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明星在虚假广告中是否要承担责任已成为社会各界日益关注的热点,特别是近年来发生的一系列消费者状告明星的诉讼案件引起了法律界的刚度重视。但是因我国现行广告法未对代言虚假广告的自然人进行规制,于是,大多数名人在丰厚代言费的诱惑下,置消费者的安危和自己的声誉于不顾,在商业广告中传达了错误信息、虚假信息,甚至代言违法广告,欺诈和误导消费者,因此,名人代言虚假广告的现象已具有现实的普遍性和严重的危害性。在司法实践中,亦有消费者试图通过诉讼的途径追究名人代言人的民事法律责任,如某消费者起诉了SK-II 的代言人刘嘉玲,又如某消费者起诉了“藏秘排油茶”的代言人郭德纲等等,但目前尚没有胜诉的先例被报道。近年来众多明星屡屡与虚假广告扯上千丝万缕的关系,原因之一是由于《中华人民共和国广告法》中对“代言人”行为进行规范的法律条文一直处于“空白”状态,使明星代言虚假广告的行为难以受到法律的约束和制裁。因此,为了保护消费者的利益,为了维护公平竞争的社会秩序,规范明星代言虚假广告而随之产生的责任问题亟需解决。



Star in a false advertisement is to assume responsibility for the community has become increasingly the focus of attention, especially in recent years a series of consumers sued the star cases caused by the legal community stiffness value. But because our country current advertisement law of false advertising of natural regulation, therefore, most celebrities in the lucrative endorsement fees under the temptation, the consumer safety and their reputation is at stake, in the commercials convey false information, false information, or even speak of illegal advertising, fraud and misleading to consumers, therefore, celebrities engaging in false advertising phenomenon has reality universal and serious harmfulness. In the judicial practice, also consumer through lawsuits way for the celebrity 's civil liability, such as a consumer sued SK-II spokesman Carina Lau, and as a consumer sued the "hidden secret row tea" spokesman Guo Degang and so on, but it is not successful precedent is reported. Therefore, in order to protect the interests of consumers, in order to safeguard fair competition order, normative star endorsement of false advertising and the resulting liability problems that need urgent solutions.. Therefore, in order to protect the interests of consumers, in order to safeguard fair competition order, normative star endorsement false advertising and the resulting liability problems that need urgent solutions

Key words: Advertising Law star endorsement of false advertising law blank


论文摘要............................................................I Abstract...........................................................II 前言 (1)

一、明星代言虚假广告的概述 (2)

㈠明星代言虚假广告的特征.............. .. (2)

⑴虚假广告的内容具有不真实性,虚假广告不真实性主要体现在... .. (2)

⑵虚假广告的主题具有复杂性..................... . (2)

⑶虚假广告主体主观上具有故意....................... (2)

⑷虚假广告在客观上具有违法性.............. (2)

⑸虚假广告侵犯了多个主体的合法利益......... .. (2)

㈡明星代言虚假广告的分类............. (2)

⑴情节式明星虚假广告................. .. (3)

⑵证言式明星虚假广告................. (3)

二、明星代言虚假广告的法律性质分析 (3)

㈠明星代言是法律问题还是道德问题........ (3)

㈡明星代言广告的法律责任分析.................................... (4)

1、损害事实 (4)

2、当事人有过错 (4)

3、行为的违法性 (4)

4、因果关系 (4)

三、我国明星代言虚假广告现状 (5)

四、明星代言虚假广告的有关立法完善 (5)

㈠在《广告法》等其他相关立法中专门设置广告代言人法律制度...... . . (5)

㈡规范广告代言合同,并增设代言人对其所代言广告内容合法性和真实性审查义务........................................................... (5)

结语 (7)

参考文献 (8)

致谢词 (9)
