《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案UNIT ONE1.Goodby e schoolKey to the Exerci sesI 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. AII 1. fling2. superc iliou s 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoistKey to the Readin g-skillExerci sesParagr aph 1: 1. B 2. D paragr aph 2 1. D 2. A2.The Saturd ay Evenin g PostInform ation Relate d to the TextKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. CII . 1. She wantshim to make someth ing of himsel f and have an earlystartto his career .2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarle d behind the doorsof potent ial buyers . He was timidaboutringin g the doorbe lls of strang ers , reliev ed when no one came to the door , and scared when someon e did , and couldnot delive r an engagi ng salespitch.3. The battle to make him differ ent from his father .4. The well-writte n compos ition he wroteabouthis summer vacati on .5. Writer s didn't have to have any gumpti on at all .3. Love The Neighb orKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽.2.《圣经》里的戒律"热爱你的邻居"大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是"尊敬你的邻居."3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最好的朋友.4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰的分界线.5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位.UNIT TWO4.Making Friend s in Americ an Cultur eKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1. Becaus e thereis a langua ge barrie r , many Chines e are hesita nt to speakwith strang ers and they don't know what to talk to Americ an aboutor how to keep the conver satio n moving .2. His classand major.3. Thesequesti ons help people partic ipate in the conver satio n .4. When the otherperson firstgiveshis name himsel f .5. Commun icati on .Key to the readin g-skillExerci sesParagr aph 1 : 1. C 2. A3. The import ant of this is that awaren ess of non-verbal messag es can signif icant ly influe nce the effect ivene ss of any commun icati on .Paragr aph 2 : 1. a2. But in the course of millio ns to billio ns of years, starsdo evolve and age, and eventu allythey die .5. My Daught er , My FriendKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII . 1. adoles cence 2. stomp3. snotty 4. tormen t 5. dwindl e6. Hope in a BottleKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. CII . 1. 我和丈夫吉姆很快便与玛丽成为笔友,他俩是一对快乐的退休夫妇,经常定期周游世界.2.我梦见了伯利兹葱翠茂盛的热带丛林,生长在伯利兹的美洲虎,成千上万的棕榈环绕的一座座珊瑚岛----它们星罗棋布地构成了世界上长度位居第二的暗礁屏障.3.我喜欢那个国家的有些后裔源于英吉利和苏格兰海盗,他们曾藏身在那些将淡蓝色的加勒比海串连在一起的珊瑚岛上.4.这种神经疾病不可预知,病情因人而已,大相径庭,任何情况都可能发生----从周身麻刺到肌肉僵硬,从双目失明到完全瘫痪.这地方适合我疗养-----周围是翡翠般的淡蓝色大海,在这儿,我平生第一次使用水下呼吸管潜游,海底宝藏一览无遗:深邃庞大的洞穴,五颜六色,流光溢彩的鱼群,海马以及大批的鱿鱼. UNIT THREE7. The Fun They HadKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. AII. 1. 他们翻者发黄起皱的书页,读里面的文字真实有趣.这些文字本应该在显示屏上移动,而不是静止不动的.2.我认为地理部分的进度调得有些太快.3.汤米用非常高傲的(瞧不起的)眼神看着她.4.但我母亲说,老师必须适应它教的每一个男孩和女孩的智力,而且必须对每个小孩采用不同的教学方法.5.他吹着口哨离开了,腋下夹着那本沾满灰尘的旧书.Key to the Readin g-skillExerci sesExerci ses I . 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5.B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. AExerci ses II : 1. compar able2. sensib le 3. selfis h 4. wisdom 5. classi fy 6. apolog ized7. regard less8. slight ly 9. agreem ent 10. kindne ss8. Today's Teehno logyCouldSeem GoofyTomorr owKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1.一些生机勃勃的公司潜心地研究着当时热门而现在看起来过时而又古怪的技术.找到这些公司曾经发来的信函特别有趣.2.这就是生活中我们不得不忍受的事情之一,何况我们也不知道有什么更好些的事,就好象19世纪人们对马在都市大街上发出啪啪声无可奈何一样.3.对,我们的后代可能会说:很久以前,在那技术落后的黑暗世纪里,一些很大的公司制造了这些接收性能糟糕,莫名其妙地掉钱,只能用声音交流,而且常常导致汽车交通事故的装置.4.毫无疑问,到2061年,技术专家们已经完善了像纸张一样的书页.这种书页含有能像电脑显示屏一样变化的电子墨水.5.现有的概念-----商品首先由工厂生产,再运到几千英里之外,然后放到商场货架上希望有人购买------今后似乎会被人认为是毫无希望的浪费时间和精力.9.A ShortBiogra phy of the Long Life of Benjam in Frankl inKey to the Exerci sesI. 1.B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1.He didn't get alongwell with his olderbrothe r .2. He wouldhave been killed .3. Becaus e the othercoloni es and the Britis h rulers object ed it .4. The import anceof beingunited .5. He design ed the "greatcompro mise" that establ ished the Congre ss .UNIT FOUR10.Are You Trying Real HardKey to the Exerci sesI. 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.DII.1.洪水就在我们后面追赶,我母亲紧紧抓住我的手,以致于我以为会被拉断.2.抱着对人生不变的希望和乐观,她很小就移居阿肯色城.在那儿她给家人做佣人并活跃在当地教堂和服务机构里.3.除此以外,她还具备一个见识广,受过磨难,不畏将来的人所特有的尊严.4.邻居们对她说,为一个决不会成器的孩子做出这么多的牺牲简直是发疯.5.她说:"如果我们有勇气去相信,有能力去拼搏,胜利一定属于我们."Key to the Readin g-skillExerci sesExerci ses I:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C6.B7.C8.C9.C 10.B11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.CExerci ses II: 1.medica re 2.overni ght 3.downlo ad 4.Telesa t 5.motel6.helipo rt7.sandpa per8.paratr oops9.sunset 10.deadli ne11.Jim Lovell:An Astron aut's StoryKey to the Exerci sesI. 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TII. 1.由于当时没有一所大学开设火箭科学的课程,而且他又决意要实现他的目标,所以吉姆断定只有军校才是把飞行当作科学来学习的地方,于是他决定上军校.2.因此,根据海军哈罗威计划他考入了威斯康星大学.在那儿的两年时间里,他获准一边读书一边学习飞行课程.3.1957年10月4日,当时的苏联发射了一颗直径为23英寸,被称作斯布特尼克的球形遥控卫星,让西方世界大吃一惊.4.这个未知领域——如何成为宇航员,无准则可遵循,无先例可参照.5.航空航天局另外的目标是实现两个轨道飞行器在外层空间的对接,并且完善飞行器进入大气层和在地球预定地点着陆的方式.12.Only Daught erKey to the Exerci sesI. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.CII. 1.Becaus e she wanted to win his approv al./ Becaus e she wanted her father to introd uce her as a writer.2. Common people like her father.3. To learnto use theirheadsinstea d of hands.4. In ordernot to be poor.5. He has been watchi ng TV.UNIT FIVE13. My Only True LoveKey to the Exerci sesI. 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.CII . 1. Jayne2. No.3. Becaus e Jaynewas his firstlove and he lovedher very much.4. Becaus e Albert gave her a deep impres sionwhen they firstmet.5.Susanhas many vertue s.Key to the Readin g-SkillExerci ses1.A2.C3.B4.D.5.A14.The Dragon RockKey to the Exerci sesI 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1. In time of troubl e it will save the villag e by making a lake .2. They went to the rock for help with flower s and songs.3. They felt happyand thankf ul .15. Does SleepHelp You StudyKey to the exerci sesI . 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. DII. 1.假设人在学习后睡觉,睡眠会帮助人提高记忆力.2.事实上,在开始新的学习前睡一小会儿的话会严重影响记忆力.这就是埃克斯特德所称为的"学习前睡眠影响".3.快速眼球运动状态的特征为中枢神经系统活跃,同时心跳加速,大脑温度上升.4.在最近的一年半里,我研究了生长激素对供试验用的老鼠的影响.这些老鼠已经学会辨别迷宫里的被涂为白色和黑色的通道.5.如果生长激素对人类也有同样的影响,那些刚在睡觉时就被唤醒的人就会因为此时荷尔蒙高而记忆力减退.UNIT SIX16.Leavin g the land of the BlindKey to the Exerci sesI.. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. DII. 1. 有一些导盲狗适应在城里工作,而有一些则在小城镇里工作得得心应手.2.我坐在人行道上,路人围着我.我意识到我在让这些我所不认识的人来对我的生命负责.3.又过去了十年我才有勇气承认我需要帮助.4.她将我向后拖,然后带我转身向反方向走,一直走到离轨道很远并且安全的地方.5.我对导盲狗从相信其能力变为确信到最后转变为坚信.Key to the readin g-skillExerci ses1. B2. A3. A4. D17. The Christ mas TruceKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. FII. 1. 实际上,所发生的事情就像一个童话故事.如果我没有亲身经历这一切,我自己也不会相信的.2.我们被告知德国士兵会趁我们放松警惕时对我们发动进攻.3.在德国人的防线上,一串串小灯泡在闪烁.左边右边都是灯泡,眼睛能看到的地方均是.4.制服上的徽章和纽扣换了主人,而且我们的一个士兵还戴着那顶臭名昭著的德国钢盔走了回来!5.假如我们的领袖们不是进行战争威胁而是倡导和平不是互相辱骂而是互相赞美不是互相报复而是传递礼物18.An Americ an Educat or's FableKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6.CII. 1.Beinga terche r meansundert aking variou s dailyrespon sibil ities yet teachi ng is mainly engage d in stimul ating studen ts' minds.2. His dreamwas to stimul ate the mindsof youngpeople and lead them down the road of knowle dge .3. 38 studen ts .4. He was a determ inedand strong-willed youngman .UNIT SEVEN19. The Titani cKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. AII. 1. On April10th , 1912 .2. The look-out boy3. The Titani c was 268 metres long , 32 metres high , and it weighe d over 60,000 tonnes .4. Yes . It change d some surviv ors' livesand charac ters, and many others nevergot over theirexperi enceof the disast er .Key to the Readin g-skillExerci ses1. to move (to)2. to join with somebo dy to make a pair3. to exchan ge4. withou t moveme nt or sound20 . A Lamp in a WindowKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. CII. 1. Becaus e the driver was drunk.2. The car stoppe d when it hit the side of a tree .3. Very well . She offere d some drinkand askedhim to spendthe nightin her house.4. A drunke n driver ran him down and he was killed .21 . Stockand GownKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. FII. 1.他说所有的孩子都在做生意,我必须密切注意股市行情.2.我爸爸说如果我总是在股票生意赔钱的话,永远也找不到丈夫.3.毕业典礼上的发言人力图灌输一些崇高的思想,但是学生们并不买他的账.4.学生们唯一一次注意发言人的讲话是在他批评政府对微软公司的起诉是不公平的时候.UNIT EIGHT22. Studen ts Who Push burger sKey to the Exerci sesI . 1. D 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. AII. 1. Becaus e he worksa lot and doesn't have enough time to study.2. They baby-sat , shovel ed snow , mowedlawns, and delive red papers , and some of them got jobs in depart mentstores around Chirst mas .3. He wantsto show us more studen ts work regula rly todaythan before and then proves that studen ts employ mentis a majorreason of educat ional declin e .4. They implythat she has an unfair advant age over them .Key to the readin g-skillExerci ses1. to produc e2. to act cautio usly3. in additi on to4. to suffer heavyeconom ic loss; to go bankru pt23. A SmallMiracl eKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. CII. 1. No. Becaus e the sherif f notedthe sincer ity in Tom's voiceand took pity on him .2. The funera l direct or was happybecaus e therefinall y was a man coming to the funera l .3. He was alarme d and was very nervou s .24. Y ou Can Have Anythi ng Y ou Want ,But You Can't Have Everyt hingY ou WantKey to the Exerci sesI. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TII. 1. 有很多的"一切"摆在那里,还有更多看不见的"一切"等着你去体验.2.那些说他们什么都想要的人要么没有花时间去探究他们究竟想要什么,要么没有认识到一个简单的事实:你可以得到你想要的任何东西,但是你不可能得到你想要的每件东西.3.……我建议她对自己已经做出的选择和因此而取得的成就心存感激.4.充其量,商店可能会勉强买回一些二手货,但价格只是你当时付的一小部分.5.尽管你不能得到你想要的每样东西,但是有些很好的东西却等着你挑选,对此你应该感到庆幸.。
全新版大学英语视听阅读1答案unit 5-8
Unit 5 Warming u pⅠA Special girl1.B2. A3. F4. E5. D6.CUnit 5 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11. D2. A3. D4.B5. DⅡWatch again.1. heads out2. local3. explains4. calm5. scared6. intensively7. routine8. signs9. tracking10. casualPart 2ⅠWatch Part 21. the sixth grade write a book2. wildlife areas3.18 inchesⅡWatch again.1. state bird2. protects fly away chase3. Right now yell4. hissing5. majestic neat fly acrossⅢListen and repeat1.She was asked to write a book for a school project.2.The mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.3. I`ve seen it chase owls4. It’ll sound sort of like a cat hissing5. She often spends time observing the various birds. Part 3ⅠWatch Part 31. F2.T3. F4.T5. TⅡWatch again.1.searching the Internet2. drew and painted3. look at interpret4. personality invite learn more aboutPart 4ⅠWatch Part 41. B C E G2. A D FⅡWatch again.1. In many ways2. become so involved with birds3. more of the world than I did4. something different than5. what they appear to bePart1 2 3 4 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire videoA FB EC DUnit 5 ReadingReading Comprehension1.D2.A3.D4. A5.B6. B7. A8. drew and painted9.personality10. easy interesting and educational Unit 5 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1.A2.B3.C4. C5.DⅡListen againmit2.153. survey4. community5 .over6. locations7. alone8. in a row9. is collected10. helpfulⅢListen and repeat1.Bird counts typically last for four days2.There are bird counters as young as seven and as old as ninety3. Any information that is collected and sent in is helpful.4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birds that may be endangered5.They could never gather this much information by themselves.UNIT6Warming u pⅠ1-7.DBGACEFⅡ(1)apprentice (2) discipline (3) retired (4) strict (5) masterWatchingPart1Ⅰ 1. a calling 2. her real identity 3. certain parts 4. too old 5. had the faceⅡ 1. mysterious 2. symbol 3. adjustingⅢ 1. As a symbol of female beauty, the geisha fascinates the modern world2. Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life3. I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know4. Once in Kyoto,Umechika had difficulties locating a place to train her5. Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geishaPart2Ⅰ. 1-4. DCEBⅡ. (1).routine (2) pattern (3) go through (4) transform (5) meaninglessPart 3Ⅰ. 1-5. TFFTTⅡ 1. traditional dances 2. playing musical instruments3. conversation4. literatureFollow upⅠ. FTFTFTFReading Comprehension1-7. CCABDAC, (8) sacrifice (9) show off (10) beautiful traditionsHome listeningⅠ. 1-4. DBABⅡ(1) traditional (2)stylized (3)slowly (4)unusual (5)extends into(6)surrounded (7)a circle (8)a master (9)his replacement (10)retiresⅢ1. Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves acting ,singing ,and dancing2. The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized3.The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted4.Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience5. He specializes in women`s roles and appears on stages all over the worldUnit 7 Warming u pⅠA Cowboy’s life1. ABCEDⅡAt the Rodeocowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racingUnit 7 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11) 90 , 2) 10, 3)12 , 4)500 , 5)33 , 6)15 , 7)52 , 8)30 , 9)8 ⅡWatch again.1every year ,unlike2,compete ,most popular3,fourth-generation ,started off4,adventure ,speed5, unique ,dangerousPart 2ⅠWatch Part 21. F2. F3. T 4 T 5 TⅡWatch again.1)outrider 2)outrider 3)tent peg 4)driver5)peg man 6)chuckwagon 7)stovethrower 8)barrel acting as a stove ⅢListen and repeat1.Before the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection2.For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference3.Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others4.The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time5.The outriders are said to have been fiven the most dangerous dutiesPart 3ⅠWatch Part 31-5 CABEDⅡWatch again.1)key 2)champion 3)horse power 4)skill 5)luck6)riding 7)hard work 8)slow down 9)take a breath 10)carrying on Part1 2 3 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire video1-5 CADBDⅡOral workNoUnit 7 ReadingReading Comprehension1. B 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 A8. unload his horses9. “ole-time” cowboy lifestyle10. cheer noisilyUnit 7 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passageCAFDBEⅡListen again1)Spanish 2)popularity 3)contests 4)introduced5)wrapped 6)allowed 7),helpers 8)safetyⅢListen and repeat1,Today’s rodeos are very different from the original cowboy gatherings2,After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities3,These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows that people paid to watch 4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied5,At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeosUnit 8 Warming u pⅠBeach Rescue1-5 CDEABⅡSky Rescue1.propeller2.frame3.aerial4.paraglider5.maneuver6.paramotor Unit 8 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11. search-and-rescue ,saving lives2. 1995 ,doing an advertisementⅡWatch again.E A C B DⅢListen and repeat1.It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.2.Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region.3. A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller.4. The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure.5. That’s the way it was with the first paramotor rescue.Part 2ⅠWatch Part 2A CⅡWatch again.1.founded2.developed3.important4.staff5.806.cheerednd8. fansmunicating 10.expandedPart 3ⅠWatch Part 3TFTTFⅡWatch again.1.calls in2.flies against3.maneuvers4.drops5.flying abovePart4ⅠWatch Part 41.piloting skills2.water-rescue skills3.saving people4.paramedic5.teaching ⅡWatch again.1.interest2.long-term3.push down4.hopefully5.saferPart1 2 3 4 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire videoPart 1 CPart 2 FPart 3 EPart 4 AUnit 8 ReadingReading Comprehension2. B 2 C 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 A8. Brazilian lifeguards9. qualified paramotor pilots10. protected\safer\more relaxedUnit 8 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1-5 BDBCAⅡListen again1-5 TFTFFⅢListen and repeat1. I stayed with my friend Gary and his family at their home.2. Do you want to see how far out we can swim.3. It’s never a good idea to swim beside a dock..4. I became incredibly tired from fighting against it.5. Swim along the coast to get out of the current.。
Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000
Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kennedy and many others
Outside view
2 discuss → generate one of the most important uses good idea → general understanding a short time → many, many days or even weeks in their own way → from a different way long texts → main ideas logical → illogical
the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich,
intellectual, white students Location: the US (north-east)
Origin of name: Roman Ⅳ (meaning four) or ivy plants growing on walls
Listening in
Passage 1, 1 Number of institutions:8 Sporting importance: university sports teams
compete against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of
全新版大学英语视听阅读(第一册)答案Unit 1Warming up:1.importsscentdetectsniffdetector dogs2f e d c b aWatchingpart11 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers2 mixed odorsAn apple,a mangoCarry-ons,bagsSuitcasesLearn to sitWork,comes outPart21F f f t t2SupposedFar aheadChildrenThe publicFood drive3Things don’t always go so smoothly for Stockton though.You’ve got to work with ’m your partner,rememberSo what does it take to be a “detector dog”They’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food.Even after they eat a dinner,they’re still ready to eat some more.Part31 animal sheltersgivengreen jacket,detector dogs adoptedwork outStay with usSuitsApplicantsA good fitNothing kind ofA gameImportantFollow up1BBA2JohnNice to meet youIs he bigKindWhat kind of food does he like My pleasureReading comprehensionDDADCCDInitial trainingNatureA gameHome listening1injureditem of clothingblack bearbiting scared awaydig2100002003 2008 12240 percentThree-meter30 50percent3Of these 122 calls,SAR dogs were able to help almost 40 percent of the time. The dog can simply follow its nose to find the personShe is out for her usual run one Sunday morning in the springRusty was able to locate Roycroft by his scentThe dog seemed as happy about it as poycroftUnit 2Warming up1ReptilesAmphibiousSpeciesCavesHerpetologist2Tissue sampleExpeditionCaptureDinosaursGeneticistWatchingPart11C bA cB a2CrocodilesCavesTeamThreeExpeditionPart2CavesFish or animalsFiveIntoFromFor3.I t’s hard to believe that and the others may be only a few steps behind huge crocodilesThat means that this crocodile is about the size of a carlThe group follow the croc tracks through the dark cavesWith this tissue sample,they may be able to solve many of the mysteries about these crocodilesThis makes the crocodiles the perfect animal for hunting in complete darknessPart31FTFFT2continue 继续探险Move 想洞穴深处前行Walk 趟过及膝深的水Catch 抓住动物Tape 用胶带封住她的嘴Take 测量它的尺寸Collect 收集组织细胞样品Solve 解开一些谜团Follow up1Travels guidesFinds followsCatches takesCapture pole measurements tissue samplesWork on working withHome listening1TTFT2survivorAdaptRecoveringAvailableProduce3Crocodiles are among the oldest species of animals on the face of earth Crocodile are usually good at getting over diseases and injures of many kinds They are able to go for very long period of time without eatingThe crocodiles’s teeth are well-designed to grip and hold thingsIts skin color also help it disappear in its environmentUnit3Warming up1ethicsMoralsFoundationConfucianismPhilosopher2dynastyWarlordsHarmonyPhilosophyWatchingPart11BACED2 Zhou weak decline land power darkPart21FEB2towardsOnWithThroughoutFromIncludingPart31FFFF2confucianism is often associated with present-day societyMany people are n’t aware of the influence of Confucianism on china’s past Confucianism is the center of Chinese civilization and the foundation of modern Chinese societyFollow up1moral ethical order justice peace harmony2Alive work their parents’ wishes the family nameBlearning education study hard move up attain successCbuild livesReading comprehensionA B D C D B BPeace and harmonyAn educationProsperHome listening1See remember understand do to others make mistakes to fall short2I agree completely with the statementIt takes hard work to learn new vocabulary wordsTreat others as you’d like to be treatedIt’s better to work slowly and pay close attention to detailsIt’s important to find a balance between two extremes\3Saying1 8:20 hearing reading usingSaying2 7:00 talking badly kept on thinking aboutSaying3 2:00 work slowly details an extra effortSaying4 2:15 eat enough sick and tiredUnit 4Warming up一、 C D A B E二、 1. Landscape2. stake a claim3. mine4. the outback5. tunnelWatchingPart 1一、 T F F F T二、三、 landscape doesn`t look very welcoming .have always been the basis for the economy of the town.