基于 3S技术的马边大风顶自然保护区植被分布

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题 目基于3S技术的马边大风顶自然保护区植被分布学 院 生命科学学院 专 业 生 态 学 学生姓名 孙 晓 鹏 学 号 024******* 年 级 2002级 指导教师 邓 小 忠


目 录

一. 基于3S技术的马边大风顶自然保护区植被分布

摘要 (1)

Abstract (1)

1. 保护区自然概况 (2)

1.1. 地理位置 (2)

1.2. 地质地貌 (2)

1.3. 气候 (3)

1.4. 土壤 (3)

1.5. 水文 (4)

2. 研究方法 (4)

2.1. 卫片解译 (4)

2.2. 野外GPS植被采样 (4)

2.3. 植被图制作与分析 (5)

3. 结果与分析 (5)

3.1. 区系特征 (5)

3.2. 植被类型 (6)

3.3. 植被分布规律 (13)

4. 讨论 (15)

4.1. 植被破坏与恢复 (15)

4.2. 卫片解译结果评价 (16)

4.3. 卫片解译过程中的几个问题 (16)

4.4. 3S技术与传统方法的互补 (16)

致谢 (17)

参考文献 (17)

二. 3S方法植被研究综述

1. 相关植被理论 (19)

1.1. 影响植被分布的自然因素 (19)

1.2. 植被空间分布规律 (20)

1.3. 植被分类 (21)

2. 植被图 (22)

2.1. 概念和类别 (22)

2.2. 植被图在植被研究中的意义 (23)

3. 3S技术在植被研究中的应用 (23)

3.1. 关于3S技术 (23)

3.2. 植被研究的3S方法 (24)

3.3. 国外前沿技术介绍 (26)

3.4. 3S技术评价与展望 (27)

4. 马边大风顶保护区植被研究现状 (27)

参考文献 (28)

三. 外文文献翻译:景观结构在若干空间尺度上

对普通野鼠分布和多度的影响 (31)




专业 生态学

学生 孙晓鹏 指导教师 邓小忠



Vegetation distribution based on 3S techniques

at Mabian Dafengding Nature Reserve

Major: Ecology

Student: Sun Xiaopeng Tutor: Deng Xiaozhong

Abstract This paper interpreted the satellite RS image of Mabian Dafengding Reserve combining with the fieldwork, explained the work flow of 3S method in vegetation study combining with this research , elementarily analyzed the status of the nature and geography in the reserve and used it to study of the vegetation distribution, simply introduced the inner component of every vegetation type by itself unit, deep analyzed the horizontal structure and vertical structure of the vegetation distribution combining with the classifying result of RS image and the analyzing result of GIS software and explained the reason of this structure. To the vegetation distribution, the result showed that there is no obvious latitudinal or longitudinal rule in the reserve and the

horizontal replacing of the vegetation is only the result of the difference of the hypsography in the

area; but there is obvious vertical vegetation spectrum which corresponds to the vertical climate

spectrum and particular phenomenon along the transition belt of two vegetation type. This paper

also discussed the destroyed status of the vegetation and the recovering strategy in the reserve, deep

discussed several problems during translating the satellite image and got some useful conclusion;

advocated to combine the 3S method with the conventional methods in the respects of their

advantage and find a new effective and convenient method which could be used in vegetation study

or ecology study and be developed and perfected in the later application.

Keywords: Mabian Dafengding,vegetation distribution,3S technique

马边大风顶保护区位于四川省马边县西南部,以保护大熊猫等珍稀动物及自然生态系统为目的。境内植物区系成分复杂,植被相对原始,珍稀植物颇多。20世纪初英国著名植物学家威尔逊(E. H. Wilson)曾来此采集过植被标本。但至今由于交通不便,条件艰苦,对保护区植被的调查研究不多,论文发表较少。迄今发表的论文多是保护区动物研究,但也提到相关的植被状况。2000年马边大风顶保护区《总体规划》的附图根据等高线大致划分了一下植被带,没有具体而准确的植被图。



1. 保护区自然概况

1.1. 地理位置


1.2. 地质地貌

