Alice Walker简介
The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is one of the seven American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, and Music. It recognizes distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life, published during the preceding calendar year. 2016/12/8
The National Book Awards are a set of annual U.S. literary awards. At the final National Book Awards Ceremony every November, the National Book Foundation presents the National Book Awards and two lifetime achievement awards to authors.
2016/12/8 3
Introduction Writing career Selected Awards and Honors The Color Purple
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Born:February 9, 1944 (age 72) Putnam County, Georgia, U.S.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
1988 — Living by the Word 1989 — The Temple of My Familiar 1991 — Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete 1991 — Finding the Green Stone 1992 — Possessing the Secret of Joy 1993 — Warrior Marks 1996 — Alice Walker: Banned 1996 — The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult 1997 — Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism 1998 — By the Light of My Father's Smile 2000 — The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart
Alice Walker作品简介
• 1965-"To Hell With Dying" (short stories) • 1973-In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women ( a collection short stories) • 1976-Meridian《子午线》(novel) • 1982-The Color Purple (novel) • 1989-The Temple of My Familiar (novel) • 1998-By the Light of My Father's Eyes (novel)
• It is a short story in In love and Trouble and remains a cornerstone of her work. Her use of quilting as a metaphor for the creative legacy that African Americans inherited from their maternal ancestors changed the way we defined art, women's culture, and African American lives. By putting African American women's voices at the center of the narrative for the first time, "Everyday Use" anticipated the focus of an entire generation of black women writers. This casebook includes an introduction by the editor, a chronology of Walker's life, authoritative texts of "Everyday Use" and "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens," an interview with Walker, six critical essays, and a bibliography.
介绍艾伦沃克的英语作文As a music enthusiast, I am captivated by the talent of Alan Walker. He is a Norwegian DJ and record producer known for his unique blend of electronic dance music with cinematic elements.His breakout hit, "Faded," became a global sensation, showcasing his ability to create emotional depth within electronic music. The song's haunting melody and powerful lyrics resonated with audiences worldwide.Walker's music often features collaborations with other artists, enhancing the richness of his tracks. His work is characterized by a signature sound that is both innovative and accessible.Despite his young age, Alan Walker has already made a significant impact on the electronic music scene. His dedication to his craft is evident in the quality of his productions.His live performances are a testament to his passion for music. The energy and excitement he brings to the stage is infectious, drawing fans in and creating unforgettable experiences.Walker's journey from a bedroom producer to an international star is inspiring. It serves as a reminder thatwith hard work and talent, one can achieve great things.In conclusion, Alan Walker's music is a fusion of creativity and emotion that has captured the hearts of many. His contributions to the electronic music genre are undeniable, and I eagerly anticipate his future endeavors.。
◆亚马逊女性主义(Amazon feminism) ◆文化女性主义 ◆生态女性主义(ecofeminism) ◆自由意志女性主义(libertarian feminism)或个人女 性主义(individualist feminism) ◆唯物女性主义(material feminism) ◆性别女性主义 ◆法国女性主义 ◆大众女性主义(pop feminism) ◆自由女性主义 ◆马克思女性主义(Marxist feminism) ◆社会女性主义(socialist feminism) ◆激进女性主义(radical feminism) ◆性解放女性主义(sexually liberal feminism或sexpositive feminism) ◆心灵女性主义(spiritual feminism) ◆隔离女性主义 ◆第三世界女性主义 ◆跨性别女性主义(transfeminism)
我们可以找到她早年生活滞留下来的某些痛苦记忆以及她对这一段婚姻的反思。艾丽斯随后辞去工作 开始专职写作,在旧金山,她遇上《黑人学者》的编辑罗伯特·亚伦,不久即与之共同生活。
女性主义(女权运动、女权主义)是指一个主要以女性 经验为来源与动机的社会理论与政治运动。在对社会关 系进行批判之外,许多女性主义的支持者也着重于性别 不平等的分析以及推动妇女的权利、利益与议题。 女性主义理论的目的在于了解不平等的本质以及着重在 性别政治、权力关系与性意识(sexuality)之上。女性 主义政治行动则挑战诸如生育权、堕胎权、教育权、家 庭暴力、产假(maternity leave)、薪资平等、投票权、 性骚扰、性别歧视与性暴力等等的议题。女性主义探究 的主题则包括歧视、刻板印象、物化(尤其是关于性的 物化)、身体、家务分配、压迫与父权。 女性主义的观念基础是认为,现时的社会建立于一个男 性被给予了比女性更多特权的父权体系之上。 现代女性主义理论主要、但并非完全地出自于西方的中 产阶级学术界。不过,女性主义运动是一个跨越阶级与 种族界线的草根运动。每个文化下面的女性主义运动各 有其独特性,并且会针对该社会的女性来提出议题,比 如苏丹的性器割除(genital mutilation,请见女性割礼) 或北美的玻璃天花板效应(glass ceiling)。而如强奸、 乱伦与母职则是普世性的议题。
Alice Walker
PartⅠ(1-2): description of the beginning of the story and some comments on one of the daughters. Part Ⅱ(3-9): making a brief introduction about my family history and difference between Dees and Maggie. Part Ⅲ(10-70): the characteristics of two daughters, their relationship and the changes that happened to them. Part Ⅳ(71-82): mother‘s praise and expectation for the two daughters, especially for the younger one-Maggie.
