

外文文献翻译 中英文对照 工程管理 建筑项目招投标--毕业设计论文

外文文献翻译 中英文对照 工程管理 建筑项目招投标--毕业设计论文













招标英文作文模板Sure, here is a template for a bidding essay:1. Introduction:Hello everyone, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to bid for this project.Greetings to all the esteemed members of the selection committee.I am excited to present my proposal for this project.2. Expertise and Experience:I have extensive experience in this field, with over X years of hands-on experience.My team and I have successfully completed similar projects in the past.We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results.3. Unique Selling Points:One of our unique strengths is our innovative approach to problem-solving.We pride ourselves on our ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.Our attention to detail and commitment to excellence set us apart from the competition.4. Cost-Effectiveness:We understand the importance of cost-effectiveness in today's competitive market.Our proposal offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality.We believe in delivering value for money to our clients.5. Timelines and Deliverables:We are committed to meeting deadlines and delivering results on time.Our project plan includes clear milestones and a well-defined timeline.We will provide regular updates and maintain open communication throughout the project.6. Customer Satisfaction:Customer satisfaction is our top priority.We strive to exceed expectations and ensure that our clients are happy with the end result.Our testimonials and client feedback speak forthemselves.7. Conclusion:In conclusion, I am confident that our team is the best fit for this project.We have the expertise, experience, and passion to deliver exceptional results.Thank you for considering our bid, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you.Remember, the key is to maintain a conversational tone, showcase diversity in language usage, and keep each paragraph independent. Good luck with your bidding essay!。



招标投标英语介绍范文1. Definition and Purpose of Bidding and TenderingBidding and tendering are processes used by organizations to invite suppliers to submit their offers for the supply of goods, services, or construction work. The purpose of bidding and tendering is to ensure fair competition among suppliers and to select the most qualified and cost-effective supplier for the project.2. Types of Bidding and TenderingThere are several types of bidding and tendering processes, including open tendering, selective tendering, negotiated tendering, and single-stage and two-stage tendering. Each type of process has its own set of rules and requirements, and it is important for both the organization and the suppliers to understand the specific process being used.3. Bidding and Tendering DocumentsThe bidding and tendering process typically begins with the organization issuing a set of documents that outline the project requirements, specifications, terms and conditions, and evaluation criteria. These documents are crucial for suppliers to understand the scope of work and to preparetheir bids accordingly.4. Key Considerations for BiddersWhen preparing a bid, suppliers must consider several key factors, including the project requirements, technical specifications, contract terms, pricing, and delivery schedule. It is important for bidders to thoroughly review the bidding documents and seek clarification on any uncertainties before submitting their bids.5. Evaluation and Selection ProcessOnce the bids are submitted, the organization will evaluate them based on the specified criteria, which may include price, technical qualifications, delivery schedule, and past performance. The evaluation process should be transparent and impartial, and the organization should communicate the results to all bidders in a timely manner.6. Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsBidding and tendering processes are subject to laws and regulations, and organizations and suppliers must adhere to legal and ethical standards throughout the process. Any form of collusion, fraud, or bribery is strictly prohibited, and both parties must conduct themselves with integrity and transparency.7. Tips for Successful BiddingTo increase their chances of winning a bid, suppliers should focus on understanding the project requirements, offering competitive pricing, highlighting their technicalqualifications and past experience, and submitting a well-documented and professional bid. It is also important for suppliers to build and maintain good relationships with the organization and to seek feedback on their bids to continuously improve their performance.ConclusionBidding and tendering are essential processes for organizations to procure goods, services, and construction work from qualified suppliers. By understanding the key principles and best practices of bidding and tendering, both organizations and suppliers can ensure a fair and transparent process that results in the selection of the most suitable supplier for the project.。



英语作文招标范文The Importance of English Essay Writing in the Bidding ProcessIn the modern business landscape, the ability to effectively communicate through written English has become an invaluable asset. This is particularly true in the context of the bidding process, where companies vying for contracts must present their qualifications, strategies, and value propositions in a clear and compelling manner. The English essay, as a form of written communication, plays a crucial role in this process, serving as a platform for organizations to showcase their expertise, articulate their unique offerings, and ultimately secure lucrative contracts.One of the primary reasons why English essay writing is so essential in the bidding process is its ability to convey complex information in a structured and coherent manner. When crafting a bid, companies must often present a wealth of technical details, financial projections, and operational plans. The English essay format allows them to organize this information in a logical and easy-to-follow manner, guiding the reader through the key points and highlighting the mostsalient aspects of the proposal. By utilizing effective essay structure, such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, bidders can ensure that their message is communicated clearly and persuasively.Moreover, the English essay format provides an opportunity for bidders to demonstrate their command of the language. In a global business environment, where multinational corporations and international organizations are increasingly the target audience for bids, the ability to write flawless English can be a significant differentiator. Bidders who exhibit a strong grasp of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary not only convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail but also instill confidence in the reader that the organization has the necessary linguistic capabilities to effectively manage and execute the project.Beyond the technical aspects of the bidding process, the English essay also serves as a platform for bidders to showcase their creativity, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills. The essay format allows companies to go beyond simply listing their qualifications and to instead craft a narrative that highlights their unique approach to the project, their understanding of the client's needs, and their ability to deliver innovative solutions. By weaving a compelling story through the essay, bidders can distinguish themselves from their competitors and make a lasting impression onthe decision-makers.Furthermore, the English essay format enables bidders to address potential concerns or objections that the client may have, and to proactively address these issues in a thoughtful and persuasive manner. This not only demonstrates the bidder's anticipation of the client's needs but also showcases their ability to think strategically and problem-solve in a collaborative manner.In the highly competitive world of bidding, where the difference between success and failure can often be razor-thin, the English essay can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of any organization seeking to secure lucrative contracts. By leveraging the strengths of this format – its ability to convey complex information, demonstrate linguistic proficiency, and showcase strategic thinking – bidders can craft proposals that stand out from the crowd and ultimately win the day.。

