focuing plasticsthatthe delamination takeshapetomatch togetheandonlyneedcetaindata,thencanmakeaototypeofpecisioninfewhous.Itcontiutestoquickly developping newpoductand developping thespeednewstuctue.2.Fuzzy contol technique Theactual application ofmisty mathematics isafuzzycontol machine.The highfo mance fuzzy contolappa atus which develops ecently hasfomthe study function, caninthep ocesscontolin continuously otainanewinfo mationandofoneself makean adjustment tothecontol quantisty,system function geatlyinodetoimp ove, among them pa ticulalywith acco dingtoa tificialalnet,atificialneualnetwok,ANNof selfeducated method cause peoplet emendous concenmoe.3.A。

百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我附录1中文译文柔性制造系统介绍对制造系统和先进的制造业的技术的讨论,对定义制造系统这一术语是用的。
柔性是现代制造业的一个重要特性,它的意思就是制造系统的工艺范围广、适应生产的能力强 ,有时候也能相对地提高生产率。
典型的FMS包括:•处理设备,例如:机床、工作站、和机械手•物料运储设备,例如:机械手、运送装置和 AGVs(自动导向运输装置)•一个交换系统•一个计算机控制系统柔性制造系统业主要向着集成制造的目标发展。
它包括自动制造过程的集成,在柔性制造业系统, 那些数控机床 (例如 ,车床,钻床)和自动化的物料运储系统经由计算机网络控制系统进行共享和及时的协调。
柔性制造业系统向着能够完全集成的制造目标逐步形成了一些自动化制造的观念:•计算机对机床的数字控制 (CNC)•分配数字控制制造系统 (DNC)•自动物料运储系统•成组技术 (部份的组合)当这些自动化程序,将机器和人的思想进行集成在一起成为一个系统,带来了这些自动化的过程,这就是FMS结果。
人和计算机百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我是FMS的主要的角色。
但是人仍然在FMS 的操作中扮演着一个重要的角色。
人所从事的工作主要包括以下几项:•修理和维护设备•工具更换和安装•装载和卸货系统•数据输入•部分计划变更•计划的实施柔性制造系统的设备 , 像所有的制造业的设备一样,也一定能被检测出严重的故障, 和被破坏。


Development of Flexible Manufacturing System using Virtual Manufacturing ParadigmSung-Chung Kim* and Kyung-Hyun ChoiSchool of mechanical engineering, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea,School of mechanical engineering, Cheju National University, Cheju, South KoreaABSTRACTThe importance of Virtual Manufacturing System is increasing in the area of developing new manufacturing processes, implementing automated workcells, designing plant facility layouts and workplace ergonomics. Virtual manufacturing system is a computer system that can generate the same information about manufacturing system structure, states, and behaviors as is observed in a real manufacturing. In this research, a virtual manufacturing system for flexible manufacturing cells (VFMC), (which is a useful tool for building Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM),) has been developed using object-oriented paradigm, and implemented with software QUEST/IGRIP. Three object models used in the system are the product model, the facility model, and the process model. The concrete behaviors of a flexible manufacturing cell are represented by the task-oriented description diagram, TID. An example simulation is executed to evaluate applicability of the developed models, and to prove the potential value of virtual manufacturing paradigm.Key Words : FMS, virtual manufacturing system, CIM, object-oriented paradigm, TIDRecent trends in manufacturing systems, such as the need for customized products by small batches and for fast product renewal rates, have been demanding new paradigms in manufacturing. Therefore, the modern manufacturing systems are needed to be adaptable, and have the capability to reconfigure or self configure their own structure. Flexible Manufacturing Cells (FMCs) are generally recognized as the best productivity tool for small to medium batch manufacturing, and are also basic unit to construct a shop floor which is an important leve for developing computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). However, due to its complexity, the modeling and operation methodology related to FMC should be verified before implementation.As one of approaches to these requirements, Virtual Manufacturing (VM) approach has been introduced, and known as a effective paradigm for generating a model of manufacturing systems and simulating manufacturing processes instead of their operations in the real world. VM pursues the informational equivalence with real manufacturing systems. Therefore, the concept of Virtual Manufacturing System is expected to provide dramatic benefits in reducing cycle times, manufacturing and production costs, and improving communications across global facilities to launch new products faster, improve productivity and reduce operations costs for existing product shop [1,2].With an object-oriented paradigm, computer-based technologies such as virtual prototyping and virtual factory are employed as a basic concept for developing the manufacturing processes, including the layout of the optimal facility, to produce products. Virtual prototyping is a process by which advanced computer simulation enables early evaluation of new products or machines concept without actually fabricating physical machines or products. Bodner, et al.,[3] concentrated on the decision problems associated with individual machines that assemble electronic components onto printed circuit boards (PCBs). Virtual factory is a realistic, highly visual, 3D graphical representation of an actual factory floor with the real world complexity linked to the production controlling system and the real factory. Virtual factories are increasingly used within manufacturing industries as representations of physical plants, for example, VirtualWork system for representation of shop floor