第五讲 市场定位(Positioning)(市场营销管理,北大 符国群)

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第五讲 市场定位(Positioning)
符国群 教授 2003. 4. 10
Positioning is
the way consumers think about your product or brand in relation to other products and to their own identities and lives
Market Size & Penetration

The global electric bicycle market is a high potential area with explosive sales growth in Asia and Europe. A number of multi-billion dollar manufacturers and 265 smaller companies are leading development and distribution of over 400,000 e-bikes worldwide. In the U.S., the market is fragmented among small entrepreneurs with low budgets and no clear marketing strategy. Despite 65 million bicycle owners in the U.S. and 16 million new bicycles sales annually, e-bikes have minimal penetration into the U.S. bicycle market. In 1998, 8,000 e-bikes were sold to increase cumulative U.S. sales to 25,000 e-bikes to date.
Product Category
Your Brand
Brand X
Source: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001
目标定位(Goal-based )
Brand Essence Goal
Brຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidund
Other Objects
Point of Complementarity
Patrolling Departments
In-plant Shuttle Delivery Services
Economically-constrained (2nd car) Commuters
选择一个目标市场 市场规模: more than 2,000 police bicycle units across USA; over 13,000 local police departments and nearly 3,100 sheriff’s departments (only a 12% penetration) 准备接受状态: enthusiasm for bicycle units continues to grow 竞争者: Smith & Wesson only major 其他类似的机会: bicycle units also used by other enforcement agencies including park and wildlife rangers, security companies, and campus security departments (large potential market)
PELADOW is the brand of ice melter for people concerned about providing the best protection for their employees against ice related injuries and is safe on vegetation and concrete when used as directed.
some product category 2. Differentiate: from other category members (in some way that is meaningful to target consumers) 3. Deepen: the consumer understanding of the brand's benefit needs (explicitly relate it to consumers' goals) 4. Defend: the positioning over time
– Tag-line: You can’t control the weather, but you can control the
snow and ice with Peladow®.
Vague Confused Difference not attractive/important Not Sustainable Not realistic given a company’s reputation
Source: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001
发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器
最初定位:Peladow除霜器不会使你失望, 因为它在零下40度仍工作自如。 定位声明1

– To large industrial/institutional maintenance managers,

针对(目标市场),(某某产品或服务) 在( 某种产品领域或需要领域)是最好 或最优秀的,原因是(价值建议)。

针对(某目标市场),(某某产品或服 务)在(某一产品领域)较(用于参照 的比较物)更好,原因是( )。

To young, active soft-drink consumers who have little time for sleep, Mountain Dew is the soft drink that gives you more energy than any other brand because it has the highest level of caffeine. With Mountain Dew, you can stay alert and keep going even when you haven’t been able to get a good night’s sleep.
Using Laddering To Deepen Positioning
Brand Essence
功能结果 属性
The Value Equation: Integrating and Defending the Positioning
Nothing but the best
Pleasure from “things”
定位声明(Positioning Statement)
目的:对营销战略予以高度概括,以指 导战术决策。 组成成分:

– 目标市场 – 参照系 顾客需要(非比较性定位) 竞争品(比较性定位) – 价值建议(Value Proposition)
发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器
– To Sonny, the maintenance manager who loses control of his day
when snow and ice accumulate, Peladow® brand de-icer puts you back in control because its heat-generating pellets are proven to melt ice at all temperatures faster than any other de-icer.
发展定位声明:Peladow 除霜器

– To large industrial/institutional users, PELADOW heat generating
pellets melt ice when you need them to-RIGHT AWAY. Rock salt and blends take time to activate. You can’t afford to wait for an ice melter to work.
Source: Sternthal and Tybout, 2001
Example Positioning Statements

To busy professionals who need to stay organized, Palm Pilot is an electronic organizer that lets you carry your address book, schedule, and notepad in your pocket. It is superior to other organizers because only Palm Pilot allows you to backup your files and synchronize with your PC at the touch of a button. This feature saves time and ensures the availability of a back-up copy of important information.
利益 经理
产品 服务 品牌 定价 促销 分销
功能因素 金钱因素 心理因素
参照点(Reference Point)

1. Define: the new product brand as a member of
1980s Value Equation =
Performance Quality + Psychic Benefit Time + Cost
Time famine, you get what you pay for
What fits MY needs
Pleasure from people, feeling in control
Source: Buyebikes.com Factoid Sheet (1998 data).
新产品定位举例: 电动自行车
Technology Enthusiasts Bike Enthusiasts Students
娱乐性 Vacation/Resort Rental

新产品定位和营销计划举例: E-bikes
Electric Bicycles
Product-Market-Benefits Described: Electric Bicycles Electric bicycles are quiet, safe, sweat-free and zero-emission transportation. E-bikes provide point-to-point transportation and are part of the Personal Electric Vehicles (PEVs) product category. E-bikes are bicycles with a battery-powered electric motor. A key benefit is easier uphill and distance climbs (burst of power/speed when required). They have established markets in Asia, but are still very new to the USA.
Contemporary = Value Equation
Performance Quality + Psychic Benefit Time + Cost
TIME FAMINE, Information overload you pay too much for what you get