毕业设计 某花园公寓楼设计与招投标文件编制英文翻译

毕业设计 某花园公寓楼设计与招投标文件编制英文翻译

毕业设计某花园公寓楼设计与招投标文件编制英文翻译毕业设计泛美花园公寓楼设计与招投标文件编制英文文献翻译外文资料:Spread footing foundationA spread footing (also known as footer or simply a footing) is an enlargement at the bottom of a column or bearing wall that spreads the applied structural loads over a sufficiently large soil area. Typically, each column and each bearing wall has its own spread footing, so each structure may include dozens of individual footings.Spread footings are by far the most common type of foundation, primarily because of their low cost and ease of construction. They are most often used in small-to medium-size structure on sites with moderate to good soil conditions.Spread footings may be built in different shapes and sizes to accommodate individual needs, as shown in Fig. 13.1. These include the following:(1)Square spread footings (or simply square footings) have plan dimensions of B×B. The depth from the ground surface to the bottom of the footings is D and the thickness is T. Square footings usually support a single centrally-located column;(2)Rectangular spread footings have plan dimensions of B×L, whereL is the longest dimension. These are useful when obstructions prevent construction of a square footing with a sufficiently large base area and when large moment loads are present;(3)Circular spread footings are round in plan view. These are most frequently used as foundations for light standards, flagpoles, and power transmission lines. If these foundations extend to a large depth (i.e., D/B greater than about 3), they may behave more like a deep rge cylindrical above ground surface storage tanks also will behave as a circular foundation. Although the walls may be supported on an annular-shaped continuous footing(ring footing) and the roof may be supported by columns founded on square footings, the contents of the tank will be distributed evenly across the tank floor;(4)Continuous spread footings (also known as wall footings or strip footings) are used to support bearing walls;(5)Combined footings are those that support more than one column. These are useful when columns are located too close together for each to have its own footing. Sometimes, its is necessary to build spread footings very close to a property line, another structure. Because such a footing cannot be centered beneath the column, the load is eccentric. This can cause the footing to rotate and thus produce undesirable moments and displacements in the column.One solution to this problem is to use a strap footing (also known as a cantilever footing), which consists of an eccentrically loaded footing under the exterior column connected to the first interior column using a grade beam. Thisarrangement, which is similar to a combined footing, provides the necessary moment in the exterior footing to counter the eccentric load. Sometimes grade beams connect all of the spread footings; provide a more rigid foundation system.Bored concrete piles and steel pilesBored concrete piles are concrete columns cast inside the soil in a hole. The hole is drilled with various types of drilling tools whose choice depends the kind of soil in question. Bored piles are especially useful for applications in which vibration caused by driving should be eliminated. Piles with diameters of 300 to 500mm, 10 to 30m long and with design loads of 200to 400KN are in use. Piles with diameters larger than 600mm are termed drilled piers. The bored piles have the following advantages:(1) they are installed by drilling, which is preferred in stiff clays,;and wherever adjacent buildings and the inside of structures are apt to be damaged by vibration produced by driving;(2) they may be installed in practically unlimited lengths;(3) since they do not displace the soil, they are not accompanied by heave, they can be spaced as close as 1.75d apart.However, compared to the driven piles, they have a limited bearing capacity unless they bear on a rock.. This limited bearing capacity is contingent to the fact that they produce no soil displacement and, consequently, the soil adjacent to the shaft and the below the base is not compacted. Moreover,they are frequently installed incorrectly and this circumstance impairs their reliability.The steel piles are steel columns driven into the ground. They are capable of withstanding hard driving thanks to their strength and to the fact that they displace only a small volume of soil, the latter property makes them suitable for driving through hard soils and to greatdepths.The steel piles with relatively thin walls penetrate the soil without setting up heavy vibrations which are detrimental to adjacent buildings. They can easily be spliced or cut off and this property is advantageous whenever their length varies considerably due to the irregularity of the surface, for example, in driving to a rock.. It is also this property that makes them well adapted to driving in a limited headroom, for they can be driven in short lengths and readily spliced by welding during the installation.On the other hand, steel piles are expensive, and their use is confined to cases in which their large bearing capacity can be exploited to the full, for example, when they are end-bearing on a rock. In addition, they are adapted to hard driving and depth over 15m, and provide excellent service under heavy lateral loads, as in marine structures, where their parts which protrude into the air double as columns.The durability of steel in the ground, which is sometimes a matterof dispute. No failure of steel piles driven into the ground, which can be attributed to corrosion, has been recorded, except in organic, acidand chemical plants. When steel piles are used for marine or river structures, their sections extending above the low water should be protected by concrete jackets. In waterfront structure, the protective coatings and/or cathodic protection systems are always recommended. The design of a foundationThe design of a foundation method depends on several factors which, in areas where no previous experience with foundations is available, cannot be determined without trial. As a rule, several solutions are possible.There are several factors involved in the choice of an appropriate type of foundation. ,Questions which we wish to answer is how to transmit the load of the superstructure to the subsoil, how to construct the chosen type of foundation and how to build it at a reasonable cost. The purpose of foundations is to transfer the required load safely to the subsoil; therefore, a foundation should be designed to perform this task without detrimental deformation of the superstructure or failure of the supporting soil or rock under the effect of static load, dynamic load, seepage forces, scour, etc.In choosing the method of foundation, the designer generally adopts the procedure of :(1) obtaining information concerning the type of the superstructure involved and the loads acting thereon;(2) procuring geological exploration;(3) investigating the engineering properties of the soil in questions;(4) studying the customary types of foundations in relation to the load or structure, sensitivity to settlement, case of construction and eliminating the unsuitable types;(5) designing the chosen type proceeding from detailed soil mechanics data and computations;(6) estimating the cost;(7) evaluating the time required for construction.Prestressing MethodsPrestressed members are often classified by how the steel isstressed and anchored to the concrete. The member is said to be pretensioned if the steel is positioned in the form and stressed before the concrete is cast. A member is said to be post-tensioned when the steel is stressed after the concrete has hardened to a specific design strength.Pretensioning is used primarily in precasting plants to mass-produce members whose size and weight are small enough to permit shipment to the site by truck. If pretensioning is carried out in the plant, the contractor is not required to supply equipment and trained personnel to prestress members in the field.In precast plants, members are commonly constructed on a long slab.These casting beds, which may be 400 to 500ft (122 to152 m) long, permit a number of members to be pretensioned simultaneously(Fig.11.3).Large abutments, positioned at each end of the casting bed,are constructed with fittings to stress and anchor the tendons.。