factory[4].Despite its benefits and applicability, VM systems should deal with a number of models of various types and require a large amount of computation for simulating behavior of equipment on a shop floor. To cope with this complexity in manufacturing, it is necessary to introduce open system architecture of modeling and simulation for VM systems.In this paper, three models, which are product, device, and process models will be addressed. Especially processmodel for FMC will be emphasized using QUEST/IGRIP as an implementation issue. The open system architecture consists of well-formalized modules for modeling and simulation that have carefully decomposed functions and well-defined interface with other modules.2. Concept of virtual manufacturingVirtual Manufacturing System is a computer model that represents the precise and whole structure of manufacturing systems and simulates their physical and logical behavior in operation, as well as interacting with the real manufacturing system. Its concept is specified as the model of present or future manufacturing systems with all products, processes, and control data. Before information and control data are used in the real system, their verification is performed within virtual manufacturing environment. In addition, its status and information is fed back to the virtual system from the real system.Virtual environments will provide visualization technology for virtual manufacturing. The virtual prototype is an essential component in the virtual product life cycle, while the virtual factory caters for operations needed for fabricating products. Therefore, the developments in the area of virtual prototyping and virtual factory will enhance the capabilities of virtual manufacturing.The major benefit of a virtual manufacturing is that physical system components (such as equipment and materials) as well as conceptual system compvonents (e.g., process plans and equipment schedules) can be easily represented through the creation of virtual manufacturing entities that emulate their structure and function. These entities can be added to or removed from the virtual plant as necessary with minimal impact on other system data. The software entities of the virtual factory have a high correspondence with real system components, thereby lending validity to simulations carried out in the virtual system meant to aid decision-makers in the real system.For virtual manufacturing, three major paradigms have been proposed, such as Design- centered VM, Production-centered VM, and Control- centered VM. The design-centered VM provides an environment for designers to design products and to evaluate the manufacturability and affordability of products. The results of design-centered VM include the product model, cost estimate, and so forth. Thus, potential problems with the design can be identified and its merit can be estimated. In order to maintain the manufacturing proficiency without actual building products, production-centered VM provides an environment for generating process plans and production plans, for planning resource requirements (new equipment purchase, etc.), and for evaluating these plans. This can provide more accurate cost information and schedules for product delivery. By providing the capability to simulate actual production, control-centered VM offers the environment for engineers to evaluate new or revised product designs with respect to shop floor related activities.Control-centered VM provides information for optimizing manufacturing processes and improving manufacturing systems.The virtual manufacturing approach in this paper is close to Control-centered VM. Fig.1 illustrates the viewpoint of the functional model of the virtual flexible manufacturing cell. Since the activity Execute real manufacturing systems depicts a model of real factory, it possibly replaces real factory. All manufacturing processesexcept physical elements of virtual manufacturing, such as design, process planning, scheduling, are included in the activity Operation of Virtual factory. The activity Execute simulation for virtual factory is a separate simulation model of VM system. With this virtual factory, parameters (e.g, utilization, operation time, etc.,) associated with operating a flexible manufacturing cell are simulated. And these results can provide the possibility of controlling manufacturing processes and predicting potential problems in the real manufacturing.3. Object modeling for virtual flexible manufacturing cellsObject-oriented technology may provide a powerful representation and classification tools for a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. It may also provide a common platform for the information sharing between sub-modules, and provide a richer way to store/retrieve/modify information, knowledge and models and reuse them. In the context of an object oriented approach, a model is simply an abstraction, or a representation of an objects or process.VFMC requires a robust information infrastructure that comprises rich information models for products, processes and production systems. As shown in Fig. 2, three models, that is product model, facility