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Unit2 单元检测卷

Listening part(40%)

一、Listen and choose.将其序号填入题前括号里。(10分)

( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( ) B. face C. cake

( )5.A.ice B.hi C. kite

( )6. A .keys B. candys C. candies

( )7.A.notebook B. schoolbag C.English book

( )8.A. Chinese book B. maths book C. storybook.

( )9.A.toy B.key C. candy

( )10.A. ruler B. twenty C. twelve

二、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听到的内容是否一致,一致的在括号里打“√”,不一致的打“×”。(10分) ( )1. I have a maths book and a Chinese book.

( )2. My schoolbag is heavy.

( )3. It ’s a fat pig.

( )4. Put your pencil box on your English book.

( )5. Excuse me. I lost my ruler.


( )1. A. My schoolbag is red and yellow. B. My schoolbag is green and yellow.

C. My schoolbag is red and green.

()2. A. I can see five candy. B. I can see five keys. C. I can see five toys.

()3. A. I have 4 story books and 3 Chinese books.

B. I have 10 maths books and 2 notebooks.

C. I have 6 English books and 1 schoolbag.

()4.A.Put your English book on your desk. B. Put your English book on your noteboook.

C. Put your maths book on your English book.

()5.A It’s red and black. B. It’s blue and brown. C. It’s red and blue.


()1.A. I can see twelve. B. I have twelve.

()2. A. It’s red. B.Four

()3.A. My schoolbag is heavy . B.Two books,three pens and four pencils.

()4.A.It’s on the desk . B.I lost my pen.

()5.A. Thank you. B,You’re welcome.

Writing part(60%)


()1. A. heavy B. maths book C. Chinese

()2. A. black B. white C. schoolbag

()3. A. eraser B. pen C. colour

()4. A. near B. toy C. under

()5. A. lost B. ten C. two


()1. Put your Chinese book in your desk.




( )2. I have two keys.





6分) ( )1. nine big ( ) 2. pen she

( )3. fat name ( ) 4. pig rice

( )5. fish six ( ) 6. it like


1. The ______ is red . I like it .

2. Look at the_____ . It ’s nice .

3. What ‘s in your schoolbag ? A______ .

4. In my classroom, I can see 11 _________.

5. What colour is your schoolbag? It ’s _________.


( )1. I have a new schoolbag. A. Good night, Zoom.

( )2. What colour is your maths book? B. It ’s brown.

( )3. Where is my toy? C. Really?

( )4. Good night, Mum. D. It ’s in the toy box.

( )5.What ’s in your schoolbag? E.A key and two storybooks.

schoolbag, rice, key. English book, yellow