Building engineering biddingAbstract: Nowadays in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits, have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market. This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively.bidding documents should be well formulated ,which is important to a successful bidding and direct influence the success or failure of the bidding work.Because the success or failure of the bidding for the survival and development of enterprise has a direct impact, so we have a high quality, improve the bid documents of the unit, prevent invalid and successful pass mark appear, become a research topic.key : bidding drawbacks of unfair competition countermeasuresBidding is a form of project transactions, project bidding process is to determine the successful bidder and the cost of the process and the price of the project, project bidding work of a very important link, do a good job bidding to determine the price, we can effectively control construction costs, and create a fair and equitable market environment, create orderly competition mechanism. Bidding in construction activities, construction enterprises in order to tender invincible works to be successful, And from the contracted projects profitable, it needs to integrate various subjective and objective conditions, the tender research strategy determine tender. Tender bidding strategy, including pricing strategies and skills. All of the strategies and skills from the numerous contractors bidding on the accumulated experience and objective understanding of the law and of the actual situation understanding, but also with the contractor's decision-making ability and courage are closely related.Bidding documents is the general programme and play book of the bidding activity through the process of bidding. The bidding documents will specify that How to conduct each bidding work, how to dispatch bidding documents, the requirements fortenderer,how to rate and decide bidding and the procedures of bidding. Therefore, the personnel who is responsible for prepare bidding documents should first have a general view of the bidding work, include all the requirements and arrangements into the bidding documents. If meet problems that have not been considered previously, then resolve them one by one during the preparation. The course of bidding documents preparation is also the course of making bidding scheme .In another respect, bidding documents is also the legal instruments. Besides relevant law and rules, the bidding documents are the common game rules that bidder,bidding agent and tenderer should subject to through the bidding. Bidding documents are the legal instruments that all the three bidding related parties should subject to, have legal force, therefore, the bidding documents -making personnel required to have the awareness and quality of legal in order to reflect the fair, just and legal requirement in the bidding documents.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project construction supervision system on standardizing China's construction market, improve the construction quality and played an active role. But in the process of implementing exist some disadvantages, needs to perfect, enrich and improve. This project bidding documents in accordance with the bidding law of the People's Republic of China for bidders, bidding regulation, enterprise strictly, put forward to bidders professional requirements of project profile was illustrated.Nowadays in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good benefits, have to control their cost and improve management to enhance the capacity of adapting and competing in this market. This article focuses on how to decrease cost and increase income so as to control the construction cost effectively.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project construction supervision system on standardizing China's construction market, improve the construction quality and played an active role. But in the process of implementing exist some disadvantages, needs to perfect, enrich and improve. This project bidding documents in accordance with the bidding law of the People'sRepublic of China for bidders, bidding regulation, enterprise strictly, put forward to bidders professional requirements of project profile was illustrated.The practice of project bidding purpose is to market competition of openness, fairness and justice. However, due to the construction market development is not standard, management system and the experience of inadequate, architectural engineering bidding in concrete operation exist in ACTS of unfair competition, and some drawbacks. This obviously violate the bidding, the bidding process, and will lose its significance for other bidder fails to bid is unjust, disturbed the bidding (project contracting market economic order, for activities), this kind of behavior must be prohibited, only in this way can we make construction engineering competitive trading activity lawfully healthy. This subject will I learned and social practice, present situation and construction project bidding system is expounded, and the disadvantages of bidding for construction project with ACTS of unfair competition phenomenon and analysis of causes, and finally make corresponding preventive countermeasures.Construction cost management system, both theoretical discussion, but also need to practice innovation. Under the conditions of market economy, project cost management, competitive and orderly market for construction management services platform structures. In such a premise, the original scale and method of valuation is inappropriate, and this needs to be reformed and improved. The spirit of "the government's macro regulation and control, enterprise autonomy offer, the market will price" principle, to implement the implementation specification bill of quantity. Inventory Valuation bidding activities are based on market economy mechanism, based on legal, scientific, fair, open and reasonable way to determine the winning bidder of an economic activity. Bidding is bidding activities constitute two basic aspects. The bidding activity is merely that by bidding to choose the one with the workConstruction process capability, moderate cost, quality is excellent, short duration of construction enterprises, and this is the ultimate goal tender. I have participated in internships over the course of the project bidding, and completed over part of the calculation of quantities, combined with graduate experience in the design process, a brief analysis of the mode Quantities Call for TenderThe meaning of risk and risk characteristics of the general construction, the lowest price sealed bidding construction method produces several risks and incentives, according to their characteristics discussed the feasibility of risk control and prevention. Comparison of engineering and engineering security risk management, insurance, similarities and differences between the two projects and benefits; construction project bidding and tendering process characteristics of human behavior is analyzed to reveal the bidder's risk appetite and behavioral characteristics with changes in the external environment change, when the default punishment is light, the bidder preference appetite for risk and default penalties, with the increase exceeds a certain value, the risk of bidders to show preference for behavior change to avoid the risk of penalties, the greater the bidder biased in favor of a more risk-averse behavior, the results of the control and prevention of risk behavior of bidders has an important and practical significanceConstruction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to "price of separation volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market price-based price formation mechanism, the price of the decision in the hands of the parties involved in the market, and ultimately the allocation of resources through the market in order to realize through the market mechanism to decide on project cost. This will standardize the construction market-competitive behavior and the promotion of project bidding mechanisms play an important role in innovation. It can be said that the implementation of the project bill of quantities is a project cost management system in our country a big step forward, but also in China's accession to the WTO, the global construction industry a powerful tool for peer competition.With the construction of in-depth development of the market, the traditional fixed pricing model no longer suited to market-oriented economic development needs. In order to adapt to the current project bidding by the market needs of a project cost, we must work on the existing valuation methods and pricing model for reform, the implementation of projects bill pricing. Engineering is a list of pricing model and adapt to the market economy, allowing independent contractor pricing through market competition determine prices, with the international practice of pricing model. With the bill pricing model projects to promote, in accordance with international bidding practices is imperative. Therefore, "the lowest reasonable price of the successfulbidder" My future is the most important evaluation methods. At this stage due to the implementation of projects bill pricing model and the problems mainly against China at this stage " in the minimum reasonable price of the principles of the successful bidder, most contractors have not yet set up their own enterprises of scale, companies unable to determine the reasonable Cost. This article is a scientific and fast set "reasonable cost" to study the key. First, from the project cost of the basic concept, of the engineering bill pricing model under the cost structure, to accurately predict costs of the project provided the basis, considering the average cost of the social cost to individual enterprises and the tender stage of the cost estimates. Followed through on fuzzy math and technology for smooth in-depth analysis, through "close-degree," the concept of reasonable fuzzy math and exponential smoothing technologies, construction of the project cost vague prediction model, and in accordance with the relevant information and statistics Information and experience to establish a "framework structure," the comparison works Construction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to "price of separation volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market price-based price formation mechanism, the price of the decision in the hands of the parties involved in the market, and ultimately the allocation of resources through the market in order to realize through the market mechanism to decide on project cost. This will standardize the construction market-competitive behavior and the promotion of project bidding mechanisms play an important role in innovation. It can be said that the implementation of the project bill of quantities is a project cost management system in our country a big step forward, but also in China's accession to the WTO, the global construction industry a powerful tool for peer competition.A healthy bidding system should be in accordance with the "open, fair and justice" and the principle of good faith, and establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly construction market. In view of the current problems existing in the bidding process, adopt regulations, and formulate and perfect the institution, strengthening process supervision measures, they can better regulate construction market order, prevent corruption from its source, purify construction market, promote the construction market order progressively toward standardization, institutionalized, and constantly improve the quality and level of the bidding work.建筑项目招投标摘要:目前在工程建设项目行业中,以工程招投标为特征的建筑市场已经形成,施工企业为创造良好经济效益,必须严格控制成本,加强成本控制管理,才能提高市场适应能力和竞争力。



投标与招标过程英语作文Title: The Bidding and Tendering Process.The bidding and tendering process is a crucial aspect of any construction or procurement project. It involves the submission of proposals by interested parties in response to a formal invitation from a buyer or procurer. This process ensures fairness, transparency, and competition, leading to the selection of the most qualified and cost-effective bidder.The bidding process typically begins with the issuance of a tender document by the buyer. This document outlines the scope of the project, specifications, requirements, evaluation criteria, and other pertinent information. It serves as a guide for interested parties, informing them of the buyer's needs and expectations.The tender document is then distributed to potential bidders, who have the opportunity to review and assess theproject details. This allows bidders to determine their eligibility, capabilities, and the resources required to successfully execute the project. Bidders are also able to identify any potential risks or challenges associated with the project.Once the bidders have familiarized themselves with the tender document, they proceed to submit their proposals. These proposals typically include a detailed technical proposal, which outlines the bidder's approach, methodology, and plan for executing the project. In addition, biddersare required to submit a commercial proposal, which details the cost of their services, payment terms, and any other financial considerations.After the submission of proposals, the buyer evaluates them based on the criteria outlined in the tender document. This evaluation process ensures that the bidder with the most qualified and cost-effective proposal is selected. The buyer may also conduct site visits or interviews with bidders to gain a better understanding of theircapabilities and experience.Once the evaluation is complete, the buyer selects the preferred bidder and issues a contract. This contract outlines the specific terms and conditions of the agreement, including the scope of work, payment terms, and any other relevant details. The contract is then signed by both parties, formalizing the agreement and initiating the project.Throughout the bidding and tendering process, it is crucial to maintain fairness and transparency. This ensures that all bidders are treated equally and have the same opportunities to compete for the project. It also promotes trust and confidence among the parties involved, leading to a successful and mutually beneficial outcome.In conclusion, the bidding and tendering process is a vital component of any construction or procurement project. It ensures fairness, transparency, and competition, leading to the selection of the most qualified and cost-effective bidder. By adhering to strict evaluation criteria and maintaining fairness and transparency throughout theprocess, buyers and bidders can establish strong relationships and achieve successful outcomes.。



