中文流行词汇英文译法(1-20期)最牛钉子户:the most willful anti-mover点评:“钉子户”是对不愿搬迁的住户的称呼。
如果按其字面意思将该词直译为“nail family”,在英语语境中则有不明所以之嫌,故根据其实际的意义,将该词译为“anti-mover”,意为“抗拒搬迁的人”。
故整个词组可译为“the most willful anti-mover”。
流氓软件:hooligan software点评:“流氓软件”是指某些影响电脑正常运行、一旦装上就难以卸载的电脑软件的称谓。
可直译为“hooligan software”。
解约门:agreement-canceling fever点评:“解约门”是指当前娱乐圈盛行的解约跳槽的做法,根据该词的本意,将其中的“门”字译作“door”“gate”或“entrance”都不合适,故根据该词的内涵意义将该词语译为“agreement-canceling fever”。
- 226 -校园英语 /英语新词新语的翻译研究衢州学院外国语学院/邹芸【摘要】在现代社会中,英语“新词新语”(N e w w o r d jargons)的产生因素对政治、经济、科技与文化等各个不同领域所带来的影响;“新型语言”(The new language)词汇的活跃出现对我们现代化的发展带来的效果;以及对“新词新语”(New word jargons)翻译研究的方法和基本理论;对“新词新语”(New word jargons)的实例翻译进行举证归纳分析。
【关键词】新词新语 领域范围 翻译理论语言其实和其他学科是一样,都是无穷无尽、无边无际的。
化生 活到人 们 的 口头对话 、报 纸杂 志 ,无 一 不可 见这些 吸 引人 眼球 的 中 国特 色新 词 新 语 的踪 迹 ,
重要的作用 。例如 ,“ 师傅 ”一词 ,本指学堂里 的老师 ,而 今 ,人 们 即 使 对 于 陌生 人 也 会 称
“ 师傅 ” 以示 尊 敬 ,言 下 之 义 便 是 “ 帮 个 忙 请
令人赏心悦 目,无不感叹时代的变迁 、人类语言
[ 收稿 日期 ]2 0 09一O 6—1 3 [ 作者简介 ]董笑 (9 6一 ) 18 ,女 ,江苏扬州人 ,南京农业大学外 国语学 院硕士研究 生。
6 ・ 8
第 4期
笑 :再谈 中国新词新 语 的英 译
3 .科 技 类 :“翻 盖 式 移 动 电 话 ” ( i np
制 解 调 器 ” ( oe ;“ 空 行 走 ” ( pc m dm) 太 sae w l) “ 阳能 热水 器 ” (0 r a r et ) a ; 太 k sl t a r ; aw eh e
( ) 灵活 性 二
中国新词新语 的特点及归类
社会 的变 化最 为直 接 的反 映便 是语 言 中的词
汇 。改革 开放 以来 ,中国社会 迅猛 发展 ,语 言词 汇 的变化 也在 日益 加快 。这些 新 出现 的或者说 是 “ 头换 面 ”过 后 出现 的新 词新 语 积 极 地充 当着 改
吧” 。说 到 “ 晒” 这一 字 眼 ,以前人 们 理所 当然
地会想 到 “ 晒太 阳” “ 、 晒被 子 ” 等短 语 ,然 而
现今 ,随着 网络 的普及 ,大量 的 “ 网民” 们在
网上 “ 晒照 片” 晒博 客 ” “ 日记 ” 已成 为 、“ 、 晒 家常便 饭 。当然 ,也 有一些 被糟蹋 了的词汇 。像
中国一些流行词语的英文表达中国一些流行词语的英文表达1.素质教育:Quality Education2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3.保险业:the insurance industry4.保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas5.补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears6.不良贷款:non-perFORMing loan7.层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontr acting8.城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9.城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10.城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11.出口信贷:export credit 12.贷款质量:loan quality13.贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14.防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15.防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16.非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17.非贸易收汇:foreign excha nge earnings through nontrade channels 18.非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19.费改税:transFORM administrative feessintostaxes 20.跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21.工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22.国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23.过度开垦:excess reclamation 24.合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25.积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26.基本生活费:basic allowance 27.解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28.金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29.经济安全:economic security 30.*扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the defici t to spend more on development 31.扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32.拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33.粮食仓库:grain depot 34.粮食收购企业:grain coll ection and storage enterprise 35.粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchas e funds 36.粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37.劣质工程:shoddy engineering 38.乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines 39.