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Booking a Table
Do you know?
III Lead-in Activities
Let me explain it to
Can you give the answers to them ?
Class activity
1.How important do you think the food and beverage department is in a hotel?
2.What are the main tasks for the food and beverage department? How the activities can be divided?
3. What is the major activity of the most hotels? Why does it say that the services in food and drink are very important?
The food and beverage operation in the hotel involves a high degree of technical knowledge and skill. Production jobs are mainly in the kitchens, made up of preliminary preparation, cooking, finishing, and sanitation.
4.If you want to book a table in the restaurant over the phone, what information should you give to the receptionist?
II Introduction
Word Reference:
quality n. 优良品质
food and beverage operation 餐饮经营
administrative adj. 行政的
purchasing steward 采购员
subdepartments’ head 分部门主管 operation n.加工、操作
The management jobs in the department are essentially administrative. They include mainly those of the F&B manager, F&B controller, purchasing stewards, the storekeepers, and the subdepartments’ head.
《酒店 英语》 English
Unit Ten Booking a Table
BoLeabharlann Baiduking a Table
I Discovering Language
Read and Explore
I. Discovering Language
Read the following, pay attention to the sound-linking:
The food and drink service is the second major activity of most hotels and in many of them it accounts for larger proportion of employees than the provision of sleeping accommodation and related service. Service jobs are those in the various sales outlets, such as coffee shops, lounge bars, banqueting rooms, and other restaurants.
all of us wait a minute how much is it
for a while some of it
hand it over
sold out keep it
take part in
first of all tell us get out
Booking a Table
Words Reference
preliminary adj. 初步的
sanitation n.卫生
account for 占…比重
proportion n.比例
sales outlets 销售渠道
lounge bars 休闲酒吧
Even though the sleeping rooms provide the major source of income for a hotel, a quality food and beverage operation is often at the heart of various types of hotels. The food and beverage department is a very important division in a hotel. It is often one of the foremost income earners for the hotel, which can account for two fifth to one half of a hotel’s profit.
The primary concern of food and beverage department is to provide appropriate food and beverage service for guests. All the activities involved can be divided into three areas, namely, management, production and service.