`s the variety and intensity of color that make them sparkle.teams of miners stake claims to specific areas.has been turned into as much of a science as the rock will allow.Part 2(一) B F D C E A(二) a fortunethickness shapestylePart 3(一)C FG(二)Follow up(一) 1 A b2 C c3 B e4 D d5 D aReading comprehensionB DC B A B A color fortune rely onHomework(一) B C A C D(二) variety of(三) people collect gem stones for display in their homes.dirt is then poured onto a small screen frame.main thing to watch for while mining in color.good-sized stone of any type is a valuable find.some mines you can actually find gold as well as gem stones.Unit 5Warming up一、 B A F E D CWatchingPart1一、 D A D B D二、 outPart2一、 sixth grade write a bookareasinches二、 birdfly away chasenow yellneat fly across三、 was asked to write a book for a school project.mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.`ve seen it chase owls`ll sound sort of like a cat hissingoften spends time observing the various birds.Part3一、 F T F T T二、 the internetand paintedat interpretinvite learn more aboutPart4一、 1. B C E G2 A D F二、 many waysso involved with birdsof the world than I diddifferent thanthey appear to beFollow upA FB EC DReading comprehensionD A D A B B A drew and painted personalityeasy interesting and educationalhomework一、 A B C C D二、a rowcollected10. helpful三、 counts typically last for four daysare bird counters as young as seven and as old as ninetyinformation that is collected and sent in is helpful.4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birds that may be endangeredcould never gather this much information by themselves.UNIT6Warming upⅠDBGACEFⅡ apprentice ,discipline ,retired ,strict ,masterWatchigPart1Ⅰ a calling ,her real identity ,certain parts ,too old ,had the faceⅡ mysterious ,symbol ,adjustingⅢ 1,As asymbol of female beauty ,the geisha fascinates the modern world 2,Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life3,I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know 4,Once in Kyoto,Umechika had difficulties locating aplace to train her5Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geishaPart2ⅠDCEBⅡroutine ,pattern ,go through ,transform ,meaninglessPart3ⅠTFFTTⅡ 1, traditional dances2, playing musical instruments3, conversation4, literatureFollow upⅠFTFTFTFReading ComprehensionCCABDAC, sacrifice ,show off ,beautiful traditionsHome ListeningⅠDBABⅡtraditional ,stylized ,slowly ,unusual ,extends into ,surrounded ,a circle ,a master ,his replacement ,retiresⅢ1Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves acting ,singing ,and dancing2The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized 3The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted4Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience 5He specializes in women`s roles and appears on stages all over the worldUNIT7Warming upⅠABCEDⅡcowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racingWatchingPart1Ⅰ90 ,10, 12 ,500 ,33 ,15 ,52 ,30 ,8Ⅱ1every year ,unlike 2,compete ,most popular 3,fourth-generation ,started off 4,adventure ,speed 5, unique ,dangerousPart2ⅠFFTTTⅡoutrider ,outrider ,tent peg ,driver ,peg man ,chuckwagon ,stovethrower ,barrel acting as a stoveⅢ1Before the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection2For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference3Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others4The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time 5The outriders are said to have been fiven the most dangerous dutiesPatt3ⅠCABEDⅡkey ,champion ,horse power ,skill ,luck ,riding ,hard work ,slow down ,take a breath ,carrying onFollow upⅠCADBDReading ComprehensionBDBDDBA unload his horses , “ole-time” cowboy lifestyle ,cheer noisilyHome ListeningⅠCAFDBEⅡSpanish ,popularity ,contests ,introduced ,wrapped ,allowed ,helpers ,safety Ⅲ 1,Today’s rodeos are very different from the original cowboy gatherings 2,After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities 3,These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows that people paid to watch4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied5,At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeosUNIT8Warming upⅠCDEABⅡpropeller ,frame ,aerial ,paraglider ,maneuver ,paramotorWatchingPart1Ⅰsearch-and-rescue ,saving lives ,1995 ,doing an advertisementⅡ 1,It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world2,Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region 3,A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller4,The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure5,That’s the way it was with the first paramotor rescuePart2ⅠACⅡfounded ,developed ,important ,staff ,80 ,cheered ,land ,fans ,communicating ,e xpandedPatt3ⅠTFTTFⅡcalls in ,flies against maneuvers ,drops ,flying abovePart4Ⅰpiloting skills ,water-rescue skills ,saving people ,paramedic ,teachingⅡinterest ,long-term ,push down ,hopefully ,saferFollow upⅠCFEAReading ComprehensionBCDCDBA Brazilian lifeguards ,qualified paramotor pilots ,protected\safer\more relaxedHome ListeningⅠBDBCAⅡTFTFFⅢ 1, I stayed with my friend Gary and his family at their home2, Do you want to see how far out we can swim3,It’s never a good idea to swim beside a dock4, I became incredibly tired from fighting against it5,Swim along the coast to get out of the currentUNIT9Warming upⅠADEBCFⅡ1a planet other than Earth ,outer space2construction3large4make or shapeWatchingPart1ⅠCrop circles,Who or what ,Unusual constructionsPart2Ⅰresearcher ,enormous ,man-made ,mysterious ,appearⅡ 1,1990,95,2Ⅲ 1,I’m going to try and find out what this puzzle’s all about2,It’s so enormous that you can’t even see the other side3,People couldn’t have made such an enormous circle4,A circle of ice is missing from abody of water5,A connection between these mysterious circles almost certainly existsPart3ⅠEBDACⅡin ,to ,of ,in ,aboutFollow upⅠclean and open ,stomper boards ,eveningReading ComprehensionCACBBAC materials ,art ,TimingHome ListeningⅠCBCCBⅡarticle ,important ,widespread ,impression ,responsible forⅢ1,This simply wouldn’t happen if people were using stomper boards2,Crop circles have been documented in more than 29 countries3,This is a serious error in judgment on the part of this newspaper4,They are not the result of visits by extraterrestrial beings5,I discovered a Web site that describes exactly how to make crop circlesUNIT10Warming upⅠmeteorologists ,tornadoes ,phenomena ,forecast ,velocityⅡCFGBADEWatchPart1ⅠA,AB,B,B,ABⅡ6 ,45 ,pressure ,direction ,temperature ,humidityⅢ 1,Tornadoes are some of the least understood phenomena in nature2,Scientists have been trying to understand how and when tornadoes form3,They’re searching for information that will help scientists better forecast tornadoes4,Samaras and his group head straight for the center of the storm5,Samaras keeps six weather probes ,each weighing 45 poundsⅠCarsten Peter ,National Geographic photographer ,Take pictures ,photographic probe ,still camerasⅡchallenges ,a big problem ,speedy ,catch up with ,zigzag around ,difficult ,makes it ,The hardest partPart3Ⅰ1,BC 2,AD,3EⅡFFFTTPart4ⅠTTFFFⅡ1five-ten ,2am-pm,3cars-houses ,4increases-drops ,5outside-insideFollow upⅠDFBGAEHCReading ComprehensionCBDAADC 300miles ,in the path ,scientific probe ,photographic probeHome ListeningⅠplace high-tech weather probes ,collect the ,information ,directly in the path ,wind velocity ,does most of the damage ,upper part ,bottom ,a better chance of survivingⅡJune 11 ,5 ,16 one-thousandths\ ,115 ,200Ⅲ 1,They place high-tech weather probes in the paths of tornadoes 2,This enabled them to illustrate exactly what happens inside of atornado 3,This is part of the storm which actually does most of the damage4,The winds in this area of the storm are the strongest5,Scientists were then able to accurately determine the velocity of the objects。
对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,力根通保据过护生管高产线中工敷资艺设料高技试中术卷资,配料不置试仅技卷可术要以是求解指,决机对吊组电顶在气层进设配行备置继进不电行规保空范护载高与中带资负料荷试下卷高问总中题体资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况中卷下,安与要全过加,度强并工看且作护尽下关可都于能可管地以路缩正高小常中故工资障作料高;试中对卷资于连料继接试电管卷保口破护处坏进理范行高围整中,核资或对料者定试对值卷某,弯些审扁异核度常与固高校定中对盒资图位料纸置试,.卷保编工护写况层复进防杂行腐设自跨备动接与处地装理线置,弯高尤曲中其半资要径料避标试免高卷错等调误,试高要方中求案资技,料术编试交写5、卷底重电保。要气护管设设装线备备置敷4高、调动设中电试作技资气高,术料课中并3中试、件资且包卷管中料拒含试路调试绝线验敷试卷动槽方设技作、案技术,管以术来架及避等系免多统不项启必方动要式方高,案中为;资解对料决整试高套卷中启突语动然文过停电程机气中。课高因件中此中资,管料电壁试力薄卷高、电中接气资口设料不备试严进卷等行保问调护题试装,工置合作调理并试利且技用进术管行,线过要敷关求设运电技行力术高保。中护线资装缆料置敷试做设卷到原技准则术确:指灵在导活分。。线对对盒于于处调差,试动当过保不程护同中装电高置压中高回资中路料资交试料叉卷试时技卷,术调应问试采题技用,术金作是属为指隔调发板试电进人机行员一隔,变开需压处要器理在组;事在同前发一掌生线握内槽图部内 纸故,资障强料时电、,回设需路备要须制进同造行时厂外切家部断出电习具源题高高电中中源资资,料料线试试缆卷卷敷试切设验除完报从毕告而,与采要相用进关场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。
Unit 1 Part One Exercise 2 F G√√ F GH I√E√√ H I√A√ B C√ EB C√D√√ DExercise 31,in a mess 2,my turn 3.a hand in trouble 4.work on 5.expectations of 6,how about 7.too much 8,what we havePart TwoListening IExercise I1.F 2,T 3,T 4.F 5.T 6.TExercise 21.776-22352.65 3,eleven 4.loud 5.quieterListening IIExercise 11,A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.AExercise 21.old and torn2.blue3.by the hand 4,holiday 5.relativeExercise 31.A woman and a little boy. The woman was a passer-by(/passing bywhen she saw the boy) and the boy was outside a store barefoot andhe needed somethingknew hein worn-out(/old and torn) clothes 2.She knewvery much 3.She bought him new shoes and warm clothes 4.Now you can go home and have a very happy holiday 5.Are you God?Listening IIIExercise 11.T2.T3.F4.F5.TExercise 21.181st2.in a hurry3.very tired4.took hold of5.for her help/trouble6.never againExercise 3The old woman The younger womanneighbors didn’t know each otheralone with her familyloneliness The cost of food andthe problems ofraising childrenPart ThreePractice OneExercise 11.F 2,F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.TExercise 21.Five years2.I would do anything for him3.I refuse to do it4.Hedid something bad to herPractice TwoExercise 11.T2.F3.T4.F5.FExercise 21.D2.D3.A4.C5.BPractice ThreeExercise 11.C2.D3.D4.B5.BExercise 2Rocky’s ideal woman Ed’s ideal womanfulfills my every need stay home cook clean and watch the kids open-minded something interesting to sayPractice FourExercise 11.A2.B3.D4.C5.DExercise 2Conflict Husband’s opinion Wife’s opiniondone his part of thehousework him to doitwhen he should clean being told responsibilityPart FourSection IPart AA B C√ D E√ FF√√ GG√√ H I J KH I J K√√ LL√√Part B1.personality background2.terrible3.same4.looksSection IIPart A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.TPart B1.gone by2.no sign3.taken over4.enough 5,limitssection IIIPart A1,T 2.T 3,F 4.T 5.F 6.TPart B1.seventies 2,unnatural 3.grandparents 4,husband 5,surroundedUnit 2 Part One Exercise 2 A√ B C DB C D√√ E F GE F G√√ H IH I√√Exerise 31.turn in 2,worry about growing up 3.it’s gone 4.on the right side last night 5.take off lately 6.fixing for 7.make a mistakrturn onPart TwoListening IExercise 11.T2.F3.T4.F5.TExercise 2 1.Newton 2.the new address 3.threw it away 4.The professor professor’’s daughterListening IIExercise I1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F6.TExercise 21.far2.away3.lucky4.forgot5.parked6.over7.route8.miss9.smile10.drove ughter 12.uaualPart ThreeExercise 11.F2.T3.T4.F5.T Exercise 21.1. Nathan doesn doesn’’t know when his parents got married2.The fathercouldn couldn’’t remember the date either 3.The father thought his wife must know the datePractice TwoExercise 11.C2.B3.D4.A5.AExercise 21.C .A 3.BPractice ThreeExercise 11.F2.T3.T4.F5.FExercise 2A √B B√√CD C D√√EF E F√√G G√√HI H I√√ JPractice FourExercise 1A B A B√√ C D C D√√ E F E F√√Exercise 2Rose garden 1971 March shining Suntan oil The Greek islands Lavender grandmother Exercise 3 1.Because only a small area of the brain is used in smell 2.A woman 3.At the age of three or four 4.By smell 5.Soap and perfume Part Four Section I 1. two o ’clock 2,bad 3.sure 4.possibly 5.took out 6.medical history 7.second 8.second wife Section II Part A 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T Part B 1. for a vocation 2.Three red bathing suit the piano 3.on top of the piano Section III Part A 1.B 2.C 3.A Part B A √BC B C√√D D√√EF E F√√Unit 3 Part One Exercise 2 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.T Exercise 3 ck communication skills 2.take the initiative 3.firs thing 4.tend to 5.becoming boring 6.nonverbal language 7,facial expression 8.annoying elsewhere 9.involves 10.change for the better Part Two Listening I Exercise 1 1. French 2.the United States 3.mushrooms 4.unbrella 5.German 6.Spain k 8.bullfight ticket Exercise 2 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F Listening II Exercise 1 1. lecturer teller 2.give a lecture 3.never even smiled 4.exhausted Exercise 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B Listening III 1.hear 2.want 3.easy 4,how you feel 5.make it real 6.heart 7.real 8.took 9.new 10.saying 11.tried 12.understand 13.close your eyes 14.touch 15.let me go 16.show Part Three Practice One Exercise 1 1.A swimsuit 2.For almost an hour 3.She wouldn wouldn’’t open the the dressing dressing room door 4.To be allowed in the room 5.She had nothing on Exercise 2 1.tried on 2.of much help 3.door 4.husband or daughter 5.various suits 6.be allowed 7.gave in 8.birthday suit 9.At least 10.fits Practice Two Exercise 1 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T Exercise 2 1.husband 2.the most awful thing 3.full of love pletely destroyed Exercise 3 1.The woman looked much older than her husband 2.I would feel hurt at thing,. I I know the very beginning. But I would soon recover, because for one thing,. recover, because for another, another, I I am glad that I didn’’t mean to hurt me, me, for the Nigerian lady didnand yet loves me so can have a husband who looks younger than me me , , , and much . . . I I feel proud of myself because that means I am attractive , even much though I look a bit than my husband. Practice Three Exercise 1 1.mark their space 2.beach spread your towels 3.train coat small bag 4,library 5.flat one corner chair 6.across from briefcase 7.stiffened head 8.invaded his space Exercise 2 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F Practice Four Exercise 1 1.Intimate personal social public 2.Culture Exercise 2 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D Part Four Section I 1,C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.C Section II 4.To a a dance 1.His left eye 2.A special kind of wood 3.His wooden eye 4.To 5.A less attractive one/lady 6.She had a particularly big nose 7.Would you like to dance 8.Excited 9.Would I Would I 10.Angry and hurt 11.Wood eye 12.Big nose Big nose Section III 1.basic 2.obvious 3,.crossed 4.signaling 5.indicates 6.reacting 7.cleaning 8.absorbing Unit 4 Part One Exercise 2 1.T 2,F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7T 8.F 9.F 10.T Exercise 3 1.What can I do 2.like sports 3.under construction 4,thank you 5.schoolwork 6.more about him 7.pretty smart 8.quit school 9.pay the tuition fee 10.in a rush 11.student loans 12.student center Part Two Listening I Exercise 1 1.A 2.C 3. C 4.A 5.C Exercise 2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T Listening II Exercise 1 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T Exercise 2 1.this semester 2.need to know different plicated 5.do our homework 6.at home 7,questions answers 8.practice Part Three Practice One Exercise 1 2,3,1,4,5,6 Exercise 2 1.history 2.major 3.not 4,1993 puter 6.1998 puter 8,out 9.shelf 10.reserve Practice Two Exercise 1 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A Exercise 2 Task Method competed sang laughed children turn next acting them out Demonstrated clapping our hands posters cards stories lay shut music Exercise 3 1They were rewarded with chocolates 2.He thinks that it is effective and it makes learning become a pleasure 3.The method helps learners to remember words without making an effort Practice Three Exercise 1 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B Exercise 2 1.higher education 2.1998 3.physics 4.study take 5.fit in 6.their own culture Practice Four Exercise 1 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D Exercise 2 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F Part Four Section I 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C Section II 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5,C 6.A 7.B 8.A Section III 1.activity 2.relatively 3.whether 4.which 5.first 6.horse 7.develop 8.number 9.discouraged 10.expects Unit 5 Part One Exercise 2 A √BC B C√√D D√√EF E F√√GH G H√√I JExercise 31.for generations well-known2.came across3.a pair of4.black small5.happen to6.in the audience call on7.bacame aware8.further study types ofPart Two Listening IExercise 14,2,3,1,Exercise 21.1. cold2.red3.thick4.warm5.smalle7.finished/did8.middle9.covered 10.rabbitsListening IIExercise 11.T2.T3.F4.T5.T6.F7.F8.TExercise 21.1. know more2.big strong3.intelligent4.see5.tied up6.hitPart ThreePractice OneExercise 11.F2.T3.T4.F5.T6.FExercise 21.Monkey,ox.elephant2.Because they are frightened3.He takes hold of the lion, knocks it against the tree and stamps his feet on it4.In order to show he is the most powerful5.The lion still does not understand why the elephant does thatPractice TwoExercise 1A √B B√√CDE C D E√√FG F G√√HI H I√√ JExercise 21.1. In the early hours yesterday2.Sleeping3.In the games room4.Alit cigarette end 5.Beacuse smoking was/is forbidden in the games roomPractice ThreeExercise 11.F2.F3.T4.F5.T6.TExercise 21. new skills their efforts2.boat follow them 3,dollars cents loving 1.home drinkPractice FourExercise 11.B2.A3.D 4,C 5.BExercise 21. lucky living species2.international reached3.less demand used to 1.anizations againstmon foundPart FourSection IPart A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.TPart B1. down2.struggling3.jumped through4.came by5.puzzled1.Section IIPart A1.D2.C3.A4.A5.BPart B1.F2.T3.T4.T5.FSection IIIPart A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.TPart B1.good2.get3.once4.hate5.mouse6.not7.unless8.number9.house 10.produce10.produceUnit 6 Part One Exercise 2 1.D 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B Exercise 3 1.dressed in 2.costume 3.rudely 4.whenever wherever 5.much more advanced 6.creatures 7.what exactly 8,.survive 9.show you around ed up Part Two Listening I Exercise 1 1.B 2,C 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.A Exercise 2 1.midnight 2.barking 3.sliver 4.glowed 5.faces 6.windows 7. identify 8.curtains Listening II Exercise 1 A√ B CH I√√ JK√√ LG√√ H IJ√√ KB C√√ DD√√ E FE F√√ GExercise 21.B2.A3.C4.A5.DPart ThreePractice OneExercise 11.T2.F3.T4.T5.F6.T7.F8.FExercise 21.fast north middle2.giant head body3.thirty meters4.camera gone5.five minutes nearerPractice TwoExercise 11.C2.D3.A4.B5.CExercise 21. alive2.illness3.order4.ten-pound5.unfinished6.freshly7.plenty 1.8.normal 9.empty 10.strangest 11.attacked 12.strugglePractice ThreeExercise 11.T2.F3.T4.T5.F6.TExercise 21. About 1,400 miles2.More than 1,0003.Over 100 tons4.On Easter 1.Sunday in 1722 5.How they were transported and why they were built Practice FourExercise 11.B2.B3.C4.B5.B6.AExercise 21.1980s2.Canada3.rings squares4.origin5.acccount forPart FourSection IPart A1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.F7.T8.TPart B1. disappeared2.size location3.unusual4.gravity fuel5.blew up1.Section IIPart A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.TPart B1.disasterspiled3.impressive4.reveals5.religion6.structures1.disasterspiled3.impressive4.reveals5.religion6.structuresUnit 7 Part One Exercise 2 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F Exercise 3 1.taller standing 2.final result process 3.take a new path 4,plan ahead play it safe 5.be sure of 6.aim possible 7.exciting lost the game face 8.game fun Part Two Listening I Exercise 1 4,2,1,3 Exercise 2 1.enough food 2,sing dance 3.strong wings food 4.wings wet 5.dead Listening II Exercise 1 Find out made no effort passed continued the same thing complained about time trouble pushed pulled move the stone full of money money removes the stone Exercise 2 1.foolish 2.kind-hearted hard-working 3.hurt themselves 4.under the stone 5.The rich man Listening III Exercise 1 1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A Exercise 2 1.F 2,T 3,T 4,.F 5.T 6.T Part Three Practice One Exercise 1 1,raining 2.frightened harmed 3.by car 4,stopped smiled at 5.God taking pictures Exercise 2 1.forming school 2.progressed along with 3.cut through the sky 4.concerned route Practice Two Ecercise 1 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T Exercise 2 F E D A I C H B J G Practice Three Exercise 1 1.finished 2.the best part 3.excitement 4.over 5.very healthy 6.work 7.interests 8.frightening Exercise 2 1.forty-three/43 2.the traditional life 3.ten/10 4.rapidly 5.moved out 6.opportunity for adventure Practice Four Exercise 1 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T Exercise 2 1.dirt bury out of 2.frightened a strange idea 3.painful situation shaking off stepping up 4.freedom Part Four Section I Part A 1.T 2,F 3,F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F Part B 1,two/2 2.excellent care 3.cancer 4.beautiful mountains 5.