model, and process model, are developed for virtual flexible manufacturing cells. A product model is a generic model used for representing all types of artifacts, which appear in the process of manufacturing. It represents target products, which include conceptual shape information as well as analysis module for a specification, productivity, and strength.A facility model contains information about machines consisted of a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. By using the model, innovative tooling and methods can be evaluated without the cost of physical machine prototypes and fixture mock-ups. A process model is used for representing all the physical processes that are required for representing product behavior andmanufacturing processes.3.1 Product modelA product model holds the process and product knowledge to ensure the correct fabrication of the product with sufficient quality. It acts as an information server to the other models in the VFMC. It also provides consistent and up-to-date information on the product lifecycle, user requirements, design, and process plan and bill of material. An instance of Class Part provides detailed information about a part to be fabricated in VFMC. Sub-classes like ProcessPlan, BOM, and NcCode, are aggregated into the class Part. Classes Process Plan and BOM manipulate information and data associated with process plans and bill of materials, respectively. Class NcCode deals with NC programs, which interacts with CAD/CAM systems. With incorporation with the facility model, this developed NC programs can be verified and checked for collisions and interference with any workpiece or tooling in the fixture. This can avoid costly machine crashes and reduce risk during initial equipment installation and produce launch. Furthermore, productivity can be improved by avoiding nonproductive time for program prove out on the machine tool and by using thesimulation environment to train operators of new machines.3.2 Facility mode lReal manufacturing cell may consist of NC machines, robots, conveyors, and sensory devices. The architecture of class corresponding to the real manufacturing cell is shown in Fig.3, and represents the factory model. In VFMC, characteristics of the factory model include a detailed representation of machine behavior over time, a structure to the model that can configure and reconfigure easily, and a realistic and three-dimensional animation of machine behavior over time. Virtual machines defined within this model may be used to estimate accurately the merit of a process plan, and, based on this evaluation, determine appropriate process conditions to improve (and even optimize) the plan. V irtual robot contributes to unload and load parts into/from machines, and is used to find optimal paths without any collisions. With virtual operation, the fidelity of the machining and robot utilizing time and cost estimates is expected to improve. In addition, accurate modeling will predict the quality of the machined part, which cannot be determined easily and reliably without producing several physical prototypes. This information is invaluable to both the designer and the process planner. Physical entities such as machines and workpieces have the explicit representation as 3-D models for their shapes, positions, and orientations. 3-D models are conveniently used for calculating, geometrical attributes, checking spatial relations, and displaying computer graphics.3.3 Process modelBy assigning a finite set of states to each device in a cell (idle, busy, failed, etc.), the process of cell control can be modeled as a process of matching specific state change events to specific cell control actions, decision algorithms, or scripts. With this model, cell processes are represented a Task Initiation Diagram (TID) using an object-oriented approach. The methodology behind developing TID regards the tasks to be performed by the cell or any of its constituent machines for being primal, and employs the multi-layered approach. Sensory signals indicating the change of state of machines are used to trigger or initiate tasks. A task may be simple and require a relatively short time to execute, or may be complex and lengthy.Formally, a Task Initiation Diagram (TID) is defined as the four-tuple TID=(T, SR, C, O). Task Initiation Diagrams are composed of two basic components: a set of Rest states SR and a set of tasks T. Tasks, in turn, are classified into three groups: the cell configuration dependant task (Td), the cell configuration independent task (Ti), and the cycle transit task (Tt). Cell configuration dependent tasks are those which require some coordination among cell components to carry out the task. For example, the task load a s in aRobot load a part to:aMill requires that the actions of aRobot and aMill be coordinated. Cell configuration independent tasks require only one cell component to perform the task. The task move To as in Robot move to:MachineName configuration independent one, because it is carried out by the Robot without interacting with other components. Tt tasks are used for the transition from one cycle to another, and thus derived