how many &how much的用法

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How much的用法: 1. 询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词; 2. 询问事物的价格。
Let's practise!
Ask questions according to the underlined words
1.I have two new friends. 2.The pair of boots is 200 yuan. 3.I'd like two bags of rice. 4.He has no time.
How many & How much
建瓯二中 林华
listen to the music!
How many There are How much there is a How many There are How much there is a cookies are there on the piate? a lot of cookies on the plate. milk is there in the bottle? lot of milk in the bottle. crackers are there in the tin? a lot of crackers in the tin. juice is there in the glass? lot of juice in the glass.
question 1
How many和How much有什么相同之处吗?
A.How many cookies are there on the plate?
There are a lot of cookies on the plate. B.How much milk is there in the bottle? there is a lot of milk in the bottle.
How many glasses of soda are there?
There are a few glasses of soda.
How much pizza is there?
There is a lot of pizza.
How many pieces of pizza are there?
There are a lot of pieces of pizza
Have a try
How much milk does she have? How many bottles of milk does she have?
meat coffee
pieces of meat cups of coffee
How many cookies/crackers....?
How much milk/juice....?
不同点:how many 用来修饰可数名词的复数: how much 用来修饰不可数名词
Quick respon-blank filling
1.How ( 2.How ( tree? 3.How ( 4.How ( bottle?
many many
) money do you have? ) birds are there in the ) oranges should we buy? ) orange is there in the
question 2
不可数名词只能用How much提问吗? How much bread do you eat?
在不可数名词前加:kilo,basket,glass,piece,loaf, carton等可数的计量词及of,即可用how many提问
How many pieces of bread do you eat?
How much soda is there?
There is a lot of soda.
question 3
How much 还有其他用法吗?
1、--Mom:How much is this jacket?(B) --Son:Thirty dollars. A.How many B.How much C.How far
D.How old
How many的用法: 1. 询问事物的数量,后接可数名词复数; 2. 不可数名词加了计量词后也可用how many提问