ABSTRACTThis graduation design is according to the shandong zaozhuang xiushui garden 10 # building engineering of the tender guidelines, contract conditions, technical specifications, drawings and other documents and compiling the tender. The project framework for civilian residential. Construction layer is 3 layers, a total construction area of 27.95 square meters, the floor height is 17.06 meters. Buildings for seismic fortification category 7 degrees, the structure is safe level for level 2.Xiushui garden this design for the 10th floor of a building project tender, preparation of the main content for the two parts of the business standard and technical standard. Commercial tender main contents including the book of tender, the letter of instructions, bidding for a list of the books, bidding quotation, management, personnel, labor input, dynamic planning and resources distribution table and the part such as construction machinery equipped with plan. Part of tender offer book follow according to the current method of the general the quantities bill valuation method calculation of quantities, and then use software packages for cost reporting results.Mark and technology is mainly based on the construction drawings and design data, finally complete a process of project construction organization design. Its main content includes compilation basis and principle, engineering general situation, construction goal, construction organization, main disciplines construction technology scheme and quality guarantee period guarantee measures and safety management guarantee measures and environmental protection measures; Including the unit project construction layout and construction schedule figure.Finally, the results of cost make reasonable technical and economic analysis, further deep understanding and the understanding of the influence factors of engineering tender offer for construction period, quality, and on owner decided to bidder won the bid of the tender of the key role.KEY WORDS business standard, technical standard, construction scheme。








关键词:招标文件工程量清单投标文件商务标技术标The Bid Documents and Tender Documents of Jin ye Estate11#BuildingAbstractThe graduate design is compiling bidding documents from the standpoint of owner and compiling tender documents from the standpoint of bidder according to the shop dawning construction part and the decoration part of zhong xing hao ting 2# Building . This project is frame-shear wall structure and concrete for the twenty-five floors above the earth and a layer of basement below ground, the total floor area 27404.41 square meters .The tender documents are consisted of the commercial files and the technical files. The commercial files mainly is carries on the group price according to the resilience detailed list in resilience, obtains the project total construction cost, this project total budget of main engineering is 37,239,985.92Yuan RMB and the budget index is 1358.90 Yuan RMB per square meter .The technical files namely for the engineering project construction organization plan document, mainly includes: General account, overall construction plan, main job practice and craft, construction progress plan, guarantee measure.Key words: Biding documents Bill of quantities Tender documents Commercial files Technical files。



招标英文作文模板英文:When it comes to writing a tender proposal, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to thoroughly read and understand the requirements and specifications of the tender. This will help you tailor your proposal to meet the specific needs of the client.Secondly, it's crucial to clearly outline your company's capabilities and experience in relation to the tender. This can include providing case studies or examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.Thirdly, it's important to highlight any unique selling points or value propositions that your company can offer. This could be anything from innovative technology or processes to a highly skilled and experienced team.Lastly, make sure your proposal is well-written andprofessional. This includes using clear and concise language, formatting the document correctly, and ensuring that all relevant information is included.中文:在撰写招标提案时,有几个关键点需要注意。



招标英语作文Title: The Importance of Effective Tendering in Business Operations。

In today's highly competitive business environment, the process of tendering plays a crucial role in securing contracts and opportunities. Effective tendering not only ensures transparency and fairness but also fosters trust and confidence among stakeholders. This essay delves into the significance of tendering in business operations, highlighting its benefits and best practices.First and foremost, tendering serves as a platform for businesses to showcase their capabilities and competencies. Through the submission of detailed proposals, companies can demonstrate their expertise, experience, and innovative solutions to meet the requirements of the tender. This not only enhances their visibility but also positions them as credible contenders in the market.Moreover, the tendering process promotes fair competition by providing equal opportunities to all prospective bidders. By adhering to predefined criteria and evaluation standards, organizations can assess bids objectively and select the most suitable candidate based on merit. This ensures a level playing field for all participants and prevents favoritism or bias.Furthermore, tendering encourages efficiency and cost-effectiveness in procurement activities. By inviting multiple bids, businesses can compare prices, quality, and terms offered by different suppliers or service providers. This enables them to negotiate favorable deals and obtain the best value for their investments. Additionally, the competitive nature of tendering incentivizes bidders to optimize their proposals, leading to improved efficiency and innovation.In addition to driving operational excellence,effective tendering enhances transparency andaccountability in business dealings. By documenting the entire tendering process, from solicitation to award,organizations can maintain a clear audit trail and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This not only mitigates the risk of disputes or litigation but also builds trust and confidence among stakeholders, including customers, investors, and regulatory authorities.To achieve success in tendering, businesses must adhere to certain best practices. Firstly, it is essential to conduct thorough market research to identify potential opportunities and assess the competitive landscape. This enables companies to tailor their bids to meet the specific needs and preferences of clients, thereby increasing their chances of success.Secondly, organizations should invest in developing robust tendering strategies and processes. This includes establishing clear guidelines and protocols for soliciting, evaluating, and awarding contracts. By standardizing procedures and leveraging technology, businesses can streamline the tendering process, minimize errors, and enhance efficiency.Additionally, effective communication and collaboration are key to successful tendering. Businesses should maintain open channels of communication with clients and stakeholders throughout the tendering process, addressing any queries or concerns promptly. Moreover, collaboration with internal teams, such as sales, legal, and finance, is essential to ensure alignment and coherence in tender submissions.In conclusion, tendering plays a pivotal role in modern business operations, facilitating fair competition, promoting efficiency, and fostering transparency. By adhering to best practices and embracing innovation, organizations can leverage tendering as a strategic tool to secure contracts, drive growth, and enhance their competitive advantage in the marketplace.。


Studies on the R&D efficiency of manufacturing industries of China
——Based on the data of 17 manufacturing industries in China