automatically by the system in order to complete a production job. State SR indicates rest states where cell constituents must be wait for next task. This state is given at any instant by the collection of states of itsconstituents. These composite states are depicted in the Task Initiation Diagram by ellipses, e.g., R11/3 or M13/4. The last number of the symbols indicates how many individual states are required to determine this composite state.To complete the diagram, it is necessary to define the relationship between the states and the tasks. This can be done by specifying two functions connecting states to tasks: the condition functionC, and the output function O. The condition function C defines, for each task Ti, the set of states for task C(Ti). Some condition functions may use guiding parameters in addition to a set of states. As an example, C(Tt) uses a Remaining Processing Time (RPT) to cause transition to the desired state.The output function O defines for each Task Ti the set of output States for the transition O(Ti).The Operation Initiation Diagram (OID) is the second layer diagram of the Task Initiation Diagram (TID). In the same way of TID to represent the model, the Operation Initiation Diagram OID is defined as the four-tuple, OID(task)=(OP,Sv,C,O). The symbol OP defines set of operation required for a given task. The operation, OP, is categorized into two groups: guided operations OPg and unconditional operations OPu. A guided operation is one that requires an external trigger to start it. Unconditional operations are ones that start automatically on the onset of all the necessary states.The symbol Sv indicates the set of visit-state. The visit-state, Sv, indicates an interaction between two machines and hence requires coordination among them. The symbol of this state has the pattern R-M-- for the robot, as an example, the state RvMnm. The small letter v represents the visit-state of the robot associated with location, Mn represents a machine served by the robot, and m represents the index of one of the visit locations. During the completion of the task, the busy states are employed, and indicate transitional states between operations or two executions without interaction. They can be recognized from the robot state symbol, Rtn. The small letter t i ndicates the state of the robot associated with transition. These states are useful in avoiding collisions with obstacles. The condition operator C, defines the setof state and guiding conditions necessary for each operation OPi i.e. C(Opi). The output operator O, defines the set of states resulting from each operation OPi, i.e., O(OPi).4. Control architecture for VFMCCell operation involves tasks to be performed on single machines independent of others, and tasks that to require the cooperation of two or more machines. In cases where a task calls for the coordination of two or more machines, the cell controller has to be involved to ensure proper execution of that task. For tasks involving a single machine, the primary function of a controller is to schedule the start of the task, and waits for its completion to command the nest task. In order to accomplish these functions, the cell controller is designed as a hybrid structure of both hierarchical controller and decentralized controllers as shown in Fig. 3. The controller consists ofthree different layers. The Scheduler, the Decentralized Control layer, and the Virtual Device layer. In the figure, the p assing of information and message are indicated by arrows. The Scheduler is a core component that receives the states of all the machines in the VFMC from the Decentralized Control layer, and decides the appropriate next task. It then dispatches the next task to be executed to the Decentralized Control layer. It uses the process knowledge bases that contain the routine cell task rules that are generated from the TID. The Decentralized Control layer consists of virtual drivers for the virtual machine that mimic to physical machines. Their main role is to perform the harmonization and the cooperation between the cell components in order to carry out the task called for by the Scheduler layer. They provide a device independent interface to the actual cell components by translating the generic commands and error messages of the corresponding machine. The virtual driver in the layer communicator and pass messages with each other. A virtual driver send commands to the corresponding physical machine, and receives the state of that machine, through that Virtual Device in the Virtual Device layer.The lowermost layer of the controller consists of the Virtual Devices which monitor and continuously mirror, in real time, the state of the physical machine they represent. Each machine state is analyzed by its Virtual Device and reported to the corresponding Virtual holons as required. The Virtual Devices also serve as conduits for commands from the Virtual holons to the physical machines.5. ConclusionIn this study, the concept of virtual manufacturing is investigated, and three models, such as the product, the facility, and the process model, are developed for virtual flexible manufacturing