骗汇、逃汇、套汇:ob tain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and ill egal arbitrage 40.融资渠道:financing channels 41.商业信贷原则:the principles for commer cial credit 42.社会保险机构:social security institution 43.失业保险金:unemployment insura nce benefits 44.偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes 4 5.外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending 46.安居工程:housing project for low-inco me urban residents 47.信息化:inFORMation-based; inFORMationization 48.智力密集型:con centration of brain power; knowledge-intensive 49.外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises 5 0.下岗职工:laid-off workers 五十一号.分流:reposition of redundant personnel 52.素质教育:education for all-round development 53.豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects 54.社会治安情况:l aw-and-order situation 55.民族国家:nation state 56.“台独”:"independence of Taiwan" 57.台湾当局:Taiwan authorities 58.台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots 59.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. 60.西部大开发:Developm ent of the West Regions 61.可持续性发展:sustainable development 62.风险投资:risk inve stment 63.通货紧缩:deflation 64.扩大内需:to expand domestic demand 65.计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction ( CAI ) 66.网络空间:cyberspace 67.虚拟现实:virtual r eality 68.网民:netizen ( net citizen ) 69.电脑犯罪:computer crime 70.电子商务:the e-business 71.网上购物:shopping online 72.应试教育:exam-oriented education 73.学生减负:to reduce study load 74.“厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino) 75.“拉尼娜”:(La Nina) 76.“智商”:(IQ) 77.“情商”:(EQ) 78.“第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence ofenterpri ses)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/inFORMation industry) 79.“军嫂”:(military spouse) 80.“峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)”:summit(conference) 81.“克隆”:clone 82.“冰毒”:ice 83.“摇头丸”:dancing outreach 84.“传销”:multi level marketing 85.“(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K p roblem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand) 86.“白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book) 87.“傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);88.“白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you的读音缩略转义而来) 89.“巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
保 基金 ”就成 了 2 0 0 6年的流行 语 。此 外,流行语 还有其鲜 明 的年度特 征,比如说以前的极左年代 ,矿难并非不存在 ,
但 是不准 提 ,现在可 以公开 了,而且 出现 了那 么多矿难 ,所
的轨迹 ,从语言层面表达 出人们的价值观念和文化心态,真
变 迁。从 学 术角度 看 ,流行 语 已经成 为语 言学及 社会语 言学 的研 究重 点之 一 。本文对 我 国两个 不 同版 本 的 汉语 流行 语研 究 结果 进行 了分析 、阐述 和 比较 , 同时强调 了重视对 汉语 流 行语 的研 究有 利 于我们 进一 步做
好 汉 英 翻 译 、 尤 其 是 对 外 传 播 翻 译 , 促 进 中 国 丈化 走 出去 的 国 家 战 略 , 增 强 国 家 文 化 软 实 力 扩 大 中 国 的 国
以 “ 矿难 ”可以成为近年的一个流行语 。
汉语流行语与新词新 语
在 汉 英翻译 实践 中,新词 新语 的翻译 是一 大难 点 。其
实 ,相对于新词新语 ,流行语 的翻 译更加不易 。流行语并不
二 、汉语流行语的定义
从有 关专 家学者对 于流行 语下 的定义来 看,流行 语是 指在 某一时期 、某一地 域或特 定人群 中迅速盛 行广 为传播 的语 汇,具有很强 的时代性 ( 谢学敏 ,2 0 0 6 )。流行语的社 会性特征在 于,它们已经 不仅仅是语言符号 ,它从特定角度 表达着人们的价值观念和文化 心态 ,真 实地映照 出社会现象 和时代的变迁 。流行语 以独特的方式给 语言留下动态变化的 痕迹 。流行语尤其是指在主流媒体上迅速传播 、盛行一时的 语词 。通过主流媒体的广泛传播 ,这些流行语已经融 入到 百
构成 类型
(一) 完全汉语拼音式翻译 : Dama(中国大妈)、tuhao(土豪)等。 (二)来源于发音的翻译。 dim sum(点心)。 该词汇来源于“点心”的粤语发音。 意为“通过蒸、炸等方式制作的餐点,含有丰富的馅料”. (三) 汉语拼音和英文混搭合成词。
有些网络新词热词使用中文和英语混杂的方法。 例如: 给 力 gelivable(反 义词 :不给力 ungeliv-able),形容词。 含义是“令人激动的,使人兴高采烈的”. 该词是汉语拼音 “gei li”和英语后缀-able 的组合。
2.合成法 合成法是由两个或更多的词组合成一 个新词。
Showrooming 该词是由 show 和 room 加后缀-ing 组成的。
例如: 1. 有钱就是任性 I'm rich, I'm will-ful. 或 rich and willful.