$20,000 Section II Part A In 1970 Today Men 9% 25% Women 6% 16% Part B 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F Section III Part A 1.B 2.A 3.D Part B 1.faced with careers community 2.look ahead work out 3.our actions the opportunity Unit 8 Part One Exercise 2 Episode 1 A B√ CD E F√√ G HC√√ D E FEpisode 21.A C2.A B3.A4.B5.CExercise 31.share a dish last long2.thoughtful cost a lot3.big world on the cover sentimental4.heard about tried it5. talk with6.feel funny7.disappear otherwise8.talk alone see each other9. have a date worth trying 10.saw your facePart TwoListening IExercise 11.A2.D3.C4.C5.DExercise 21.at first sight2.2 a.m3.every weekend4.two years5.the mailman Listening II1.real2.real3.wanting4.touch 5,touch 6.asking 7.you 8.me 9.knowing 10.free 11.free 12.needingListening IIIExercise 11.T2.F3.F4.T5.F Exercise 2 1.1. letter postscript 2.climb mountain swim river enter forest fightanimals bare hands 3.postscript 4.Wednesday night rain 5.insinceere Part Three Practice One Exercise 11.B2.C3.B4.B5.B Exercise 2 1.1. you are there 2.place 3.time 4.no place 5.space6.whole7.life8.gone9.return 10.start living again Practice Two Exercise 11.F2.F3.T4.F5.T Exercise 21.1. flowers2.her house3.let him in4.letters poems5.tore them up6.played music7.call the police8.a ring9.marry him 10.Don ’t be sillyPractice Three Exercise 11.B2.D3.A4.C5.F6.EExercise 2 1.Flowers, candy and jewels 2.She loved him and married him./He won her love 3.Because she was too sick then. 4.A man and a woman are not allowed to share a hospital room. 5.Linda donated a kidney to her husband out of love. Practice Four Exercise 1A √BCD B C D√√E E√√F F√√ Exercise 21.blonde2.pretty3.intelligence4.film or pop star5.was born6.married Prince Charles7.divorced8.died in a car accidentPart Four Section I Part A1.C2.A3.C4.A5.D Part B 1.1. attractive highly showered hugs kisses 2.hurried hugged hear day3.ankle broke come home drunk Section II1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T6.F7.T8.F Section III Part AA B A B√√ C C√√ D D√√ E Part B1.strengths weaknesses 2,.openly honestly 3.give receive 4.knowledge goals 5.realistic rational imagined Unit 9 Part One Exercise 2 1.c,d,I 2.C,f ,j 3.B,g 4.A,a.h 5.k 6.b 7.D,e Exercise 3 1.moomlight 2.unforgettable invited 3.falls 4.exhibited everywhere sugar family reunion 5.loved ones respect 6.drowned take his advice throw feed 7.similar long life 8.secret love separated bridge Part Two Listening I 1.fun 2.way 3.snow 4.fields ughing 6.ring 7.bright 8.sing 9.tonight 10.white 11.young 12.speed 13.open 14.lead Listening II Exercise 1 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C Exercise 2 1.4th 2.November 3.reunion 4.1621 5.English 6.winter 7.1863 8.Lincoln Listening III Exercise 1 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C Exercise 2 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T Part Three Practice One Exercise 1 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D Exercise 2 1,T 2,T 3,T 4T 5.F Practice Two 1 2 3√ 4 4 √ 5 5 √ 6 7 8 6 7 8 √ Exercise 21.24 th December/Dec.24 th2.the giving of presents3.stockings4.small toy joke 5.afternoon 6.26 th December/Dec.26 th Practice Three Exercise 1 1 2 3√ 4 4√√ 5 5√√ 6 7 6 7√√ 8 9 10 8 9 10√√ Exercise 21.T2.F3.T4.T5.F6.T7.F8.F9.F 10.T Practice Four Exercise 1Speaker Positive Negative 1 √2 √3 √4 √5 √Exercise 2 1.D 2.E 3.G 4.B 5.A Part Four Section I 1.take off 2.five hours 3.three 4.tired 5.ugly 6.noisy 7.bus 8.pick us up 9.breakfast 10.beach Section II Part A 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D Part B 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F Section III Part A √√√√√√Part B 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F Unit 10 Part One Exercise 2 A√ B C DE√√ F G HB C D√√ EExercise 31.hi-tech based intensively managed2.experience stand3.signals locations4.allows needs5.equipment stored6.raise control natural7.better educated farmers8.levels scientists farm workersPart TwoListening IExercise 11.B .2.B3.D4.A5.C6.DExercise 21. ever grown2.803.staple food4.almost all5.spread miracles1.Listening IIExercise 11.T2.F3.F4.F5.TExercise 230 2.trips to exciting places 3.20 4.438 5.1,601 6,giant vegetablesPart ThreePractice OneExercise 11.T2.F3.T4.F5.FExercise 21.A2.C3.C4.BPractice TwoExercise 1√√√√√√Exercise 2 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5,F 6,T 7.T 8.F Practice Three Exercise 1 1.B 2.D 3,C 4.B 5.A Exercise 2 1.reduced 2.techniques 3.Genetic engineers 4.popular 4.as much as Practice Four Exercise 1 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F Exercise 2 1.killed off 2.replaced 3.national parks 4.taste 5.lower 6.higher 7.than 8.instead of Part Four Section I 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B Section II Part A 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T Part B 1.unnatural 2.the ground 3.once 4.curious 5.healthier Section III Part A 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B Part B 1.made a good living 2.In addition to 3.bad weather 4.team 5.experience 。
视听说第一册课后答案1-9Unit 1 Meeting New PeopleLesson A College LifeKey to Exercise A:•Questions-•What do you usually do after class?•What other activities do you take part in?•Will there be a movie on this weekend?•What about sports and extracurricular activities?•Is there anything else?Answers•I usually go to the reading room or the library.•There are always lectures and reports.•Every Friday evening we can watch films or video in our d epartment.•Yes, of course. Jane Eyre will be shown.• There are ball games and matches nearly every week. You can also join different kinds of clubs organized by the Student’s Union.•Oh, yes. There’s always a dancing party on Saturday evening s.Lesson BUniversity of OxfordKey to Exercise A:1.b2.a3.c4.d5.dKey to Exercise B•1. F 2. T 3. F•4. F 5.T 6. TKey to Exercise C•1. undergraduates•••••••••Unit 2 SportsLesson A The Olympic Spirit●Key to Exercise B ●1. It is mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play.●2. At the present, there has not been a wording for professionalathletes in China.3. No. Two of them have rather negative opinions on the present athletic sport.4. Sports management is beneficial to the promotion of the athletic sports level.5. The Sydney Olympics is a watershed. Since its beginning, anti-doping has risen from traditional battle to the battle of biologic engineering.Lesson BThe history of the Olympics ●Answers to Mind-mapping activities B.●Group A ●1 Cities.●2 The French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin. ●3 On July 15, 2001.●4 Unity between Africa, the Americas, Asia , Australia , and Europe.●5 Zeus.●Group B●1 Olympia,Greece.●2 International Olympic Committee.●3 “Faster, Higher ,Stronger”.●4 Green Olympic, High-tech Olympics and People’s Olympics.●5 Tokyo, Japan in 1964.II. While-listening Activities●A.●1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5. TB. summary●The purpose of the first modern Olympics, which were held in Athens in 1896 was to help athletes and through competition and provide a way for athletes of all nations to ●During the sports competitions in Baron de Coubertin designed the Olympic rings in 1913, whichof the world-Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the two American continents, represented by one ring. Stronger".●Olympia, Greece to every new Olympics. In this way, the Olympic flame links the old and new gamesLesson C The Flame●●●●●(chorus)●●●And we're together again●My friends, will you show us the way●●●●●And looks to you and me●(chorus)●●●●Key to Ba. We travel on, guided by the flame●b. The fire within makes you reach out to the goal●c. Since ancient times we've come together in the light of the flame●d. look to your heart you will find the flameUnit 3EducationLesson A Pre-school education in the U.S.AKey to ExercisesB.•forty; five; three or four; two-thirds• eighty-thousand; ten percent.C.1. Young children in pre-school programs learn colors and numbers. They identify common objects and letters of the alphabet to prepare for reading. They sing and play games that use numbers and maps. They learn to cooperate with teachers and other children. Many pre-school programs include activities to help young children learn about the world around them. For example, children visit places like zoos, museums and fire and police stations.2. He may not be ready for kindergarten since many American kindergartens now require skills taught in early education programs.Lesson B Developing Children’s CreativityKey to exercises in part II.•4-3-2-1B.1. C2. b3. a4. aLesson C. Hillary’s view on EducationKey to ExercisesA.The first speaker:The policy will possibly libel(slander or hurt) 25% of the teachers in America as ineffective. It has not done what it needs to do to help children.The second speaker:The policy has unfortunately not been either founded or implemented effectively or appropriately. It does a disservice(damage or obstacle) to the educational process. It penalizes schools and teachers.B.1. T2. F3. T4. T5.FUnit 4 Man and NatureLesson AThe Effect of Global Warming⏹Effects :⏹Increasing global temperature will cause s ea level to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events and to change the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.Key to exercises in Part II⏹A.⏹ Africa and Asia; Latin America; Industrial countries; small island nations.⏹B.⏹F F F T F T⏹C. Global warming⏹⏹⏹ ⏹ ⏹ ⏹ Lesson BGlobal warming and the melting soil⏹Key to Exercises:⏹A.⏹F T T F T⏹B.⏹1. top authorities; 300 scientists; eight nations; impact⏹2. sea levels; feet high; 100 years.Top 10 things we can do to reduce global warming⏹1. reduce, reuse, and recycle.⏹2. use less heat and air conditioning.⏹3. change a light bulb.⏹4. drive less and drive smart.⏹5. buy energy-efficient products.⏹6. use less hot water.⏹7. use the off switch.⏹8. plant a tree.⏹9. get a report card from your utility company.⏹10. encourage others to conserve.⏹D. A gigantic tornadoUnit 5News ILesson A : The lead of News⏹Key to Exercise B: ⏹1. rescued a newborn baby⏹2.might help counter the effects of global warming.⏹3. a responsible withdrawal of U.S.forces⏹4. will be remembered; Bolt’s sprints⏹5. the Oscar ceremony; the 80 years academy awards⏹6. a financial rescue package; the global financ ial crisis.⏹7. Al-Qaeda remains the single greatest threat to the U.S.⏹8. five million; have been taking part in the biggest earthquake drill⏹9. The two main opposition parties in Pakistan; have a clear majority. Lesson BFinancial News⏹Key to Exercise B:⏹Lead: President Barrack Obama is facing an early decision on trade policy⏹Further details: travel to Canada; are warning of disastrous consequences; embraces protectionism. ⏹Background information:⏹1. the U.S. Hou se of Representatives passed an economic recovery plan; works hand-in-hand; Congress⏹2. the House and Senate; American-made steed; public-works projects.Lesson CA report on Bird Flu⏹Key to Exercise:⏹A.⏹1. a 19-year-old man⏹2. The cause of his sickness has now been confirmed as the deadlyH5N1strain of bird flu. ⏹3. Cambodia⏹4. He is known to have eaten poultry.⏹5.He has been kept isolated and is in a stable condition.⏹B.⏹1 F 2 T 3 F4 F 5 T⏹C.⏹1. confirmed; fortunate; spreading; Cambodia; here; around the world⏹2. resurfaced ; a dozen;⏹3. fear; mutating; transmitted.Unit 6 societyLesson AGetting Rich Quickly?⏹Key to Exercise B:⏹Speaker A : You are gullible. You shouldn’t believe everything you read, especially on the Internet. ⏹Speaker B: All I have to do is first send some money to the person who sent me the letter, After that he will tell me how to earn much more money.⏹C.⏹The person at the top: asks the people below him for money, and thentells them to go and ask other people for money while sending some of it backto him. ⏹The people at the bottom: give their money to the people above them, and they get nothing. They end up losing.Lesson BViolent Crime Increase in U.SKey to Exercise C:⏹1. But the largest increase was in the West. Violent crime in that partof the country rose almost five percent.⏹2. Northeastern states had the smallest i ncrease. It was three percent over the same period last year. ⏹3. The report shows that violent crime rose nationwide, especially in cities with populations between half a million and a million.Lesson CA School Shooting in Finland⏹Key to Exe rcise B: 6-3-2-5-1-4⏹Key to Exercise C:⏹1. the police line; midday; dinner ladies⏹2. the school’s public address system; should remain in their classrooms; five boys and two girls ⏹3. assumes; to be confirmed by⏹4. arrived in the school yard; contact with; gave command to ; responded; was hurt.Unit 7 Culture and History(I)Lesson A What is culture?Key to Exercises in Lesson A ⏹A.⏹Definition A: People’s knowledge about art, music, and literature.⏹Definition B: All the ways in which a group of people act, dress, think, and feel.⏹B.⏹1. long sloping forehead⏹2. scars into or tattoos on body⏹3. Use rouge, lipstick, eye shadow, perfume, and hair spray to increase attractiveness.⏹C:⏹1.Why do many people cut scars into their bodies or tattoo themselves?⏹ d⏹2. Which of the following would expose the dead body on platforms for birds to eat?⏹ a⏹3. Which of the following is not true?⏹ d⏹4. Why does the speaker mention the Flathead Indians?⏹ cLesson B Culture shockKey to Exercises ⏹A:⏹1. Much of what he has learned about interpreting the actions of people around him is suddenly irrelevant.⏹2. Serious impact of the individual’s feelings of self-worth.⏹3. Fatigue, irritability and impatience.Unit 8 Culture and history (II)Lesson ASuch a historic City!Key to Exercise C ⏹Nelson’s Column:⏹It was built⏹Westminster Abbey:⏹Tower of London: It is a famous Madame Tussauds: There you can see Sometimes, it’s hard toLesson BPubs in Britain ⏹Key to C:⏹1. all ages and social classes mix to talk, do business, just spend a couple of quiet hours.⏹2. pay for your round; t hat you buy a drink for everyone in your group.Lesson C Columbus Discover America?Key to AF T F F T FKEY TO B1. He was born in Italy.2. Sept 9, 14923. Oct 12, 1492; They arrived on a small island in the Bahamas.5. He died a disappointed man.Key to Exercise C ⏹1. He set out to solve a major problem. Europeans wanted spices from India and China, but it was costly to import them overland or sail them all the way around Africa. Columbus decided to find a new sea-route from Europe to Asia. ⏹2. A month and 3 days.⏹3. Columbus believed he was near the coast of Asia and the islands of the East Indies. So he called the people who greeted him Indians.⏹4. While Columbus’s voyage opened up a whole new world for Europeans to explore, it ultimately spelled a disaster for the Native Americans. Columbus made 1492 one of the pivotal years in world history. And for both good and bad, the New World and the old were changed forever.Unit 9 Holidays and FestivalsLesson A Thanksgiving DayKey to Exercise A⏹The passage talks mainly about the origin of Thanksgiving Day and the significance of celebrating this festival.Key to Exercise B⏹1. Thanksgiving originated in 1620.⏹2. They sailed to America on the Mayflower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship.⏹3. Pilgrims waited for the harvests all summer long with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended onthe coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yieldrich beyond expectations. Therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Key to Exercise C⏹C.⏹ thanks; friends; holiday; success; prospect; appreciative; r elationship; interaction; gratitude; equally; value; Additionally; pursuit; granted.Lesson B Spring FestivalKey to A1. D2. B 3 . D. 4. DKey to Exercise B⏹1. People born in the year of Snake:⏹It’s a good year for unmarried sna kes to get married.⏹2.People born in the year of Pig:⏹Pigs will enjoy good luck in their careers, probably getting that hard-earned promotion.⏹3.People born in the year of Rabbit:⏹Unmarried rabbit people will likely hook up with someone from their past, though the relationship might not last very long.⏹4. People born in the year of Ox and Goat:⏹Ox and Goat people will be the target of vicious gossip, and will be prone to digestive problems.⏹5. People born in the years of DragonDragons born in the spring and summer will experience changes for theworse in their careers and in love.6. To ward off gossip, people should :Place a sheet of pink paper in the centre of their home or office.7.Through Fengshui, people can increase their luch with money, people can:⏹Place a glass of water to the north.8. To improve health, people can:Place a music box or a plate of wet sand in the northeast or southwest.9.The start of the Lunar New Year is traditionally a time for Hong Kongers to:Get their fortunes told, though sometimes it’s better not to know.Key to C1. F2. T.3. T.4. F.5. FKey to D1. a2. b.3. c.4. c.Lesson C ChristmasKey to A•1 a 2e 3 d 4 b 5cKey to B•1. At the Amari Atrium Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. •2. A 6-meter-high Christmas tree, made entirely of chocolates. •3. 50 kilograms•4. 6•5. 90%。
全新版大学英语视听说教程1 答案
全新版大学英语视听说教程1 答案U1ListeningA:1、Answers will vary. (e.g. He is picking an asparagus plant; he is a farmer.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. Some people have too much rain; other people do not have enough water.3、Answers will vary.C:1、crucial2、resources3、huge4、on average5、conserve6、requires7、cut8、leak9、wastes10、statisticsD:1、C2、BC3、BE:1、70 22、7.5 billion3、9 billion4、1,7995、3,000 13F:1、water brush your teeth2、shorter showers3、meat4、leaky faucetsExtended ListeningExercise A:1、C2、B3、D4、CExercise B:S2: 6、20、25、80S3:put off、dripping、leaky、leave、brushing your teeth、shorter showers、laundryExercise C:1、C2、B3、B4、A5、AExercise D:wastefula、leave the lights onb、drink half of itc、go badExercise E:3 2 1 4Exercise F:1、D2、B3、AExercise G:1、362、140,0003、15.4 3 17Exercise H:1、B2、A3、B4、CExercise I:1、agreement world greenhouse emissions2、February 20053、air conditioning jackets and ties4、carbon emissionsSpeakingExercise D:serv nough tis leak cent la get wastTEDTalksC. Vocabulary:1—5:CBBAB6—10:CAACBD. Watch for Main Ideas:4E. Watch for Details:Segment 11、B2、A3、C4、ASegment 2I:You should follow two steps to use a paper towel correctly.A:ShakeB:FoldF. Expand Your Vocabulary:1、B2、A3、A4、BSelf-test1—5:BADAB6—10:DACCB1—5:CADCA6—10:BDDCCU2ListeningA. Communicate:1、Answers will vary. (e.g. Africa, east Africa, Tanzania and Kenya2、Answers will vary. (e.g. A cheetah is chasing a wildebeest in the Serengeti National Park.3、Answers will vary. (e.g. a trip to see animals in their natural habitatB. Think Critically1、photo safari.2、Awesome3、His reasons for going on a safariC. Vocabulary1、cycle2、essential3、a couple of4、motivation5、chases6、illegally7、landscape8、endangered9、extinct10、conservationD. Listen for Main Ideas1、BD2、4-3-1-2E. Listen for Details1、F2、T3、F4、T5、F6、F7、T8、FExercise F1、B2、C3、A4、C5、BExtended Listening Exercise A1、B2、C3、DExercise B1、F2、T3、F4、T5、TExercise C1、C2、D3、AExercise D1、low carbon footprint2、environment3、incredible diversity Exercise E1、C2、B3、DExercise F1、June 152、NANPA3、20064、outdoors camera interest hills cliffs Park Exercise G1、A2、D3、BExercise H1、a school2、an organization3、a person4、a workshop5、a lakeSpeakingExercise A1、A professional guide.2、They had seven seats.3、In tents, in a camp.4、Female lions5、In the middle of the road6、Lying, sleeping.7、About 10 feet away8、For about 15 minutes.TEDTalksD. Vocabulary1–5:ABACB6—10:ACBBCWatchE. Watch for Main IdeasF. Watch for DetailsH. Watch for Details1 、 giant super grapefruit spectacular2、 tactile warm charged turquoise straightI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B after a while2、A I’m just kidding3、A small-scale versionSelf-test1–5: ADCAB6—10:DBCCC1—5: CADDB6–10:DACCAU3ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. The photo shows a lot of traffic in a city. It was taken in Xiamen, China.2、Answers will vary. (e.g. traffic, long commutes, difficulty parking, accidents3、Answers will varyB. CommunicateAnswers will vary. (e.g. The speaker says that cars are not very eco-friendly. Alternative methods of transportation are different ways to travel that are better for the environment. An example is riding a bike.C. Vocabulary1、g2、d3、c4、a5、j6、e7、b8、f9、I10、hD. Listen for Main Ideas1、To begin cable car (Mi Teleférico)2、I’m going to present e-bikes (electric bicycles)3、My topic today is electric microcarsE. Listen for DetailsProblems w / travel to / from El Alto & La Paz:dangerousnoisetrafficpollutionBenefits of Mi Teleférico system:convenientfastcheapeco-friendlyF. Listen for Details1、1,5002、20-303、a penny 1,0004、185、15Exercise G1、T2、F3、T4、T5、FExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、D3、C4、AExercise B1、F2、F3、TExercise C1、In 20102、Two3、They could communicate with each other and pass each other safely4、General Motors and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.5、Two years.Exercise D1、A2、D3、A4、AExercise EAdvantages of regenerative brakes:1、converted stored used2、wear and tearAdvantages of smart sensors:1、safer2、delays3、passengersAdvantages of magnetic levitation:1、silently2、pollutantsExercise F1、C2、B3、DExercise G1、electric vehicle owners place chargea、full battery coverb、Electrify batteriesExercise H1、C2、B3、BExercise I1、2002、Their energy consumption and CO₂ emissions by 50%.3、Electricity4、It can emit between 20 to 35% less carbon per passenger mile TEDTalksD. Vocabulary1、g2、c3、e4、f5、a6、d7、j8、h9、I10、bE. Watch for Main Ideas1、c2、b3、d4、e5、aF. Watch for Details1、less2、carry3、154、1,000 dollarG. Watch for Details20 mph uphillbattery6 miles of rangebought at a toy storefrom remote control airplanesH. Watch for Details1、F2、N4、T5、NI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A wall outlet2、B novel concepts3、A handheld4、B compelling factsSelf-test1–5: CBABD6–10: ABBCD1—5:DCBAD6—10: CABDCU4ListeningA. Communicate1—4:Answers will varyB. CollaborateAnswers will vary. (e.g. rock, blues, folk, soundtracks, dance, electronic, soul, R&B, house, reggae, bluegrass, country, funk, heavy metal, jazz, oldies, opera, popC. Vocabulary1–5:ABCBA6—10:ACACAD. Listen for Main Ideas1、classical2、rock3、roots music4、jazzE. Listen for Details1、study2、listen do3、streetF. Listen for Details1、c2、d3、a4、bExercise G1、d2、b3、cExtended ListeningExercise A1、A2、B3、C4、DExercise BChildhood:1955 7 the U.SEducation:Harvard 1976Accomplishments:1962 internationally 75 albums Sesame Street Exercise C1、C2、A3、D4、AExercise D1、F2、T3、F4、T5、FExercise E1、A2、B3、CExercise FResearch question:volumeSubjects:Swedish café grocery storeMethods:1、55 decibels 702、non-healthy3、salesFindings:1、20 percent more higher volume2、junk food vegetables and fruits Conclusion:changingExercise G1、C2、A3、CExercise H1、20072、14 and 213、ideas and thoughts culture and perspective4、relationships futureSpeakingExercise C1、A2、A3、B4、A5、B6、BTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、g2、j3、a4、h5、d6、I7、c8、b9、f10、eD. Watch for Main IdeasE. Watch for DetailsSegment 11、Answers will vary. (e.g. played Handel flying: Brazil)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. played Handel while driving: Amsterdam)3、Answers will vary. (e.g. amazed by Handel keyboard music because of its sound)4、Answers will vary. (e.g. found it on Internet)5、Answers will vary. (e.g. Handel piece sad, then energetic)Segment 21、Answers will vary. (e.g. children 7–8: open, willing, comfortable listening to music; listen without prejudice)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. children 11–12: complexity an issue; others’ opinions count; prejudiced)F. Watch for ReasonsAnswers will vary. (e.g. She fell in love with the music, and shewanted to share it with everyone.)G. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A day-to-day2、B being in awe of3、B are open to4、A state of wonderSelf-test1–5: ACDCB6—10: CABDD1–5: ADBAA6–10: CDBABU5ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. They are thankful that they can go to school.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. You thank someone for giving you directions in a new place.)3、Answers will vary.C. Vocabulary1、g2、a3、I4、j5、c6、f7、e8、b9、d10、hD. Listen for Main IdeasBExercise EgratitudeF. Listen for DetailsdebcG. Listen for Details1、b2、c3、aH. Listen for Details1、write down2、thank you3、notice4、actionsExtended ListeningExercise A1、A2、B3、C4、DExercise BCharacters:·art·newPlot:·the best competition·show you·get into a fight·listen patientlyTheme:·thankful open`a way to be happyExercise C1、C2、D3、B4、CExercise D1、F2、T3、T4、F5、TExercise E1、B2、B3、DExercise F1、In August 2017, in Texas.2、Because he wanted to help a teenager who was in need of an emergency surgery.3、Volunteer firefighters armed with a truck and a canoe.4、Four5、A sweet Mexican bread.6、Nearly 2,000 kilograms.7、Because they made food for people in emergency centres. Exercise G1、B2、A3、DExercise H1、b2、c3、aSpeakingExercise D1、mean2、thankfulness3、physical4、mental5、work6、receivesTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、j2、b3、I4、f5、d6、a7、g8、c9、e10、hD. Watch for Main Ideas1245E. Watch for DetailsSegment 1 :1、school2、idea3、fish4、monsters5、servedSegment 2 :1、kids2、lunch ladies3、recognizeSegment 3:1、serve2、problems3、foodSegment 4:1、important2、changes3、expressesF. Give ExamplesadbcG. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A blew my mind2、B was moved by3、A keeps a close eye on4、B passed awayH. Think Critically1、benefits2、20 percent3、10 percent4、7 percent5、South Africa6、feelings 7 yearsSelf-test1–5: BDDBC6—10: ABDAD1–5:BBADB6—10: BDBABU6ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. The child is mixing different colors of paint to make new ones.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. Curious means that you want to know more about something. If students are curious about the things they study, they will learn more in school.)B. Think CriticallyAnswers will vary. (e.g. Juan asks if Nancy is a curious person. Nancy answers that she is extremely curious. She explains that she looks things up on Google every day,and she likes to read Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia. David may or may not say he is a curious persoC. Vocabulary1、j2、g3、f4、e5、c6、a7、I8、d9、h10、bD. Listen for Main Ideas25E. Listen for Details1、2、What happens inside our brains when we are curious?Exercise G1、T2、T3、F4、T5、T6、F7、T8、TExtended ListeningExercise A1、D2、C3、C4、BExercise B1、like to eat2、listen to3、smellExercise C1、F2、F3、F4、TExercise Dsimilar questionsanswered themmaking her own choiceshow to give herself choicesExercise E1、C2、D3、D4、B5、BExercise F1、Science, technology, engineering and mathematics.2、A fun and exciting process.3、They have passed the DBS check and have a master’s degree or equivalent qualification in the sciences.Exercise G1、15 22、Younger3、toilet4、the parents all other snacks5、dietary restrictionsExercise H1、f2、d3、aExercise I1、C2、A3、CExercise J1、A2、B3、D4、CExercise K1、In 2013.2、Critical thinking.3、The local schools have incorporated information literacy in their curriculum.4、They learn to tell fake news from the real. / They learn to analyzeinformation and develop their critical thinking skills. SpeakingExercise A1、That’s funny.2、Oh no! That’s awful.3、How did they study that?4、That’s fascinating.5、Um-hmm ...Exercise E1、rises2、falls3、rises4、rises5、falls6、risesTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1–5:BACBB6—10:BCCCAD. Watch for Main Ideas3E. Watch for Details1、B2、A3、CF. Watch and Take NotesSurgeon’s Rules:1、hard2、Embrace3、reflectionMusallam’ s Rules:1、Curiosity Questions2、Embrace3、reflectionG. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A spacing out2、B geek out3、C snap me out of4、B freaked outSelf-test1–5: BADAB6—10:DACCB1—5: CBCAD6–10:BCCABU7ListeningA. CommunicateAnswers will vary.C.Vocabulary1、j2、c3、a4、f5、h6、e7、I8、b9、d10、gD. Listen for Main Ideas3E. Listen for Details1、c2、a3、dF. Listen for Detailsa d fb e Ic g hExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、C3、AExercise C1、D2、B3、C4、AExercise D1、a year14030factorsstability2、Melbourne2 Australian3 Canadian2 JapaneseDanish3、goodsrecreationaleducationhealth careSEnse4、TrafficCrimeStrainExercise E1、city tier rankings opportunities2、BExercise F1、C2、B3、D4、AExercise G1、B2、C3、CExercise H1、Last week.2、Information about policies to reduce pollution.3、To stay indoors.4、20,000.5、Solar panels and electric buses.SpeakingExercise E1、It’s2、That’s3、look at4、an open5、path atTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1—5:BCBBA6—10:ACBACD. Watch for Main Ideas23E. Watch for DetailsNew York City, U.S.apartmentscommunitygardenlightQinhuangdao, Chinaincomesthree hoursSingapore (1st example) & Colombo, Sri LankaincomescommunityparksSingapore (2nd example)urbanpubliclongestG. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A are prevailing2、A came up with3、C and so on and so forth4、B touch onSelf-test1–5:BADAB6–10:DACCB1–5:DBCBC6—10:ABBDCU8ListeningA. CommunicateAnswers will vary.B. CollaborateAnswers will vary. (e.g. The students answer that people often want to eat healthier food, get along better with family, be a better student, and get to class on time. Other examples of changes people often want to make include: getting in shape,spending less time on social media, being more social, getting better grades,spending less money, etc.)C. Vocabulary1、e2、a3、j4、I5、g6、b7、c8、d9、h10、fD. Listen for Main Ideas25E. Listen for Details2、outsidea rewardavoid3、insideenjoyableExercise F1、Second2、Finally3、FirstPrinciple 1cPrinciple 2bPrinciple 3aExtended ListeningExercise A1、C2、B3、B4、DExercise B1、vulnerableout of control2、grown in waysExercise C1:a、What learn fromb、What make possible2、It can enrich our lives.3、Learn how to die well.4、Why me What can I learn from thisExercise DBExercise E1、altruisticgoodhappiness2、disagreeevolutionaltruism3、live together and help each other Exercise F1、C2、C3、BExercise G1、C2、C3、BExercise HTypes of Wishes:civil service staffpassionsReconnectingFulfilments:Eightthe monumentssee the oceantake to the skiesa long-lost friend or family member Exercise I1、B2、C3、AExercise JParticipants:they were successful (or not) Purpose:were happier and earned more Findings:change careers laterExercise K1、T2、F3、TSpeakingExercise D1、a2、oc3、lem4、lem5、od6、tem7、pro8、comTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、a2、f3、j4、b5、h6、g7、d8、e9、c10、ID. Watch for Main Ideas13E. Watch for DetailsdbeacF. Listen for Listing Words 321G. Watch for DetailsLesson 1:1、change2、people3、urgencyLesson 2:1、regretted doing things2、reflected on eliminate3、happyLesson 3:1、scared2、loved3、wishH. Watch for Rephrasing1、Things we want to do in life.2、NoI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B in an instant2、B to reach out to3、B fences to mend4、A connecting dotsSelf-test1—5: BACAB6—10: DACCB1—5: CCABC6—10: ACCCB。
新大学英语视听说教程1课后答案working life
新大学英语视听说教程1课后答案working life1、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解2、You might not like the way Sam behaves, but please be kind to him. _____, he is your grandfather. [单选题] *A. After all(正确答案)B. Above allC. In allD. At all3、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)4、( )He gave us____ on how to keep fit. [单选题] *A. some advicesB. some advice(正确答案)C. an adviceD. a advice5、—Judging from ____ number of bikes, there are not many people in the party.—I think so. People would rather stay at home in such _____ weather. [单选题] *A. the, aB. a, /C. the, /(正确答案)D. a, a6、93.Welcome ________ our school! [单选题] *A.to(正确答案)B.inC.atD./7、23.Hurry up! The train ________ in two minutes. [单选题] *A.will go(正确答案)B.goC.goesD.went8、While I _____ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye.. [单选题] *A. have readB. was reading(正确答案)C. had readD. am reading9、There are about eight ______ students in my school.()[单选题] *A. hundred(正确答案)B. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of10、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and11、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] *A. told(正确答案)B. saidC. talkedD. spoke12、The scenery is so beautiful. Let’s _______. [单选题] *A. take photos(正确答案)B. take mapsC. take busD. take exams13、—Where ______ you ______ for your last winter holiday?—Paris. We had a great time. ()[单选题] *A. did; go(正确答案)B. do; goC. are; goingD. can; go14、—Is there ______ else I can do for you? —No, thanks. I can manage it myself.()[单选题] *A. everythingB. anything(正确答案)C. nothingD. some things15、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a16、Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents. [单选题] *A. is spendingB. spentC. will spendD. spends(正确答案)17、If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _____ choice. [单选题] *A. goodB. the bestC. betterD. the better(正确答案)18、—_____ are the Olympic Games held? —Every four years [单选题] *A. How longB. How often(正确答案)C. How soonD. How far19、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.20、_____ of the land in this area _____ covered with forest. [单选题] *A. Two-fifth; isB. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is(正确答案)D. Two fifths; are21、_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. [单选题]*A. TravelB. Traveling(正确答案)C. Having traveledD. Traveled22、My brother usually _______ his room after school. But now he _______ soccer. [单选题] *A. cleans; playsB. cleaning; playingC. cleans; is playing(正确答案)D. cleans; is playing the23、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long24、This year our school is _____ than it was last year. [单选题] *A. much more beautiful(正确答案)B. much beautifulC. the most beautifulD. beautiful25、--Do you often go to the cinema _______ Sunday?--No, we _______. [单选题] *A. on; don’t(正确答案)B. on; aren’tC. in; doD. in; don’t26、Tony wants _______ a job as a language teacher in China. [单选题] *A. findB. findingC. to find(正确答案)D. to be found27、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /28、I _____ of her since she left school three years ago. [单选题] *A. didn’t hearB. haven’t heard(正确答案)C. was not hearingD. shall not heard29、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] *A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy30、Although the story is written for children, it can be read by adult, _____. [单选题] *A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. too(正确答案)。
Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer keyUnit 1 Inside viewroom. 3 Sir. 4 He asks her to call him Stewart. 5 To sign for her keys.Activity 7 Suggested predicted questions: 1 What’s your name? 2 Are you British? 3 What are you studying? 4 What are you studying? 5 And how about you?Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 Y ou’re British, huh? 3 What are you reading?4 How about you, Kate?5 And you?Activity 8 1 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 1 Clip 1 – interview Clip 2 – conversationActivity 3 True statements according to the passage 3, 5Activity 4 (1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place (9) go to concerts(10) during the weekActivity 5 1 From the library system online.2 Tree or four times a week.3 Brian.4 For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries.Listening inActivity 1 Number of institutions: 8Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each otherAcademic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankingsSocial importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white studentsLocation: the US Origin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on wallsOldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000Acceptance rates: 7% – 20%Famous alumni: George Bush, John F KenneActivity 2 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (d)Activity 5 3–6–4–1–5–2Activity 6 1 At Princeton University. 2 That he is better with numbers than people. 3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first. 4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him.PronunciationActivity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading?Janet English. Mark How about you, Kate? Kate My major is law. And you?Mark I’m studying PPE. Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it?Activity 6 Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world.He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world. We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have.If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.There’s not / as many parties as there / would be / on another campus.Unit 2 Inside viewActivity 2 Janet asks about these dishes:main courses: chicken curry, moussaka, chilli con carne starter: minstrone soupActivity 6 (1)What would you like(2)why don’t you try (3)It’s made with (4)I’m not so keenon(5)What flavour(6)what are you going to haveActivity 7 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 5–1–6–7–2–9–3–4–8Activity 3 1 For over 50 years.2 Shrimp.3 The garlic helps to cut out the cholesterol. 4 She learned to cook from her mother. She had to learn to cook as she comes from a big family.5 Hermother-in-law.6 She started in 1946.7 Paprika.Activity 4 1 (d)2 (e)3 (a)4 (f)5 (g)6 (b)7 (c)Activity 5 2 Hesitation and grammatical mistakes5 Repetition.6 Grammatical mistakes.7 Hesitation. Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Ben is answering questions 3, 1, 8Michelle is answering questions 2, 5Tom is answering questions 6, 4, 7Activity 3(1) go ahead and start(2)you can go to a restaurant(3)stay too late(4)would arrive(5)everyone tries everything(6)you don’t like their cooking(7)that’s considered rude.(8)nothing more than that. Activity 6 1 (e)2 (h)3 (g)4 (a)5 (c)6 (b)7 (f)8 (d) Activity 71 (a)2 (d)3 (b)4 (d)PronunciationActivity 2If it’s a formal meal, maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas, or if you’re with your boss or someone like that, you are being careful about your table manners. So you’d wait until everyone is served before you eat. But most of the time, if you know each other well you would just go ahead and start. It’s more usual to entertain them at home because it shows your hospitality. We have a lot of barbecues outside, maybe in the garden or maybe at a campsite. But sometimes if you don’t want to cook, you can go to a restaurant. Oh, well, after dessert you’ll have a little talk, then talk some more, have some coffee. Then you’ll say, “O h well, it’s time for us, we should get going.” And if you don’t then you’re probably going to be rude and stay too late.Activity 3The government announced today that they are going to ban advertisements for junk food during TV programmes for children under the age of 16. The rules will include any foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. There will be a total ban on ads during children’s programmes and on children’s channels, as well as adult programmes watched by a large number of children. But there will not be a total ban on all ads for junk food which are shown on television before 9 pm. This was thought to be “over the top” by representatives of the food industry.Activity 5The biggest problem is that they aim their ads at young people. One well-known fast food restaurant chain sells hamburgers which come with a free gift, usually a toy which is linked to a new children’s film. Other fast food restaurants aim their ads at teenage and college-age men, trying to make their food trendy and, you know, kind of masculine food.Unit 3 Inside view ABDBC BCABACActivity 2 Mark’s answer s: 1 T 2 T3 T 4 T 5 T Correct answers:1 T2 F3 T4 F5 TActivity 31 How much do you know about memory? 2 He’s got a pretty good memory.3 He can’t remember a thing when he’s tired.4 He read something about memory in it.5 Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!6 Because Mark forgot he had a lecture.Activity 4 Study skills Janet says she has difficulty with are: 1, 3, 4Activity 5 1 I’m finding studying at Oxford quite hard. 2 Yes, but I’m good at that.3 I think it’s giving your opinion and then justifying it.4 That’s what the research tells us.5 No! Look, I’m starving and I can’t think at all when I’m hungry.Activity 6 (1) generally(2) mostly(3) I find it difficult(4) I have difficulty(5) getting better at it (6) Your task is(7) Everyone is capable of (8) Now ask another oneActivity 7 1 (a)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 Correct parts of the sentences are underlined.1 Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic.2 OK, brainstorming is one of the most important uses of mind maps.3 By using mind maps to collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a very general understanding of a topic …4 Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days or even weeks, you might want to capture the very general understanding about the subject5 They give us almost a picture, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or a diagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas, which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way.6 As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map, not long texts.7 Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical they encourage us to think creatively, you might say. Activity 31 There is a centre2 There are only words, not sentences3 It looks like a tree4 You used a lot of colours. Activity 41 (d)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Age: 51 Age when stroke occurred: 50Number of weeks of speech and language therapy: 12Length of time in hospital: three and a half monthsActivity 3 1 No, not that much.2 Because he couldn’t speak.3 She used exercises to help him learn to speak again.4 A special computer programme.5 Yes.6 Being given the right drug at the right time and a lot of therapy.Activity 4 1 in white coats 2 my family 3 almost immediately 4 words and pictures 5 a lot of words 6 read and write 7 the right timeListening in passage 2Activity 74–2–1–6–5–3Activity 8 1 (b)2 (d)3 (a)4 (d)5 (d)PronunciationActivity 2What do you mean by critical thinking?