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Procurement: Tendering ProceduresOVERVIEW1. PurposeThese Procedures are a supplement to the University’s Procurement Policy and apply to tendering for the acquisition of goods and services from suppliers external to the University, valued at $200,000 and above. The acquisition of goods includes purchasing and leasing of goods. The acquisition of services includes contractor and consultant services, but excludes services provided by staff employed through the University payroll, and any services provided to Investment and Capital Management in connection with the University’s investment portfolio.2. CoverageThese Procedures apply to all University activities including activities undertaken by Foundations, Centers, Controlled Entities and any other entity which has entered into an agreement with the University, and such agreement includes a term which requires it to comply with the University’s purchasing policy and associated procedures.KEY ASPECTS OF THE TENDERING PROCESS3. Open tenderingUniversity tenders should be open to the public so that the market is assessed for the goods or services required. There are two ways this may be done, either by fully Open Tender or a multi-stage tender which initially involves the calling of an Expression of Interest, followed by a Selective Tender. The Procurement Services Department must approve all Open Tender proposals and the Chief Procurement Officer must approve all EOI proposals.4. Invited tenderingInvited Tendering may be used instead of Open Tendering in certain circumstances. Invited Tendering occurs when specific suppliers are invited to tender for goods or services rather than the tender being open to any suppliers. The Chief Procurement Officer must approve all Invited Tender proposals, with the exception of using approved pre-qualified supplier panels.5. DocumentationAccountability requires comprehensive documentation for all tenders. Detailed justification of all key decisions made, especially the selection of the tenderer, must be recorded on an official Records Management file from the time that a decision is made to tender until the finalisation of the contract. Documentation must be available to show that the tendering process is not only fair but also that it is seen to be fair. All communications with tenderers must be documented.6. ConfidentialityAll tenderer information and tender documents received are to be treated as confidential. The confidentiality and anonymity of tenderers must be maintained throughout the tender process. PROCEDURES7. Strategic planningIt is important that a proper strategy be planned. Staff involved must ensure that the objectives of the project being tendered are clarified and that clear specifications are developed and funding identified.8. Types of TendersThere are three types of tendering for the acquisition of goods or services:•Open Tender•Multi-Stage Tender•Invited Tendering8.1 Open TenderOpen Tendering tests the market in a transparent manner. Tenders are advertised publicly and no restriction is placed on the number of tenderers. All prospective bidders are given the same tender documentation. The Procurement Services Department must be consulted on all Open Tender proposals.8.2 Multi-Stage TenderMulti-stage tendering may be used to cull a large number of respondents and identify the best service providers in a particular well-supplied market that are interested in providing the relevant goods or services. It also limits the number of tenderers to those able to demonstrate the requisite capability in the first stage. Multi-stage tenders may be used:•to establish a panel of suitable suppliers for a specific category of goods or services;•to identify suppliers with suitable proposals for complex procurements.The first stage in multi-stage tendering is an Expression of Interest or Request for Proposal to invite interested suppliers to register their interest against the requirements listed in the EOI document. The second stage in multi-stage tendering is a Selective Request for Tender to invite suppliers shortlisted in the first stage to a submit proposals in response to specific criteria outlined in the Request for Tender document.8.2.1 Expression of InterestThe EOI document must state what further processes are expected beyond the first stage of the tender process.The University would then short-list interested suppliers with the ability to undertake the particular product supply or services required. These prequalified tenderers would be asked to indicate their availability to tender in the second stage, a Selective Request for Tender.The Chief Procurement Officer must be consulted on all EOI proposals.8.2.2 Selective Tende rIn this case tenders are called for a specific contract in a second stage from short listed service providers identified in the EOI stage.Tenderers are required to submit tenders to respond to specifications identified in the Request for Tender document, such as price, capacity, expertise and experience.The Chief Procurement Officer must approve all selective tender proposals, with the exception of using approved pre-qualified supplier panels.8.3 Invited TenderingInvited Tendering may be used: in emergency situations; for specialist work; in special circumstanceswhere only one or a limited number of suppliers are known to be able to carry out the work;for low value, low risk activities.Invited Tendering involves issuing RFT documents to known available suppliers assessed as the most capable of delivering the goods or services required. The Chief Procurement Officer must approve all proposals for invited tendering.9. Tender WaiversThe need to run a tender may be waived in exceptional circumstances. Refer to section 8 in the Procurement Policy.10. Tenders requiring a Non-Disclosure AgreementIn certain circumstances, the Procurement Services Department may require an interested tenderer to accept and sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before receiving the tender documentation.11. Tender Evaluation TeamAll tenders must have a Tender Evaluation Team to ensure the probity of the tender process. The Tender Evaluation Team must consist of at least three members, including a representative from the Procurement Services Department as well as other people who have the relevant technical knowledge of the goods or services required. For Campus Infrastructure and Services managed tenders, the Procurement Services Department representative may be replaced with a CIS representative who has been trained and approved by Procurement Services Department.•One member of the evaluation team is to be external to the area requesting the tender and may come from outside the University.•The representative from the Procurement Services Department (or CIS for CIS managed tenders) will be the Team Leader who will be the tender contact and the only member of the Team permitted to communicate with tenderers.•Tenders relating to information and communications technology must also have a representative from Information Communication Technology.•Evaluation Teams for approved Capital Works programs or approved Repairs and Maintenance Programs must have a representative from Campus Infrastructure and Services.Tender Evaluation Team members must not have a vested or perceived interest in the outcome. A Conflict of Interest declaration will be distributed to the Evaluation Team members prior to the commencement of evaluations by the Team Leader and anyone with a conflict of interest must declare this conflict and disqualify themselves from the tender. Refer to the University’s Code of Conduct and Corruption Prevention Strategy for details.Tender Evaluation Team members can seek external assistance and advice on specific aspects of he tender. This assistance must be co-ordinated through the Tender Evaluation Team Leader.12. Advertising TendersThe call for Open Tenders and Expressions of Interest will be advertised in the Sydney Morning Herald every fortnight. Other, additional methods of advertisement may also be utilized from time to time. The Procurement Services Department must approve all tender advertisements, with the exception of CIS managed tenders.Public advertisements must include:•an adequate description of the tender to allow prospective tenderers to decide whether they wish to prepare a tender, or a link to the location where this information is available;•the location where the tender documents may be obtained, including the name, telephone number and email of the contact officer;• a tender reference number;•where tenders are to be lodged and the closing date and time;•any other important dates and deadlines.The University will endeavor to ensure that the time given between the release and the closing date of the tender is sufficient to allow a tenderer to study the tender specification and prepare a bid; however the final duration will be determined by the Procurement Services Department.13.Receipt and Registration of TendersAll tenders are to be lodged in the University’s eTenderBox at the tender web lodgment address. The eTenderbox will be opened after the tender closing date and time. Details of the tenders received are registered by the eTinderbox on a schedule/register which includes: tender details; tender reference number and tender name; tender closing date and time; date and time the tender box was opened; supplier name, time submitted and a unique identifier for each file.All tenders received must be kept in a secure location.Tenders will only be accepted in the University’s eTenderBox. Tenders submitted by facsimile, email, hand delivery, post or any method other than via the eTenderBox will not be accepted, except in exceptional circumstances with express approval from the Procurement Services Department. Tenders that are not uploaded to the eTenderbox prior to closing time will be deemed to be a late tender.14. Late TendersLate tenders must not be considered, except when the University is satisfied and can demonstrate that the integrity and competitiveness of the tendering process would not be compromised.Late tenders may be considered when verifiable circumstances are confirmed by the University, such as:•exceptional circumstances, such as the tender being the only tender or a natural disaster affectingall tenders equally, that ensure the integrity and competitiveness of the tendering process would not be compromised by considering the late tender;•the tender left the control of the tenderer prior to close of tenders and confidentiality of the tender was maintained before it was opened;•control of the confidentiality of tenders before the scheduling of tenders guarantees no enhancement to the late tender occurred using knowledge of the other tenders.•the RFT documents stipulate that lateness is not a bar to consideration. Acceptance of a late tender will be at the discretion of the Tender Evaluation Team Leader.15. Evaluating and Assessing TendersThe Tender Evaluation Team Leader obtains the schedule/register of tenders received and the tender documents for evaluation. The methodology, format and detailed criteria for the evaluation are to be documented and agreed to by the Tender Evaluation Team prior to the commencement of the evaluation. Assessments must be undertaken in a timely manner. Each member of the Tender Evaluation Team is to evaluate the tenders independently and then the Team together will consider and agree on the results. Supporting documentation must be comprehensive and include the decisions arrived at in making the assessment and reasons for the recommended tender, especially where the lowest tender is not accepted. The Tender Evaluation Team Leader is to prepare a report for the Tender Board on the evaluation and assessment process taken. The report will include a recommendation on the successful tenderer(s) and action required. Justification for the selection of the recommended tender is to be included. Each member of the Tender Evaluation Team will sign the evaluation document t o confirm that member’s concurrence to the outcome and then this report is to be submitted to the Tender Board.16. Clarification of TendersIf important information received in a tender is not clear then clarification can be requested from the tenderer. The clarification sought from the tenderer must not give the tenderer an unfair advantage over the other tenderers or allow the tenderer to revise or enhance its original tender. The Tender Evaluation Team cannot trade-off one tenderers prices against o ther tenderers’ prices in order to obtain lower prices.17. Modifications and Re-tenderingDuring the tender evaluation process, if the Tender Evaluation Team decides to make substantial modifications to the original tender, then it will be necessary to recommence the tendering process. An opportunity must be given to each original tenderer to submit a new tender. Comprehensive documentation must be retained that shows why the substantial modifications are necessary and demonstrates that the modifications are consistent with the original requirements of the userdepartment. The Chief Procurement Officer is to approve the re-tendering proposal.18. Post Tender NegotiationsWhere there are no acceptable tenders, negotiations may be conducted with the tenderer submitting the least unacceptable tender, or the tender which conforms most closely to the requirements and provides best value for money .Where tenders are ranked by a systematic method, for example, by scoring tender prices and other evaluation criteria, the tender with the best ranking would normally be regarded as the best tender.There are also instances when the University may negotiate with an acceptable preferred tenderer to improve outcomes. Any negotiation process should be transparent, recorded and conducted in a manner that does not disadvantage other tenderers. If none of the tenders are acceptable following negotiation it will be necessary to close the tender and re-tender. The Chief Procurement Officer is to approve the re-tendering proposal.19. Acceptance of TenderThe Tender Board is to approve all tenders valued at $200,000 and above. Following formal Tender Board approval, a “letter of acceptance” is to be issued to the successful tenderer. The letter of acceptance must state that the acceptance of the tender is conditional upon execution of a contract satisfactory to the University.All other tenderers are to be notified in writing that they were not successful. Unsuccessful tenderers can request a debriefing with the Tender Evaluation Team Leader. Debriefings should explain how their tender performed against the evaluation criteria, rather than against the successful tender. The letter of acceptance and letters to unsuccessful tenderers are to be prepared by the Tender Evaluation Team Leader and signed by the Chief Procurement Officer or the Director of Campus Infrastructure and Services for CIS managed tenders. If none of the tenders are acceptable it will be necessary to close the tender and re-tender. The Chief Procurement Officer is to approve the re-tendering proposal.20. Dealing with Queries from Unsuccessful TenderersTender information is commercially sensitive and therefore must be handled and protected appropriately. The disclosure of information could prejudice the commercial interests of the companies submitting the bid and the bargaining power of the University in the future. Unsuccessful tenderers can be advised of the name of the successful tenderer, the contract price and, in the case of a higher price having been accepted, the reasons why their offer was not successful. The University may wish to inform the unsuccessful tenderer about the weaknesses in their bid in comparison made against the tender selection criteria, but not the other bids.Some tips to remember are:•Ensure all tenderers are aware of the sole contact person.•Ensure relevant people in your department/unit are aware of the sole contact person,•Ensure all communications are documented so that there can be no argument about what was said.21. Agreements ArisingAll tenders will require a written agreement between the University and the successful tenderer. The draft Agreement provided with the tender documentation will form the basis. In most cases, Agreement negotiations between the University and preferred tenderer will be finalized prior to the Tender Board approval for the acceptance of a tender. Agreements are to be signed by the Chief Procurement Officer or the Director of Campus Infrastructure and Services for CIS managed tenders.采购:招标过程一概述(一)目的以下流程主要是对高校采购政策的进一步补充。