cells. A product model is a generic model used for representing all types of parts, which appear in the process of manufacturing. A facility model contains information about machines consisted of a virtual flexible manufacturing cell. A process model is used for representing all the physical processes that are required for representing product behavior and manufacturing processes. The methodology behind developing VFMC is an object-oriented paradigm that provides a powerful representation a nd classification tools. For the implementation IGRIP/QUEST is used to model all 3D virtual machines involved models, and to simulate the whole factories where manufacturing events are concerned. The concrete behaviors of simulation are d escribed by the task-oriented description (TID). Also the result of simulation is demonstrated to prove the applicability of the virtual manufacturing paradigm. The potential of virtual manufacturing is to support manufacturability assessments and provide accurate cost, lead-time, and quality estimate is a major motivation forfurther research and development in this area.References1. Iwata, Kazuaki Virtual Manufacturing System as Advanced InformationInfrastructure for Integrating Manufacturing Resources and Activities, Annals of CIRP, V ol. 46, No. 1, pp. 399, 1997.2. Kimura Fumihito "Product and Process Modeling as a Kernel for VirtualManufacturing Environment," Annals of CIRP, V ol. 42, No. 1, pp. 147-151, 1993.3. Bodner, D., Park, J., Reveliotis, A., and McGinnis, F., Integration of structural and perfromance-oriented control in flexibleautomated manufacturing , Proceedings of 1999 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, USA, pp.345-250, 1999.4. Onosato, M., and Iwata, K., Development of a Virtual manufacturing System by Integrating Product Models and Factory Models, Annals of the CIRP, V ol. 42, No.1, pp. 475-478, 1993.摘要虚拟制造系统的重要性是在新的制造业发展过程中逐渐凸显出来的,进行自动化操作、设计工厂设备的布局以及工作场所的人机工程学。

Flexible ManufacturingAs an introduction to the subsequent discussions of production systems and advanced manufacturing technologies it is useful to present a definition of the term manufacturing system.A manufacturing system can be defined as a series of value-adding manufacturing processes converting the raw materials into more useful forms and eventually finished products.In the modern manufacturing setting,flexibility is an important characteristic.It means that a manufacturing system is versatile and adaptable,while also capable of handling relatively high production runs.A flexible manufacturing system is versatile in that it can produce a variety of parts.It is adaptable because it can be quickly modified to produce a completely different line of parts.A flexible manufacturing system is an individual machine or group of machines served by an automated materials handling system that is computer controlled and has a tool handling capability.Because of its tool handling capability and computer control,such a system can be continually reconfigured to manufacture a wide variety of parts.This is why it is called a flexible manufacturing system.A FMS typically encompasses:*Process equipment e.g.,machine tools,assembly stations,and robots*Material handling equipment e.g.,robots,conveyors,and AGVs(automated guided vehicles)*A communication system*A computer control systemFlexible manufacturing represents a major step toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing.It involves integration of automated production processes.In flexible manufacturin,the automated manufacturing machine and the automated materials handling system share instantaneous communication via a computer network.This is integration on a small scale.Flexible manufacturing takes a major step toward the goal of fully integrated manufacturing by integrating several automated manufacturing concepts:*Computer numerical control(CNC)of individual machine tools*Distributed numerical control(DNC)of manufacturing systems*Automated materials handling systems*Group technology(families of parts)When these automated processes,machines,and concepts are brought together in oneintegrated system,an FMS is the result.Humans and computers play major roles in an FMS.The amount of human labor is much less than with a manually operated manufacturing system,of course.However,humans still play a vital role in the operation of an FMS.Human tasks include the following:*Equipment troubleshooting,maintenance,and repair*Tool changing and setup*Loading and unloading the system*Data input*Changing of parts programs*Development of programsFlexible manufacturing system equipment,like all manufacturing equipment,must be monitored for bugs,malfunctions,and breakdowns.When a problem is discovered,a human troubleshooter must identify its source and prescribe corrective measures.Humans also undertake the prescribed measures to repair the malfunctioning equipment.Even when all systems are properly functioning,periodic maintenance is necessary.Human operators also set up machines,change tools,and reconfigure systems as necessary.The tool handling capability of an FMS decreases,but does not eliminate involvement in tool changing and