↘Can you give an example of someresearch?↗Could you say something to begin with?↗You have to memorize a lot, don’t you?↘It’s often made of wood, isn’t it?↗Unit 4 Inside viewActivity 15–6–3–1–4–2Activity 21 (d)2 (c)3 (c)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 31 No, she hasn’t.2 She trains volunteers.3 To tell her she can’t make the next training session.4 Experienced students.5 The ability to really listen to someone and make them feel you’re listening.6 Listen carefully and then repeat what people have said a little differently.Activity 4(1)can you hold on a moment(2)can I call you back later(3)You’re saying (4)the way it works(5)What do you mean(6)thought about(7)So what you’re saying is (8)You’ve got it alreadyEveryday EnglishActivity 5 1 (b)2 (a)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 Topics mentioned: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8Activity 3 1 1602 19923 one billion4 20 billion5 10, 156 20047 450, two, one8 ten per cent Activity 4 True statements: 1, 5, 6Listening in passage 1Activity 2 7–4–5–3–1–6–2Activity 3 1 The man took his son and his niece with him.2 The man phoned the emergency services before it got dark. 3 Afterwards, the girl said, “It was fun.”4 The emergency service centre sent out helicopters as soon as it was daylight.5 The group moved away from where they had taken their photos because the ground was too rough to sleep on.Activity 4 1 His mobile.2 14.3 The emergency services staff were able to identify which mountains they were.4 To pinpoint the exact location.5 Leaves.6 They were only 400 metres away from where the emergency services staff expected them to be.7 Always take your mobile phone with you when you go hiking.8 No.Listening in passage 2Activity 7 True statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8Activity 8 1 (a)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (b)Unit 5 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (b)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 4(1) The thing is(2) a bit nervous(3) I’m afraid (4) I could do with(5) You should(6) show her you are(7) It’s a good idea to(8) just be yourself(9) He’s wor riedEveryday EnglishActivity 5 1 (a)2 (a)3 (a)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2True statements: 1, 2Activity 31 at work2 150 million3 met anyone yet4 create your profile5 in your area6 nice short letter 7 interested in themActivity 41 Between 24 and 32. 2 Two: Doctor Ski and Uncle Bunny. 3 She is funny, spontaneous and confident, has a good sense of humour and likes to ski. 4 Between 45 to 55. 5 He says it needs to paint a broad picture of who you are and what you like doing but does not bore the person.Activity 51 (c)2 (c)3 (d)4 (a)5 (d)Listening in Passage 1Activity 2 1 She went on holiday.2 She was invited.3 The mountain was vertical and they were climbing with ropes.4 He reassured her that it was safe to climb with ropes and stayed next to her.5 As soon as they met.6 Amy collapsed because she could n’t stand up.7 They went to the nearest village for a pizza.8 Six months later they got married.Activity 6 Topics mentioned: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10Activity 71 lie2 photo3 personal information4 voice5 agree to meet6 what time7 something urgent’s PronunciationActivity 3To get started with Internet dating, / there are four steps. The first one is to / find the service / that works for you. / Second step / is to create your profile. / Find a great picture of yourself / that shows you doing / something / that you enjoy. / Write about / who you are / and who you’re looking for. / Third step / is to start searching / for that special someone. / Use the search function on the site / to identify people / in your area / that you may want to / hook up with. / Fourth step / is to reach out to those people. / You write them a nice, short letter. / Show / that you’re interested in them / and off it goes. / After that, / sit back, / cross your fingers, / and hope for the best.Unit 6 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (d)5 (c)Activity 3 1 It’s a bit big. 2 Size 8. 3 It’s the last one. 4 Janet really likes it. 5 By credit card.Activity 41) What about this dress2) Would you like to try it on3) have this in a smaller size4) it doesn’t really fit5) I’ll leave it6) Why don’t you try it on7) It really suits you8) Can I pay by credit card Everyday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)7 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 1 She is an ebay seller.2 You type in what you’re looking for or search the categories and then make a bid.3 In nine hours.Activity 3 1 Lisa is one of Jessica’s customers who want to sell things online.2 Lisa saw Jessica’s flyer.3 Five dresses.4 $50 each.5 The buyer.6 Very popular.7 Just before the close of the auction.8 Yes. The dresses are sold for $210.Activity 4 5–1–6–4–2–3Activity 5 1 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (c)5 (c)6 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 7(1) If you eat before you go(2) getting a bargain(3) it’s a way (4) the most expensive(5) everything will be cheaper(6) comfort of your own home(7) a delivery charge(8) doing your shopping Unit 7 Inside view(2) he’ll be fine(3) Tell me all about it (4) What exactly happened(5) What else did he say(6) So he’ll be OK(7) There’s no real concern(8) there’s no need to worryEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 True statements: 2, 4Activity 3 1 More mothers have been pursuing careers and fathers have been spending more time caring for children and doing household chores. 2 He pursues career and shares in raising the children and doing housework.3 He started to do more cooking, driving the children here and there. 4 He says his father did a lot more than his friends’ fathers and it was a role model for him.5 It meant he could take on more day-to-day care of the children.6 No, he has been able to continue pursuing his career. Activity 4 1 (d)2 (c)3 (b)4 (d)5 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Nationality of the girls: American University subject studied by both girls: psychologyAge when the girls met: 20Age when the girls fell through glass doors: five Josh’s age: 22Month of Josh’s and his twin’s wedding: JuneActivity 31 The question he wants to discuss is which is more important, your family environment or your genes.2 They were separated and adopted by different families.3 A friend of both of them insists they meet.4 Both their adoptive fathers died when they were children.5 Their boyfriends look alike and have similar names.6 They have the same recurring dream.7 They are identical twins and are going out with two sisters.8 Genes decide 50 per cent of who we are and environment decides 50 per cent.Listening in passage 2Activity 1 to give a kidney, more and more 2 aged 38 3 just like a mother 4 the same friends 5 like Teresa says 6 five years ago7 most of the timeActivity 7 1 A year ago. 2 She was terrified and decided to find out more about giving Henrietta a kidney. 3 The hospital reassured them. 4 People only need ten per cent of one kidney to be completely healthy. 5 Because she knew she’d done something worthwhile and felt very good. 6 She feels very grateful. 7 She’d like to do something that no one knows about.Unit 8 Inside view3 Breakfast.4 Usually midday.5 When he’s in the States.Activity 5 New York City Boston Chicago Washington DCActivity 6 New York City: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7Boston: 2, 8Chicago: 5Washington DC: 9Activity 7(1) travelling around(2) I’m flying(3) are you staying(4) I’ll be looking after(5) We’re going(6) go back to(7) fly home from Chicago(8) for six daysEveryday EnglishActivity 81 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 Size compared with other countries: the sixth largest country in the worldLength of coastline: 27,000 kilometres Population: 20 millionLocation of Perth: on the west coast Length of Great Barrier Reef: 2,300 kilometres long Famous landmarks in Sydney: the Opera House and Sydney Harbour BridgeLocation of Melbourne: in the southeast Famous animals: koalas and kangaroosActivity 3 1 Australia is the smallest continent.2 Ayers Rock.3 The Aborigines.4 The Great Barrier Reef5 Nearly one quarter.6 Canberra.Listening in passage 1Activity 2 1–4–5–7–3–6–8–13–10–2–11–12–9Activity 3 True statements: 2, 4Activity 41 Next she took the train to Albany.2 Someone sent by the school.3 Because she was wearing a thick coat and a warm hat.4 She took a taxi.5 One of the other teachers, Rebecca.6 In a flat near the school.7 Because she hadn’t been paid yet.8 A hot dog and coffee.Activity 5 1 (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (a)Listening in passage 2Activity72–4–5–3–1PronunciationActivity 4 (1) man(2) bike(3) road(4) border(5) Mexico(6) United States(7) comes up(8) border(9) guard stops(10) points(11) two sacks(12) man(13) shoulders(14) bags(15) guard(16) sand(17) man(18) bike Unit 9 Inside viewActivity 2 sleeping badly loss of appetite a headache mild depression weight lossActivity 31 Because she hasn’t been sleepi ng very well.2 She’s worried about her end of term exams.3 Because she’s lost her appetite.4 To keep an eye on her health.5 She suggests that Janet make an appointment to see the doctor.6 She doesn’t want to make a fuss.Activity 41 Well …2 It’s fine.3 No.4 Yes, I think so5 Fried rice!6 No. Maybe. Yes, I suppose so7 Yes! Activity 51 She thinks her parents wouldn’t like her to have a boyfriend at university.2 Chinese food.3 They don’t serve much fried rice in college.4 Because she doesn’t read as qu ickly as her friends.5 To take a few days off.6 Being run down or depressed.Activity 6 (1) social life(2) a boyfriend(3) at university(4) Western food(5) your work(6) read as quickly as(7) take a few days off(8) catch a coldEveryday EnglishActivity 7 1 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 1 The company founder, CEO, and President of the bodyfactory.2 All your green vegetables.3 It has the nutritional breakdown that our body needs on a daily basis. / We can get all of our vitamins in the HULK.Activity 3 1 He was trained as a dancer and was an exercise instructor and TV show host.2 He sells health drinks.3 Twelve years ago.4 It tastes amazing.5 They like it.6 People who’s never worked out in their life and who’ve never eaten healthily before.7 It makes them want to continue their new lifestyle.Activity 4 (1) health and fitness(2) ever tried(3) absolutely amazing(4) for the average consumer(5) on a daily basis(6) best drink you’ll ever ha ve(7) through my day(8) in their life Listening in passage 1Activity 2 4–8–7–3–5–1–2–6Activity 3 1 (a)2 (a)3 (c)4 (b)5 (d)Listening in passage 2Activity 3In 1812 / a young man / called James Barry / finished his studies in medicine / at Edinburgh University. / After graduating / he moved to London / where he studied surgery / at Guy’s Hospital. / After that, / the popular young doctor joined the army / and over the next 40 years / had a brilliant career / as an army medical officer, / working in many far off countries / and fighting successfully forcareer / – made even more remarkable / bythe discovery / on his death / that James Barry had kept an extraordinary secret. / So / was this the end of the story? / Not quite. / When they were preparing his body for his funeral, / they discovered James Barry’s secret. /HE / was in fact / a SHE. James Barry / was a woman.Unit 10 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (d)2 (c)3 (d)4 (b)5 (c)Activity 4 1 To ask people to write to the Council about recycling. 2 He’s going to write a letter this evening. 3 She might go to the next meeting. 4 About easy ways to save energy. 5 To print out the poster and put it up in college.Activity 5(1) They have this plan(2) I’m going to(3) I think I might(4) I’ve been meaning to(5) Doesn’t it worry you?(6) it would be great if you (7) we could do right now(8) it might be an idea to Everyday EnglishActivity 6 1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 1 Melissa 2 Leslie 3 Leslie 4 David 5 Hendeka 6 LeslieActivity 3 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 6–4–3–5–7–1–2Activity 3 1 as efficiently as possible 2 at their house 3 wooden houses 4 knocked it down 5 local builders 6 the underfloor heating7 using electricity8 own a kitchenListening in passage 2Activity 61The passage is about tornadoes in America2Dawn Busby and her family3They weren’t hurt. Activity 7 True statements: 1, 4, 5Activity 8 1 A huge black cloud. 2 It sounded like a train.3 They ran down to the basement.4 The tornado turned left away from them.5 They started laughing.6 Everyone was shouting and cheering and hugging each other.1.CBAAA CDA BDC2.AADCB DCA ADB3.:ADABB BCABA C4.(暂无)5.CBACD BACCA D6.ABDDC DABBC D7.ADABA CABBA D8.CDBAC DACDB A9.BACCD CABBD A10.BACDA CDACB C。
以下为部分答案示例:1、对话部分:问:What’s the main idea of the conversation?答:The man is not sure if he can get the job because there are other applicants who are more experienced.2、短文部分:问:What’s the main idea of the passage?答:The author discusses the importance of reading as a key to success in life and explains how reading can help us learn new skills, understand ourselves and the world better, and enjoy life more.3、新闻部分:问:What’s the main idea of the news?答:The news is about a new law that requires all businesses to provide employees with a minimum number of paid sick days each year.4、电影剪辑部分:问:What’s the main idea of the movie clip?答:The clip is from the movie “The Shawshank Redemption” and it shows how the main character, Andy Dufresne, manages to escape from Shawshank State Prison.二、视说部分视说部分包括角色扮演、英语原版电影片段等,旨在帮助学生提高口语表达能力。
全新版大学英语阅读教程第一册答案[五篇]第一篇:全新版大学英语阅读教程第一册答案《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1册课后练习答案UNITONE1.Goodbye school Key to the ExercisesI 1.B2.D3.D4.D5.C6.AII 1.fling2.supercilious3.zoom4.trudge5.hoistKey to the Reading-skill ExercisesParagraph 1:1.B2.DParagraph 1.D2.A2.The Saturday Evening Post Key to the ExercisesI.1.D2.B3.A4.A5.CII.1.She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career.2.He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers.He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers, relieved when no one came to the door, and scared when someone did, and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch.3.The battle to make him different from his father.4.The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation.5.Writers didn’t have to have any gumption at all.3.Love Thy NeighborKey to the ExercisesI.1.T2.F3.T4.T5.T6.FII.1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽。
Stay with us Suits Applicants A good fit 2.2progressing Nothing kind of A game Important Follow up 1 B B A 2 John Nice to meet you Is he big Kind What kind of food does he like My pleasure Reading comprehension D D A D C C D Initial training Nature A game Home listening 1 1.1missing injured 1.2an item of clothing 1.3a black bear 1.4barking biting scared away 1.5snow 1.6locate dig 2 10000 2003 2008 122 40 percent three-meter
Unit 2
Warming up 1 Reptiles Amphibious Species Caves Herpetologist 2 Tissue sample Expedition Capture Dinosaurs Geneticist Watching Part1 1 Cb Ac Ba 2 Crocodiles Caves Team Three Expedition Part2 1.Madagascar Caves Fish or animals Five 2.through Into From For
:50 45. 44. 43. by 42.41.— 4—0.— 3—9.—3—8.by37@.—— 36.35. —34—. ——33.312.—.—29.by28.by@27.26.—— 25. 24. 23. 22. by 21.20. — 1—9.by:18.by:17.— 1—6.— 1—5.—1—4.—— 13. 12. 111.0“. ”by: 9M.“OOOKN”b8y.:———6.——5.——4.——3.——2.——1.——
《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案UNIT ONE1.Goodbye schoolKey to the ExercisesI 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. AII 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoistKey to the Reading-skill ExercisesParagraph 1: 1. B 2. D paragraph 2 1. D 2. A2.The Saturday Evening PostInformation Related to the TextKey to the ExercisesI. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. CII . 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career .2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers . He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch .3. The battle to make him different from his father .4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation .5. Writers didn't have to have any gumption at all .3. Love The NeighborKey to the ExercisesI . 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽.2.《圣经》里的戒律"热爱你的邻居"大概是一句拙劣的译文,它的本义必定是"尊敬你的邻居."3.邻居开始共同做的唯一的一件事是相互接近,只有进一步发展关系,才有足够的理由成为最好的朋友.4.横跨在你们之间的车道,篱笆或栅栏并不真地就是一道冷漠的屏障,它们只不过是一条清晰的分界线.5.邻里较之社区更容易使人产生怀旧情绪,但社区也许是一个更好的构成单位.UNIT TWO4.Making Friends in American CultureKey to the ExercisesI. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1. Because there is a language barrier , many Chinese are hesitant to speak with strangers and they don't know what to talk to American about or how to keep the conversation moving .2. His class and major .3. These questions help people participate in the conversation .4. When the other person first gives his name himself .5. Communication .Key to the reading-skill ExercisesParagraph 1 : 1. C 2. A3. The important of this is that awareness of non-verbal messages can significantly influence the effectiveness of any communication .Paragraph 2 : 1. a2. But in the course of millions to billions of years , stars do evolve and age, and eventually they die .5. My Daughter , My FriendKey to the ExercisesI. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII . 1. adolescence 2. stomp 3. snotty 4. torment 5. dwindle6. Hope in a BottleKey to the ExercisesI . 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. CII . 1. 我和丈夫吉姆很快便与玛丽成为笔友,他俩是一对快乐的退休夫妇,经常定期周游世界.2.我梦见了伯利兹葱翠茂盛的热带丛林,生长在伯利兹的美洲虎,成千上万的棕榈环绕的一座座珊瑚岛----它们星罗棋布地构成了世界上长度位居第二的暗礁屏障.3.我喜欢那个国家的有些后裔源于英吉利和苏格兰海盗,他们曾藏身在那些将淡蓝色的加勒比海串连在一起的珊瑚岛上.4.这种神经疾病不可预知,病情因人而已,大相径庭,任何情况都可能发生----从周身麻刺到肌肉僵硬,从双目失明到完全瘫痪.这地方适合我疗养-----周围是翡翠般的淡蓝色大海,在这儿,我平生第一次使用水下呼吸管潜游,海底宝藏一览无遗:深邃庞大的洞穴,五颜六色,流光溢彩的鱼群,海马以及大批的鱿鱼. UNIT THREE7. The Fun They HadKey to the ExercisesI. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. AII. 1. 他们翻者发黄起皱的书页,读里面的文字真实有趣.这些文字本应该在显示屏上移动,而不是静止不动的.2.我认为地理部分的进度调得有些太快.3.汤米用非常高傲的(瞧不起的)眼神看着她.4.但我母亲说,老师必须适应它教的每一个男孩和女孩的智力,而且必须对每个小孩采用不同的教学方法.5.他吹着口哨离开了,腋下夹着那本沾满灰尘的旧书.Key to the Reading-skill ExercisesExercises I . 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5.B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. AExercises II : 1. comparable 2. sensible 3. selfish 4. wisdom 5. classify 6. apologized 7. regardless 8. slightly 9. agreement 10. kindness8. Today's Teehnology Could Seem Goofy TomorrowKey to the ExercisesI . 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1.一些生机勃勃的公司潜心地研究着当时热门而现在看起来过时而又古怪的技术.找到这些公司曾经发来的信函特别有趣.2.这就是生活中我们不得不忍受的事情之一,何况我们也不知道有什么更好些的事,就好象19世纪人们对马在都市大街上发出啪啪声无可奈何一样.3.对,我们的后代可能会说:很久以前,在那技术落后的黑暗世纪里,一些很大的公司制造了这些接收性能糟糕,莫名其妙地掉钱,只能用声音交流,而且常常导致汽车交通事故的装置.4.毫无疑问,到2061年,技术专家们已经完善了像纸张一样的书页.这种书页含有能像电脑显示屏一样变化的电子墨水.5.现有的概念-----商品首先由工厂生产,再运到几千英里之外,然后放到商场货架上希望有人购买------今后似乎会被人认为是毫无希望的浪费时间和精力.9.A Short Biography of the Long Life of Benjamin FranklinKey to the ExercisesI. 1.B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1.He didn't get along well with his older brother .2. He would have been killed .3. Because the other colonies and the British rulers objected it .4. The importance of being united .5. He designed the "great compromise" that established the Congress .UNIT FOUR10.Are Y ou Trying Real HardKey to the ExercisesI. 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.DII.1.洪水就在我们后面追赶,我母亲紧紧抓住我的手,以致于我以为会被拉断.2.抱着对人生不变的希望和乐观,她很小就移居阿肯色城.在那儿她给家人做佣人并活跃在当地教堂和服务机构里.3.除此以外,她还具备一个见识广,受过磨难,不畏将来的人所特有的尊严.4.邻居们对她说,为一个决不会成器的孩子做出这么多的牺牲简直是发疯.5.她说:"如果我们有勇气去相信,有能力去拼搏,胜利一定属于我们."Key to the Reading-skill ExercisesExercises I:1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C6.B7.C8.C9.C 10.B11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.CExercises II: 1.medicare 2.overnight 3.download 4.Telesat 5.motel6.heliport7.sandpaper8.paratroops9.sunset 10.deadline11.Jim Lovell:An Astronaut's StoryKey to the ExercisesI. 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.TII. 1.由于当时没有一所大学开设火箭科学的课程,而且他又决意要实现他的目标,所以吉姆断定只有军校才是把飞行当作科学来学习的地方,于是他决定上军校.2.因此,根据海军哈罗威计划他考入了威斯康星大学.在那儿的两年时间里,他获准一边读书一边学习飞行课程.3.1957年10月4日,当时的苏联发射了一颗直径为23英寸,被称作斯布特尼克的球形遥控卫星,让西方世界大吃一惊.4.这个未知领域——如何成为宇航员,无准则可遵循,无先例可参照.5.航空航天局另外的目标是实现两个轨道飞行器在外层空间的对接,并且完善飞行器进入大气层和在地球预定地点着陆的方式.12.Only DaughterKey to the ExercisesI. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.CII. 1.Because she wanted to win his approval./ Because she wanted her father to introduce her as a writer.2. Common people like her father.3. To learn to use their heads instead of hands.4. In order not to be poor.5. He has been watching TV.UNIT FIVE13. My Only True LoveKey to the ExercisesI. 