(六)由汉语意思意译而来的网络新词 热词。
例如: 1. 坑爹 the reverse of one 's expectation ,“坑爹 ”意思并不是真 的把爹给坑了 ,而是 “坑人欺骗、不尽 人意”的意思。
(七)由中式英语翻译而来。 1.不作就不会死 No zuo, no die.这
个短语是汉语拼音式英语。 含义是:如果你干蠢事了,坏事很可
3.意译法;由于英汉两种语言不同的发 展历史、民族文化、风俗习惯造成了 两个民族独特的语言与独特的表达方 式,所以中国的一些网络热词与英语, 无法进行直接翻译。在这种情况下, 译者应采用意译,以便表达准确。 如“悲催(that’s bad)” 、
反映的社会现象: 体现出了人们的一种 心理状态。要么缺乏 自信,要么过度自恋。
1. 脑洞大开(nǎo dòng dà kāi)这个热词源自于网络小说和百度贴吧,用来形容一个人的想象力非常丰富、创造性非常高,有很多奇思妙想,通常与一些不切实际的、超出常规思维的想法相关。
它的英文翻译可以是 "mind-blowing" 或 "thinking out of the box"。
2. 拍砖(pāi zhuān)这个词来源于网络论坛,用来形容对某人的言论或创作进行批评和指责。
它的英文翻译可以是 "throw shade" 或 "shoot down".例句:他发了一篇文章,结果被网友们拍砖得体无完肤。
3. 尬聊(gà liáo)这个词用来形容一种尴尬的交谈气氛,通常是指同事或朋友之间的交流出现了尴尬的沉默或话题谈不到一起。
它的英文翻译可以是 "awkward chat" 或 "cringy conversation"。
4. 加鸡腿(jiā jī tuǐ)这个词源自王者荣耀游戏,在游戏中代表为队友加速、帮助其获得更多的金币和经验。
它的英文翻译可以是"give a thumbs up"。
例句:你的创意太棒了,我一定要给你加鸡腿!5. 小鲜肉(xiǎo xiān ròu)这个词用来形容那些年轻、俊美的男性明星,通常指年龄在20到30岁之间,具有清新、阳光的外表和形象。
以下是一些新增的词汇及其释义,供学生学习和参考:1. Innovation - 创新,指在原有基础上的改进或新思想的产生。
2. Sustainability - 可持续性,指在不损害未来代际利益的前提下满足当前需求的能力。
3. E-commerce - 电子商务,指通过电子方式进行的商业交易。
4. Cyberspace - 网络空间,指互联网构成的虚拟空间。
5. Globalization - 全球化,指世界范围内的经济、文化、政治等方面的相互联系和依赖。
6. Artificial Intelligence - 人工智能,指使计算机系统模拟人类智能行为的科学和技术。
7. Biodiversity - 生物多样性,指生物种类的多样性及其生态系统的复杂性。
8. Climate Change - 气候变化,指全球或地区气候状态的长期变化,通常与人类活动有关。
9. Renewable Energy - 可再生能源,指来自自然过程的能源,如太阳能、风能等,这些能源可以不断更新。
10. Genetic Engineering - 基因工程,指直接操纵生物体的基因组成,以改变其遗传特征。
11. Virtual Reality - 虚拟现实,指通过计算机技术创造的,可以交互的三维环境或世界。
12. Ethics - 伦理学,指研究道德行为的哲学分支,涉及对正确与错误的判断。
13. Cultural Heritage - 文化遗产,指具有历史、艺术或科学价值的文化遗产和自然遗产。
14. Space Exploration - 太空探索,指对地球以外的天体进行的探索和研究。
15. Epidemic - 流行病,指在一定时间内在特定地区内迅速传播的疾病。
16. Pandemic - 大流行病,指流行病在全球范围内的广泛传播。
13、Slacktivism (懒汉行动主义) n. Activism that seeks projects and causes that require the least amount of effort.
16、Spamdexing (垃圾索引) pp. Repeating a word dozens or even hundreds of times within a web page.
17、Earworm (洗脑神曲) n. A song or tune that repeats over and over inside a person’s head.
2、Hatfishing (心机男\婊) Tricking a potential dating partner by wearing a hat to hide one's baldness or receding hairline.
3、Witness tree (见证树) n. An extremely old tree, particularly one that was present at one or more important historical events.