setup.The same is true of loading and unloading the FMS.Once raw material has been loaded onto the automated materials handling system,it is moved through the system in the prescribed manner.However,the original loading onto the materials handling system is still usually done by human operators,as is the unloading of finished products.Humans are also needed for interaction with the computer.Humans develop part programs that control the FMS via computers.They also change the programs as necessary when reconfiguring the FMS to produce another type of part or parts.Humans play less labor-intensive roles in an FMS,but the roles are still critical.Control at all levels in an FMS is provided by computers.Individual machine tools within an FMS are controlled by CNC.The overall system is controlled by DNC.The automated materials handling system is computer controlled,as are other functions including data collection,system monitoring,tool control,and traffic control. Human/computer interaction is the key to the flexibility of an FMS.1Historical Development of Flexible ManufacturingFlexible manufacturing was born in the mid-1960s when the British firm Molins,Ltd. Developed its System24.System24was a real FMS.However,it was doomed from the outset because automation,integration,and computer control technology had not yet beendeveloped to the point where they could properly support the system.The first FMS was a development that was ahead of its time.As such,it was eventually discarded as unworkable.Flexible manufacturing remained an academic concept through the remainder of the 1960s and1970s.However,with the emergence of sophisticated computer control technology in the late1970s and early1980s,flexible manufacturing became a viable concept.The first major users of flexible manufacturing in the United States were manufacturers of automobiles,trucks,and tractors.2Rationale for Flexible ManufacturingIn manufacturing there have always been tradeoffs between production rates and flexibility.At one end of the spectrum are transfer lines capable of high production rates, but low flexibility.At the other end of the spectrum are independent CNC machines that offer maximum flexibility,but are capable only of low production rates.Flexible manufacturing falls in the middle of continuum.There has always been a need in manufacturing for a system that could produce higher volume and production runs than could independent machines,while still maintaining flexibility.Transfer lines are capable of producing large volumes of parts at high production rates. The line takes a great deal of setup,but can turn out identical in a part can cause the entire line to be shut down and reconfigured.This is a critical weakness because it means that transfer lines cannot produce different parts,even parts from within the same family, without costly and time-consuming shutdown and reconfiguration.Traditionally,CNC machines have been used to produce small volumes of parts that differ slightly in design.Such machines are ideal for this purpose because they can be quickly reprogrammed to accommodate minor or even major design changes.However,as independent machines they cannot produce parts in large volumes or at high production rates.An FMS can handle higher volumes and production rates than independent CNC machines.They cannot quite match such machines for flexibility,but they come close. What is particularly significant about the middle ground capabilities of flexible manufacturing is that most manufacturing situations require medium production rates to produce medium volumes with enough flexibility to quickly reconfigure to produce another part or product.Flexible manufacturing fills this long-standing void in manufacturing.Flexible manufacturing,with its ground capabilities,offers a number of advantages for manufacturers:*Flexibility within a family of parts*Random feeding of parts*Simultaneous production of different parts*Decreased setup time and lead time*More efficient machine usage*Decreased direct and indirect labor costs*Ability to handle different materials*Ability to continue some production if one machine breaks down 3Flexible Manufacturing System ComponentsAn FMS has four major components:*Machine tools*Control system*Materials handling system*Human operators(1)Machine ToolsA flexible manufacturing system uses the same types of machine tools as any other manufacturing system,be it automated or manually operated.These include lathes,mills, drills,saws,and so on.The type of machine tools actually included in an FMS depends on the setting in which the machine will be used.Some FMS are designed to meet a specific, well-defined need.In these cases the machine tools included in the system will be only those necessary for the planned operations.Such a system would be known as a dedicated system.In a job-shop setting,or any other setting in which the actual application is not known ahead of time or must necessarily include a wide range of possibilities,machines capable of performing at least the standard manufacturing operations would be include.Such systems are known as general purpose systems.