英语必修2 重点短语句型 (背诵)

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Unit 1

1.survive the earthquake 从地震中存活下来

2.survival of the fittest 适者生存

3.all the survivors 所有的幸存者

4.in search of=search for 寻找

5.be amazed at/by 对.....大为吃惊

6.to one’s amazement 令某人吃惊的是

7.be designed for 为.....而设计

8.by design=on purpose 故意

9.Decorate...with 用.....来装饰......

10.be decorated with 被.....装饰

11.buy some decorations 买一些装饰物

12.belong to属于(我没有被动,也没有进行,你可要记住哦)

13.in return 作为回报

14.at war 处于交战状态

15.be worth doing 值得做某事

16.take apart 拆开

17.some evidence 一些证据(我可数吗?当然不可数)

18.think highly of 看中,器重

19.less than 少于


21.the entrance to the supermarket 超市入口

Unit 2

1.care about 关心,在乎

2.rather than 而不是

Eg: you rather than I are going to go camping.

pete with/against 与...竞争

pete for 为...而竞争

petition 竞争competitive 具有竞争力的competitor 竞争者

6.take part in 参加

7.stand for 代表象征

8.stand out 显眼,引人注目

9.stand by 袖手旁观

10.volunteer as a judge 自愿担任裁判voluntary 自愿的

11.admit doing 承认做某事be admitted to 被录取

12.be responsible for=take responsibility for 对....负责

13.replace=take one’s place =take the place of 代替

14.in charge of 负责in the charge of 由...负责(你可要区分开我俩)

15.put an advertisement in a newspaper 在报纸上发布广告

16.advertise for 登广告征求

17.make a bargain with sb about sth 就..和某人讨价还价

18.pick up 捡起,接送,偶然学到

19.deserve to do 应该..... deserve to be done / doing 应该被.......

20.one after another 一个接一个

1.have ......in common 有共同点

2.work out 计算出,锻炼

3.solve the problem 解决问a solution to the problem解决问题办法

4.from then on 从那时起

5.in reality 事实上

6.personal 个人的personally 就个人而言

7.as a result 结果as a result of 由于

8.in total 总计 a total of 总数,总共

9.apply for 申请application form 申请表

10.explore 探索explorer 探险家exploration 探索

11.signal to sb 向某人发信号 a danger signal 一个危险信号

12.in a way 在某种程度上in the way 挡道

13.arise- arose-arisen 出现,发生arise from 由...引起

14.make up a lie 编造谎言make up a team 组成一个团队

15.make up for the mistake 弥补错误

16.after all 毕竟

17.watch over 看管,监视

18.deal with the problem 处理问题deal with this person 打交道

19.with the help of .........在...的帮助下

20.reach one’s goal 实现目标

21.electricity 电electronic 电子的

1.die out 灭绝die down 平息下来

2.decrease by 减少了decrease to 减少到

3.in peace 和平地,和睦地

4.in danger 在危险中

5.respond to his question 对他的问题作出回应

6.in relief 如释重负

7.burst into laughter=burst out laughing 突然大笑

8.protect..... from 保护....免遭

9.pay attention to + v-ing注意

10.succeed in doing 成功做...... success成功successful 成功的

11.do harm to=be harmful to 对......有害

12.appreciate one’s doing 感激某人做某事

13.employ sb to do 雇佣某人做某事

14.employer 雇主employee 雇员employment 雇佣

15.according to 根据

16.inspect sb for sth 因为某事检查某人

17.inspector 视察者inspection 检查

e into being 形成

19.so that 以便于

20.extinction 灭绝extinct 灭绝的

21.show mercy to=have mercy on 对....怜悯,宽恕
