第一讲 汉译英




11. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 11.水滴石穿.
12. Creep before you walk.
12. 循序渐进。
13. Don't put the cart before the horse.
13. 不要本末倒置。
14. Don't trouble troubles until trouble troubles you.
11. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 12. Creep before you walk. 13. Don't put the cart before the horse. 14. Don't trouble trouble until trouble
境和风俗习惯的影响而具有不同的特点。 Drug : 药; 大麻(美俚)
1.2.5 社会政治
一些词语的意义,有时与社会政治密切相关。就 是说,社会制度相同,有关文化之间的差异就比 较少;社会制度不同, 差异就相对地多一些。如:
working class; peasant propaganda; Exploit (开发利用、获取利润) 汉语中是:“剥削”
1.2.6 文学艺术
文学艺术反映一个民族的感情色彩。 对待同一事物, 不同民族的文化感情色彩可能完全不同
Dragon, dog, ox
不同文化艺术中,人们还常常用不同的事物表达相 同的思想。
Work like a horse 像老黄牛一样干活。
As strong as a horse As stupid as a goose
Scope of translation


• 中国典籍的西译:利玛窦最早将“四书”译 成拉丁文。中国经典和儒家学说通过意大利 和法国传教士的翻译与介绍,先后有了拉丁 文和法文译本,流传到欧洲知识界和上层社 会。
对西方政治、哲学和文学作品的翻译。 代表人物——严复、林纾 1 .林纾
Uncle Tom’s Cabin《黑奴吁天录》 David Copperfield 《快肉余生述》 Hamlet 《王子复仇记》
• 译文语言必须通顺易懂,合乎规范。 “理想的译文仿佛是原作者的中文写 作。”(傅雷)
• 译文的通顺度还要注意与原文的通顺度 相一致,即不要损害原文的异国情调。
• Boy, fetch me a pen and a piece of paper.
• 一个矛盾体的两个方面,二者相辅相成,不 可割裂。忠实而不通顺,读者看不懂,或者 看不下去,忠实便失去意义,实际上就是不 忠实;通顺而不忠实,读者倒可以看下去, 但却是被歪曲的信息,其危害比忠实而不通 顺还要严重。忠实与通顺二者一定要兼顾,, 并且要把握好分寸。
• 翻译要解决的根本问题在于:解决“忠 实”和“通顺”的问题。 Faithfulness( in content , style), smoothness (natural, readable, expressive)
• 我们把“忠实而通顺”视为翻译的基本 标准;如果在此基础上还能充分传达出
(functional equivalence)
• That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.



英语句子和汉语句子的重心一般都 落在结果,结论 假设或事实上; 结论,假设或事实上 落在结果 结论 假设或事实上 但是重心的位置不同:英语句子一般 但是重心的位置不同 英语句子一般 是前重心;汉语句子一般是后重心 汉语句子一般是后重心. 是前重心 汉语句子一般是后重心
从英汉对比的角度看, 从英汉对比的角度看,英汉两种语言的句子结构 常式不同,英语句子结构常式为“三分” 常式不同,英语句子结构常式为“三分”,即 SVO,(教材 ,(教材 ,(教材p37-41)汉语句子结构常式为“ )汉语句子结构常式为“ 两分” 和说明comment) 两分”,即TC(话题 (话题topic和说明 和说明 ) 。 英语是注重主语的语言, 英语是注重主语的语言,汉语是注重话题的语言 见教材P41)。 (见教材 ) 英语句子的三分结构是语法的 的三分结构是语法的, 英语句子的三分结构是语法的,语法的句子结构 注重形式的严谨性,所谓严谨性, 注重形式的严谨性,所谓严谨性,暴扣主谓一致 关系,动宾支配关系, 关系,动宾支配关系,性,数,时态等等的配合 汉语句子的二分结构是语义的 的二分结构是语义的, 。汉语句子的二分结构是语义的,语义的句子结 构注重内容的意会性。所谓意会性, 构注重内容的意会性。所谓意会性,就是一句话 的意思是需要由意境去意会的, 的意思是需要由意境去意会的,话题虽是主要的 但不一定是必有的,结构上可以省略等等。 ,但不一定是必有的,结构上可以省略等等。
汉语: 汉语:逆线性延伸 (open首开放性 (open-beginning) 尾封闭性(close (close尾封闭性(close-ending) 句首开放性(左分支) 句首开放性(左分支)
对. 不对. 不对. 他不对. 他不对. 我认为他不对. 我认为他不对. 我告诉过你我认为他不对. 我告诉过你我认为他不对. 我明明告诉过你我认为他不对. 我明明告诉过你我认为他不对. 我开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对. 我开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对. 我昨天开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对. 我昨天开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对.