二、招标内容1. 招标范围:本项目包括但不限于以下内容:(1)办公楼主体结构施工;(2)办公楼内外装修工程;(3)给排水、电气、通风空调、消防等配套系统工程;(4)室外绿化、道路、停车场等附属工程;(5)项目所需材料、设备的采购。

2. 招标方式:公开招标三、投标人资格要求1. 具有独立法人资格,持有有效的企业法人营业执照;2. 具有房屋建筑工程施工总承包一级及以上资质;3. 具有有效的安全生产许可证;4. 具有良好的财务状况和信誉,无不良记录;5. 具有类似项目施工经验,近三年内完成过类似规模的建筑工程项目;6. 具有良好的履约能力,能够按期完成施工任务。

四、投标文件要求1. 投标文件应包括以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)企业法人营业执照副本;(4)房屋建筑工程施工总承包资质证书副本;(5)安全生产许可证副本;(6)企业近年财务报表;(7)企业近年工程业绩证明材料;(8)项目经理及主要技术人员的资格证书;(9)施工组织设计;(10)投标报价。

2. 投标文件须密封,并在封口处加盖公章,封条须由法定代表人或授权委托人签字。

五、投标保证金1. 投标保证金为人民币50万元;2. 投标保证金须在投标截止时间前以电汇或银行汇票形式缴纳至招标代理机构指定账户;3. 未按规定缴纳投标保证金的,其投标文件不予受理。

六、招标程序1. 招标公告:招标公告在国内外相关媒体上发布;2. 投标报名:投标人按照招标公告要求进行报名;3. 发售招标文件:招标代理机构在规定时间内向已报名的投标人发售招标文件;4. 投标文件递交:投标人按照招标文件要求在规定时间内递交投标文件;5. 开标:招标代理机构在规定时间、地点组织开标;6. 评标:评标委员会对投标文件进行评审,确定中标候选人;7. 中标通知书:招标人向中标候选人发出中标通知书;8. 签订合同:中标候选人与招标人签订施工合同。



大学英语招标英语作文College English Bidding English Composition。

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become more important than ever. This is particularly true for Chinese students who are seeking to study abroad or work for multinational companies. As a result, colleges and universities in China have placed a greater emphasis on English language education. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of English language education in China and the ways in which colleges and universities can improve their English language programs.First and foremost, English language education is essential for Chinese students who wish to study abroad. Many universities in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia require international students to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in English before they can be admitted. This is because the languageof instruction is typically English and students who are not proficient in the language will struggle to keep up with the coursework. Furthermore, English language proficiency is also important for Chinese students who wish to work for multinational companies. Many of these companies require their employees to communicate with clients and colleagues in English on a daily basis.Despite the importance of English language education, many colleges and universities in China still struggle to provide high-quality English language programs. One of the main reasons for this is a lack of qualified English teachers. Many English teachers in China have not received proper training and are not fluent in the language themselves. As a result, they are unable to effectively teach students the skills they need to become proficient in English. Another issue is a lack of resources. Many colleges and universities in China do not have access to the latest English language teaching materials and technology.To improve English language education in China,colleges and universities should take a number of steps. First, they should invest in teacher training programs to ensure that their English teachers are qualified and fluent in the language. Second, they should provide their English teachers with the latest teaching materials and technology to enhance their teaching effectiveness. Third, they should provide students with more opportunities to practice their English language skills through activities such as language exchange programs, English language clubs, and study abroad programs.In conclusion, English language education is crucialfor Chinese students who wish to study abroad or work for multinational companies. However, many colleges and universities in China still struggle to provide high-quality English language programs. To improve English language education in China, colleges and universities should invest in teacher training programs, provide their English teachers with the latest teaching materials and technology, and provide students with more opportunities to practice their English language skills. By doing so, theycan help their students become proficient in English and succeed in the globalized world.。