About the author
Alice Walker is a wellknown poet, novelist, essayist, educator, biographer(传记作家), and editor. when young, she led a miserable life. She feels that a black woman's salvation can only come from reaching towards their ancestors and drawing from their energy.
Social movement
Alice Walker was active in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960‗s, and in the 1990‘s she is still an involved activist. She has spoken for the women‗s movement, the anti-apartheid movement, and for the anti-nuclear movement. Alice Walker started her own publishing company(出版社), Wild Trees Press, in 1984. She currently resides in Northern California.
Alice Walker
Alice WalkerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAlice Malsenior Walker(born February 9, 1944) is an American author and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple(1982) for which she won the National Book Awardand the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.爱丽丝沃克英文摘录自维基百科,自由的百科全书,罗金佑翻译爱丽丝.马尔瑟尼奥.沃克(Alice Malsenior Walker出生于1944年2月9日)是一位美国作家和活动家。
Early lifeWalker was born in Putnam County, Georgia,the youngest of eight children, to Willie Lee Walker and Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant. Her father, who was, in her words, "wonderful at math but a terrible farmer," earned only $300 ($4,000 in 2013 dollars) a year from sharecroppingand dairy farming. Her mother supplemented the family income by working as a maid. She worked 11 hours a day for $17 per week to help pay for Alice to attend college.早期的生活沃克是出生在乔治亚州普特南县,是威利.里.沃克和米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特的八个孩子中最小的一位。
everyday use
• 每年的7月30日为非洲妇女日,同三。八国 际妇女节一样,设立非洲妇女节的目的也 是为了维护妇女的合法权益,保证妇女的 平等权利不受侵犯。
• 《紫色》(The Color Purple)是一部优秀的 张扬黑人女权主义的代表作,在1983年获得 小说类普利策奖。小说描述了一位受旧思 想束缚的黑人妇女的转变和成长过程,充 分展现了黑人女性深受性别和种族双重压 迫的政治状况和生活境遇,以及对这种双 重压迫的反抗和对完善自我及完美生活的 渴望与追求,深刻反映了作者的妇女主义 思想。《紫色》还深刻地揭示了妇女主义 思想的内涵和对黑人妇女求解放、求平等 的积极意义。
• “妇女主义者”这个词最早是由艾丽斯· 沃 克(Alice Walker)在她的论文集《寻找我 们母亲的花园:妇女主义散文》(in search of our mother's gardens:womanist prose)中提出的(1983)。沃克在她的论 文集的前言中对妇女主义者下了定义,她 指出妇女主义是黑人母亲民间使用的词语, 用于训诫其女儿行为不要太“女里女气 了”,而沃克对这一形容词的解释是“不 受拘束的、敢于冒险的、勇敢的或任性的 行为。想要更深入地了解一般人认为足够 了的事情”。
lesson four Everyday Use
作者简介 代表作品 妇女主义的概念 非洲黑人现状
• 艾丽斯· 沃克1944年2月9日出生于南方佐治 亚州的一个佃农家庭,父母的祖先是奴隶 和印度安人,艾丽斯是家里八个孩子中最 小的一个。1961年艾丽斯获奖学金入亚特 兰大的斯帕尔曼大学学习,正赶上美国民 权运动的高涨时期,她即投身于这场争取 种族平等的政治运动。1962年,艾丽斯· 沃 克被邀请到马丁· 路德· 金的家里做客。1963 年艾丽斯到华盛顿参加了那次著名的游行, 与万千黑人一同聆听马丁· 路德· 金“我有一 个梦想”的讲演。
Feminist , feminism
《紫色》1983年一举拿下代表美国文学最 高荣誉的三大奖:普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)、美国国家图书奖(The National Book Awards)、全国书评家协会奖 (NBCC Award)。
@@中国日报网站消息:美国 图书馆协会(ALA)日前公布研究 报告,黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克 的小说《紫色》竟然与《哈 利·波特》、《魔戒》、《傲慢 与偏见》和莎士比亚戏剧一起, 成为被重读次数最多的文学作 品
3.此外,“紫色”除了象征生命的尊严和人类的希 望外, 紫色还是女同性恋主义的标志。书中对茜莉 和莎格·艾微利( Shug Avery) 的同性恋描写与严 格意义上的同性恋性关系是有区分的, 激进女权主 义者们声称, 女同性恋者实际上是自发的、“下意 识”的女权主义者,
---因此, 沃克大胆借用“紫色”为书 名,“把跪着的女性拉起来, 把她们提到 了王权的高度”, 让黑人妇女也享有帝 王般的尊严和社会地位。
Meridian is a heartfelt and moving story about one woman's personal revolution as she joins the Civil Rights Movement. Set in the American South in the 1960s it follows Meridian Hill, a courageous young woman who dedicates herself heart and soul to her civil rights work, touching the lives of those around her even as her own health begins to deteriorate. Hers is a lonely battle, but it is one she will not abandon, whatever the costs. This is classic Alice Walker, beautifully written, intense and passionate.
Rebecca born in 1969
2. Education:
1961-1963 Spelman, a college for black women in Atlanta 1963-1965 Sarah Lawrence College in New
York (once traveled to Africa as an exchange student)
Main works
In 1997 she was honored by the American Humanist Association (美国 人道主义协会 )as“ Humanist of the year ”She has also received a number of other awards for her body of work ,including: The Lillian Smith Award (莉莲史密斯奖 ) from the National Endowment for Arts( 国家 艺术基金会 )。The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts&letters etc.
英国文学选读—Alice Walker
Black feminism
argues that sexism, class oppression, and racism are inextricably bound together. Forms of feminism that strive to overcome sexism and class oppression but ignore race can discriminate against many people, including women, through racial bias. One of the theories that evolved out of this movement was Alice Walker's Womanism. Alice Walker and other Womanists pointed out that black women experienced a different and more intense kind of oppression from that of white women. They point to the emergence Black feminism after earlier movements led by white middle-class women which they regard as having largely ignored oppression based on race and class.