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.CII . 1. Jayne2. No.3. Because Jayne was his first love and he loved her very much.4. Because Albert gave her a deep impression when they first met.5.Susan has many vertues.Key to the Reading-Skill Exercises1.A2.C3.B4.D.5.A14.The Dragon RockKey to the ExercisesI 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. FII. 1. In time of trouble it will save the village by making a lake .2. They went to the rock for help with flowers and songs .3. They felt happy and thankful .15. Does Sleep Help Y ou StudyKey to the exercisesI . 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. DII. 1.假设人在学习后睡觉,睡眠会帮助人提高记忆力.2.事实上,在开始新的学习前睡一小会儿的话会严重影响记忆力.这就是埃克斯特德所称为的"学习前睡眠影响".3.快速眼球运动状态的特征为中枢神经系统活跃,同时心跳加速,大脑温度上升.4.在最近的一年半里,我研究了生长激素对供试验用的老鼠的影响.这些老鼠已经学会辨别迷宫里的被涂为白色和黑色的通道.5.如果生长激素对人类也有同样的影响,那些刚在睡觉时就被唤醒的人就会因为此时荷尔蒙高而记忆力减退.UNIT SIX16.Leaving the land of the BlindKey to the ExercisesI.. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. DII. 1. 有一些导盲狗适应在城里工作,而有一些则在小城镇里工作得得心应手.2.我坐在人行道上,路人围着我.我意识到我在让这些我所不认识的人来对我的生命负责.3.又过去了十年我才有勇气承认我需要帮助.4.她将我向后拖,然后带我转身向反方向走,一直走到离轨道很远并且安全的地方.5.我对导盲狗从相信其能力变为确信到最后转变为坚信.Key to the reading-skill Exercises1. B2. A3. A4. D17. The Christmas TruceKey to the ExercisesI . 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. FII. 1. 实际上,所发生的事情就像一个童话故事.如果我没有亲身经历这一切,我自己也不会相信的.2.我们被告知德国士兵会趁我们放松警惕时对我们发动进攻.3.在德国人的防线上,一串串小灯泡在闪烁.左边右边都是灯泡,眼睛能看到的地方均是.4.制服上的徽章和纽扣换了主人,而且我们的一个士兵还戴着那顶臭名昭著的德国钢盔走了回来!5.假如我们的领袖们不是进行战争威胁而是倡导和平不是互相辱骂而是互相赞美不是互相报复而是传递礼物18.An American Educator's FableKey to the ExercisesI. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6.CII. 1.Being a tercher means undertaking various daily responsibilities yet teaching is mainly engaged in stimulating students' minds .2. His dream was to stimulate the minds of young people and lead them down the road of knowledge .3. 38 students .4. He was a determined and strong-willed young man .UNIT SEVEN19. The TitanicKey to the ExercisesI . 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. AII. 1. On April 10th , 1912 .2. The look-out boy3. The Titanic was 268 metres long , 32 metres high , and it weighed over 60,000 tonnes .4. Y es . It changed some survivors' lives and characters , and many others never got over their experience of the disaster .Key to the Reading-skill Exercises1. to move (to)2. to join with somebody to make a pair3. to exchange4. without movement or sound20 . A Lamp in a WindowKey to the ExercisesI. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. CII. 1. Because the driver was drunk .2. The car stopped when it hit the side of a tree .3. V ery well . She offered some drink and asked him to spend the night in her house .4. A drunken driver ran him down and he was killed .21 . Stock and GownKey to the ExercisesI. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. FII. 1.他说所有的孩子都在做生意,我必须密切注意股市行情.2.我爸爸说如果我总是在股票生意赔钱的话,永远也找不到丈夫.3.毕业典礼上的发言人力图灌输一些崇高的思想,但是学生们并不买他的账.4.学生们唯一一次注意发言人的讲话是在他批评政府对微软公司的起诉是不公平的时候.UNIT EIGHT22. Students Who Push burgersKey to the ExercisesI . 1. D 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. AII. 1. Because he works a lot and doesn't have enough time to study .2. They baby-sat , shoveled snow , mowed lawns , and delivered papers , and some of them got jobs in department stores around Chirstmas .3. He wants to show us more students work regularly today than before and then proves that students employment is a major reason of educational decline .4. They imply that she has an unfair advantage over them .Key to the reading-skill Exercises1. to produce2. to act cautiously3. in addition to4. to suffer heavy economic loss; to go bankrupt23. A Small MiracleKey to the ExercisesI. 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. CII. 1. No. Because the sheriff noted the sincerity in Tom's voice and took pity on him .2. The funeral director was happy because there finally was a man coming to the funeral .3. He was alarmed and was very nervous .24. Y ou Can Have Anything Y ou Want ,But Y ou Can't Have Everything Y ou WantKey to the ExercisesI. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TII. 1. 有很多的"一切"摆在那里,还有更多看不见的"一切"等着你去体验.2.那些说他们什么都想要的人要么没有花时间去探究他们究竟想要什么,要么没有认识到一个简单的事实:你可以得到你想要的任何东西,但是你不可能得到你想要的每件东西.3.……我建议她对自己已经做出的选择和因此而取得的成就心存感激.4.充其量,商店可能会勉强买回一些二手货,但价格只是你当时付的一小部分.5.尽管你不能得到你想要的每样东西,但是有些很好的东西却等着你挑选,对此你应该感到庆幸.以下是附加文档,不需要的朋友下载后删除,谢谢班主任工作总结专题8篇第一篇:班主任工作总结小学班主任特别是一年级的班主任,是一个复合性角色。
全新版大学英语视听阅读1答案unit 5-8
Unit 5 Warming u pⅠA Special girl1.B2. A3. F4. E5. D6.CUnit 5 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11. D2. A3. D4.B5. DⅡWatch again.1. heads out2. local3. explains4. calm5. scared6. intensively7. routine8. signs9. tracking10. casualPart 2ⅠWatch Part 21. the sixth grade write a book2. wildlife areas3.18 inchesⅡWatch again.1. state bird2. protects fly away chase3. Right now yell4. hissing5. majestic neat fly acrossⅢ Listen and repeat1.She was asked to write a book for a school project.2.The mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.3. I`ve seen it chase owls4. It’ll sound sort of like a cat hissing5. She often spends time observing the various birds.Part 3ⅠWatch Part 31. F2.T3. F4.T5. TⅡWatch again.1.searching the Internet2. drew and painted3. look at interpret4. personality invite learn more aboutPart 4ⅠWatch Part 41. B C E G2. A D FⅡWatch again.1. In many ways2. become so involved with birds3. more of the world than I did4. something different than5. what they appear to bePart1 2 3 4 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire videoA FB EC DUnit 5 ReadingReading Comprehension1.D2.A3.D4. A5.B6. B7. A8. drew and painted9.personality10. easy interesting and educational Unit 5 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1.A2.B3.C4. C5.DⅡ Listen againmit2.153. survey4. community5 .over6. locations7. alone8. in a row9. is collected10. helpfulⅢ Listen and repeat1.Bird counts typically last for four days2.There are bird counters as young as seven and as old as ninety3. Any information that is collected and sent in is helpful.4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birds that may be endangered5.They could never gather this much information by themselves.UNIT6Warming u pⅠ1-7.DBGACEFⅡ (1)apprentice (2) discipline (3) retired (4) strict (5) master WatchingPart1Ⅰ 1. a calling 2. her real identity 3. certain parts 4. too old 5. had the face Ⅱ 1. mysterious 2. symbol 3. adjustingⅢ 1. As a symbol of female beauty, the geisha fascinates the modern world2. Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life3. I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know4. Once in Kyoto,Umechika had difficulties locating a place to train her5. Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geisha Part2Ⅰ. 1-4. DCEBⅡ. (1).routine (2) pattern (3) go through (4) transform (5) meaninglessPart 3Ⅰ. 1-5. TFFTTⅡ 1. traditional dances 2. playing musical instruments3. conversation4. literatureFollow upⅠ. FTFTFTFReading Comprehension1-7. CCABDAC, (8) sacrifice (9) show off (10) beautiful traditionsHome listeningⅠ. 1-4. DBABⅡ (1) traditional (2)stylized (3)slowly (4)unusual (5)extends into(6)surrounded (7)a circle (8)a master (9)his replacement (10)retiresⅢ 1. Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves acting ,singing ,and dancing2. The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized3.The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted4.Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience5. He specializes in women`s roles and appears on stages all over the worldUnit 7 Warming u pⅠA Cowboy’s life1. ABCEDⅡ At the Rodeocowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racingUnit 7 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11) 90 , 2) 10, 3)12 , 4)500 , 5)33 , 6)15 , 7)52 , 8)30 , 9)8ⅡWatch again.1every year ,unlike2,compete ,most popular3,fourth-generation ,started off4,adventure ,speed5, unique ,dangerousPart 2ⅠWatch Part 21. F2. F3. T 4 T 5 TⅡWatch again.1)outrider 2)outrider 3)tent peg 4)driver5)peg man 6)chuckwagon 7)stovethrower 8)barrel acting as a stoveⅢ Listen and repeat1.Before the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection2.For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference3.Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others4.The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time5.The outriders are said to have been fiven the most dangerous dutiesPart 3ⅠWatch Part 31-5 CABEDⅡWatch again.1)key 2)champion 3)horse power 4)skill 5)luck6)riding 7)hard work 8)slow down 9)take a breath 10)carrying onPart1 2 3 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire video1-5 CADBDⅡ Oral workNoUnit 7 ReadingReading Comprehension1. B 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 A8. unload his horses9. “ole-time” cowboy lifestyle10. cheer noisilyUnit 7 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passageCAFDBEⅡ Listen again1)Spanish 2)popularity 3)contests 4)introduced5)wrapped 6)allowed 7),helpers 8)safetyⅢ Listen and repeat1,Today’s rodeos are very different from the original cowboy gatherings2,After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities3,These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows that people paid to watch 4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied5,At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeosUnit 8 Warming u pⅠBeach Rescue1-5 CDEABⅡ Sky Rescue1.propeller2.frame3.aerial4.paraglider5.maneuver6.paramotor Unit 8 WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 11. search-and-rescue ,saving lives2. 1995 ,doing an advertisementⅡWatch again.E A C B DⅢ Listen and repeat1.It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.2.Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region.3. A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller.4. The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure.5. That’s the way it was with the first paramotor rescue.Part 2ⅠWatch Part 2A CⅡWatch again.1.founded2.developed3.important4.staff5.806.cheerednd8. fansmunicating 10.expandedPart 3ⅠWatch Part 3TFTTFⅡWatch again.1.calls in2.flies against3.maneuvers4.drops5.flying abovePart4ⅠWatch Part 41.piloting skills2.water-rescue skills3.saving people4.paramedic5.teachingⅡ Watch again.1.interest2.long-term3.push down4.hopefully5.saferPart1 2 3 4 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire videoPart 1 CPart 2 FPart 3 EPart 4 AUnit 8 ReadingReading Comprehension2. B 2 C 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 A8. Brazilian lifeguards9. qualified paramotor pilots10. protected\safer\more relaxedUnit 8 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1-5 BDBCAⅡ Listen again1-5 TFTFFⅢ Listen and repeat1. I stayed with my friend Gary and his family at their home.2. Do you want to see how far out we can swim.3. It’s never a good idea to swim beside a dock..4. I became incredibly tired from fighting against it.5. Swim along the coast to get out of the current.。
全新版⼤学英语视听阅读1答案Unit3-4Unit 3 Warming u pⅠConfucius1. Ethics2. Morals3. The foundation4. Confucianism5. A philosopherⅡChina’s History(1). dynasty (2). warlords (3). harmony (4). philosophyUnit 3WatchingPart 1ⅠWatch Part 1B AC E DⅡWatch again.(1). Zhou (2). weak (3). decline (4). land (5) power (6) darkPart 2ⅠWatch Part 2F E BⅡWatch again.1. towards2. on 3 with 4 Throughout 5 from 6 includingPart 3ⅠWatch Part 31. F2. F3. F 4 F 5 TⅡWatch again.1.Confucianism is often associated with present-day society.2.Many people aren’t aware of the influence of Confucianism on China’s past.3.Confucianism is the center of Chinese civilization and the foundation of modern Chinese society.Part1 2 3 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire video1 What did Confucius think and believe?moral and ethical, order, justice, peace, harmony2 What did Confucius say and how did his words influence people?A. live and work, their parents’ wishes, the family nameB. learning and education, study hard, move up, attain successC. build livesReading Comprehension1. A 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 B8. peace and harmony9. An education10. prosperUnit 3 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1.“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”2.“What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others.”3.“Careful people seldom make mistakes.”4.“To go too far is as bad as to fall short.”ⅡListen and repeat1.I agree completely with the statement.2.It takes hard work to learn new vocabulary words.3.Treat others as you would like to be treated.4.It’s better to work slowly and pay close attention to details.5.It’s important to find a balance between two extremes.ⅢListen againSaying 1 Sept 4 8:20 am Hearing, reading, UsingSaying 2 Sept 3 7:00 pm talking badly, I kept on thinking about Saying 3 Sept 1 2:00 pm work slowly, details; an extra effort Saying 4 Aug. 31 2:15 pm eat and enough, sick and tiredUnit 4 Warming u pⅠThe Beauty of Opals(1) C (2) D (3) A (4) B (5) EⅡA Mining Town/doc/ab16605915.htmlndscape2.stake a claim3.mine4.the outbackⅠWatch Part 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. TⅡWatch again.1,000,000 dollars3,000 people90%191315 yearsⅢListen and repeat1.The landscape doesn’t look very welcoming.2.Opals have always been the basis for the economy of the town.3.It’s the variety and intensity of color that make them sparkle.4.Small teams of miners stake claims to specific areas.5.It has been turned into as much of a science as the rock will allow. Part 2ⅠWatch Part 2B F DC E AⅡWatch again.1. find a fortune2. pattern, thickness, shape3. lifestylePart 3ⅠWatch Part 31. D2. A C F3. B 4 E GⅡWatch again.1.valuable4.betterPart1 2 3 Follow-UpⅠWatch the entire video(1)-(A)-(b)(2)-(C)-(c) (1)-(B)-(e) (1)-(D)-(d) (3)-(D)-(a) Unit 4 Reading Reading Comprehension1. B 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A8. color9. fortune10. rely onUnit 4 Home Listenin gⅠListen to the passage1. B 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 DⅡListen again(1) a variety of (2) industry (3) hobby (4) shade (5) containersⅢListen and repeat1.Some people collect gem stones for display in their homes.2.The dirt is then poured onto a small screen frame.3.The main thing to watch for while mining is color.4. A good-sized stone of any type is a valuable find!5.At some mines you can actually find gold as well as gem stones in the soil.。
Unit 9Warming u pⅠCrop Circles1. A2. D3. E4. B5.C6. FⅡOther Mysterious Signs`1. a planet other than Earth ,outer space2. construction3. large4. make or shapeWatchingPart1Ⅰwatch part 11. Crop circles2. Who or what3. Unusual constructionsⅡwatch again1. T2. F3.F4.F5.TPart2Ⅰwatch part21. researcher2. enormous3. man-made4.mysterious5.appear Ⅱwatch again1. 12. 19903. 954.2Ⅲlisten and repeat1.I’m going to try and find out what this puzzle’s all about2.It’s so enormous that you can’t even see the other side3.People couldn’t have made such an enormous circle4.A circle of ice is missing from abody of water5.A connection between these mysterious circles almost certainly existsPart3Ⅰwatch part 3(E) –(B)—(D)—(A)—(C)Ⅱwatch again1. in ,2.to ,3. of ,4. in ,5.aboutFollow upⅠAlien made1. clean and open ,2. stomper boards ,3.eveningReading Comprehension1. C2. A3. C4. B5. B6. A7. C8. materials , 9. art , 10. TimingHOME LISTENINGⅠlisten to the passage1. C2. B3. C4. C5. BⅡlisten again1. article ,2. important ,3. widespread ,4.impression ,5. responsible forⅢlisten and repeat1.This simply wouldn’t happen if people were using stomper boards2.Crop circles have been documented in more than 29 countries3.This is a serious error in judgment on the part of this newspaper4.They are not the result of visits by extraterrestrial beings5.I discovered a Web site that describes exactly how to make crop circlesUNIT10 Warming u pⅠ. Strange weather1.meteorologists2.tornadoes3.phenomena4.forecast5.velocityⅡTornado chase1.C2.F3.G4.B5.A6.D7.EUnit 10 watchingPart1Ⅰ.Watch Part 11.A2.AB3.B4.B5.ABⅡwatch again1.62.453.pressure4.direction5.temperature6.humidityⅢListen and repeat1.Tornadoes are some of the least understood phenomena in nature2.Scientists have been trying to understand how and when tornadoes form3.They’re searching for information that will help scientists better forecast tornadoes4.Samaras and his group head straight for the center of the storm5.Samaras keeps six weather probes ,each weighing 45 poundsPart 2ⅠWatch Part 21.Carsten Peter2.National Geographic photographer3.Take pictures4.photographic probe5.still camerasⅡWatch again1.challenges2.a big problem3.speedy,catch up with, zigzag around4.difficult5.makes it6.The hardestpartPart3ⅠWatch Part 31.BC2.AD3.EⅡWatch again.1.F2.F3.F4.T5.TPart4Ⅰwatch part 41.T2.T3.F4.F5.FⅡwatch again1.five-ten2.am-pm3.cars-houses4.increases-drops5.outside-insideFollow upⅠwatch the entire videoDFBGAEHCReading Comprehension1.C2. B3.D4.A5.A6.D7.C8.300miles9. in the path 10.scientific probe, photographic probeHOME LISTENINGⅠ.Listen to the passage1.place high-tech weather probes, collect the information ,2.directly in the path3.wind velocity , does most of the damage4.upper part ,bottom5.a better chance of survivingⅡListen again(1)June 11 (2) 5 (3)16 one-thousandths\0.016 (4)115 (5) 200Ⅲ. Listen and repeat1.They place high-tech weather probes in the paths of tornadoes2. This enabled them to illustrate exactly what happens inside of atornado3. This is part of the storm which actually does most of the damage4. The winds in this area of the storm are the strongest5. Scientists were then able to accurately determine the velocity of the objects。
Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer keyUnit 1 Inside viewroom. 3 Sir. 4 He asks her to call him Stewart. 5 To sign for her keys.Activity 7 Suggested predicted questions: 1 What’s your name? 2 Are you British? 3 What are you studying? 4 What are you studying? 5 And how about you?Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 Y ou’re British, huh? 3 What are you reading?4 How about you, Kate?5 And you?Activity 8 1 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 1 Clip 1 – interview Clip 2 – conversationActivity 3 True statements according to the passage 3, 5Activity 4 (1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place (9) go to concerts(10) during the weekActivity 5 1 From the library system online.2 Tree or four times a week.3 Brian.4 For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries.Listening inActivity 1 Number of institutions: 8Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each otherAcademic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankingsSocial importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white studentsLocation: the US Origin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on wallsOldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000Acceptance rates: 7% – 20%Famous alumni: George Bush, John F KenneActivity 2 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (d)Activity 5 3–6–4–1–5–2Activity 6 1 At Princeton University. 2 That he is better with numbers than people. 3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first. 4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him.PronunciationActivity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading?Janet English. Mark How about you, Kate? Kate My major is law. And you?Mark I’m studying PPE. Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it?Activity 6 Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world.He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world. We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have.If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.There’s not / as many parties as there / would be / on another campus.Unit 2 Inside viewActivity 2 Janet asks about these dishes:main courses: chicken curry, moussaka, chilli con carne starter: minstrone soupActivity 6 (1)What would you like(2)why don’t you try (3)It’s made with (4)I’m not so keenon(5)What flavour(6)what are you going to haveActivity 7 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 5–1–6–7–2–9–3–4–8Activity 3 1 For over 50 years.2 Shrimp.3 The garlic helps to cut out the cholesterol. 4 She learned to cook from her mother. She had to learn to cook as she comes from a big family.5 Hermother-in-law.6 She started in 1946.7 Paprika.Activity 4 1 (d)2 (e)3 (a)4 (f)5 (g)6 (b)7 (c)Activity 5 2 Hesitation and grammatical mistakes5 Repetition.6 Grammatical mistakes.7 Hesitation. Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Ben is answering questions 3, 1, 8Michelle is answering questions 2, 5Tom is answering questions 6, 4, 7Activity 3(1) go ahead and start(2)you can go to a restaurant(3)stay too late(4)would arrive(5)everyone tries everything(6)you don’t like their cooking(7)that’s considered rude.