7、Cankle (累赘) n. A thick ankle, particularly one that appears to be a continuation of the calf.
2. 直译+解释
三个代表 three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.) 严打斗争 “Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities” quake lake,barrier lake 韩流 South Korean fad 三角债 chain debt 民生 people’s wellbeing
4. 意译(直接对应)
打白条 issue IOU 人才流失 brain drain 海选 an Internet audition system
口译中的难点——新词新 语、俗语谚语、名言名句
会给译员带来困难。以下我们介绍几种常见的 翻译方法。
无车日 No Car Day 探月工程 lunar probe program 垃圾邮件 junk e-mail 短信投票 text-message voting 面子工程、形象工程 image project 生命探测仪 life detection instrument
空军(kong1jun1)believer in housing price dropThis term, meaning literally “airforce,” is now used to describe people who insist that housing prices will drop. They have waited for years but finding prices keep rising to new highs. The word “air” in Chine se may also mean “empty” or “nothingness.”城市依赖症(cheng3shi4 yi1lai4zheng4)city addictionThis term refers to people who refuse to live outside cities because they are used to the colorful and convenient life. They would rather live in cities with no jobs than live in suburban areas with good opportunities.后群体(hou4qun2ti3)post-x generationNow many people like to label “post-80” to those born in the 1980s and accuse them of being too indulgent in material pleasures. “Post-70” and “post-60” and post-whatever are also popular in daily conversation and media reports. But it’s hard to say that all people in onegeneration have the same characteristics.文化低保(wen2hua4 di1bao3)cultural access initiativeThis Chinese term combines the word “culture” a nd “minimum assurance” as from the minimum social security system to mean providing disadvantaged groups of people with the basic access to cultural activities. For instance, a county government promises each year to bring at least one art performance, six movies and one new book per person to villagers living in remote mountainous areas.洋腐败(yang2 fu3bai4)foreign corruptionThis term refers to the practice of taking all kinds of bribes from foreign companies. With more and more overseas companies moving into this country, the crime continues to rise. Now, the state legislature has been urged to introduce laws to fight this fraud.孔雀女(kong3que4nv3)peacock womanThis term refers to women who grow up in a wealthy family in big cities and never worry about money. Their family takes good care of them and never lets them do any housework. However, when they fall in love with a “phoenix men,”which refers to a hard-working man from rural areas, they will have many conflicts because of their different habits and attitudes towards money.秒杀(miao3sha1)speed killThe word is always used i n online games when the “boss” or opponent is so strong that he or she kills the player within seconds.免费素食主义者(mian3fei4 su4shi2zhu3yi4zhe3) FreeganThis term, a portmanteau of “free” and “vegan,” refers to people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.October 22Date:2007-10-22疲劳驾驶(pi2lao2 jia4shi3)drowsy drivingThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States found that 37 percent of drivers admitted to falling asleep at the wheel at least once in their life.赶场子(gan3chang3zi)function venue hopping, whirlwind partyingAs a spinoff of modern urban life, many people have to go to frequent parties and functions during their spare time and while officially on holiday.婚庆公司(hun1qing4 gong1si1)wedding services companyIn recent years, businesses offering wedding services have cashed in on young couples pursuing an expensive marriage ceremony, but many of them are accused of lacking original ideas.套牌车(tao4pai2che1)fake plate vehiclesIt has been a big headache for police to track down drivers who flee after a road accident or a crime as their plate is a duplicate of another legitimate car's.