9 那个人就是他的哥哥。 10 我就不信我学不会。 11 你就是送给我,我也不要。 12 就我所知,他英语很好。 13 两国代表团就共同关心问题进行了会谈。 轻重: 1 这两口箱子轻重不一样。 2 工作应该分轻重缓急,不要眉毛胡子一把抓。 3 你别见怪,他说话就是不知道轻重。

heavy weather 阴沉的天气 heavy casualties 重大伤亡 heavy smoker 烟瘾很大的人 heavy vote 大量的得票 heavy schedule 紧凑的日程 heavy foliage 浓密的叶子 heavy sea 波涛汹涌的大海 heavy investor 巨额投资者 heavy rain 大雨 heavy thinker 思想深沉的人

汉语可以说“吃饭”,也可以说“吃药”,但在英语 里可以说eat a meal,却不可以说eat medicine,而 应该说take medicine。 同样,英语可以说male doctor,也可以说male dog, 但译成汉语只能说“男医生”和“公狗”,不能说 “公医生”、“男狗”。 在英语中,人们说: 违规break rules 发表演说deliver a speech/make a speech

(5)我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。 We may go there, but that depends. (6)如何办理,到时候看情况再说。 As to how to deal with it, we shall have to wait and see. (7)她询问了他的健康情况。 She inquired about his health condition. (8)那个地方的情况很混乱。 That place is in a state of confusion.