(8)nothing more than that. Activity 6 1 (e)2 (h)3 (g)4 (a)5 (c)6 (b)7 (f)8 (d) Activity 71 (a)2 (d)3 (b)4 (d)PronunciationActivity 2If it’s a formal meal, maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas, or if you’re with your boss or someone like that, you are being careful about your table manners. So you’d wait until everyone is served before you eat. But most of the time, if you know each other well you would just go ahead and start. It’s more usual to entertain them at home because it shows your hospitality. We have a lot of barbecues outside, maybe in the garden or maybe at a campsite. But sometimes if you don’t want to cook, you can go to a restaurant. Oh, well, after dessert you’ll have a little talk, then talk some more, have some coffee. Then you’ll say, “O h well, it’s time for us, we should get going.” And if you don’t then you’re probably going to be rude and stay too late.Activity 3The government announced today that they are going to ban advertisements for junk food during TV programmes for children under the age of 16. The rules will include any foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. There will be a total ban on ads during children’s programmes and on children’s channels, as well as adult programmes watched by a large number of children. But there will not be a total ban on all ads for junk food which are shown on television before 9 pm. This was thought to be “over the top” by representatives of the food industry.Activity 5The biggest problem is that they aim their ads at young people. One well-known fast food restaurant chain sells hamburgers which come with a free gift, usually a toy which is linked to a new children’s film. Other fast food restaurants aim their ads at teenage and college-age men, trying to make their food trendy and, you know, kind of masculine food.Unit 3 Inside view ABDBC BCABACActivity 2 Mark’s answer s: 1 T 2 T3 T 4 T 5 T Correct answers:1 T2 F3 T4 F5 TActivity 31 How much do you know about memory? 2 He’s got a pretty good memory.3 He can’t remember a thing when he’s tired.4 He read something about memory in it.5 Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!6 Because Mark forgot he had a lecture.Activity 4 Study skills Janet says she has difficulty with are: 1, 3, 4Activity 5 1 I’m finding studying at Oxford quite hard. 2 Yes, but I’m good at that.3 I think it’s giving your opinion and then justifying it.4 That’s what the research tells us.5 No! Look, I’m starving and I can’t think at all when I’m hungry.Activity 6 (1) generally(2) mostly(3) I find it difficult(4) I have difficulty(5) getting better at it (6) Your task is(7) Everyone is capable of (8) Now ask another oneActivity 7 1 (a)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 Correct parts of the sentences are underlined.1 Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic.2 OK, brainstorming is one of the most important uses of mind maps.3 By using mind maps to collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a very general understanding of a topic …4 Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days or even weeks, you might want to capture the very general understanding about the subject5 They give us almost a picture, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or a diagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas, which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way.6 As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map, not long texts.7 Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical they encourage us to think creatively, you might say. Activity 31 There is a centre2 There are only words, not sentences3 It looks like a tree4 You used a lot of colours. Activity 41 (d)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Age: 51 Age when stroke occurred: 50Number of weeks of speech and language therapy: 12Length of time in hospital: three and a half monthsActivity 3 1 No, not that much.2 Because he couldn’t speak.3 She used exercises to help him learn to speak again.4 A special computer programme.5 Yes.6 Being given the right drug at the right time and a lot of therapy.Activity 4 1 in white coats 2 my family 3 almost immediately 4 words and pictures 5 a lot of words 6 read and write 7 the right timeListening in passage 2Activity 74–2–1–6–5–3Activity 8 1 (b)2 (d)3 (a)4 (d)5 (d)PronunciationActivity 2What do you mean by critical thinking?↘Can you give an example of someresearch?↗Could you say something to begin with?↗You have to memorize a lot, don’t you?↘It’s often made of wood, isn’t it?↗Unit 4 Inside viewActivity 15–6–3–1–4–2Activity 21 (d)2 (c)3 (c)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 31 No, she hasn’t.2 She trains volunteers.3 To tell her she can’t make the next training session.4 Experienced students.5 The ability to really listen to someone and make them feel you’re listening.6 Listen carefully and then repeat what people have said a little differently.Activity 4(1)can you hold on a moment(2)can I call you back later(3)You’re saying (4)the way it works(5)What do you mean(6)thought about(7)So what you’re saying is (8)You’ve got it alreadyEveryday EnglishActivity 5 1 (b)2 (a)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 Topics mentioned: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8Activity 3 1 1602 19923 one billion4 20 billion5 10, 156 20047 450, two, one8 ten per cent Activity 4 True statements: 1, 5, 6Listening in passage 1Activity 2 7–4–5–3–1–6–2Activity 3 1 The man took his son and his niece with him.2 The man phoned the emergency services before it got dark. 3 Afterwards, the girl said, “It was fun.”4 The emergency service centre sent out helicopters as soon as it was daylight.5 The group moved away from where they had taken their photos because the ground was too rough to sleep on.Activity 4 1 His mobile.2 14.3 The emergency services staff were able to identify which mountains they were.4 To pinpoint the exact location.5 Leaves.6 They were only 400 metres away from where the emergency services staff expected them to be.7 Always take your mobile phone with you when you go hiking.8 No.Listening in passage 2Activity 7 True statements: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8Activity 8 1 (a)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (b)Unit 5 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (b)2 (a)3 (d)4 (b)5 (a)Activity 4(1) The thing is(2) a bit nervous(3) I’m afraid (4) I could do with(5) You should(6) show her you are(7) It’s a good idea to(8) just be yourself(9) He’s wor riedEveryday EnglishActivity 5 1 (a)2 (a)3 (a)4 (a)5 (a)6 (b)Outside viewActivity 2True statements: 1, 2Activity 31 at work2 150 million3 met anyone yet4 create your pro5 in area6 nice short letter 7 interested in themActivity 41 Between 24 and 32. 2 Two: Doctor Ski and Uncle Bunny. 3 She is funny, spontaneous and confident, has a good sense of humour and likes to ski. 4 Between 45 to 55. 5 He says it needs to paint a broad picture of who you are and what you like doing but does not bore the person.Activity 51 (c)2 (c)3 (d)4 (a)5 (d)Listening in Passage 1Activity 2 1 She went on holiday.2 She was invited.3 The mountain was vertical and they were climbing with ropes.4 He reassured her that it was safe to climb with ropes and stayed next to her.5 As soon as they met.6 Amy collapsed because she could n’t stand up.7 They went to the nearest village for a pizza.8 Six months later they got married.Activity 6 Topics mentioned: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10Activity 71 lie2 photo3 personal information4 voice5 agree to meet6 what time7 something urgent’s PronunciationActivity 3To get started with Internet dating, / there are four steps. The first one is to / find the service / that works for you. / Second step / is to create your profile. / Find a great picture of yourself / that shows you doing / something / that you enjoy. / Write about / who you are / and who you’re looking for. / Third step / is to start searching / for that special someone. / Use the search function on the site / to identify people / in your area / that you may want to / hook up with. / Fourth step / is to reach out to those people. / You write them a nice, short letter. / Show / that you’re interested in them / and off it goes. / After that, / sit back, / cross your fingers, / and hope for the best.Unit 6 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (d)5 (c)Activity 3 1 It’s a bit big. 2 Size 8. 3 It’s the last one. 4 Janet really likes it. 5 By credit card.Activity 41) What about this dress2) Would you like to try it on3) have this in a smaller size4) it doesn’t really fit5) I’ll leave it6) Why don’t you try it on7) It really suits you8) Can I pay by credit card Everyday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)7 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 1 She is an ebay seller.2 You type in what you’re looking for or search the categories and then make a bid.3 In nine hours.Activity 3 1 Lisa is one of Jessica’s customers who want to sell things online.2 Lisa saw Jessica’s flyer.3 Five dresses.4 $50 each.5 The buyer.6 Very popular.7 Just before the close of the auction.8 Yes. The dresses are sold for $210.Activity 4 5–1–6–4–2–3Activity 5 1 (b)2 (b)3 (b)4 (c)5 (c)6 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 7(1) If you eat before you go(2) getting a bargain(3) it’s a way (4) the most expensive(5) everything will be cheaper(6) comfort of your own home(7) a delivery charge(8) doing your shopping Unit 7 Inside view(2) he’ll be fine(3) Tell me all about it (4) What exactly happened(5) What else did he say(6) So he’ll be OK(7) There’s no real concern(8) there’s no need to worryEveryday EnglishActivity 51 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (a)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 True statements: 2, 4Activity 3 1 More mothers have been pursuing careers and fathers have been spending more time caring for children and doing household chores. 2 He pursues career and shares in raising the children and doing housework.3 He started to do more cooking, driving the children here and there. 4 He says his father did a lot more than his friends’ fathers and it was a role model for him.5 It meant he could take on more day-to-day care of the children.6 No, he has been able to continue pursuing his career. Activity 4 1 (d)2 (c)3 (b)4 (d)5 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 Nationality of the girls: American University subject studied by both girls: psychologyAge when the girls met: 20Age when the girls fell through glass doors: five Josh’s age: 22Month of Josh’s and his twin’s wedding: JuneActivity 31 The question he wants to discuss is which is more important, your family environment or your genes.2 They were separated and adopted by different families.3 A friend of both of them insists they meet.4 Both their adoptive fathers died when they were children.5 Their boyfriends look alike and have similar names.6 They have the same recurring dream.7 They are identical twins and are going out with two sisters.8 Genes decide 50 per cent of who we are and environment decides 50 per cent.Listening in passage 2Activity 1 to give a kidney, more and more 2 aged 38 3 just like a mother 4 the same friends 5 like Teresa says 6 five years ago7 most of the timeActivity 7 1 A year ago. 2 She was terrified and decided to find out more about giving Henrietta a kidney. 3 The hospital reassured them. 4 People only need ten per cent of one kidney to be completely healthy. 5 Because she knew she’d done something worthwhile and felt very good. 6 She feels very grateful. 7 She’d like to do something that no one knows about.Unit 8 Inside view3 Breakfast.4 Usually midday.5 When he’s in the States.Activity 5 New York City Boston Chicago Washington DCActivity 6 New York City: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7Boston: 2, 8Chicago: 5Washington DC: 9Activity 7(1) travelling around(2) I’m flying(3) are you staying(4) I’ll be looking after(5) We’re going(6) go back to(7) fly home from Chicago(8) for six daysEveryday EnglishActivity 81 (b)2 (a)3 (b)4 (a)5 (a)6 (a)7 (b)8 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 Size compared with other countries: the sixth largest country in the worldLength of coastline: 27,000 kilometres Population: 20 millionLocation of Perth: on the west coast Length of Great Barrier Reef: 2,300 kilometres long Famous landmarks in Sydney: the Opera House and Sydney Harbour BridgeLocation of Melbourne: in the southeast Famous animals: koalas and kangaroosActivity 3 1 Australia is the smallest continent.2 Ayers Rock.3 The Aborigines.4 The Great Barrier Reef5 Nearly one quarter.6 Canberra.Listening in passage 1Activity 2 1–4–5–7–3–6–8–13–10–2–11–12–9Activity 3 True statements: 2, 4Activity 41 Next she took the train to Albany.2 Someone sent by the school.3 Because she was wearing a thick coat and a warm hat.4 She took a taxi.5 One of the other teachers, Rebecca.6 In a flat near the school.7 Because she hadn’t been paid yet.8 A hot dog and coffee.Activity 5 1 (a)2 (b)3 (c)4 (a)Listening in passage 2Activity72–4–5–3–1PronunciationActivity 4 (1) man(2) bike(3) road(4) border(5) Mexico(6) United States(7) comes up(8) border(9) guard stops(10) points(11) two sacks(12) man(13) shoulders(14) bags(15) guard(16) sand(17) man(18) bike Unit 9 Inside viewActivity 2 sleeping badly loss of appetite a headache mild depression weight lossActivity 31 Because she hasn’t been sleeping very w ell.2 She’s worried about her end of term exams.3 Because she’s lost her appetite.4 To keep an eye on her health.5 She suggests that Janet make an appointment to see the doctor.6 She doesn’t want to make a fuss.Activity 41 Well …2 It’s fine.3 No.4 Yes, I think so5 Fried rice!6 No. Maybe. Yes, I suppose so7 Yes! Activity 51 She thinks her parents wouldn’t like her to have a boyfriend at university.2 Chinese food.3 They don’t serve much fried rice in college.4 Because she doesn’t read as quickly as her friends.5 To take a few days off.6 Being run down or depressed.Activity 6 (1) social life(2) a boyfriend(3) at university(4) Western food(5) your work(6) read as quickly as(7) take a few days off(8) catch a coldEveryday EnglishActivity 7 1 (a)2 (b)3 (b)4 (b)5 (b)Outside viewActivity 2 1 The company founder, CEO, and President of the bodyfactory.2 All your green vegetables.3 It has the nutritional breakdown that our body needs on a daily basis. / We can get all of our vitamins in the HULK.Activity 3 1 He was trained as a dancer and was an exercise instructor and TV show host.2 He sells health drinks.3 Twelve years ago.4 It tastes amazing.5 They like it.6 People who’s never worked out in their life and who’ve never eaten healthil y before.7 It makes them want to continue their new lifestyle.Activity 4 (1) health and fitness(2) ever tried(3) absolutely amazing(4) for the average consumer(5) on a daily basis(6) best drink you’ll ever ha ve(7) through my day(8) in their life Listening in passage 1Activity 2 4–8–7–3–5–1–2–6Activity 3 1 (a)2 (a)3 (c)4 (b)5 (d)Listening in passage 2Activity 3In 1812 / a young man / called James Barry / finished his studies in medicine / at Edinburgh University. / After graduating / he moved to London / where he studied surgery / at Guy’s Hospital. / After that, / the popular young doctor joined the army / and over the next 40 years / had a brilliant career / as an army medical officer, / working in many far off countries / and fighting successfully forcareer / – made even more remarkable / bythe discovery / on his death / that James Barry had kept an extraordinary secret. / So / was this the end of the story? / Not quite. / When they were preparing his body for his funeral, / they discovered James Barry’s secret. /HE / was in fact / a SHE. James Barry / was a woman.Unit 10 Inside viewActivity 2 1 (d)2 (c)3 (d)4 (b)5 (c)Activity 4 1 To ask people to write to the Council about recycling. 2 He’s going to write a letter this evening. 3 She might go to the next meeting. 4 About easy ways to save energy. 5 To print out the poster and put it up in college.Activity 5(1) They have this plan(2) I’m going to(3) I think I might(4) I’ve been meaning to(5) Doesn’t it worry you?(6) it would be great if you (7) we could do right now(8) it might be an idea to Everyday EnglishActivity 6 1 (a)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a)Outside viewActivity 2 1 Melissa 2 Leslie 3 Leslie 4 David 5 Hendeka 6 LeslieActivity 3 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (a)Listening in passage 1Activity 2 6–4–3–5–7–1–2Activity 3 1 as efficiently as possible 2 at their house 3 wooden houses 4 knocked it down 5 local builders 6 the underfloor heating7 using electricity8 own a kitchenListening in passage 2Activity 61The passage is about tornadoes in America2Dawn Busby and her family3They weren’t hurt. Activity 7 True statements: 1, 4, 5Activity 8 1 A huge black cloud. 2 It sounded like a train.3 They ran down to the basement.4 The tornado turned left away from them.5 They started laughing.6 Everyone was shouting and cheering and hugging each other.1.CBAAA CDA BDC2.AADCB DCA ADB3.:ADABB BCABA C4.(暂无)5.CBACD BACCA D6.ABDDC DABBC D7.ADABA CABBA D8.CDBAC DACDB A9.BACCD CABBD A10.BACDA CDACB C。
全新版大学英语视听阅读(第一册)答案Unit 1Warming up:1.1.1 imports1.2 scent1.3 detect1.4 sniff1.5 detector dogs2f e d c b awatchingpart11 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers2 mixed odorsAn apple,amangoCarry-ons,bagsSuitcasesLearn to sitWork,comes outPart21F f f t t2SupposedFar aheadChildrenThe publicFood drive3Things don’t always go so smoothly for Stockton though.You’ve got to work with me.I’m your partner,remember?So what does it take to be a “detector dog”?They’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food.Even after they eat a dinner,they’re still ready to eat some more.Part31 animal sheltersgivengreen jacket,detector dogsadopted2.1 work outStay with usSuitsApplicantsA good fit2.2progressingNothing kind ofA gameImportantFollow up1BBA2JohnNice to meet youIs he bigKindWhat kind of food does he like My pleasureReading comprehensionDDADCCDInitial trainingNatureA gameHome listening11.1missing injured1.2an item of clothing1.3a black bear1.4barking biting scared away 1.5snow1.6locate dig2100002003 2008 12240 percentThree-meter30 50percent3Of these 122 calls,SAR dogs were able to help almost 40 percent of the time. The dog can simply follow its nose to find the personShe is out for her usual run one Sunday morning in the springRusty was able to locate Roycroft by his scentThe dog seemed as happy about it as poycroftUnit 2Warming up1ReptilesAmphibiousSpeciesCavesHerpetologist2Tissue sampleExpeditionCaptureDinosaursGeneticistWatchingPart11C bA cB a2CrocodilesCavesTeamThreeExpeditionPart21.MadagascarCavesFish or animalsFive2.throughIntoFromFor3.I t’s hard to believe that Dr.barr and the others may be only a few steps behind huge crocodiles That means that this crocodile is about the size of a carlThe group follow the croc tracks through the dark cavesWith this tissue sample,they may be able to solve many of the mysteries about these crocodiles This makes the crocodiles the perfect animal for hunting in complete darknessPart31FTFFT2continue 继续探险Move 想洞穴深处前行Walk 趟过及膝深的水Catch 抓住动物Tape 用胶带封住她的嘴Take 测量它的尺寸Collect 收集组织细胞样品Solve 解开一些谜团Follow up1Travels guidesFinds followsCatches takesCapture pole measurements tissue samplesWork on working withHome listening1TTFTF2survivorAdaptRecoveringAvailableProduce3Crocodiles are among the oldest species of animals on the face of earthCrocodile are usually good at getting over diseases and injures of many kindsThey are able to go for very long period of time without eatingThe crocodiles’s teeth are well-designed to grip and hold thingsIts skin color also help it disappear in its environmentUnit3Warming up1ethicsMoralsFoundationConfucianismPhilosopher2dynastyWarlordsHarmonyPhilosophyWatchingPART11BACED2 Zhou weak decline land power darkPart21FEB2towardsOnWithThroughoutFromIncludingPart31FFFFT2confucianism is often associated with present-day societyMany people are n’t aware of the influence of Confucianism on china’s pastConfucianism is the center of Chinese civilization and the foundation of modern Chinese society Follow up1moral ethical order justice peace harmony2Alive work their parents’ wishes the family nameBlearning education study hard move up attain successCbuild livesReading comprehensionA B D C D B BPeace and harmonyAn educationProsperHome listening1See remember understand do to others make mistakes to fall short 2I agree completely with the statementIt takes hard work to learn new vocabulary wordsTreat others as you’d like to be treatedIt’s better to work slowly and pay close attention to detailsIt’s important to find a balance between two extremes\3Saying1 8:20 hearing reading usingSaying2 7:00 talking badly kept on thinking aboutSaying3 2:00 work slowly details an extra effortSaying4 2:15 eat enough sick and tiredUnit 