雅贼(ya3zei2)art thief, book thiefThis term refers to thieves who only steal things with artistic values, such as books, pictures and other cultural relics.亚偷情(ya4tou1qing2)semi-affairThis term refers to married people who have a close opposite-sex friend and their relationship is a kind of "affair without intimacy." They enjoy the subtle feelings, but avoid betraying their families.指付通(zhi3fu4tong1)fingerprint payment terminalThis is a newly developed payment method in Shanghaiwhich allows shoppers to pay for their purchases by pressing fingerprints on a terminal. More than 1,000 retailers have adopted the terminals, which are attached to a bank's network.食膏族(shi2gao1zu2)tonic loversAs the colder autumn months proceed, many Shanghai people like to take various herbal tonics, especially those made according to traditional Chinese medicine.维他命电影(wei2ta1ming4dian4ying3)vitamin movieAudience will have some fun from such movies, which may even teach them some simple but useful tips or principles of life. But don’t expect these movies to shock audiences’ nerves by staging grand scenes. instead they leave audiences feeling relaxed and happy.凑份子(cou4fen4zi0)whip-roundChinese people have the tradition of pooling funds orcollecting money from a group of people to pay for a public project or buy a joint present for someone.弃车族(qi4che1zu2)car-sparing clanIt is reported that many private car owners living near subway lines in Beijing have opted to use public transport for daily commutes, so saving their cars for longer trips.金九银十(jin1jiu3yin2shi2)peak sales seasonThe Chinese term literally means “Golden September” and “Silver October,” the two months that usually see brisk sales of cars, houses or other major consumer products in China.打新族(da3xin1zu2)new-stock investorsDue to the hefty profit potential, newly listed securities have become a hit choice for Chinese investors over the past few months.巴嫂(ba1sao3)re-employed woman bus conductorAuthorities in Guangdong Province have initiated a re-employment program to recruit women in their 50s who were earlier laid off by their employers to work as bus conductors. The Chinese word 巴(ba) means bus while 嫂(sao) is a term of endearment for a married woman.凤凰男(feng4huang2nan2)phoenix manThis term refers to men who grew up in remote rural areas but have moved to big cities thanks to their efforts and their family’s support. They hope to marry city girls but often encounter problems resulting from their different living habits and family backgrounds.试离婚(shi4li2hun1)trial divorceSome young couples live separately to calm down when their marriage hits a rough patch. It is called “trialdivorce” which offers couples time to reconsider their marriage and avoid divorcing under impulse.October 8Date:2007-10-08裸体PC (luo3ti3 PC)naked PCEuropean think-tank the Globalization Institute has made a submission to the European Commission proposing that all PCs and laptops should be sold without an operating system to foster competition and bring down prices, saying the current practice "imposes an extra cost on virtually every EU business."零电邮日(ling2dian4you2ri4)zero e-mail FridaysSome professionals are fighting back against overwhelming e-mails by declaring e-mail-free Fridays - or by deleting their entire in-box. About 150 engineers at chip maker Intel will kick off the campaign. E-mail isn't forbidden, but everyone is encouraged to phone or meet face-to-face. The goal is to foster more direct,free-flowing communication and better exchange of ideas, Intel principal engineer Nathan Zeldes says in a company blog post.