《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案

《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案

广西师范学院《英汉互译(一)》课程教案编号: 15-1 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作课程名称:《英汉互译(一)》授课教师:唐旭光教材:《新编英汉互译教程》,授课对象:06级英语专业2、3、5班《英汉互译(一)》第一讲翻译简论与主要翻译方法(A Brief Discussion of Translation and Major Translation Approaches)1. IntroductionTranslation studies started along with translation practice. Translation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century.In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, literary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approaches and strategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad.2.The Origin of TranslationLanguage makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life.Theodore Savory points out, “Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and as complex as that of any other branch of literature”(申雨平, 2002:4).In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. “Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, andYi in the north(东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译)”(陈福康, 2000:3).3. Function of TranslationIt has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation (佛经翻译)in China and the Bible translation in Western countries.Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to all.4. Nature of translationOne school of theorists maintain that any interpretation is translation. Translation thus defined includes intra-lingual rewording(语言内的重新措辞), inter-lingual (语言之间的翻译或语际翻译)translation and inter-semiotic transmutation(符号转换).But most scholars who are interested in translation maintain that translation is a communicative activity which entails a most adequate or identical reproduction in a target language of a written message or text in a source language.5. Definition of translation in our textbook as follows: Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text. In terms of its nature or character, translation is both an art and a science as well, since it calls for a good command of at least two languages, a flexible application of their rules, and some knowledge of at least two cultures, as well as a good grasp of the necessary translation theories.6. Other scholars’ viewpoints about the translation1). The traditional viewpoint about the nature of translation is that translation is an art only. This viewpoint is still maintained by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲), a well-known professor at Beijing University, and a few other scholars.2). Professor Liu Zhongde vigorously advocates that translation is a science as well as an art mainly because of the following reasons:Firstly, like any other art and science, translation requires a good grasp and a flexible use of the necessary specialized knowledge and skills.Secondly, like any other art and science, translation calls for independent, honest and creative effort.Thirdly, just like any other art and science, translation demands that the translator be very careful about and highly responsible for his or her work.7. Principle for translationThe 13 statements on page 81). A translation must reproduce the words of the SLT(Source Language Text).2). A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT.3). A translation should read like an original work.4). A translation should read like a translation.5). A translation should reflect the style of the original.6). A translation should possess the style of the translator.7). A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT.8). A translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature.9). A translation may add to or omit from the original.10). A translation may never add to or omit from the original.11). A translation should let the readers of the SLT and the target language text (TLT) have essentially the same response.12). A translation should convey what the SLT author intends to convey.13). A translation should satisfy the need of the client.Evidently, though each of the above statements is right in a certain sense, yet it is not adequate or comprehensive enough to serve as a translation principle. Some of the principles proposed by various translation theorists can find their expression in the statements given above. Interlinear translation is an illustration of the first statement. Yan Fu’s three-character principle can be a combination of statements 2, 3 and 6. Nida’s functional equivalence is best express ed in statement 11.8. Yan Fu’s Considerations for translation?Strictly speaking, a translation theory in its true sense in China originated from Yan Fu(严复). He proposed the famous triple principle for translation, namely, faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅).1). His faithfulness means that the translated text should be faithful to the original text, ie, the version should keep the content or ideas of the original.2). His expressiveness means that the translated text should be expressive and coherent without anything awkward. In other words, his expressiveness requires that the version should be fluid, smooth, and easy to read and understand.3). His elegance demands that the translated text should be exquisite and that its style ought to be very graceful.9. Professor Liu Zhongde argues against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original styleHe argued eloquently against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original style. We all know that not all works are characterized by the elegant style. Different writers display different styles. For instance, Lenin wrote in a bold style, and Hemingway wrote in a simple, symbolic style. Even the same writer shows different styles on different occasions for different purposes. Naturally, different works demonstrate different styles. Thus, it is impossible & absolutely wrong to achieve the effect of elegance in the translated text if the style of the original is not elegant.10. The compiler of the textbook in favor of “closeness”1). We are in favor of Professor Liu’s triple translation principle. He changed Yan Fu’s “elegance” into “closeness”, which represents his contribution to the translation theory. His “closeness” is central in meaning. It is suitable for translation of all types of texts with different styles.2). If the original text is characterized by the elegant style, the translator should do his utmost to render it into a graceful text in the target language whose style is close to the original elegant style.If the original style is highly technical with a wealth of technical terms, thetranslator ought to employ plenty of corresponding technical terms in the target language and make the translated style as close to the original technical style as possible.3). If the original style is colloquial with a lot of informal words and colloquial sentences, the translator should translate it into a text with an informal style as close as possible to the original one by using many colloquial words and informal sentences.If the original style is ornate, the translator should follow suit and make effort to render the translated style as close to the original as possible.If the original text contains some vulgar words and sentences, the translator is not entitled to replace them with elegant words or sentences, and he should reproduce the original by using some corresponding vulgar words and sentences in the receptor language. Translators are duty-bound to do so, for the simple reason that they are translators.4). As we know, Yan Fu’s triple translation principle is highly concise and well rhymed and quite easy to learn by heart, which is one of the reasons why it is still very popular in China today.Professor Liu’s triple principle is similar to Yan Fu’s in that it is equally concise and easy to remember.Though Professor Liu’s triple principle is n ot rhymed, yet it is very forceful and impressive, for the Chinese character “切” is uttered in the falling tone, carrying the implication that faithfully conveying the original style or rendering the translated style as close to the original as possible is absolutely necessary and worth the translator’s great effort.11. Nida’s principle for translationEugene A. Nida and Taber stated emphatically (1969:12): “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.His dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle, according to which the translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the target language text wording will produce the same impact on the target text audience as the original wording does upon the source text audience. Later on, Nida changed “dynamic equivalence” into “functional equivalence”, because it seemed much more satisfactory to use the expression “functional equivalence” in describing the degree of adequacy of a translation.12. The literal translation approachProfessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.”ExamplesHe is said to be a rough diamond.人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。