4Warming up一、 C D A B E二、 1. Landscape2. stake a claim3. mine4. the outback5. tunnelPart 1一、T F F F T二、 1.10000002.30003.904.19135.1.5三、 1.The landscape doesn`t look very welcoming .2.Opals have always been the basis for the economy of the town.3.It`s the variety and intensity of color that make them sparkle.4.Small teams of miners stake claims to specific areas.5.It has been turned into as much of a science as the rock will allow. Part 2(一) B F D C E A(二)1.find a fortune2.pattern thickness shape3.life stylePart 3(一)1.D3.B4.E G(二)1.valuable2.hardly3.mad4.betterFollow up(一) 1 A b2 C c3 B e4 D d5 D aReading comprehensionB DC B A B A color fortune rely on Homework(一) B C A C D(二)1.a variety of2.industry3.hobby4.shade5.containers(三)1.Some people collect gem stones for display in their homes.2.the dirt is then poured onto a small screen frame.3.the main thing to watch for while mining in color.4.A good-sized stone of any type is a valuable find.5.At some mines you can actually find gold as well as gem stones.Unit 5Warming up一、 B A F E D CPart1一、 D A D B D二、 1.heads out2.local3.explains4.calm5.scared6.intensively7.routine8.signs9.trackingPart2一、 1.the sixth grade write a book2.wildlife areas3.18 inches二、 1.state bird2.protects fly away chase3.Right now yell4.hissing5.majestic neat fly across三、 1.She was asked to write a book for a school project.2.the mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.3.I`ve seen it chase owls4.I`ll sound sort of like a cat hissing5.she often spends time observing the various birds.Part4一、 F T F T T二、 1.searching the internet2.drew and painted3.look at interpret4.personality invite learn more aboutPart4一、 1. B C E G2 A D F二、 1.in many ways2.become so involved with birds3.more of the world than I did4.something different than5.what they appear to beFollow upA FB EC DReading comprehensionD A D A B B A drew and painted personalityeasy interesting and educational homework一、 A B C C D二、 mit2.153.surveymunity5.over6.locations7.alone8.in a row9.is collected10. helpful三、 1.Bird counts typically last for four days2.there are bird counters as young as seven and as old as ninety3.any information that is collected and sent in is helpful.4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birds that may be endangered5.they could never gather this much information by themselves.UNIT6ⅠDBGACEFⅡapprentice ,discipline ,retired ,strict ,masterPart1Ⅰ a calling ,her real identity ,certain parts ,too old ,had the faceⅡmysterious ,symbol ,adjustingⅢ1,As asymbol of female beauty ,the geisha fascinates the modern world2,Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life3,I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know4,Once in Kyoto,Umechika had difficulties locating aplace to train her5Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geishaPart2ⅠDCEBⅡroutine ,pattern ,go through ,transform ,meaninglessPart3ⅠTFFTTⅡ1, traditional dances2, playing musical instruments3, conversation4, literatureFollow upⅠFTFTFTFReading ComprehensionCCABDAC, sacrifice ,show off ,beautiful traditionsHOME LISTENINGⅠDBABⅡtraditional ,stylized ,slowly ,unusual ,extends into ,surrounded ,a circle ,a master ,his replacement ,retiresⅢ1Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves acting ,singing ,and dancing 2The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized3The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted4Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience5He specializes in women`s roles and appears on stages all over the worldUNIT7ⅠABCEDⅡcowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racingPart1Ⅰ90 ,10, 12 ,500 ,33 ,15 ,52 ,30 ,8Ⅱ1every year ,unlike 2,compete ,most popular 3,fourth-generation ,started off 4,adventure ,speed 5, unique ,dangerousPart2ⅠFFTTTⅡoutrider ,outrider ,tent peg ,driver ,peg man ,chuckwagon ,stovethrower ,barrel acting as a stove Ⅲ1Before the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection2For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference3Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others4The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time5The outriders are said to have been fiven the most dangerous dutiesPatt3ⅠCABEDⅡkey ,champion ,horse power ,skill ,luck ,riding ,hard work ,slow down ,take a breath ,carrying onFollow upⅠCADBDReading ComprehensionBDBDDBA unload his horses , “ole-time” cowboy lifestyle ,cheer noisilyHOME LISTENINGⅠCAFDBEⅡSpanish ,popularity ,contests ,introduced ,wrapped ,allowed ,helpers ,safetyⅢ1,Today’s rodeos are very different from the original cowboy gatherings2,After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities3,These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows that people paid to watch4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied5,At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeosUNIT8ⅠCDEABⅡpropeller ,frame ,aerial ,paraglider ,maneuver ,paramotorPart1Ⅰsearch-and-rescue ,saving lives ,1995 ,doing an advertisementⅡ1,It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world2,Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region3,A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller4,The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure5,That’s the way it was with the first paramotor rescuePart2ⅠACⅡfounded ,developed ,important ,staff ,80 ,cheered ,land ,fans ,communicating ,expanded Patt3ⅠTFTTFⅡcalls in ,flies against maneuvers ,drops ,flying abovePart4Ⅰpiloting skills ,water-rescue skills ,saving people ,paramedic ,teachingⅡinterest ,long-term ,push down ,hopefully ,saferFollow upⅠCFEAReading ComprehensionBCDCDBA Brazilian lifeguards ,qualified paramotor pilots ,protected\safer\more relaxed HOME LISTENINGⅠBDBCAⅡTFTFFⅢ1, I stayed with my friend Gary and his family at their home2, Do you want to see how far out we can swim3,It’s never a good idea to swim beside a dock4, I became incredibly tired from fighting against it5,Swim along the coast to get out of the currentUNIT9ⅠADEBCFⅡ1a planet other than Earth ,outer space2construction3large4make or shapePart1ⅠCrop circles,Who or what ,Unusual constructionsⅡTFFFTPart2Ⅰresearcher ,enormous ,man-made ,mysterious ,appearⅡ1,1990,95,2Ⅲ1,I’m going to try and find out what this puzzle’s all about2,It’s so enormous that you can’t even see the other side3,People couldn’t have made such an enormous circle4,A circle of ice is missing from abody of water5,A connection between these mysterious circles almost certainly existsPart3ⅠEBDACⅡin ,to ,of ,in ,aboutFollow upⅠclean and open ,stomper boards ,eveningReading ComprehensionCACBBAC materials ,art ,TimingHOME LISTENINGⅠCBCCBⅡarticle ,important ,widespread ,impression ,responsible forⅢ1,This simply wouldn’t happen if people were using stomper boards2,Crop circles have been documented in more than 29 countries3,This is a serious error in judgment on the part of this newspaper4,They are not the result of visits by extraterrestrial beings5,I discovered a Web site that describes exactly how to make crop circlesUNIT10Ⅰmeteorologists ,tornadoes ,phenomena ,forecast ,velocityⅡCFGBADEPart1ⅠA,AB,B,B,ABⅡ6 ,45 ,pressure ,direction ,temperature ,humidityⅢ1,Tornadoes are some of the least understood phenomena in nature2,Scientists have been trying to understand how and when tornadoes form3,They’re searching for information that will help scientists better forecast tornadoes4,Samaras and his group head straight for the center of the storm5,Samaras keeps six weather probes ,each weighing 45 poundsPart2ⅠCarsten Peter ,National Geographic photographer ,Take pictures ,photographic probe ,still camerasⅡchallenges ,a big problem ,speedy ,catch up with ,zigzag around ,difficult ,makes it ,The hardest partPart3Ⅰ1,BC 2,AD,3EⅡFFFTTPart4ⅠTTFFFⅡ1five-ten ,2am-pm,3cars-houses ,4increases-drops ,5outside-insideFollow upⅠDFBGAEHCReading ComprehensionCBDAADC 300miles ,in the path ,scientific probe ,photographic probeHOME LISTENINGⅠplace high-tech weather probes ,collect the ,information ,directly in the path ,wind velocity ,does most of the damage ,upper part ,bottom ,a better chance of survivingⅡJune 11 ,5 ,16 one-thousandths\0.016 ,115 ,200Ⅲ1,They place high-tech weather probes in the paths of tornadoes2,This enabled them to illustrate exactly what happens inside of atornado3,This is part of the storm which actually does most of the damage4,The winds in this area of the storm are the strongest5,Scientists were then able to accurately determine the velocity of the objects。
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全新版大学英语视听阅读(第一册)答案Unit 1W arming up:1.1.1 imports1.2 scent1.3 detect1.4 sniff1.5 detector dogs2f e d c b aW atchingpart11 morning run,different,something different,international airports,illegal imports,passengers2 mixed odorsAn apple,a mangoCarry-ons,bagsSuitcasesLearn to sitWork,comes outPart21F f f t t2SupposedFar aheadChildrenThe publicFood drive3Things don’t always go so smoothly for Stockton though. You’ve got to work with me.I’m your partner,remember? So what does it take to be a “detector dog”?They’ve got to have real food drive because they work for food.Even after they eat a dinner,they’re still ready to eat some more.Part31 animal sheltersgivengreen jacket,detector dogsadopted2.1 work outStay with usSuitsApplicantsA good fit2.2progressingNothing kind ofA gameImportantFollow up1BB2JohnNice to meet youIs he bigKindWhat kind of food does he like My pleasureReading comprehensionDDADCCDInitial trainingNatureA gameHome listening1.1missing injured1.2an item of clothing1.3a black bear1.4barking biting scared away1.5snow1.6locate dig2100002003 2008 12240 percentThree-meter30 50percent3Of these 122 calls,SAR dogs were able to help almost 40 percent of the time.The dog can simply follow its nose to find the person She is out for her usual run one Sunday morning in the springRusty was able to locate Roycroft by his scentThe dog seemed as happy about it as poycroftUnit 2Warming up 1Reptiles Amphibious Species Caves Herpetologist 2Tissue sample Expedition Capture Dinosaurs GeneticistWatching Part11C bA cB a2 CrocodilesCavesTeamThreeExpeditionPart21.MadagascarCavesFish or animalsFive2.throughIntoFromFor3.I t’s hard to believe that Dr.Barr and the others may be only a few steps behind huge crocodilesThat means that this crocodile is about the size of a carl The group follow the croc tracks through the dark caves With this tissue sample,they may be able to solve many of the mysteries about these crocodilesThis makes the crocodiles the perfect animal for huntingin complete darknessPart31FTFFT2continue 继续探险Move 想洞穴深处前行Walk 趟过及膝深的水Catch 抓住动物Tape 用胶带封住她的嘴Take 测量它的尺寸Collect 收集组织细胞样品Solve 解开一些谜团Follow up1Travels guidesFinds followsCatches takesCapture pole measurements tissue samplesWork on working withHome listening1TTFTF2survivorAdaptRecoveringAvailableProduce3Crocodiles are among the oldest species of animals on the face of earthCrocodile are usually good at getting over diseases and injures of many kindsThey are able to go for very long period of time without eatingThe crocodiles’s teeth are well-designed to grip and hold thingsIts skin color also help it disappear in its environmentUnit3Warming up1ethicsMoralsFoundationConfucianismPhilosopher2dynastyWarlordsHarmonyPhilosophyWatchingPart11BACED2 Zhou weak decline land power darkPart21FEB2towardsOnWithThroughoutFromIncludingPart31FFFFT2confucianism is often associated with present-day societyMany people are n’t aware of the influence of Confucianism on china’s pastConfucianism is the center of Chinese civilization and the foundation of modern Chinese societyFollow up1moral ethical order justice peace harmony2Alive work their parents’ wishes the family name Blearning education study hard move up attainsuccessCbuild livesReading comprehensionA B D C D B BPeace and harmonyAn educationProsperHome listening1See remember understand do to others make mistakes to fall short2I agree completely with the statementIt takes hard work to learn new vocabulary words Treat others as you’d like to be treatedIt’s better to work slowly and pay close attention to detailsIt’s important to find a balance between two extremes\ 3Saying1 8:20 hearing reading usingSaying2 7:00 talking badly kept on thinking aboutSaying3 2:00 work slowly details an extra effort Saying4 2:15 eat enough sick and tiredUnit 4Warming up一、 C D A B E二、 1. Landscape2. stake a claim3. mine4. the outback5. tunnelWatchingPart 1一、T F F F T二、 1.10000002.30003.904.19135.1.5三、 1.The landscape doesn`t look verywelcoming .2.Opals have always been the basis for theeconomy of the town.3.It`s the variety and intensity of color that makethem sparkle.4.Small teams of miners stake claims to specificareas.5.It has been turned into as much of a science asthe rock will allow.Part 2(一) B F D C E A(二)1.find a fortune2.pattern thickness shape3.life stylePart 3(一) 1.D2.A C F3.B4.E G(二) 1.valuable2.hardly3.mad4.betterFollow up(一) 1 A b2 C c3 B e4 D d5 D aReading comprehensionB DC B A B A color fortune rely onHomework(一) B C A C D(二) 1.a variety of2.industry3.hobby4.shade5.containers(三) 1.Some people collect gem stones for display intheir homes.2.the dirt is then poured onto a small screen frame.3.the main thing to watch for while mining in color.4.A good-sized stone of any type is a valuable find.5.At some mines you can actually find gold as wellas gem stones.Unit 5Warming up一、 B A F E D CWatchingPart1一、 D A D B D二、 1.heads out2.local3.explains4.calm5.scared6.intensively7.routine8.signs9.tracking10.casualPart2一、1.the sixth grade write a book2.wildlife areas3.18 inches二、1.state bird2.protects fly away chase3.Right now yell4.hissing5.majestic neat fly across三、1.She was asked to write a book for a schoolproject.2.the mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.3.I`ve seen it chase owls4.I`ll sound sort of like a cat hissing5.she often spends time observing the various birds.Part3一、 F T F T T二、1.searching the internet2.drew and painted3.look at interpret4.personality invite learn moreaboutPart4一、 1. B C E G2 A D F二、1.in many ways2.become so involved with birds3.more of the world than I did4.something different than5.what they appear to beFollow upA FB EC DReading comprehensionD A D A B B A drew and painted personalityeasy interesting and educationalhomework一、A B C C D二、mit2.153.surveymunity5.over6.locations7.alone8.in a row9.is collected10. helpful三、1.Bird counts typically last for four days2.there are bird counters as young as seven and as oldas ninety3.any information that is collected and sent in ishelpful.4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birdsthat may be endangered5.they could never gather this much information bythemselves.UNIT6Warming upⅠDBGACEFⅡapprentice ,discipline ,retired ,strict ,masterWatchigPart1Ⅰ a calling ,her real identity ,certain parts ,too old ,had the faceⅡmysterious ,symbol ,adjustingⅢ1,As asymbol of female beauty ,the geisha fascinates the modern world2,Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life3,I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know4,Once in Kyoto,Umechika had difficulties locating aplace to train her5Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geishaPart2ⅠDCEBⅡroutine ,pattern ,go through ,transform ,meaninglessPart3ⅠTFFTTⅡ1, traditional dances2, playing musical instruments3, conversation4, literatureFollow upⅠFTFTFTFReading ComprehensionCCABDAC, sacrifice ,show off ,beautiful traditionsHome ListeningⅠDBABⅡtraditional ,stylized ,slowly ,unusual ,extends into ,surrounded ,a circle ,a master ,his replacement ,retiresⅢ1Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves acting ,singing ,and dancing2The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized3The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted4Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience5He specializes in women`s roles and appears on stages all over the worldUNIT7Warming upⅠABCEDⅡcowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racingWatchingPart1Ⅰ90 ,10, 12 ,500 ,33 ,15 ,52 ,30 ,8Ⅱ1every year ,unlike 2,compete ,most popular 3,fourth-generation ,started off 4,adventure ,speed 5, unique ,dangerousPart2ⅠFFTTTⅡoutrider ,outrider ,tent peg ,driver ,peg man ,chuckwagon ,stovethrower ,barrel acting as a stove Ⅲ1Before the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection2For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference3Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others4The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time5The outriders are said to have been fiven the most dangerous dutiesPatt3ⅠCABEDⅡkey ,champion ,horse power ,skill ,luck ,riding ,hard work ,slow down ,take a breath ,carrying onFollow upⅠCADBDReading ComprehensionBDBDDBA unload his horses , “ole-time”cowboy lifestyle ,cheer noisilyHome ListeningⅠCAFDBEⅡSpanish ,popularity ,contests ,introduced ,wrapped ,allow ed ,helpers ,safetyⅢ1,Today’s rodeos are very different from the original cowboy gatherings2,After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities3,These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows that people paid to watch 4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied5,At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeosUNIT8Warming upⅠCDEABⅡpropeller ,frame ,aerial ,paraglider ,maneuver ,paramotorWatchingPart1Ⅰsearch-and-rescue ,saving lives ,1995 ,doing an advertisementⅡ1,It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world 2,Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region3,A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller4,The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure5,That’s the way it was with the first paramotor rescuePart2ⅠACⅡfounded ,developed ,important ,staff ,80 ,cheered ,land ,f ans ,communicating ,expandedPatt3ⅠTFTTFⅡcalls in ,flies against maneuvers ,drops ,flying abovePart4Ⅰpiloting skills ,water-rescue skills ,saving people ,paramedic ,teachingⅡinterest ,long-term ,push down ,hopefully ,saferFollow upⅠCFEAReading ComprehensionBCDCDBA Brazilian lifeguards ,qualified paramotor pilots ,protected\safer\more relaxedHome ListeningⅠBDBCAⅡTFTFFⅢ1, I stayed with my friend Gary and his family at their home2, Do you want to see how far out we can swim3,It’s never a good idea to swim beside a dock4, I became incredibly tired from fighting against it5,Swim along the coast to get out of the currentUNIT9Warming upⅠADEBCFⅡ1a planet other than Earth ,outer space2construction3large4make or shapeWatchingPart1ⅠCrop circles,Who or what ,Unusual constructionsⅡTFFFTPart2Ⅰresearcher ,enormous ,man-made ,mysterious ,appear Ⅱ1,1990,95,2Ⅲ1,I’m going to try and find out what this puzzle’s all about2,It’s so enormous that you can’t even see the other side3,People couldn’t have made such an enormous circle 4,A circle of ice is missing from abody of water5,A connection between these mysterious circles almost certainly existsPart3ⅠEBDACⅡin ,to ,of ,in ,aboutFollow upⅠclean and open ,stomper boards ,eveningReading ComprehensionCACBBAC materials ,art ,TimingHome ListeningⅠCBCCBⅡarticle ,important ,widespread ,impression ,responsible forⅢ1,This simply wouldn’t happen if people were using stomper boards2,Crop circles have been documented in more than 29 countries3,This is a serious error in judgment on the part of thisnewspaper4,They are not the result of visits by extraterrestrial beings5,I discovered a Web site that describes exactly how to make crop circlesUNIT10Warming upⅠmeteorologists ,tornadoes ,phenomena ,forecast ,velocity ⅡCFGBADEWatchPart1ⅠA,AB,B,B,ABⅡ6 ,45 ,pressure ,direction ,temperature ,humidityⅢ1,Tornadoes are some of the least understood phenomena in nature2,Scientists have been trying to understand how and when tornadoes form3,They’re searching for information that will help scientists better forecast tornadoes4,Samaras and his group head straight for the centerof the storm5,Samaras keeps six weather probes ,each weighing 45 poundsPart2ⅠCarsten Peter ,National Geographic photographer ,Take pictures ,photographic probe ,still camerasⅡchallenges ,a big problem ,speedy ,catch up with ,zigzag around ,difficult ,makes it ,The hardest partPart3Ⅰ1,BC 2,AD,3EⅡFFFTTPart4ⅠTTFFFⅡ1five-ten ,2am-pm,3cars-houses ,4increases-drops ,5outsi de-insideFollow upⅠDFBGAEHCReading ComprehensionCBDAADC 300miles ,in the path ,scientific probe ,photographic probeHome ListeningⅠplace high-tech weather probes ,collect the ,information ,directly in the path ,wind velocity ,does most of the damage ,upper part ,bottom ,a better chance of survivingⅡJune 11 ,5 ,16 one-thousandths\0.016 ,115 ,200 Ⅲ1,They place high-tech weather probes in the paths of tornadoes2,This enabled them to illustrate exactly what happens inside of atornado3,This is part of the storm which actually does most of the damage4,The winds in this area of the storm are the strongest 5,Scientists were then able to accurately determine the velocity of the objects。