建筑工程招投标 毕业设计中英文翻译

建筑工程招投标  毕业设计中英文翻译

Construction biddingConstruction bidding refers to construction products as a commodity exchange transaction forms, which set targets by the purchaser only, the recruitment of a secret offer by a number of vendors to compete, the buyer choose the winners and with the trade agreement reached , then in accordance with protocol strokes.Tendering system, also known as project tender contract system, it refers to the market economy conditions, the method used to achieve the project bidding a project management system contract.Project bidding system is the establishment and implementation of the planned economy under the conditions of the use of simple administrative measures assigned the task of building a major reform measure is to protect market competition, against the monopolization of the market and developing the market economy is an important sign.Tender refers to all bidders based on their ability and management level, in accordance with the provisions of the uniform requirements of tender documents to submit tender documents, work towards implementation of the qualifications.In order to regulate the bidding of the construction market activities to achieve the most optimal allocation of social resources, August 30, 1999 eleven of the Ninth National People's Congress adopted the "PRC Tendering and Bidding Law", marking the steps of the construction project bidding into the legal track.This paper focuses on the bidding process for analysis strategy should be taken. Bidding strategy refers to the successful construction contractor in order to achieve the purpose in the bidding process used by the means and methods, construction project bidding is an important part in using the appropriate bidding strategies and techniques, increase the successful rate bid, but also expectations of larger profits.First, bid decision analysisCompanies may also face multiple projects tendering opportunities, by construction capacity constraints, can not practice all the tendering opportunities, but should be selected in a number of projects; on a specific project, from the perspective of effective, profitable superscript, subscript and the loss of preservation standards, businesses are required features of the project tender and business realities of decision-making, in order to achieve the stated business objectives, such as: access to profitability, capture the market, establish a new corporate image and so on.First, usually the following aspects should be considered in the case:(1) contract tendering possibility and feasibility of the project. The ability to contract the project, and whether the deployment of a management strength, technical strength to participate in project implementation, competitors have obvious advantages. (2) the reliability of tenders. For example, urban planning projects and land use permits and other permit approval have been completed, whether the funds have already been implemented and so on. (3) the tender of the contract conditions.(4) internal factors affect the chances of winning contracts, including enterprises in the technical, economic, management and credit strengths; external factors including the owners and supervision of the Engineer, competitor strength and competitive situation, the law and regulations the situation, project risk and so on.Secondly, if faced with the following conditions should give up the tender: (1) project size, technical requirements exceed the level of enterprise technology projects; (2) the scope and viability of their business outside of the project; (3) Comparison of the enterprise is currently contracted tasks full, and the greater risk of tendering the project; (4) the technological level, management, construction projects was significantly better than competitors.Second, the bidding strategy ofIf you decide to participate in the bidding companies should take the appropriate strategies, and strive to win the bid.1. Access to information, to grasp the situation of information strategy is to develop scientific and rational basis, companies must focus on the tender information collection, collation and processing work on a comprehensive analysis of tender information, grasp its comprehensiveness, timeliness and accuracy. For example: characteristics of the project, materials prices, labor costs level, the credibility of the owners, the investment level of assurance, supervising engineer, the likely situation in competitors, competitive situation and risk issues.2. To Changzhi short, inferior to the winning contractor of construction projects should be an objective analysis of its advantages: first, the technical aspects: (1) The estimates should be proficient in the industry, architects, engineers, accountants, engineers and management experts, the organization institutions; (2) project design, construction expertise, to solve the technical difficulties, and various technical problems of construction capacity. (3) similar projects with the tender of construction experience. (4) certain technical strength of the partnership.Second, theeconomic reality: (1) has the ability to advance funds; (2) have a certain fixed assets and machinery and equipment and putting in the necessary funds; (3) have a certain cash flow of money to pay for construction; ( 4) the ability to pay various security; (5) have to pay various taxes and insurance capacity; (6) have a certain ability to bear the risks of force majeure.At the same time management, should focus on cost control. Shorten the construction period, the quota management, combined with reward and punishment approach; reduce management, multi-skill training of workers; saving materials; the use of advanced construction methods. Have a quality, heavy sense of efficiency, there must be practical measures. Finally, the credibility, the enterprises should comply with laws and regulations, careful attention to ensure the construction safety, duration, and quality. Establish a good reputation, which is an important criterion for successful bidding. A clear grasp of their own advantages in the premise can to Changzhi short.3. Resourceful, take the initiative in the construction market is a buyer's market, competition is intense. Bidders should be based on internal and external conditions, for a variety of programs and measures, on balance, vision, seize the initiative.Third, the tender offer Technical Analysis1. Unbalance unbalanced quotes offer method, is defined in the basic premise of price adjustment of each child within the offer in order to not affect the total price, again as soon as possible after winning bidder may withdraw funds in advance in the works and access to better economic efficiency. Imbalance usually offer the following situations:(1) to be able to recover the closing paragraph of the early projects (such as earthwork, foundation, etc.) may apply for a higher price unit price to take advantage of cash flow; of late projects (such as decorating, electrical installation, etc.) may be appropriate to reduce the unit price. (2) may increase the amount of estimated future works projects, the price can increase, while the number of quantities with errors early projects, the unit can be reduced. However, the above two points to overall consideration. The number of errors for the quantities of early works, such as a scale impossible to complete the number of projects, you can not blindly raise the price, and then determine the need for specific analysis. (3) drawing the content is not clear, it is estimated to increase the amount of the revised project, and its price can be increased.(4) No unit quantities reported the project only, the price should be high. This will not affect the total bid price, but also more profitable. (5) For the preliminary list of items, the possibility of its implementation of largeprojects, the price can be high; estimated that the project can be implemented is not necessarily cheap.2. Improve the sporadic employment offer if the contract bid price rule does not include the sporadic employment, which did not list the number of specific employment, sporadic employment (day laborers) are generally slightly higher than the wages of construction unit price table due to sporadic employment contract does not belong to the scope of a valid contract price, the time of reimbursement, but also more profitable.3. More and more programs offer law programs offer method is the use of engineering design documents, drawings or ambiguity in terms of the contract is not enough to fight to modify the project specifications and contract law for the purpose of a quotation. The tender offer method to reduce risk and avoid unforeseen costs due to increase in the offer is too high to be eliminated. The specific practice is to report the two prices in the tender price, first reported the original engineering specifications of a contract price, the second is to comment, "such as engineering design documents, drawings or contract to do some changes", you can reduce the number of the cost of the offer become the lowest, in order to attract the owners to modify specifications and contract terms.4. Sudden price method is the sudden price method used by competitors to confuse a competitive method. Usually, in preparing bidding process anticipated a good price down, and then deliberately spreading false information, such as intention to abandon standard, according to generally offer or intend to report high and so close to the tender closing date, suddenly went to tender, and reduce the offer to over competitors.5. Some of the first loss after winning method of construction enterprises in order to enter an area or a particular area, relying on its own strength, to take at all costs, but only to offer the winning low bid program. Once successful, you can contract in this area or that area more engineering tasks, to achieve the overall purpose of profit. Construction works contractors bidding tenders, in addition to work on the tender offer, it should also be careful to take other techniques.6. To hire people who ignores the tender bidders location of the project in the bidding for his advice an attorney to assist the successful bidder.7. For lack of combined strength of the tender, a contractor can be combined with otherenterprises, especially the location of the joint projects of advanced technology and equipment company or a famous bid.8. Promised concessions bidders to lower prices or payment terms if required, to improve quality, shorten the construction period, with new technology and new design, and provide additional materials and equipment for free, free, took the training of personnel and so on favorable terms, it should be proposed in the tender documents. Organize to evaluation, generally to be considered for purchase, technical solutions, time, payment conditions and other factors. Therefore, with favorable conditions in the tender documents are conducive for the successful bidder.9. Actively carry out public relations activities, PR activities to promote self-advocacy and the bidder, communication and liaison feelings, establish a good image of the important activities. But not to take illegal means to obtain the successful bidder.The basic principle of bidding is open, fair, just, want to place a transparent procurement environment acts to prevent the occurrence of corruption. Therefore, in the bidding process should be followed state laws and regulations, good good policy to seek the tender procurement activities in the logistics with ease, a winner.建筑工程招投标建筑工程招投标是指以建筑产品作为商品进行交换的一种交易形式,它由惟一的买主设定标的,招请若干个卖主通过秘密报价进行竞争,买主从中选择优胜者并与之达成交易协议,随后按照协议实现招的。