Delores Williams, in her book Sisters in the Wilderness, defines womanism: “Womanist theology is a prophetic voice concerned about the well-being of the entire African American community, male and female, adults and children. It attempts to help black women see, affirm, and have confidence in the importance of their experience and faith for determining the character of the Christian religion in the African American community. It challenges all oppressive forces impeding black women's struggle for survival and for the development of a positive, productive quality of life conducive to women’s and the family’s freedom and well-being. It opposes all oppression based on race, sex, class, sexual preference, physical ability, and celoped?
Alice WalkerAlice Walker is an African American novelist, short-story writer, poet, essayist, and activist. Her most famous novel,The Color Purple, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award in1983. Walker's creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship,racial terror,and folk wisdom of African American life and culture,particularly in the rural South.Her writing explores multidimensional kinships among women and embraces the redemptive power of social and political revolution.Walker began publishing her fiction and poetry during the latter years of the Black Arts movement in the 1960s. Her work, along with that of such writers as Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor, however, is commonly associated with the post-1970s surge in African American women's literature.Early Life and EducationMalsenior Walker was born in Eatonton on February 9, 1944, the eighth and youngest child of Minnie Tallulah Grant and Willie Lee Walker, who were sharecroppers. The precocious spirit that distinguished Walker's personality during her early years vanished at the age of eight, when her brother scarred and blinded her right eye with a BB gun in a game of cowboys and Indians.Teased by her classmates and misunderstood by her family, Walker became a shy, reclusive youth. Much of her embarrassment dwindled after a doctor removed the scar tissue six years later. Although Walker eventually became high school prom queen and class valedictorian, she continued to feel like an outsider, nurturing a passion for reading and writing poetry in solitude.In 1961 Walker left Eatonton for Spelman College, a prominent school for black women in Atlanta, on a state scholarship. During the two years she attended Spelman she became active in the civil rights movement. After transferring to Sarah Lawrence College in New York, Walker continued her studies as well as her involvement in civil rights. In 1962 she was invited to the home of Martin Luther King Jr. in recognition of her attendance at the Youth World Peace Festival in Finland. Walker also registered black voters in Liberty County, Georgia, and later worked for the New York City Department of Welfare.Two years after receiving her B.A. degree from Sarah Lawrence in 1965, Walker married Melvyn Rosenman Leventhal, a white civil rights attorney. They lived in Jackson, Mississippi, where Walker worked as the black history consultant for a Head Start program. She also served as the writer-in-residence for Jackson State College (later Jackson State University) and Tougaloo College. She completed her first novel,The Third Life of Grange Copeland, in 1969, the same year that her daughter, Rebecca Grant, was born. When her marriage to Leventhal ended in 1977, Walker moved to northern California, where she lives and writes today.Walker has taught African American women's studies to college students at Wellesley, the University of Massachusetts at Boston, Yale, Brandeis, and the University of California at Berkeley. She supports antinuclear and environmental causes, and her protests against the oppressive rituals of female circumcision in Africa and the Middle East make her a vocal advocate for international women's rights. Walker has served as a contributing editor of Ms. magazine, and she is a cofounder of Wild Tree Press. Walker's appreciation for her matrilineal literary history is evidenced by the numerous reviews and articles she has published to acquaint new generations of readers with writers like Zora Neale Hurston. The anthology she edited, I Love Myself When I Am Laughing... and Then Again When I Am Looking Mean and Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader(1979), was particularly instrumental in bringing Hurston's work back into