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Text Analysis
Stylistic Feature
1. long sentences 2. formal words 3. impersonal structures
Text Analysis
In this essay the two authors discuss the definition of history, the role of the historians and the reasons why historians disagree.
Lesson three
Why Historians Disagree
Allen F. Davis & Harold D. Woodman
• Historical fact ,figure, event • Historic moment
The present text is based on the introduction to a book entitled Conflict and Consensus in Modern American History edited by Allen F. Davis and Harold D. Woodman, professors at Temple University and Purdue University respectively, who also wrote the introduction.
To be of equal importance : to be equally important
To be of sth (formal) • To be of the same size • To be of the same weight • To be of the same color • To be of the same material • To be of no value • To be of no consequence
Text Analysis
How the students of history major study history and what confuse them
Part I (Paras. 1—3)
Part II (Paras. 4—10) Historians may view the same historical
To make of sth: to understand.
• We don’t know what to make of his behavior. • I couldn't make much of his speech it was all in Russian. • • cause…to become使…成为 • You will never make a musician of that boy • The navy has made a man of him.
Woodrow Wilson
When Woodrow Wilson took office, he faced economic crisis, democratic decay, and a world at war. He effected
social reform
To one’s disadvantage:
Contend vi vt
• Contend v. 1 contend with/against/for: compete They contend with each other for the top prize.
2 argue, assert He contends that the universe is expanding.
Position: situation or state; status,
• 处境, 情势: • Their failure to come to a decision put her in an impossible position. • What would you do in my position? • The economic position of the country is disastrous • I am not in a position (ie I am unable) to help you. • She has made her position very clear. • (point of view )
Simply : only, nothing but
• It’s simply a matter of time. • Is success simply a matter of working hard? 是 否只要勤奋就能成功? completely; absolutely His pronunciation is simply terrible. 他的发音实在糟透了. I simply refuse to go! 我就是不去!
Text Appreciation
I. Text Analysis
1. Style 2. Stylistic Feature 3. Theme 4. Structure 5. Further Discussion
II. Writing Device
III. Sentence Paraphrase
In a broad sense
• In a narrow /general sense : in the meaning of the word • Approximate vi vt • ~ to sth: be almost the same as sth • Your story approximates to the facts we already know. • The total cost will approximate £15 billion
To be relevant to :to be related to the matter at hand; to the point.
• 有关的; 切题的: • Can you supply the facts (directly) relevant to the case? • Strike out this part. It is hardly relevant to the subject.
• By way of
• Fat : a fat salary; book; check; chance(little/no) • Fat; overweight; heavy; stout; plump; chubby; obese
be immersed in :
• be immersed in thought, one's business, a book 沉思﹑ 埋首事务﹑ 专心读书 • He immersed himself totally in his work. 他埋首於工作.
A state of affairs: a situation情况; 局势
• This state of affairs cannot continue for too long. • There is not much we can do in the present state of affairs.
More or less: almost
• This problem is more or less settled. • They more or less agree to reopen their discussion on the border dispute.
2.approximately e.g. It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter.
Similar phrases are : To one’s advantage To one’s benefit In one’s interest.为某人的利益 Her height will be very much to her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer.
V . Adj
Approximate [əˈpr ɔksɪmeɪt] adj. [əˈpr ɔksɪmət] Separate v. [ˈsep reit] ə adj [ˈsepr ət] Deliberate Moderate Elaborate 详细制定/阐述 Subordinate Degenerate Estimate duplicate
• • • • • • • Datum data (pl) Medium media Curriculum curricula Phenomenon phenomena Criterion criteria Stratum /ˈstr ɑːtəm; US ˈstretəm/ strata ɪ Bacterium bacteria
event from different perspectives
Part III (Paras. 11—13) The authors summarize the reasons why historians disagree and the disagreement is everlasting.
Stem from (Pa. 9) originate in ; to derive from
1. His headaches stemmed from vision problems. 2. The strong resentment stemmed from heavy taxes.
Concern oneself with/in/about (Pa.9) be busy with, interest oneself in
• Cf. = compare You have the same surname. Are you related? Connected by kinship, marriage, or common origin.
Woodrow Wilson
• Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), America’s 28th president(1913-1921), was a professor of law, the president of Princeton University, and the governor of New Jersey before he was elected to the White House.
Text Analysis
This is a piece of expository writing. The purpose of expository writing is to explain or to give the reader information to help him understand the world around him.
1 He loves his wife, and concerns himself with her needs and desires. 2 There's no need to concern yourself with this matter; we're dealing with it.
Disproportionate adj.(Pa.11) out of proportion, relatively too large or small, etc.