2010词尾词根学生复习用 常用后缀 简单后缀

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❖简单后缀:ia(2),condition 情况,条件

❖复合后缀:-emia -algia -(o)rrhagia -ectasia -malacia -odynia -plegia

-uria -penia

1.-penia deficiency, lack缺乏不足

e.g leucopenia 白血球减少erythropenia 红血球减少lymphopenia 淋巴球减少thrombopenia 血小板减少

2. -uria urine condition尿

e.g hematuria 血尿albuminuria 蛋白尿

3.-plegia stroke,paralysis中风,瘫痪

e.g thermoplegia 热射病,中暑paraplegia 半身不遂,截瘫hemiplegia 偏瘫

4.-odynia pain

e.g cardiodynia 心痛hepatodynia 肝痛enterodynia 肠痛

5.-algia pain

e.g Arthralgia 关节痛Neuralgia 神经痛gastralgia 胃痛

6.-malacia softening 变软,软化

e.g osteomalacia 骨软化encephalomalacia 脑软化

7.-ectasia or -ectasis stretching, dilatation 膨胀

e.g nephrectasia 肾扩张angiectasis 血管扩张bronchiectasis 支气管扩张

8.-emia blood condition

e.g leukemia 白血病bacteremia 菌血症septicemia 败血病hypercholesterolemia 高胆固醇血症

9.-orrhagia discharge(排出)of blood

e.g hemorrhage 出血gastrorrhagia 胃出血enterorrhagia 肠出血hepatorrhagia 肝出血




-metry -otomy -ectomy -graphy

-iatry -ology -pexy,-plasty

-(o)rrhaphy -stomy -scopy -megaly

10.-scopy examination,process of examining visually(视觉上地)

e.g laryngoscopy 喉镜检查bronchoscopy 支气管镜检查gastroscopy 胃镜检查colonoscopy 结肠镜检查cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查

11.-ostomy process of making an opening into or a connection between

e.g colostomy 结肠造口术enteroenterostomy 肠肠吻合术gastrostomy 胃造口术gastroenterostomy 胃肠造口吻合术

12.-(o)rrhaphy suturing缝合,process of suturing

e.g herniorrhaphy 疝修补术

13.-plasty surgical(外科的)reshaping(改形,矫形)or repair

e.g arthroplasty 关节成形术thoracoplasty 胸廓成形术osteoplasty 骨成形术

14.-pexy a fixing or setting firmly in place by suturing 缝合

e.g hepatopexy 肝固定术omentopexy 网膜固定术

15.-ology act or process of studying

e.g pharmacology 药理学pathology 病理学physiology 生理学

16.-logist one who studies and treats

e.g urologist 泌尿科医师physiologist 生理学家pathologist 病理学家

17.-iatry or –iatrics healing

e.g Podiatry 足病科psychiatry 精神病学

18.-graphy process of recording

e.g cardiography 心动描记法pneumography 肺解剖术electroencephalography 脑电图学

19.-graph that which records

e.g cardiograph 心动描记器pneumograph 呼吸描记器electroencephalograph 脑电图描记器

20.-gram the record itself

e.g cardiogram 心电图pneumogram 呼吸描记图electroencephalogram 脑电图

21.-ectomy excision切除,删除, process of cutting out

e.g thyroidectomy 甲状腺切除术cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术appendectomy 阑尾切除术

22.-otomy oncision,process of cutting into

e.g thyroidotomy 甲状腺切开术gastrotomy 胃切开术cystotomy 膀胱切开术

23.-metry measurement

e.g dynamometry 动力测定pelvimetry 骨盆测量

24.-megaly large

e.g atriomegaly 心房肥大ventriculomegaly 脑室扩大splenomegaly 脾肿大hepatomegaly 肝肿大

❖简单后缀:-e: an instrument or suffixes of noun.

❖复合后缀:-scope -tome -cele -cyte

25.-tome instrument for cutting

e.g arthrotome 关节刀

26.-cyte noun marker,referring to a cell

e.g leukocyte 白细胞lymphocyte 淋巴细胞hepatocyte 肝细胞lipocyte 脂肪细胞

27.-cele hernia疝气,herniation疝出

e.g thyrocele 甲状腺肿hepatocele 肝膨出pneumocele 肺膨出,气瘤omphalocele 脐突出

28.-scope instrument for viewing

e.g laryngoscope 喉头镜bronchoscope 支气管镜celioscope 腹腔镜gastroscope 胃镜

29.-itis inflammation 炎症

e.g hepatitis 肝炎peritonitis 腹膜炎gastroenteritis 胃肠炎

30.-ist one who specializes in----

e.g gastroscopist 胃镜检查家enterologist 肠病学家pathologist 病理学家neuropathist 精神病学家

31.-or(er)refers to a doer, either a person or thing

e.g incisor 门牙,切牙

32.-osis a condition, usually abnormal (不正常的,变态的)or pathological(病理的,病态的)

e.g sclerosis(硬化症)hepatosis 肝功能病gastrosis 胃病nephrosis 肾病

33.-oma swelling,tumor肿胀

e.g sarcoma 肉瘤,恶性毒瘤fibroma 纤维瘤hepatoma 肝细胞瘤lipoma 脂肪瘤