print. In addition to her deep admiration for Hurston, Walker's literary influences include Harlem Renaissance writer Jean Toomer,black Chicago poet Gwendolyn Brooks, South African novelist Bessie Head, and white Georgia writer Flannery O'Connor.PoetryThe poems in Walker's first volume, Once (1968), are based on her experiences during the civil rights movement and her travels to Africa. Influenced by Japanese haiku and the philosophy of author Albert Camus, Once also contains meditations on love and suicide. Indeed, after Walker visited Africa during the summer of 1964, she had struggled with an unwanted pregnancy upon her return to college. She speaks openly in her writing about the mental and physical anguish she experienced before deciding to have an abortion. The poems in Once grew not only from the sorrowful period in which Walker contemplated death but also from her triumphant decision to reclaim her life.Revolutionary PetuniasMany of the narrative poems of her second volume,Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems (1973), revisit her southern past, while other verses challenge superficial political militancy. The collection won the Lillian Smith Book Award (named for Georgia writer Lillian Smith and administered by the Southern Regional Council) in 1973. Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning (1979) contains tributes to black political leaders and creative writers. In addition to a fourth volume of poetry, Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful(1984), Walker has compiled her previously published verses in the collection Her Blue Body Everything We Know:Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete(1991). In a review of Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth:New Poems(2003),Publishers Weekly highlighted the volume's spiritual and ecological topics and added that Walker"explor[es]and prais[es] friendship, romantic love, home cooking, the peace movement, ancestors, ethnic diversity,and particularly admirable strong women,among them the primatologist Jane Goodall."Walker's most recent volume of poems,A Poem Traveled Down My Arm, was published in 2005.Short Fiction and EssaysOne of Walker's earliest stories, "To Hell with Dying," captured the attention of poet Langston Hughes, who included it in his 1967 anthology, The Best Short Stories by Negro Writers. In the tale, which is based on actual events, the joy and laughter of children rescue an old guitar player named Mr. Sweet from the brink of death year after year. The narrator—a girl at the start of the story—returns home as a young woman to "revive" Mr. Sweet, but with no success. After his death she inherits the bluesman's guitar and his enduring legacy of love."To Hell with Dying" was reprinted in Walker's first collection of short fiction,In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973). The thirteen stories in this volume feature black women struggling to transcend society's narrow definitions of their intelligence and virtue. Her second collection, You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982), continues her vivid portrayal of women's experiences by emphasizing such sensitive issues as rape and abortion. In 2000 Walker published a third collection of stories,The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart. She has also written four children's books, including an illustrated version of To Hell with Dying(1988) and Finding the Green Stone (1991).Walker has published several volumes of essays and autobiographical reflections. In the1983collection In Search of Our Mothers'Gardens:Womanist Prose,she introduced readers to a new ideological approach to feminist thought.Her term womanist characterizes black feminists who cherish women's creativity, emotional flexibility, and strength.Womanism is further used to suggest new ways of reading silence and subjugation in narratives of male domination. The collection won the Lillian Smith Book Award in 1984. Other essay collections include The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult (1996), which features Walker's account of her struggle with Lyme disease during the filming of The Color Purple, and Sent by Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit: After the Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon (2002).NovelsLike her short stories, Walker's six novels place more emphasis on the inner workings of African American life than on the relationships between blacks and whites. Her first book,The Third Life of Grange Copeland(1970),details the sorrow and redemption of a rural black family