Bid Number: 2023-SOL-CENT-001Date of Issue: March 1, 2023Closing Date: March 31, 2023, 5:00 PM local timeBid Opening Date: April 1, 2023, 10:00 AM local timeBid Opening Location: Main Reception Hall, City Hall, 123 Main Street, Cityville, CV 12345Introduction:The City of Cityville invites sealed bids from qualified contractors for the supply and installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at the City Center. The project aims to reduce the city's carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, and provide a sustainable energy solutionfor the community center.Scope of Work:The successful bidder shall be responsible for the following tasks:1. Design and Engineering Services:- Conduct a detailed site assessment to determine the optimallocation and orientation for the solar PV panels.- Design the solar PV system, including the electrical and mechanical components, in compliance with all relevant local, state, and federal regulations.- Prepare all necessary documentation, including but not limited to, technical drawings, schematics, and installation guidelines.2. Supply of Materials:- Provide all high-quality solar PV panels, inverters, mounting structures, and other necessary equipment as specified in the contract.- Ensure that all materials comply with the latest industry standards and are suitable for the project's requirements.3. Installation Services:- Perform the installation of the solar PV system on the designated area of the community center.- Ensure that all installation work is completed in a safe, efficient, and timely manner.- Follow all safety protocols and guidelines during the installation process.4. Testing and Commissioning:- Conduct thorough testing of the installed solar PV system to ensure it is functioning properly.- Provide detailed commissioning reports and documentation upon completion of the testing phase.5. Warranty and Maintenance:- Offer a comprehensive warranty for all supplied and installed components.- Provide ongoing maintenance and support services for a period offive years post-installation.Eligibility Requirements:To be considered for this project, bidders must meet the following criteria:1. Certification:- Be a registered and licensed contractor in the State of Cityville.- Possess a valid general contractor's license with a renewableenergy specialization.2. Experience:- Have a minimum of five years of experience in the design, supply, and installation of solar PV systems.- Provide references from previous similar projects completed within the last three years.3. Financial Stability:- Demonstrate financial stability by providing current financial statements and bonding capacity.4. Insurance:- Carry comprehensive general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and professional liability insurance.Bid Submission Requirements:Bidders must submit the following documents with their sealed bids:1. Bid Form:- A completed bid form, including the bid price, contact information, and a statement of compliance with the eligibility requirements.2. Technical Proposal:- A detailed technical proposal outlining the design, materials, and installation methods proposed for the project.3. Financial Proposal:- A detailed financial proposal, including the total bid price, payment schedule, and terms and conditions of the contract.4. References:- A list of at least three references from previous similar projects, along with contact information.5. Insurance Certificates:- Copies of current insurance certificates.Evaluation Criteria:Bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria:1. Technical Proposal:- The extent to which the proposed design meets the project requirements.- The quality and reliability of the proposed materials and equipment.2. Financial Proposal:- The total bid price, including any discounts or incentives offered.- The terms and conditions of the contract, including payment schedule and warranty period.3. Experience and Qualifications:- The bidder's experience in similar projects and theirqualifications to successfully complete the project.4. References and Reputation:- The quality of references provided and the bidder's reputation in the industry.Additional Information:1. Pre-Bid Conference:- A pre-bid conference will be held on March 15, 2023, at 2:00 PM local time at the City Center. All interested bidders are encouraged to attend.2. Clarifications and Questions:- Any clarifications or questions regarding the bid specifications should be submitted in writing to the Project Manager at [email protected] no later than March 20, 2023.3. Bid Bond:- A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid price must accompany each bid.4. Performance Bond:- A performance bond in the amount of 10% of the total contract price will be required upon award of the contract.By submitting a bid, the bidder acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with all the terms and conditions of this solicitation.Thank you for your interest in this project. We look forward to receiving your bids and working together to bring this sustainable energy solution to the City of Cityville.---Note: The above text is a fictional example of a bidding document abstract and should not be used as an actual bid document. It is provided for illustrative purposes only.。

投标文件摘要及关键字 英文

投标文件摘要及关键字   英文

The bid documents and keywordsProject name: yunnan university housing projectE campus construction location: kunming city in yunnan university Construction scale: the total area of 3117 square meters, the floor four layers, height 15.55 metersBidder: kunming city in yunnan province construction engineering general contracting co., LTDA procuratorial agency: kunming five China construction co., LTD Project leader: xxxThe deadline of the bid: on April 13, 2015, 15Quality target: the project must meet relevant national current construction quality acceptance specification requirements, and reach the qualified standard. Must be a qualified and engineeringSecurity objectives: no deaths, inductrial injury frequency control in yunnan province construction index requirements within the scope of safety management rules and regulations.Period: the program start date: on May 13, 2015, a total period of 360 calendar daysEngineering materials, engineering and quality according to the relevant norms and regulations of the state, the construction of strictly implemented. Project quality does not meet the design requirements, the quality is not eligible, the tenderer may require the winning bidder to halt or rework, rework fees shall be borne by the successful bidder, time limit for a project will not be postpone.Key words: promise qualification approval specification。

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该工程为六层框架结构,长54.5m ,宽16.9m,建筑主体高度24.5m,建筑面积9281平方米。






The Bid Documents and Tender Documents of Tian Xin Hotel
The graduate design is compiling bidding documents from the standpoint of owner and compiling tender documents from the standpoint of bidder according to the shop dawning construction part and the decoration part of Tian Xin Hotel which is designed by china northwestern building design research institutes. This project is mix structure of bricks and concrete for the 6 floors, the building total length54.5meters and extends 16.9meters, height is24.5 meters and the total floor area 9281 square meters. First, the bidding documents is composed of instructions to bidders, terms of contract, shop dawning, judgment standard of tenders, bill of quantities as well as essential appendix. Bill of quantities is strictly calculated according to the code of valuation with bill quantities of construction works of Hunan Province and the shop drawings. Second, the tender documents are consisted of the commercial files and the technical files. The commercial files mainly is carries on the group price according to the resilience detailed list in resilience, obtains the project total construction cost, this project total budget of main engineering is 11059048.07 Yuan RMB and the budget index is 1191.58 Yuan RMB per square meter .The technical files namely for the engineering project construction organization plan document, mainly includes: General account, overall construction plan, main job practice and craft, construction progress plan, guarantee measure.
Key words: Biding documents Bill of quantities Tender documents Commercial files Technical files。