鲶鱼效应(nian3yu2 xiao4ying4)catfish effectThis term derives from the practice of a Norwegian fisherman who put catfish into his catch of sardine to keep the latter living longer for a better price. Now, the term means to introduce new competitors to stimulate the whole group. It complies with the modern operational mechanism of HR management.刺青后悔症(ci4qing1 hou4hui3zheng4)tattoo regretThis term refers to a feeling of remorse for having tattoos. According to a study in the United States, about 50 percent of respondents who have tattoos said they suffered from "tattoo regret." In other words, they wish they had opted against getting a tattoo.网络达人(wang3luo4 da2ren2)Net advisorThe term refers to warm-hearted people who give advice to others on the Internet. They cover all kinds of topics, ranging from marriage to home decoration. They are not necessarily professional consultants, but their personal experiences do help others.社交网络服务(she4jiao1 wang3luo4 fu2wu4)social networking service (SNS)This is a kind of social software designed to set up online social networks connecting people of all different types of interests. For instance, Facebook is a popular social networking service.富裕病(fu4yu4bing4)affluenzaThis is a portmanteau word by combining the two words "affluence" and "influenza." It refers to a special form of materialism in which people suffer from an epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness as they pursue more goods.搏上位(bo2shang4wei4)strive for bigger successIt refers to an attempt to gain a higher position, bigger fame or success by resorting sometimes to unconventional or indecent means.喝油车(he1you2che1)Chelsea tractorThose gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles are referred to in the United Kingdom as a Chelsea tractor. These urban behemoths have become a status symbol for the middle class in the Western world. The term is a rendering from the English buzzword.穷人跑(qiong2ren2pao3)cheap roadsterSome auto makers in China produce low-priced sportscars for middle-income people. The price for such cars ranges from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan, compared to those exceeding one million yuan targeting high-end income earners.喝油车(he1you2che1)Chelsea tractorThose gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles are referred to in the United Kingdom as a Chelsea tractor. These urban behemoths have become a status symbol for the middle class in the Western world. The term is a rendering from the English buzzword.穷人跑(qiong2ren2pao3)cheap roadsterSome auto makers in China produce low-priced sports cars for middle-income people. The price for such carsranges from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan, compared to those exceeding one million yuan targeting high-end income earners.试药族(shi4yao4zu2)drug-test subjectIt is reported that a growing number of college students in the country have participated in the clinical trial of new medications to earn more money, some of whom do it to support their living.陪拼族(pei2pin1zu2)shopping companionThe flip side of love is that the boyfriend or husband of young women who are in the mood to shop has to keep her company all the way round, and might well drop before her shopping drags to a lengthy end.高疯贝(gao1feng1bei4)crazy gamesThe Chinese term sounds like 高分贝, which means "high decibel." It actually refers to highly exciting rides like roller coasters.一口价(yi1kou3jia4)no-bargain priceA seller who is sure of a deal whatsoever the price, or is unwilling to accept a bargain because the marked price is the seller's bottom line, will call it yikoujia in colloquial Chinese. Yikou indicates no room for bargaining.知音体(zhi1yin1ti3)“zhiyin” style“zhiyin”(Confidant) refers to a well-known Chinesetabloid magazine which always publishes sensational, agitating and moving love stories. Since many people are addicted to reading them, some authors or editors use a "zhiyin"style headline on some stories to attract more readers.贵族乞丐(gui4zu2qi3gai4)rich beggarIt refers to those professional beggars who reportedly are rich enough to own a car and keep a mistress.痛快吧(tong4kuai4ba1)pressure-venting shopThis term refers to shops where a customer pays for venting his or her tension, anger or frustration by violently punching or smashing goods.。