trapped in a multigenerational cycle of violence and economic dependency. Walker also fictionalizes a young civil rights activist's coming-of-age in the novel Meridian (1976).The Color Purple (1982) has generated the most public attention as a book and as a major motion picture, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1985. Narrated through thevoice of Celie, The Color Purple is an epistolary novel—a work structured through a series of letters. Celie writes about the misery of childhood incest, physical abuse, and loneliness in her "letters to God." After being repeatedly raped by her stepfather, Celie is forced to marry a widowed farmer with three children. Yet her deepest hopes are realized with the help of a loving community of women, including her husband's mistress, Shug Avery, and Celie's sister, Nettie. Celie gradually learns to see herself as a desirable woman, a healthy and valuable part of the universe.Set in rural Georgia during segregation,The Color Purple brings components of nineteenth-century slave autobiography and sentimental fiction together with a confessional narrative of sexual awakening. Walker's harshest critics have condemned her portrayal of black men in the novel as "male-bashing," but others praise her forthright depiction of taboo subjects and her clear rendering of folk idiom and dialect. In 1985 the novel was adapted into a film, directed by Steven Spielberg. The musical stage adaptation premiered at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta in 2004 and opened on Broadway in 2005.Literary scholars often link The Color Purple with Walker's next two novels in an informal trilogy. Celie's granddaughter, Fanny, is a major character in The Temple of My Familiar(1989), and the protagonist of Possessing the Secret of Joy(1992) is Tashi, the African wife of Celie's son. In Walker's novel By the Light of My Father's Smile (1998), strong sexual and religious themes intersect in a tale narrated from both sides of the grave. The novel features a family of African American anthropologists who journey to Mexico to study a tribe descended from former black slaves and Native Americans. In Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart (2004) the main character, Kate, embarks on a literal and spiritual journey to find a way to accept the aging process. Walker says that Kate's search is necessary because the territory is largely "uncharted," and "people seem to lose their imagination about what women's lives can be after, say, 55 or 60."Reflecting on the unique perspective and versatility of her literary career, Walker says, "One thing I try to have in my life and my fiction is an awareness of and openness to mystery, which, to me, is deeper than any politics, race, or geographical location." With elements of ancestral fable and spirituality, womanist insight, literary realism, and the grotesque, Walker's writing embodies an abundant cultural landscape of its own.In2001Walker was inducted into the Georgia Writers Hall of Fame.Emory University in Atlanta acquired Walker's personal and literary archives in 2007 and began cataloging her papers the following year.。
爱丽丝沃克黑人女作家的文学成就爱丽丝沃克(Alice Walker)是一位杰出的黑人女性作家,她的文学成就对于美国文学界的影响深远。
她的小说《紫色的十字绣》(The Color Purple)以及同名电影的成功让她名声大噪。
alice walker简介
艾丽丝·沃克(Alice Walker,1944—)是20世纪70年代以来(欧美国家第二次妇女
如果说妇女主义是理论,她的长篇小说《紫色》(The Color Purple)便是对这一理论的具体实践。
Alice_Walker and her works
Group members: 伍俊敏 曾翠 梁贤贤
1.Brief Introduction
2.Early life &experiences
3.Her works 4.Selected awards & honors 5.Reference
Brief Introduction
The Color Purple (film)
Finding the Green Stone (1991) Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) The Complete Stories (1994) By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998) The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart (2000) Now Is The Time to Open Your Heart (2005) Devil's My Enemy (2008) The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970) In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973) Meridian (1976) The Color Purple(1982) You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982) To Hell With Dying (1988) The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
• This collection of short stories portrays black women who vary greatly in background but are bound together by their vulnerability to life. Roselily, on her wedding day, prayed that a loveless marriage will bring her respectability. A young writer, exploited(利用) by both her lover and her husband, took revenge ironically . A jealous wife, looking for her husband's mistress, found a competitor she cannot fight.