第1讲 初识翻译-英汉互译入门

第1讲 初识翻译-英汉互译入门

• 1. 傳統語文學研究階段的翻譯定義
Definition 1, 2, 3
• “有似嚼飯與人,非徒失味,有令嘔穢 也。”——鳩摩羅什(佛教譯經家) • 翻譯如以寬頸瓶中水灌注狹頸瓶中,傍 傾而流失者必多。——雨果
• 翻譯如以此種樂器演奏原為他種樂器所 譜之曲調。——叔本華
Definition 4
• 2. 交稿时间
• 9月27日晚上12点前发至296580117@ • 以Word文档保存;文件名格式:“Assignment 1_姓名_专业”
• 1. 与全班分享小组成员在翻译中遇到的难点 、疑问以及解决办法。 • 2. 与全班分享小组的翻譯思考和总结。 • Group 1 & 2, please prepared.
Definition 3
• Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. - Eugene A. Nida
Seemingly Right Translation
1. Do you have a family? 你有家嗎? 你成家了嗎? 你有孩子了嗎? √ 2. I can’t agree more. 我不能同意更多了。 我完全同意。/我舉雙手贊成。√ 3. The stranger robbed his wife. 那個陌生人搶了他的妻子。 那個陌生了搶了他妻子的錢/東西。√

第一讲 汉译英的特点和步骤

第一讲 汉译英的特点和步骤
大概:about, roughly,approximately
Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it.
and........as well.....;
表示目的:in order to.......;
in order that........;
so as to........;
转折:but conj, however, yet(把这三个词都忘掉),nevertheless adv./, nonetheless adv./, whereas conj.



例2:(1)他有钥匙,但是没有锁。 He has the key, but not the lock. (2)离开屋子时,请把门锁上。 Please lock the door when you leave the room. 例3:(1) 山坡上种了许多树。 There are many trees planted on the hill slope. (2) 十年树木,百年树人。 It takes ten years to grow trees, but one hundred
civilization. 例7:环境卫生 /个人卫生/ 公共卫生 environmental sanitation/personal hygiene/public health
课堂练习:仔细思考下下面的搭配如何处理: 发扬主人翁精神/发扬优良传统/发扬民主/发扬光大 打毛衣/打酒/ 打杂儿 /打官腔 /打水 /打针 /打铁/打人/ 打井/打电话 发展同各国人民的友谊/发展新党员 /发展新会员/发展
他主抓工业。 抓:负责,掌管 He is in charge of industry. 抓养猪 抓:重视 attach importance to pig-breeding “两手抓,两手都要硬。” (重视) We should lay equal emphasis on material and spiritual
lodge a protest /pose a cfute/counter-revolution/inverse function one’s line (occupation)/original idea/to be honest/put the car before the horse symptom of a trend/benefit/enemy seaman/technician/research fellow/typist/official



英汉翻译讲座(复旦大学讲义)unit1-5英汉翻译讲座(复旦大学讲义)Unit 1I. 英汉翻译原理第一讲:什么是翻译?【例1】 The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story.(“×”号表示译文有问题,下同)×树的历史开始于森林中,直到生产为木板后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的激动人心的故事。


【例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.×有两个调节系统相互作用。





如:【例3】I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.×我能看到音乐史上有三种不同的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不同的方式创作音乐。



• 原文放在译者面前,好像狱卒,好像桎 梏,好像神话中诱惑男子的妖女,使译者 失去自由,听其摆布,受其引诱。做翻译 的人要拳打脚踢,要保持神志清醒,意志 坚定,才能自由,才能不受骗惑。翻译的 人很容易改变自己的生活习惯和行动姿势 来适应桎梏。英文结构只要过得去他就照 样套用,把英文字换成中国字。而且“大 家不都是这样译的吗?”
举一个简单例子。张教授和王教授两位 老先生约好时间在一家餐馆见面,临走时 张教授说了一句:“Well,I'll be there.…” 这一句若照信、达、贴的标准,可以 有三个译法: • 信:“好了,我会在那里。”(无懈可击的 忠实译文。) • 信、达:“好了,到时我在那里等你。” (明白晓畅的译文。) • 信、达、贴:“就这么说吧,我到时在那 里恭候。”
• He plays upon the restlessness and frustration of the younger generation, boys with long hair like country girls, and girls reluctant to go home before midnight,both without faith in anything. • “他利用男孩子留着长头发像乡下姑娘,女 孩子在半夜以前不愿意回家,男女都对任何 事毫无信心的年轻一代的不安定和受挫,来 进行煽惑”。 • “他利用年轻一代不安定和受挫的心情来煽惑, 这一代的男孩子头发长得像乡下姑娘,女孩 子在半夜以前不愿意回家,他们对任何事都 没有信心。”
• 翻译最重要的工作是思想。译而不思,虽然译 得久也没有用,不但没有用,反而养成习气, 见到一个字就固定给它一个固定的译文,见到 一种英文结构,就照样套用那个结构;不去细 想那个字在那一句到底是什么意思,那一句结 构怎样改读起来才像中国话。资格越老,毛病 越深。所谓思想,就是细心研究英文的原义, 细读自己译文的毛病,细听中国人讲的话(不 能听时髦人的话,因为他们已经中了拙劣译文 的毒素),细读中国的古文诗词,旧小说如 《红楼梦》、《儿女英雄传》。这样,翻译才 有进步。