一、传统构词法 (2)1、词缀法(affixation): (2)2、复合法(composition): (2)3、类比法(analogy): (2)4、缩略法(shortening): (3)二、旧词衍生新义法 (3)1.英语 (3)2.汉语 (3)三、吸收外来词作新词 (3)1.纯音译词:如巧克力(chocolate)、拷贝(copy)、克隆(clone)等 (3)2.半音半译词:如德比蓝(Derby blue中等饱和、低等亮度的微红的蓝色)、因特网(Internet)等 (3)3.英加义词:如桑拿浴(Sauna)、艾滋病(AIDs)、啤酒(beer)等 (3)4.仿义词:如蜜月(honey-moon)、软着陆(soft landing)、自我实现(self-realization)等 (3)5.夹杂外来词和全外文词:如卡拉OK(orchestra OK)等 (3)四.汉语新词的翻译及定名原则: (4)1、内外有别,用不同的方法传译不同类新词 (4)2、字斟句酌,切忌想当然 (4)3、形神兼备,尽传原文情貌 (4)4、以“信”和“顺”的标准修正和取舍译文 (4)5、尊重惯译,保持既定译名的规范和统一 (4)6、兼收并蓄,积累充分的素材 (5)浅谈英汉新词新语的产生及其翻译方法【摘要】论述了英汉新词新语的概念,并以实例说明了英汉新词新语的产生途径、构词特点及翻译方法【关键词】英汉新词新语、产生、翻译语言是一个开放的系统,它随社会的不断发展变化而不断发展变化;语言是社会变迁的晴雨表,在不断发展变化的语言各要素中,语言又是最活跃\最敏感\最具代表性\最具开放性同时也最具时代意义的要素,新词新语的不断涌现就充分显示了这一特点.在我们日常生活中,各行各业随时都可以出现一些新事物新现象,人们对客观外界也会不断产生一些新认识新发现,因此每一个历史时期都有许多反映当时事物和现象以及人们思想认识的词语,这些词语在那段特定的历史时期内都曾属于新词新语的行列.经过一段时间应用之后,有些被沿用到我们的词典词汇之中,而有些由于时间长了,便退出了新词新语的行列.一般来说,新词新语是要有时间和范围限制的,必须是在近期内产生或者被吸收到英语词汇中来的词语.它应包含三个要件:一是从时间上来说,这个词语必须是最近产生的,一般来说时间应限定在近几年或几十年以内;二是必须是被权威英语词典吸收到词典中来的词语;三是那些原有的的词语,因社会发展,增加了新的词义或意义发生转移且被约定俗成。
翻译 语言内翻译
文体 跨文化翻译
直译 literal translation; word-for-word translation 意译 free translation e.g. 1. It's a Smoke Free Area. 直译:这是个自由吸烟区。 意译:这是个无烟区。 e.g. 2. Shakespeare put his hometown on the map. 直译:莎士比亚把他的家乡放在了地图上。 意译:莎士比亚使他的家乡声名远扬。
Wittgenstein:The meaning of a word is its use in the language. Firth: Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Mr. Colllins has a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were k i ndly s mi led on by th e moth er a nd da ughter. ( J. Au s ten : P r i de a n d P r e j u d i c e , C h . 1 4 , V. I I ) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,又举了个例子,母女俩听了,都粲然一笑。(P) 说到这里,柯林斯先生赶忙恭维了一句,还暗示了一下原因,母女俩听了,都粲然一笑。
教学要点与要求: 词语翻译的注意事项 英汉词语和汉语词语在表达上的差异
第三章 英汉翻译中的 词语翻译
3.1 词语翻译的注意事项 常用词的翻译(切忌望文生义)
【趣味英语】10个字典新增单词,让你的知识新鲜度upup~原标题:【趣味英语】10个字典新增单词,让你的知识新鲜度upup~1. H umblebrag 谦虚自夸Do you like fast fashion and hate humblebragging? Those terms didn't exist just a year ago—until Merriam-Webster Dictionary made them official, along with these other funny phrases.你喜欢快时尚,讨厌谦虚自夸吗?就在一年前这些术语还不存在,直到韦氏词典把它们与其他一些有趣的短语正式收录进词典中。
Often found on social media, the humblebrag is a boast disguised as self deprecation. Most legitimately used in job interviews to answer the dreaded trick question, 'What is your worst quality?' There is no other answer but a humblebrag.谦虚自夸就是用自贬作为掩饰来自夸,而且经常会从社交媒体上看到这样的帖子。
2. S nollygoster 不讲原则又夸夸其谈的精明人(尤指政客)A snollygoster often refers to a shrewd, unprincipled politician who is only out for himself.Snollygoster通常是指一个只为自己考虑,且精明又没有原则的政客。
bikini: 比基尼karaoke: 卡拉OKMcDonald’s: 麦当劳chocolate: 巧克力poker: 扑克lymph: 淋巴aspirin: 阿司匹林dozen: 打(以上例子选自《从“用夏变夷”到“卡拉OK”》,《中国翻译》,1997/2)El Nino: 厄尔尼诺(《汉英翻译中的新词新语》,中国翻译网)Algeria: 阿尔及利亚二、“用夏变夷”:采用表意性很强的汉字,即加形符,给人提供了从形到意的识别通道,符合汉文化以形表意的构词传统,或所选用的字往往同原词的所指意义有联系,或在翻译时外加一些褒贬之意。
比如,ballet,芭蕾舞,属于音义兼译词,但不属于“用夏变夷”的音译词;vitamin, 维他命,则两者皆可归之。
)DDT: 滴滴涕(液状杀虫剂)coffee: 咖啡bandage: 绷带humor: 幽默shampoo: 香波Coca-cola: 可口可乐Marks: 马克思(“马”在汉语里正好是姓氏)(以上例子选自《从“用夏变夷”到“卡拉OK”》,《中国翻译》,1997/2)San Francisco: 旧金山P&G: 保洁hippies: 嬉皮士(Cf. Y uppies:雅皮士)(以上例子选自《音义兼译——外来语中译之首选》,《中国翻译》,2001/6)12。
第20卷第3期2007年5月宁波大学学报(人文科学版)JOURNAL OF N I N G BO UN I V ERSI TY (L I B ERAL ARTS E D I TI O N ) Vol .20No .3May . 2007英语新词的汉译理据与语用分析李昌标(宁波大学外语学院,浙江宁波315211)摘要:英语新词是指为适应社会发展的需要而产生的新词语,以及原有词语在新的文化环境下增添新义后形成的词语。
