Alice Walker


Alice Walker简介

Alice Walker简介

The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is one of the seven American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, and Music. It recognizes distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life, published during the preceding calendar year. 2016/12/8
The National Book Awards are a set of annual U.S. literary awards. At the final National Book Awards Ceremony every November, the National Book Foundation presents the National Book Awards and two lifetime achievement awards to authors.
2016/12/8 3
Introduction Writing career Selected Awards and Honors The Color Purple
2016/12/8 5
Born:February 9, 1944 (age 72) Putnam County, Georgia, U.S.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
1988 — Living by the Word 1989 — The Temple of My Familiar 1991 — Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete 1991 — Finding the Green Stone 1992 — Possessing the Secret of Joy 1993 — Warrior Marks 1996 — Alice Walker: Banned 1996 — The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult 1997 — Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism 1998 — By the Light of My Father's Smile 2000 — The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart


















Alice Walker作品简介

Alice Walker作品简介
Major Works
• 1965-"To Hell With Dying" (short stories) • 1973-In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women ( a collection short stories) • 1976-Meridian《子午线》(novel) • 1982-The Color Purple (novel) • 1989-The Temple of My Familiar (novel) • 1998-By the Light of My Father's Eyes (novel)
• It is a short story in In love and Trouble and remains a cornerstone of her work. Her use of quilting as a metaphor for the creative legacy that African Americans inherited from their maternal ancestors changed the way we defined art, women's culture, and African American lives. By putting African American women's voices at the center of the narrative for the first time, "Everyday Use" anticipated the focus of an entire generation of black women writers. This casebook includes an introduction by the editor, a chronology of Walker's life, authoritative texts of "Everyday Use" and "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens," an interview with Walker, six critical essays, and a bibliography.

Alice Walker

Alice Walker

Alice WalkerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAlice Malsenior Walker(born February 9, 1944) is an American author and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple(1982) for which she won the National Book Awardand the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.爱丽丝沃克英文摘录自维基百科,自由的百科全书,罗金佑翻译爱丽丝.马尔瑟尼奥.沃克(Alice Malsenior Walker出生于1944年2月9日)是一位美国作家和活动家。


Early lifeWalker was born in Putnam County, Georgia,the youngest of eight children, to Willie Lee Walker and Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant. Her father, who was, in her words, "wonderful at math but a terrible farmer," earned only $300 ($4,000 in 2013 dollars) a year from sharecroppingand dairy farming. Her mother supplemented the family income by working as a maid. She worked 11 hours a day for $17 per week to help pay for Alice to attend college.早期的生活沃克是出生在乔治亚州普特南县,是威利.里.沃克和米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特的八个孩子中最小的一位。



Feminist , feminism
《紫色》1983年一举拿下代表美国文学最 高荣誉的三大奖:普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)、美国国家图书奖(The National Book Awards)、全国书评家协会奖 (NBCC Award)。
@@中国日报网站消息:美国 图书馆协会(ALA)日前公布研究 报告,黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克 的小说《紫色》竟然与《哈 利·波特》、《魔戒》、《傲慢 与偏见》和莎士比亚戏剧一起, 成为被重读次数最多的文学作 品
3.此外,“紫色”除了象征生命的尊严和人类的希 望外, 紫色还是女同性恋主义的标志。书中对茜莉 和莎格·艾微利( Shug Avery) 的同性恋描写与严 格意义上的同性恋性关系是有区分的, 激进女权主 义者们声称, 女同性恋者实际上是自发的、“下意 识”的女权主义者,
---因此, 沃克大胆借用“紫色”为书 名,“把跪着的女性拉起来, 把她们提到 了王权的高度”, 让黑人妇女也享有帝 王般的尊严和社会地位。
Meridian is a heartfelt and moving story about one woman's personal revolution as she joins the Civil Rights Movement. Set in the American South in the 1960s it follows Meridian Hill, a courageous young woman who dedicates herself heart and soul to her civil rights work, touching the lives of those around her even as her own health begins to deteriorate. Hers is a lonely battle, but it is one she will not abandon, whatever the costs. This is classic Alice Walker, beautifully written, intense and passionate.