(2)Control SystemThe control system for an FMS serves a number of different control functions for system:*Storage and distribution of parts programs*Work flow control and monitoring*Production control*System/tool control/monitoringThe control area with the computer running the FMS control system is the center from which all activities in the FMS are controlled and monitored.The FMS control software israther complicated and sophisticated since it has to carry out many different tasks simultaneously.Despite the considerable research that has been carried out in this area, there is no general answer to designing the functions and architecture of FMS software.The scheduler function involves planning how to produce the current volume of orders in the FMS,considering the current status of machine tools,work-in-process, tooling,and so on.The scheduling can be done automatically or can be assisted by an operator.Most FMS control systems combine automatic and manual scheduling;the system generates an initial schedule that can be changed manually by the operator.The dispatcher function involves carrying out the schedule and coordinating the activities on the shop floor,that is,deciding when and where to transport a pallet,when to start a process on a machining center,and so on.The monitor function is concerned with monitoring work progress,machine status, alarm messages,and so on,and providing input to the scheduler and dispatcher as well as generating various production reports and alarm messages.A transport control module manages the transportation of parts and palettes within the system.Having an AGV system with multiple vehicles,the routing control logic can become rather sophisticated and become a critical part of the FMS control software.A load/unload module with a terminal at the loading area shows the operators which parts to introduce to the system and enables him or her to update the status of the control system when parts are ready for collection at the loading area.A storage control module keeps an account of which parts are stored in the AS/RS as well as their exact location.The tool management module keeps an account of all relevant tool data and the actual location of tools in the FMS.Tool management can be rather comprehensive since the number of tools normally exceeds the number of parts in the system,and furthermore,the module must control the preparation and flow of tools. The DNC function provides interfaces between the FMS control program and machine tools and devices on the shop floor.The DNC capabilities of the shop floor equipment are essential to a FMS;a“full”DNC communication protocol enabling remote control of the machines is required.The fact that most vendors of machine tools have developed proprietary communication protocols is complicating,the development and integration of FMSs including multi-vendor equipment.Furthermore,the physical integration of multi-vendor equipment is difficult;for example,the differences in pallet load/unload mechanics complicate the use of machine tools from different vendors.Therefore,the only advisable approach for implementing a FMS is to purchase a turn-key system from one of the main machine tool manufacturers.(3)Human OperatorsThe final component in an FMS is the human component.Although flexible manufacturing as a concept decreases the amount of human involvement in manufacturing, it does not eliminate it completely.Further,the roles humans play in flexible manufacturing are critical.These include programming,operating,monitoring,controlling, and maintaining the system.柔性制造正如对制造系统和先进的制造技术后来的讨论,介绍制造业系统术语的定义是十分有用的。

The flexible manufacturing system柔性制造系统The flexible manufacturing system(FMS) train points to have the high manufacturing system of the automation degree.The FMS speak about usually means in the lot size, batch size machining of metals currently with the forerunner's automation and Gao level of flexible is the manufacturing system of target.Along with society to product diversification, the low manufacturing cost and short manufacturing period's etc.'s need be gradually urgent, the FMS deveolps very and quickly, and because of micro-electronics technique, calculator technique, correspondence technique, machinery and the development of controlgear, also urge flexible manufacturing technique day attain mature, in 80's after, the manufacturing industry automation gets into for a brand-new ages, namely according to calculator of integrated manufacturing(CIMS) ages, the FMS has become the national machinery manufacturing of each industrialization to automate of develop and deveolp point.柔性制造系统(FMS)系指具有自动化程度高的制造系统。