对;第二,不怕。 Our attitude on the question of world war is , first,
we are against it, second, we are not afraid of it.
我们全体赞成他的建议。 We were all in favor of his suggestion. 我们不顾一切困难,挫折,坚持战斗。 They kept on fighting in spite of all
与汉语相比,英语用介词较多,而且有一些英语 介词本是由动词演变而来的,具有动词的特征。 因此在汉译英时,汉语的一些动词常常可用英语 的介词或介词词组来翻译。如:
孩子们都上一个学堂。 The children are in the same school. 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反
记住我永远支持你。 Remember that I am always with you. 那个家伙老是滔滔不绝讲个不停。 That fellow is very talkative. 他读书时不加选择。 He is indiscriminate in reading. 他们迫切地想弄到消息。 They were news-hungry. 你们现在得走了。 You must be off now.
演出已经开始了。 The Performance is on. 她非常漂亮。 She is a real beauty. 那个家伙笨得出奇。 That fellow is a typical fool.
在翻译实践中,要做到既忠实于原文又符 合译文语言规范,有时就需要适当改变一 些词类,即把原文中属于某种词类的词在 译文中转换成另一种词类。这就是翻译上 通常所说的“词类转换”。



与汉语相比,英语用介词较多,而且有一些英语 介词本是由动词演变而来的,具有动词的特征。 因此在汉译英时,汉语的一些动词常常可用英语 的介词或介词词组来翻译。如: 孩子们都上一个学堂。 The children are in the same school. 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反 对;第二,不怕。 Our attitude on the question of world war is , first, we are against it, second, we are not afraid of it.
第一章 词类转换法
第一章 词类转译法
一、汉语的动词转换成英语的名词 二、汉语的动词转换成英语的形容词 三、汉语的动词转换成英语的介词或介词 词组 四、汉语的形容词或副词转换成英语的名 词 五、汉语的名词转换成英语的动词
汉语中动词用得较多,除大量的动宾结构 外,还有连动式、兼语式等两个以上动词 连用的现象。而英语则不然,一句话往往 只用一个谓语动词,而且英语的名词也比 汉语的名词用得多。由于两种语言各自所 具有的这种特点,汉译英时常常需要把汉 语动词转换成英语名词。有时,随着汉语 动词的这种转换,修饰该动词的副词也自 然需要转换。请看下列例句:
他们教导我们要珍惜每一个机会。 They taught us the value of an opportunity. 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定。 He has long been used to last-minute decisions. 她对他们越来越憎恨。 Her hatred for them grew more. 他酷爱古典音乐。 He is an ardent lover of classical music. 他指挥着一个团。 He is a commander of a regiment.




1.她昨天回家很晚。 2.会议将持续两个小时。 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大 4.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 5.每天八时开始上课。 6.这个箱子重五公斤。 7.五年前我住在北京。 8.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 9.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 10. 每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书。
英汉翻译 HY 17
4.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 The May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.

5.每天八时开始上课。 Classes begin at eight every day. 这个箱子重五公斤。 6. This box weighs five kilos.

例 4:“在讨论这个问题之前,我要给你们读点东西。” ① I'll read you something. ②Before the question is discussed I„ll read you something.
例 5:“老师告诉我们,不要在教室里大声喧哗。” ①The teacher told us… ②The teacher told us not to talk or laugh loudly. ③The teacher told us not to talk or laugh loudly in the classroom.