Everyday Use for Grandma (Alice Walker)

Everyday Use for Grandma (Alice Walker)

At the start of the novel, Celie views God as completely separate from her world. She writes to God because she has no other way to express her feelings. Celie's writing to God thrusts her into a rich symbolic life which results in her repudiation of the life she has been assigned and a desire for a more expansive daily existence.Her faith is strong, but it’s dependent on only what other people have revealed to her about God. Later she tells Shug that she sees God as a white man. She has this belief because everyone she knows has said God is white and a male. Later, Shug tells her God has no race or gender. This enables Celie to see God in a different way. She realizes that you cannot place qualities on God because God is a part of the unknown. Her faith is now based on her interpretation of God, not one she learned from someone else. Even though Shug helped her with this realization, Celie only used this knowledge to shape her faith. Shug was a huge influence on Celie’s faith, but Celie was the one that had to choose how she would express it.

ALICE WALKER 作者 Everyday Use 课文简介

ALICE WALKER 作者  Everyday Use 课文简介
For your grandma
Made by 少媚、瑞冰
Everyday Use

born in Eatonton, Georgia , on February, 1944 youngest of eight children, grew up mostly with her 5 oldest brothers 1952-her brother shot her eye out with a BB gun blinding her one eye
Hope of preserving the black’s culture

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Rape Sexism Racism Violence Isolation Troubled relationships Multi-generational perspectives
Walker’s publishing
1968 Once (poetry)
1970-The Third
Mom Maggie Dee
different views on the African culture
◈ narrator of the story ◈ a typical black woman
◈ little education, poor, strong ◈ hard-working, independent,
♦ short story, widely studied
♦ first published in 1973 as part of In Love and


? Many of her novels depict ( 描述) women in other periods of history writing, such portrayals give a sense of the differences and similarities of women's condition today and in that other time. Alice walker continues not only to write, but to be active in environmental, feminist causes, and issues of economic justice
Rebecca born in 1969
2. Education:
1961-1963 Spelman, a college for black women in Atlanta 1963-1965 Sarah Lawrence College in New
York (once traveled to Africa as an exchange student)
Main works
In 1997 she was honored by the American Humanist Association (美国 人道主义协会 )as“ Humanist of the year ”She has also received a number of other awards for her body of work ,including: The Lillian Smith Award (莉莲史密斯奖 ) from the National Endowment for Arts( 国家 艺术基金会 )。The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts&letters etc.



青岛工学院毕业论文(设计)On the Eco-Feminism in Color Purple浅析《紫色》中的生态女性主义》学生姓名孙筱雅学号201201105331指导教师陈荟荟学院外语学院专业英语年级2012 级答辩日期 2015 年 6 月 13 日青岛工学院On the Eco-Feminism in Color Purple浅析《紫色》中的生态女性主义完成日期:指导教师签字:评阅教师签字:答辩小组组长签字:答辩小组成员签字:摘要艾丽斯·沃克(Alice Walker,1944-)是美国优秀的黑人女作家。











关键词:《紫色》;生态女性主义;黑人妇女;和谐AbstractAlice Walker(1944-) is one of the most remarkable African-American writers in American literature. As a black woman, Walker pays more concerns on such issues as the plight of blacks, the muted group of black women,nature, and other social problems in American.The Color Purple one of her masterpieces,which has profound influence in the history of the African literature.In the novel,Walker depicts the oppression upon black women and the exploitation of nature in the patriarchal society and their searching for self identity as well. This thesis illustrates homogeneity of twin domination upon the black women and nature, and puts forward ways for harmonious survival of human and nature by close examination of gender oppression, racial discrimination and ecological crisis in The Color Purple. My thesis will be divided into four main parts. Firstly,I will make a brief introduction to literary review on Alice Walker's The Color Purple and introduces ecofeminism and its effects on Alice Walker's works. Secondly, specific analysis will be given to reveal the dominance over nature and women, and to illustrate the same cause for it: patriarchal domination. Thirdly, it illustrates the voices of rebellion from black women and nature: women's unity and alliance and the nature's pre-warning upon human beings. At last,based on the fictional details, it presents an analysis of transformation of the black men and the white; thus gives us a hopeful possibility for co-existence of human beings and nature. From the ecofeminist approach, it is expected to shed fresh light on the research of the novel and Walker's spirits and evoke more attention to ecological balance.Key words:“Color Purple”; eco-feminism; the black women; harmonyContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Chapter One Alice Walker and Eco-Feminism (1)1.1 Alice Walker and Literary Review on her Color Purple错误!未定义书签。