关键词:英语新词;构成特点;汉译理据;语用功能中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5124(2007)03-0043-05 收稿日期:2007-01-15 作者简介:李昌标(1966-),男,湖北荆州人,宁波大学外语学院英语系讲师,硕士。
一、引言B l oomfield 认为,一切语言都是发展的,而不是一成不变的。
目前,社会上出现的不少新词汉译翻译不准确、不得体,如un wedding cere mony 译成了“不结婚仪式”,其实是divorce cere mony (好说好散的离婚宴会仪式);furkid 译成了“毛孩”,令人匪夷所思,应该是a pet treated as if it were one ’s child (被当作孩子般对待的宠物)。
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比如,人们正大谈"厄尔尼诺"(EI Nino)之际,"拉尼娜"(L a Nina)已经产生;刚出现"智商"(IQ)却又进出个"情商"(EQ);才在谈"第三产业"(third/t ertiary industry, service sector, third sequence of enterprises),"第四产业"(quat ernary/information industry)已悄然而至;"军嫂"(military spouse)的事迹还在传诵"空嫂、呼嫂、礁嫂、纱嫂、报嫂、红嫂、接送嫂、抗洪大嫂"业已闪亮登场……凡此等等,不一而足,简直让人应接不暇。
例如,峰会(香港译"极峰会议"):s ummit(conference);克隆:clone;冰毒:iee;摇头丸:dancing outreach;传销:multi- level marketing;(计算机)2000 年问题:Y2K problem (y for year, k for kilo or th ousand);等等。
例如,白皮书:white paper(不是whitecover book);国际大都市:cosmopolis(不是international city)。
例如,傻瓜相机:Instamatic (商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);白条:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来);巡回招聘:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
减员增效:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;抓大放小:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;市政府要办的X件实事:x major projects that should be given top priority as designatedonthe municipal government's working agenda;两个基本点:two focal points, twoofthe major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC, i.e.upholdingthe four cardinal principles and the policies of reform, opening to theoutside world and invigorating the domestic economy.二、字斟字酌,切忌想当然的对号入座想当然和对号入座是翻译中的常见病,其在汉语新词的英译中也屡有表现。
例如,一见"投资热点"(a region attractive to investors, a much sought piece of hand, popularin vestment spot)便不假思索地译作investment hot spot甚至investment best spot。
须知,h ot spot指的是"(可能)发生动乱的地方"(至少这一意思是主要的),heat spot则是医学上的"热觉点"。
又如,"X门电话"中的"门"本是一条中继线(-Line),可不少人硬以door, ga te, set等词相译,以为这样才叫"对应"、"对等"。
再如,俗称大哥大的"移动电话"本系cell ular(有时简作cel)或molile (tele) phone,可现实中,译作wallk tel者有之,译作port able phone者有之,译作movable phone, moving tel者也大有人在。
比如,译文chain debts或debt cha ins就活脱脱地表达了企业之间"你欠我,我欠你"的"三角债"内涵,较之译文triangle debts 无疑更准确,更到位。
又如,"拳头产品"一说十分形象生动,但笔者所见fist/key/hit/spea rhead/blockbuster/(highly)competitive product等多种译文似均未道出原文的原汁原味,唯陆谷孙先生所给译文knockout product形神俱在,至为妥贴。
再如,"投诉"的译文lodge a complaint或register a beef虽不褒不贬,但"投诉热线"的译文dial-a-cheat confidentia l hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)却是非分明,给人以于幽默中见智的良好印象。
例如,"三通"的现译文three links; Link of trade, travel and post便是修订原译文three exchanges-the exchange of mails, trade and air and shipping services而得。
又如," 外资"早期的译文foreign investments因名不符实而被改译为overseas investments;再如,动词"开放"一说最先译作open to the rest of the world,后也作了必要修正,译成了open to the outside world。
例如,"联防"系指一种由警察和辖区居民共同参与的治安管理,其现有译文joint/mutual defense 和joint command of defense forces虽均可达意,但怎么也不及英文现成表达法community/team policing地道。
此语现译作three company s ervices,得寸进尺者以为不妥,一是译文中three services易滋歧义,以为有关人员每次必同时提供三种服务;二是以company译"陪"难以体现原文潜在的词彩。
其实,"三陪"之类的事西方也有,他们谓之escort services(陪伴服务)。
例如,"五讲四美"已定型译为five stresses and four points of beauty,似无必要再新译为five advocati ng and for points of beauty;又如,(企业)"大而全"的译文Large and all inclusive 十分恰切,再另起炉灶译为Large and complete或self-sufficient不仅后来居下而且实无必要。
再如,"一国两制"已定译为one country, two systems,似不宜动辄改译为two systems , one country或one country with two systems。
例如,新词"一次(性/用)"因搭配对象不同至少有以下各表达法:一次处理:single/primary treatment;一次污染:primary pollution;一次冻透:straight - freezing;一次空气:fresh/primary air;一次爆破:one pull;一次付清:pay in full;一次消费:one - t ime consumption;一次误差:first - order error;一次成像照片:a Polaroid picture;一次偿还信贷:non -in - stallment;一次性杯子:sanitary cup;一次性筷子:disposable chopsticks;一次性雨伞:throwaway umbrella;一次性收入:Lump-sumpayment;一次用包装:non-returnable container;一次用相机:singlevse camera……本文所说兼收并蓄的另一层意思是指某一新词虽然已经有了一种基于多种不错的译文,但一旦有了(更为)理想的新译文时,不妨将其一并纳入。