在进行汉译英过程中,有时会觉得无从下手, 因为乍看英语句子错综复杂,千变万化,短句 短到只一个字,长句长达几行,担心翻译出来 的英语句子要么结构不对,不地道,要么意义 不准确。其实,就英语的句子结构而言,是有 规律可循的,掌握这一规律,就掌握了翻译重 要的第一步。简单说来,英语句子就是以下五 种基本句型的扩大与缩小。



6. dictionary and electronic tool
translation are made because of ignorance about the views and values of other culture. ❖ 翻译中大部分重要的错误是由于对其他文化的观点和价值的 无知造成的。(286)
❖ 《红楼梦》
❖ 第3回林黛玉初见贾母,一家人设宴同庆,“ 熙凤拉了黛玉在(贾母)左边第一张椅子上 坐了,黛玉十分推让”,霍克斯(David Hawkes)译文:
❖ 从最初出发以至终竟到达,这是很艰辛的历 程。一路上颠顿风尘,遭遇风险,不免有所 跌或受些损伤。因此,译文总有失真和走样 的地方,在意义或口吻上违背或不很贴合原 文。那就是“讹”,西洋详语所谓“翻译者 即反逆者”。
factors involved in translation
❖ 1. English proficiency: ❖ eg: comprehensive university; ❖ I may be a servant, but I have my pride. ❖ The students tiptoed for arrival of their
❖ To Aunt Zhao the words seemed to contain a hidden promise. She concealed her pleasure.
❖ ‘What do you mean: “things we could do in secret”?’ she said. ‘I’m willing enough to do them: it is just that I’ve never met anyone who could tell me how. If you want to show me the way, I’d pay you. I’d pay you a lot.’

第一讲 汉译英翻译过程及意义对等

第一讲 汉译英翻译过程及意义对等
汉英翻译 第一讲
能翻译相当于我国《人民日报》 能翻译相当于我国《人民日报》等报刊上各种文 章 题材包括: 1)日常生活记叙 2)一般政治、经济、文化方面的文章 3)文学作品 翻译速度为每小时250~300汉字 翻译速度为每小时250~300汉字 能运用汉译英的理论和技巧,翻译我国报刊杂志 上的论述文和国情介绍,以及一般文学作品的节 录 翻译速度为每小时250~300词 翻译速度为每小时250~300词
符号三角理论( the Semiotic Triangle) 符号三角理论( Triangle)
Thought or Reference (思想或所指关系)概念 Symbol 间接的联系 Referent (符号) (所指) 语言 客观世界
句法学(研究言内意义)研究符号与符号之间的关系 语义学(研究指称意义)研究符号与所指事物之间的关系 语用学(研究语用意义)研究符号与符号使用(者)之间 的关系 六、三类符号学意义 言内意义 词语成分之间、句子成分之间和篇章成分之间的 关系所反映的意义。它在语音、词汇、句子和篇章等层次 均有体现 指称意义(概念意义)词语、句子和篇章反映的客观世界 语用意义(蕴涵、联想、象征意义)语言符号与使用者的 关系,是语言符号对人产生的影响
表征意义:话语中揭示发讯人身份及其地理、历史和阶级 背景、年龄、在交际中的态度等等的成份。 表达意义:语言符号的情感内容及其表达发讯人个性或个 人创造性的成份。 联想意义:语言符号唤起的联想以及它所暗示的、或者作 为它一部分的概念和印象。 祈使意义:发讯人企图改变收讯人行为或心态的意向,具 体表现为命令、敦促、说服或乞求。 社交意义:又叫“情境意义” 社交意义:又叫“情境意义”、“人际意义”,是语言符 人际意义” 号同建立、保持某种社会关系有关的方面。



英译汉第一讲一、考研翻译的标准1.翻译的标准信、达、雅2.考研翻译的标准准确、完整、通顺•Good to the last drop.•滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

•A diamond lasts forever.•钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。