文学作家作品之The Color Purple

文学作家作品之The Color Purple

The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States enacted (颁布)between 1876 and 1965. They mandated(批准)de jure(根据法律 的) racial segregation in all public facilities, with a supposedly "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were usually inferior to those provided for white Americans, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages.
Alice Walker met Martin Luther King Jr. when she was a student at Spelman College in Atlanta in the early 1960s. Walker credits King for her decision to return to the American South as an activist for the Civil Rights Movement. She attended the famous 1963 March on Washington. On March 8, 2003, International Women's Day, on the eve of the Iraq War, Alice Walker, Maxine Hong Kingston, author of "The Woman Warrior", and Terry Tempest Williams, author of "An Unspoken Hunger" were arrested along with 24 others for crossing a police line during an anti-war protest rally outside the White House. Walker wrote about the experience in her essay "We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For.“

Alice Walker

Alice Walker

Select awards and honors
• • • • • • • • • • Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Color Purple (1983) (first black woman). National Book Award (First black woman) O. Henry Award for "Kindred Spirits" 1985. Honorary Degree from the California Institute of the Arts (1995) American Humanist Association named her as "Humanist of the Year" (1997) The Lillian Smith Award from the National Endowment for the Arts The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts & Letters The Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, the Merrill Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Fellowship The Front Page Award for Best Magazine Criticism from the Newswoman's Club of New York Induction to the California Hall of Fame in The California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts (2006)






非洲裔美国黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克(Alice Walker)出生于美国黑人聚居的佐治亚州的贫困乡村,自幼耳闻目睹南方黑人的悲惨生活,尤其是黑人妇女,她们遭受双重压迫——一方面受到白人社会的歧视,另一方面又忍受着黑人男性的欺压,因为黑人社会也沿袭了白人社会对待男性和女性的双重标准。










爱丽丝沃克黑人女作家的文学成就爱丽丝沃克(Alice Walker)是一位杰出的黑人女性作家,她的文学成就对于美国文学界的影响深远。




她的小说《紫色的十字绣》(The Color Purple)以及同名电影的成功让她名声大噪。
















alice walker简介

alice walker简介

艾丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker,1944—)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女



如果说妇女主义是理论,她的长篇小说《紫色》(The Color Purple)便是对这一理论的具体实践。









TheColorPurple 紫色 爱丽丝 沃克

TheColorPurple 紫色  爱丽丝 沃克

• Later, she is forced into a loveless marriage, leaving her sister Nettie alone with Alphonso. Nettie escapes his sexual advances by moving in with Celie and her husband, Mr. Albert. This arrangement is no better than the previous one and Nettie is again forced to leave. She ultimately ends up in Africa where she writes to Celie of her experiences.
• For Celie, marriage is nothing more than a shift within the quicksands of abuse and male domination. Albert beats her because she is not Shug Avery, the woman he loves but does not have the courage to marry. Surprisingly, Celie and Shug develop an intimate relationship. More than anyone, Shug's influential presence and acceptance give Celie the strength she needs to redefine herself, take charge of her life, and leave Albert.

Alice_Walker and her works

Alice_Walker and her works
Alice Walker
Group members: 伍俊敏 曾翠 梁贤贤
1.Brief Introduction
2.Early life &experiences
3.Her works 4.Selected awards & honors 5.Reference
Brief Introduction
The Color Purple (film)
Finding the Green Stone (1991) Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) The Complete Stories (1994) By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998) The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart (2000) Now Is The Time to Open Your Heart (2005) Devil's My Enemy (2008) The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970) In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973) Meridian (1976) The Color Purple(1982) You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982) To Hell With Dying (1988) The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
• This collection of short stories portrays black women who vary greatly in background but are bound together by their vulnerability to life. Roselily, on her wedding day, prayed that a loveless marriage will bring her respectability. A young writer, exploited(利用) by both her lover and her husband, took revenge ironically . A jealous wife, looking for her husband's mistress, found a competitor she cannot fight.



AbstractThe Color Purple is one of the masterpieces of Alice Walker. Her work, along with that of such writers as Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor, is commonly associated with the Afro-American women‟s literature. Alice Walker‟s attitude towards race, gender, class issue and her interest in the people and nature of Africa, are rooted deeply in her literary works. So I want to give an analysis on the inner world of Alice Walker in The Color Purple. This thesis can be divided into three parts: her views of racism, her views of feminism, and her views of Africa.The first chapter discusses Alice Walker‟s thought on racial oppression in The Color Purple. This chapter will support my view from two black images. From the two characters, we can deeply understand Walker‟s view on her anti-racism.The second chapter analyzes Alice Walker‟s thought on pioneering Feminism in The Color Purple. Walker regards “sisterhood” as the solution to realize women‟s consciousness-raising and to strive for final freedom. Cilice, Shag, Nettie, Sophia and other black women should struggle together for their freedom and happy life.The third chapter discusses special feelings towards Africa. Walker shows her sympathy for the Africans. They live in bad conditions. They are aggressed by the strong European countries. Alice Walker also thinks that the original reason why Africans fall behind the strong European countries is education.In a word, the description about the different characters and their different fates in the end refle ct Alice Walker‟s spiritual world.Key words spiritual world anti-racism view feminism thought Africa complex摘要《紫色》是艾丽斯·沃克的代表作。


