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• 容积超声造影显像可以作为一种监测血管损伤后肾脏灌注变 化的潜在手段。
Current methods for quantifying AKI are searching for bio-markers indicative of kidney injury such as positive fluctuations in serum creatinine .However, serum creatinine levels lack the sensitivity and specificity necessary for early detection . Due to the n目e前ph确r诊otAoKxiI的c n方a法tu主re要o通f 过b寻ot找h 血CT液中an肾d脏M损R害的c生on物tr标as志t 物 a,g例en如ts血, 肌ot酐he水r 平st升an高da。r但d p是e血rf肌us酐io缺n乏im早a期g诊in断g 的m敏od感a性lit及ies a特像r异模e n性式o。不t s由 适u于合itaC诊bT断l及e及Mfo监Rr造测d影AiaK本gIn。身o存si在s a肾n毒d 性m,on而it其or他in标g准o灌f 注显 AKI.
Animal studies were performed using either healthy
rats or those that underwent renal ischemia-
reperfusion injury. A series of renal studies were
performed using healthy rats (N = 4) while the
angle of the transducer was varied for each VCEUS image acquisition (reference or 0°, 4动5°物研,a究nd应9用0健°康)小to鼠a及百度文库s遭es受s 缺if血re再p灌ea注te的d小re鼠na来l 完pe成rf。u用sio正n mtr常角肾aen小度脏ass灌鼠是duur完多注ecs成变方erw一的法pe系(是orse列参等iti肾考向isoo脏角性ntr.研度的oBp究为,lioc,0其o°a、d每独n4s次立d5e°超于irn、u声传dm9e0造感p°)e影器n,图方d以e像位n便。采t 评o血集f估浆的重传生复感物的器标 b记io物m及ar免ke疫r组s a织n学d 用im来m确u诊no急h性is肾to损lo害gy。were used to
VCEUS could provide a more detailed idea of the actual percentage of ischemic tissue resulting from this renal complication by identifying regions of ischemic tissue.
u的n微de气r 泡cu造rv影e剂, A形U成C的)非w线er性e 二de次ri谐ve波d信fr号o。m在ti体m外e-流速模型 i及nt体en内si正ty常c/u受r损ve肾d脏at的a 动co物ll研ec究te中d,du收r集in来g 自in时v间itr-o强f度lo曲w线 p的面h组积an织)to。灌m注s参tu数di(es峰a强n度d 、in达v峰iv值o 强an度im时a间l 、stu內d洗ie率s 、of曲线下 healthy and injured kidney.
For the flow phantom studies, either the
concentration of MB
contrast agent was held
constant (10 μL/L) with varying volumetric flow
rates (10, 20, and 30 mL/min) or the flow rate was
这篇文章主要致力于观察超声造影显像追踪正常及受损肾脏灌 注变化的可重复性及稳定性。
VCEUS utilizes a series of planar image acquisitions, capturing the non-linear second harmonic signal from microbubble (MB) contrast agents flowing in the vasculature. Tissue perfusion parameters (peak intensity, IPK; time-to-peak intensity, TPK; wash-in rate, WIR; area
在h体el外d 流速模型co研n究sta中n,t (保30证m微气L/泡m浓in度) 稳an定d(th1e0 μcLo/nLt)ra,st 改a变ge容n积t c流on速c率en(tr1a0t,i2o0n, awnda3s0 mL/mvina)rie,d或(5者,保10证,流an速d稳2定0 (μ3L0/mLL)/.min),改变微气泡浓度(5, 10, and 20 μL/L)。
通过鉴别缺血组织区域,肾脏造影能够对由于肾脏并发症造成 的缺血组织的实际百分比提供更加细致的理念。
The focus of this paper is to investigate the repeatability and robustness of VCEUS imaging for tracking perfusion changes in the healthy and injured kidney.
一 Objective
Volumetric contrast-enhanced ultrasound (VCEUS) imaging has the potential to monitor changes in renal perfusion following vascular injury.