二、考研翻译的具体困难1、词汇层面(1)人名地名的翻译(2)术语的翻译(3 )熟词的翻译(4 )生词的翻译(5 )代词的翻译•i. 众所周知的,按照约定俗成的翻译•Bernard Shaw•Bethune•Confucius; Mencius•ii.对于不太熟悉,可以先做音译,再加上括号补出英文原词•iii.对于既不熟悉,又无法确定其读音的可以照抄英文原词•地名的翻译•New York; Newcastle; New Zealand•约定俗成•大纲常见25组国名地名•Netherlands; Israel; Ireland; Brazil•常识:•Tibet; Amoy; Inner Mongolia; Macao•1994天才技术与科学发展的关系•1995标准化教育评估与标准化心理评估•1996科学发展的动力•1997动物的权利•1998宇宙的起源•1999史学研究方法•2000科学家与政府•2001计算机与未来生活展望•2002行为科学发展的困难•2003人类学简介•2004语言学•2005大众传媒•2006知识分子问题•2007法律•P8-75 kitchen rage•把握文章主题的基础上字面翻译•P7-71operational research experts ☐•P8-73 millennium technology calendar •P6-72 intellectual discipline•P3-72 scientific establishment •P11-62 be obliged to them•注意熟词僻义问题☐所谓的生词P2 –72 validate;P5-73 astrophysicists;P13-47 analogous☹真的生词P5-72 the Big Bang;P8-73 Millennium;P9-64 autonomousP13-46 Socratic2、句子层面•(1)非谓结构(2)被动语态•(3)定语从句(4)名词性从句•(5)状语从句•3、关于全文注意以下三点文章的首句与每段的首句一定要看,文章中的注释一定要留意。



Multi-point Perspective

汉英思维方式与语言差异(thinking patterns and language differences)

1.整体与个体(macrocosm vs. individuality) 2.悟性与理性(comprehension vs. rationality :汉语的模糊性(词性模糊、 语义模糊、语言单位模糊) 3.具象与抽象(concreteness vs. abstractness) 4.直觉与逻辑(intuition vs. logic)

(1)忠实:“忠实”指译文要忠实原文,准确表达其 思想,意义和文体风格。 例1:我的成功一半要归功于他。 译文1:Half of my success belonged to him. 译文2:I owed half of my success to him. 例2: 这台发动机出了毛病。 译文1:The generator has got some problems. 译文2:There is something wrong with the generator. 例3:啊!我不是诗人,我永远道不出我的爱,一种像 由音乐与图画所引起的爱。 译文1: Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never express my love, a love which is caused by music and painting. 译文2:Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never be able to express my love--- the kind of love as inspired by music and painting.
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第一讲汉译英一、(2012年天津市中考)1. 我经常帮助妈妈收拾房间。

I often help my mum to _____________ _____________ the room2. 2010年以来,这个地区发生了很大的变化。

Great changes have ___________ ___________ in this area since 2010.3. 他们正在建一条隧道,它将穿过这座山。

They are building a tunnel, and it will _________ _____________ the mountain.4. 他现在不在办公室。

He isn’t in the office __________.5. 我想下个星期顺便看望一下吉尔。

I think I’ll _______ __________ on Jill next week.二、(2012年北京市中考)1. 很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。

_____for missing your birthday party.2. 你在课余时间喜欢读书吗?Do you _____ in your spare time?3. 杰克会和同学们相处得很好。

Jack will _____ his classmates.4. 这个演讲非常精彩。


The speech _____ we all listened carefully.5. 他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。

_____ a new way in such a short time.三、(2012年兰州市中考)1、平衡的饮食能使你保持健康。

Eating a balanced diet can make you ______ ______.2、为了鼓舞医院里的孩子们,这位年轻的志愿者常去为他们唱歌。

This young volunteer often sings for the children at the hospital to _____them _______.3、总的来说,法国是个消费很高的地方。

In _______, France is quite an expensive place.4、新体育馆的设计图样将在图书馆展出。

Designs for the new gym will be on _______in the library.5、每个人登机前都要通过安检。

Everyone must go _______the security check before boarding the plane.四、(2012年烟台市中考)1. 据调查,许多学生都会为了实现自己的目标而努力学习。