nk for listening!
Page 11
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down:(1982) To Hell With Dying (1988)
Page 5
Novels and short story collections
The Temple of My Familiar (1989) Finding the Green Stone (1991) Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) The Complete Stories (1994) By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998) The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart (2000) Now Is The Time to Open Your Heart (2005) Devil's My Enemy (2008
2. Education: 1961-1963 Spelman, a college for black women in Atlanta 1963-1965 莎拉.劳伦斯 学院
3. Career 1983 received the Pulitzer Prize for The Color Purple (1982) 1984 started her own publishing company, Wild Trees Press
Page 8
Select awards and honors
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Color Purple (1983) (first black woman). National Book Award (First black woman) .Honorary Degree from the California Institute of the Arts (1995) The Lillian Smith Award from the National Endowment for the Arts

Alice walker语言风格

Alice walker语言风格

Alice walker语言风格
Alice walker语言风格既有强烈的批判性又有传统的积极和乐观态度。



如第一人称复数用Us,用大写的He或Pa 指代主角的继父,用Mr-称呼那些不配有姓名的男人等,揭示黑人男女,黑人家庭。


Alice Walker

Alice Walker

Growing up with an oral tradition, listening
Early life and Experiences
At the age of 8,she lost sight of one eye
by accident. She went on to become valedictorian of her local school and attended Spelman College ,Sarah Lwrence College by scholarship,graduating in 1965. She was even invited to Martin Luther King's home because she had attended the Youth World Peace Festival in Helsinki,Finland.
California Institute of the Arts(加州艺术学 院) In1997 American Humanist Association (美 国人道主义协会)named her as "Humanist of the Year"
Selected awards and honors
The Lillian Smith Award(莉莲史密斯奖)
from the National Endowment for the Arts (国家艺术基金) The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts & Letters The Radcliffe Institute Fellowship,(拉德克 里夫学院奖学金) the Merrill Fellowship(梅林 奖学金), and a Guggenheim Fellowship(古根 海姆奖学金)
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Her short story collections
Women (includes "Everyday Use")
In Love & Trouble: Stories of Black
You Can’t Keep A Good Woman Down.
The Color Purple
Themes: Racism and sexism Disruption of traditional gender roles
In mid-1990s, she dated with Tracy Chapman, a female singer-songwriter.
She took part in Civil Right Movement,and the 1963 March
on Washington.
L y n 2012030813

An African-American wrifor watching
The Color Purple (1981)
The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
By the Light of My Father’s Smile (1998)
Now Is the Time To Open Your Heart (2004)
Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on the life of women of color in the southern United States in the 1930s, addressing numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture.
1961-1963 Spelman,a college for black woman in A tlanta on a full scholarship 1963-1965 Sarah Lawrence College in New York
1967-1976 Melvyn Roseman Leventhal, a Jewish Civil Right Movement activist/lawyer. 1969,her daughter Rebecca was born
An African-American writer
Alice Walker
L y n 2012030813
Date of Birth: Februray 9,1944 Birth Place: Putnam County,Georgia,United States Parents: Willie Lee and Minnie LouGrant Walker,who were sharecroppers. Family Bacground: She was the eighth child of her family,and her right eye was shot by her brother when she was 8,ultimately she went blind in that eye.
Walker aslo won the 1986 O.Henry Award for her story "Kindred Spirits",published in Esquire magazine in A ugust 1985
In 1997 she was honored by the American Humanist Association(美国 人 道主义协会)as“ Humanist of the year ” She has also received a number of other awards for her body of work ,including: The Lillian Smith Award (莉莲史密斯奖) from the National Endowment for Arts(国家 艺术基金会)。 The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts&letters.
In 1983, The Color Purple Won the Puliter Prize for Fiction,makeing Walker the first black woman to win.Walker was aslo the first black woman to win the National Book Award.
Her works:
7 novels
4 collections of short stories
4 children's books 7 volumes of essays and poetry
The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970)
Meridan (1976)