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• 【补充】:Whereas conj. 然而, 反之, 鉴 于, 尽管, 但是 • 在欧洲早期工业化国家,工业化进程, 以及随之而来深刻的社会变革,持续了 将近一个世纪,而现在发展中国家完成 同样的过程只需十年左右的时间。
• In the early industrialized countries of Europe, the process of industrialization, with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed, was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so.
• 段落的连贯(Coherence),指内容情节上的串 连,或者是逻辑关系上的贯通,总的来说就是 有完整的语义关系,段落的各个部分的语义连 接通顺而流畅。 • 语义的逻辑关系经常隐于段落的字里行间,出 于语篇的底层。翻译中需要特别注意吃透原文 精神,将字里行间的意思弄明白,才能从看似 孤立、实则关联的句子中找到主题脉络,再通 过增词等技巧再现汉语原文的思想内容。
• 在我所呆的3年半中,共有14位学生被他 招进实验室,最后博士毕业的只剩下5人。 • During the three and a half years I stayed at the lab, பைடு நூலகம் total of 14 students were recruited to his lab, but only 5 of them got their doctor’s degrees at last.
• Cohesion,指段落中各部分在语法和词汇 方面的关联,即段落的各个部分的排列 和连接要复合逻辑。汉语和英语在语言 使用上迥异。衔接手法上,汉语常用省 略(如主语和连接词)和重复的手段, 依靠句与句之间隐形逻辑关系体现段落 的连贯;而英语则要常用连接词(如连 词、关系代词、关系副词)、替代词、 指称语、特有的冠词实现衔接,体现出 段落内的语篇性。
• 面试人 future boss; boss-to-be; would-be boss; employer-to-be; manager of the HR department; the staff recruitment panel • 求职者 job-seeker; job-hunter; applicant; candidate
5.4 选词要确切/贴切/有力 选词要确切/贴切/
• 中国共产党始终代表着最广大人民的根 本利益 • The CPC always represents the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the people in China. • 两岸关系 • cross-strait ties
• 加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口 却不足3000万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期 以来奉行的国策。(1999年真题) • Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 million. Therefore, to take in immigrants has become a national policy long practiced by Canada.
• Work hard, and we will surely succeed. • If we work hard, we will surely be successful. • It is hard work that leads to success. • Without hard work, success would be impossible. • Chances favor prepared minds. • Working hard, we will surely succeed. • Where there is hard work, there is success.
• 阅卷程序 阅卷程序:(1)根据第一印象给个基础分(2)文章 中的闪光点及错误适当加减分得出最终分 • (1)第一印象非常重要,卷面要整齐 • (2)文章要有闪光点 • 大错 大错:漏译、错译、句子结构错误、动词错误、 时态语态错误、第三人称单数动词错误。 • 小错 小错:名词单复数、拼写错误、大小写错误、 标点符号错误。
• 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平 等,所以人们对自然,全都一致并深深 地依赖着。(2002年真题) • People, poor or rich, are equally favored by Nature. Therefore human beings, with no exception, have been deeply dependent on it. • (用代词it替换第二个自然)
• 他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌: “本室助研必须每周工作7天,早10时至晚 12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”(1997 年真题) • He simply put on the door of the lab an eyecatching notice, which read, “all the research assistants of this lab must work 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Nothing but work during the office hours.”
• 有水有鱼的的地方大都是有好环境的, 好环境便会给人好心情。(2001年真题) • A place with water and fish is necessarily blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. • 用which替换第二个环境
奥运官网4月 日讯 奥运官网 月27日讯 奥运圣火在韩国首都首尔开始传 递。在起跑仪式现场,数十位华人打开一面巨幅五星红 旗,至少有一二十米长,这是目前为止,在圣火境外 传递中所见到的最大的国旗。
他们在旁边还打开了一面巨大的横幅,上面用中文、 英文、韩文写着“告诉世界一个真实的中国”。巨 大的国旗和横幅在广场上显得相当庞大,震撼人心, 气势十足,吸引了很多媒体的境头。
• • • • • • 简单句;并列句;复合句 复杂的简单句 倒装 虚拟 强调 插入语
• • • • Hard work is the key to success. Hard work is the mother of success. With hard work, we will surely succeed. With hard work, it is impossible for us to lose. • With hard work, we are bound to win.
• • • • • • •
Convinence Frist Intresting Natrue Enviroment Romatic explaination
• • • • • • •
Convenience First Interesting Nature Environment Romantic explanation
• 专用词汇:政治、经济、文化、教育、科技等方面的 常识性词汇, • 对等的人或物 counterpart • 霸权主义:hegemony • 强权政治:power politics • 经济危机:economic crisis • 财政赤字:financial deficit • 可持续发展:sustainable development • 货币贬值:devaluation of currency • 笔记本电脑:laptop 台式电脑desktop • 水土保持:soil conservation
• 词汇 词汇:不是高分的阻碍。得到高分,需 要在结构和句型上下功夫。 • 词汇:基础词汇,专用词汇 • 基础词汇:动词形容词和副词为主,如: 加强/提高 strengthen, enhance, reinforce, intensify 促进、推动等等 • 专用词汇:政治、经济、文化、教育、 科技等方面的常识性词汇,
– 内容忠实原文。我们采用直译和意译的结 内容忠实原文 合,偏重于直译。适当发挥,不要过分发 挥。 要有闪光点:复杂的句型结构, 要有闪光点:复杂的句型结构,高级词汇
• 复杂的句型结构:强调句、倒装句、独 立主格结构、分词结构、it句型、被动句、 固定结构 • 高级词汇:
• 转折 转折:but conj, however, yet, nevertheless adv./, nonetheless adv./, whereas conj. • 用法:第一句话,however….是错误的, however一般用作副词,后加逗号
• • • • • • • •
震中 epicenter 堰塞湖 Earthquake-created lakes 慈善捐赠 charity donation 留守儿童 left-behind children
5.3 避免重复(词汇、句式多样化) 避免重复(词汇、句式多样化)
• 同义词替换原则 • A job interview is very important for both the interviewees and the interviewers because the interviewers could know more about the interviewees through the interview and the interviewees could know more about the interviewers through the interview.
5.5 使用连接结构表明逻辑关系
• (1)表顺序:first, second, third, firstly, secondly, next, finally, etc. • (2)表附加说明的:another, also, besides, in addition, furthermore, what’s more, for instance, for example, such as, etc. • (3)表示转折关系的:however, but, nevertheless, nonetheless, (3) however, whereas, on the contrary, on the other hand, although, in spite of, etc. • (4)表因果关系:therefore, because, since, thus, as a result consequently, accordingly, for the reason, etc. • (5)表概括总结的:on the whole, generally speaking, to sum up, in brief, finally, so, in short, etc.
• 大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等, 所以人们对于自然,全都一致并深深地依 赖着。尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一直以 不变的方式生活着。(2002年真题) • People, poor or rich, are equally favored by Nature. Therefore human beings, with no exception, have been deeply dependent on it. This is particularly true in the countryside where people have been living in the same styles for thousands of years.
• • • • • •
固定搭配和习惯表达: 固定搭配和习惯表达 直接受害者:immediate victim 激烈的竞争:fierce/severe competition 当务之急:immediate concern 注意: i. 动词比动词短语正式,能用一个动词表 达的绝对不用一个动词短语表达 • ii. 词汇的搭配方式