__________ ________the survey, many students were willing to work hard to achieve their aims.2. 我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。

I ____________music that __________ great lyrics.3. 你们反对在城里建一个新的动物园吗?Are you_________ _________a new zoo in the town?4. 我认为年轻人应该把更多的注意力集中在工作上。

I think young people should ____________more ___________their work.5. 听到这坏消息,Robert默默地跟他的朋友一起走回了家。

When he heard the bad news, Robert walked home together with his friends______ ______.6. 制作香蕉奶昔的第二个步骤是将香蕉切碎。

The second step of making a banana milk shake is _______ ______the bananas.7. 这部电影太乏味了, 以至于我看到一半就睡着了。

The movie was so boring that I __________ ________half way through it.8. 如果你弟弟未经允许拿走了你的衣服你会怎么办?What would you do if your brother took away your clothes __________ ___________?9. 什么时候动身取决于天气条件。

When to start __________ ___________the weather conditions.10. 他在火车站偶然遇到了他的一位老校友。

He met with an old schoolmate of his ________ _________at the railway station.五、(2012年黄石市中考)1、外面太热,我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去钓鱼。

It is too hot outside, I would _____stay at home ______go fishing.2、你介意在我外出度假时照顾一下我的猫吗?Would you mind ______ _______of my cat while I am out on holiday?3、你应该找份兼职以多赚点钱。

You _____ _______to find a part-time job to earn more money.4、如果你坚持你的梦想,终有一天它会成真。

If you hold on to your dream, it will _____ _______one day.5、很抱歉又迟到了,我保证下次不会了。

I am very _____ ______being late again. I promise no next time.6、为了保持健康,我们别无选择,只有健康饮食和加强锻炼。

To keep fit, we have no choice ______ ______eat healthily and take exercise.7、英语演讲比赛直到下午3:30才开始。

The English Speech Contest _____ begin _____3:30 in the afternoon.8、当观众们看到林书豪时,他们激动得大喊大叫。

When the audience saw Jeremy Lin, they got _____ excited ______they cried out.9、让我们非常高兴的是,刘翔有希望在严重受伤后又夺金牌。

_______ our great _______,Liu Xiang is expected to win gold medals again after he was badly hurt.10、他应该专心学习,而不应该如此关注电脑游戏。

He should concentrate on his studies instead of ______ so much ______ to computer games.六、(2012年自贡市中考)1.尽量仔细一些,下次就会更少犯错误了。

Try to be more careful then you'll fewer next time.2.你认为东方广场和新建的大道怎么样?What do you think of the Dong fang and the new ?3.学英语最好的方法是尽可能的多说。

The best way to 1earn English is to speak it as as ·4.在二十一世纪,那些观念陈旧的人将落后于时代。

In the 21st century, those people old ideas will be left the times.5.嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。

It's to laugh at those people in ·七、(2012年盐城市中考)1、我打算给Peter买一下礼物。

I am going to ___________________________________________.2、我长大了想当一名社会工作者。

I want to be a social woker _________________________________.3、盐城有许多公园,你最喜欢哪一个?There are many parks in Yancheng._____________________________.4、颜色能够改变我们的心情,使我们感觉快乐或悲伤。

Colors can change our moods and _____________________________.5、我难以想象未来火星上的生活会是什么样。

I can not imagine ________________________________________.八、(2012年淮安市中考)1、在西方国家,许多家长经常留一些时间带孩子们去博物馆。

In _______,many parents often set aside some time to ________ to museums.3、我们不能只想着自己而不关心他人。

We can not only _____ourselves and never ___________ others.4、“素食星期一”建议人们每周至少有一天不吃肉,这样我们可以更好地保持健康。

“Meatless Mondays ”advise people __________at least one day each week, so we can______in a better way.6、交通安全非常重要,过马路要小心。

Traffic safety is very important.We should _________ when ____________.7、迈克,你要多做户外运动而不是整天在网上聊天。

Mike, you should do more outdoor activities _______________all day.九、(2012年陕西省中考)1. 英语是你最喜欢的科目吗?Is English your ?2. 每天读书是个好习惯。

It’s a good habit to every day.3. 帮助别人就是帮助我们自己。
