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摘要………………………………………………………………………………………. .I 第一章绪论…………………………………………………….. …………………….….. .1

1.1 课题背景……………………………………………………………………... .….. ..1

1.2 课题目的和要求 (1)

1.3 课题意义 (1)

第二章系统分析................................................................. . (3)

2.1 功能需求分析 (3)

2.2 系统需求分析 (3)

第三章详细设计 (5)

3.1 主要设计思想 (5)

3.2 数据库分析与设计 (5)

3.3 系统功能模块设计 (9)

第四章设计结果及分析 (11)

4.1 系统的实现 (11)

4.2 系统的测

试 (11)

总结 (14)



参考文献 (16)

附录主要程序代码 (17)



本文以“考勤信息管理系统”的设计和开发为例,系统地阐述了考勤系统的设计开发的全过程,包括系统整体设计,逻辑框架与数据流程,各个功能模块划分,系统功能模块的设计与具体实现等部分。该系统侧重于学生考勤信息查询和数据库的维护,通过已编制好的程序,完成对用户的登录、考勤信息的添加、查询、统计,学生请假和销假等,本系统使用的开发工具是VC 6.0开发程序,采用sql数据库。实现学生考勤数据采集、数据统计和信息查询过程的自动化,完善学生管理现代化,方便管理人员统计、




Students' attendance management system as a college of the basic management, is the school to the student the basic foundation of management. Development of check on work attendance management system, perfect college is an important link of information management. Artificial attendance already difficult to meet the requirements of the standardized management school, in the face of the huge amount of information, this mode existing in many disadvantages. Therefore, establishing modern intelligent attendance management system is imperative. This also greatly to reduce attendance staff work and enhance the working efficiency, make originally complex and dry work become simple and easy.

This article by "attendance information management system" the design and development as an example, systematically elaborated the attendance system

design and development process, including the system overall design, logic framework and the data flow, each function module partition, the system function module design and implementation of a part of. The system focuses on the student attendance information query and database maintenance, has been compiled through good program and the completion of the user login, attendance information to add, inquiry, statistics, students leave and terminate his/her leave, etc., the system use of development tools is VC6.0 development process, using SQL database. To realize students' attendance data acquisition, data statistics and information query process automation, perfect the students management modernization, convenient management statistics, assessment students attendant, convenient student management department inquiry, assessment of students' attendance, accurately grasp the students' attendance and related material, effective management, students acquire the situation.

Keywords:data; inquire; data base