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附录附录A 英文文献Flexible manufacturing technologyFlexible manufacturing technology also says flexible integrated manufacturing technology, is the modern advanced manufacturing technology collectively. Flexible manufacturing technology set automation technology, information technology and production processing technology in a body, before the factory in the isolated each enterprise engineering design, manufacture, operation management process in the computer and software and the support of the database, which constitute a covers the whole enterprise of organic departmentThe so-called "flexible", that is, flexibility, mainly displays in: (1) the production equipment parts, components can be processed according to the needs of product transformation, (2) on the processing of products can be quickly adjust according to need batch; (3) the performance parameters of processing products can be quickly change and promptly put into production; (4) can rapidly and effectively integrated application of new technology; (5) to users, trade partners and suppliers to changing needs and special requirements can quickly make reaction. Using the flexible manufacturing technology enterprise, usually can meet the changeable and varieties of the small batch production requirements of war, can quickly expanding production capacity, and the product high quality and reasonable price. Flexible manufacturing equipment can be in don't need a lot of the additional investment under the condition of the continuous provide the new technology, new technology ability, also do not need special facilities, can produce the special military products.Characteristics:(1)Flexible manufacturing technology from the group technology develops, therefore, flexible manufacturing technology is still with the imprint of group technology-the other three similar principles: a similar shape; Similar size and process similar.(2)The three similar principles will be flexible manufacturing technology the prerequisite. Every accords with three similar multi-species processing of the principle of phase of flexible production line, can do the most provinces (using equipment investment at least, the workshop area minimum) the producing efficiency is the highest (can be mixed flow production, no stop loss); The best economic benefit (lowest cost). varieties large volume production, even though every species of batch is relatively small, DuoGe small batch is the sum total of mass, so also can form flexible production line and almost no shutdown losses, design utilization innings.(3) Flexible manufacturing technology portfolio of today's machine technology, monitoring technology, detection technology, cutting tool technology, transmission technology, electronic technology and computer technology with high quality, essence, high reliability, high automation and high efficiency.(4) Can shorten the time of the new products launched, over to fast, adapt to the changing market demand.(5) Can reduce factory in another piece of improving the quality of product and inventory, reduce the cost of product.(6) Reduce the number of workers, reduce labor intensity.(7) One-time investment.2. A flexible production technology, however, the application of mechanism made(1) The manufacture of internal combustion engine, the overseas many medium and small batch production, most varieties with the principle of concentration, the process processing center, nc machine tools, flexible manufacturing unit and flexible manufacturing system. Therefore, high flexibility, change the time than general adjustment varieties reduced by more than 75%, despite the production line, but the initial investment total economic benefits is good.(2) Many varieties of mass production, using the flexible manufacturing line, the production line is mainly composed of change box, to tower, change the tools processing center, nc machine tools and the numerical control of special machine tool. Exchange box processing center, the automatic replacement storage reservoir of spindle box number, but by a few to ten few, so together can satisfy the mass of many varieties processing.(3) Many varieties of flexible production line of mass production. Not only in many varieties of foreign large quantities of cases using the flexible production line, and in many varieties mass (several hundred thousand to hundreds of thousands of) also using the flexible production line, this kind of many varieties of large Numbers of flexible production line with computer control three coordinates module, these specialized module, can change the knife is, changing box, also can be turned the tower head. By three coordinates processing module instead of a special machine, improve the combination of flexible production line, not only can apply varieties repeatedly production, can also mixed flow production. The production line though, but the initial investment because production line can full load production, high efficiency, the processing quality is reliable, the products of good quality, high reliability, low malfunction, maintenance costs less, so the product cost low, and the economic benefit is good.2. Flexible manufacturing in internal combustion engine machining technology applicationDomestic internal combustion engine manufacturing, mechanical processing line to automation line and mechanization production line is given priority to, including engine block and the shortcoming of the processing to automatic line is given priority to, crankshaft, CAM shaft and the connecting rod, the Lord with mechanization production which is a, but online inserted with process for automatic line.附录附录B 英文翻译柔性制造技术柔性制造技术也称柔性集成制造技术,是现代先进制造技术的统称。