Page 11
You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down:(1982) To Hell With Dying (1988)
Page 5
Novels and short story collections
The Temple of My Familiar (1989) Finding the Green Stone (1991) Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) The Complete Stories (1994) By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998) The Way Forward Is with a Broken Heart (2000) Now Is The Time to Open Your Heart (2005) Devil's My Enemy (2008
2. Education: 1961-1963 Spelman, a college for black women in Atlanta 1963-1965 莎拉.劳伦斯 学院
3. Career 1983 received the Pulitzer Prize for The Color Purple (1982) 1984 started her own publishing company, Wild Trees Press
Page 8
Select awards and honors
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Color Purple (1983) (first black woman). National Book Award (First black woman) .Honorary Degree from the California Institute of the Arts (1995) The Lillian Smith Award from the National Endowment for the Arts
Alice Walker
Growing up with an oral tradition, listening
Early life and Experiences
At the age of 8,she lost sight of one eye
by accident. She went on to become valedictorian of her local school and attended Spelman College ,Sarah Lwrence College by scholarship,graduating in 1965. She was even invited to Martin Luther King's home because she had attended the Youth World Peace Festival in Helsinki,Finland.
California Institute of the Arts(加州艺术学 院) In1997 American Humanist Association (美 国人道主义协会)named her as "Humanist of the Year"
Selected awards and honors
The Lillian Smith Award(莉莲史密斯奖)
from the National Endowment for the Arts (国家艺术基金) The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts & Letters The Radcliffe Institute Fellowship,(拉德克 里夫学院奖学金) the Merrill Fellowship(梅林 奖学金), and a Guggenheim Fellowship(古根 海姆奖学金)
Alice Walker 爱丽丝沃克
Contents of her writings
• • • • • • • • rape violence isolation troubled relationships multi-generational perspectives sexism and racism
• Homesexual • Black women and men • African-Americans & local Americans
• to fight for civil rights of black Americans
Literary Accomplishments
The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970) In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973) Everyday Use Meridian (1976)地平线 The Color Purple (1982) You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982) To Hell With Dying (1988) The Temple of My Familiar (1989) Finding the Green Stone (1991) Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992) The Complete Stories (1994) By The Light of My Father's Smile (1998)
The Color Purple
Everyday Use
• Thank you!
black writers
Hello everyone! Today our group will show you some information about black writers. First, let me introduce something about Alice Walker.Alice Walker is one of the most important African American writers of the contemporary period and her works have attracted the attention of both readers and critics at home and abroad. Walker is a novelist, a critic, a poet and activist as well. She is the first black woman novelist to win the Pulitzer Prize for her most famous novel The Color Purple which also was awarded the American Book Award in 1983.Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, the eighth and last child of Willie Lee and Minnie Lou Grant Walker, who were sharecroppers. When Alice Walker was eight years old, she lost sight of one eye when one of her older brothers shot her with a BB gun by accident. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Sarah Lawrence College in 1965 and her first book of poems came out in 1968. Alice Walker started her own publishing company, Wild Trees Press, in 1984.Alice Walker met Martin Luther King Jr. when she was a student at Spelman College in Atlanta in the early 1960s. Walker credits King for her decision to return to the American South as an activist for the Civil Rights Movement. She attended the famous 1963 March on Washington. As a young adult she volunteered her time registering voters in Georgia and Mississippi.On March 8, 2003, Alice Walker was arrested along with 24 others for crossing a police line during an anti-war protest rally outside the White House.In November 2008, Alice Walker wrote "An Open Letter to Barack Obama" that was published on . Walker addresses the newly elected President as "Brother Obama" and writes "Seeing you take your rightful place, based solely on your wisdom, stamina, and character, is a balm for the weary warriors of hope, previously only sung about"In March 2009, Alice Walker traveled to Gaza along with a group of 60 other female activists from the anti-war group Code Pink, in response to the controversial Israeli offensive of December 2008-January 2009. The purpose of the trip was to deliver aid, to meet with NGOs and residents, and to persuade Israel and Egypt to open their borders into Gaza. She planned to visit Gaza again in December 2009 to participate in the Gaza Freedom March.Next, I want to show you some achievements of Alice Walker during her life. Among them, I want to introduce an article we are going to learn, that is everyday use. The short story everyday use, from the collection In Love and Trouble was published in1973.through the title of her short story, Alice walker conceptually expresses her wariness of the Black Power Movement. During the mid-1960’s, young black African Americans proclaimed they would no longer be oppressed by their current lifestyle and began to celebrate African culture by exploiting it for exotic names and ethic appeal. The title Everyday Use presents the reader with the central conflict of the story: as a society evolves in sophistication should they honor their heritage by placing their cultural relics on a shelf to be admired, or honor their culture by putting these objects to everyday use.。
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The Feature of Walker’s Works
Personal &family relationship Sexism & racial oppression Conflict values of nation & attitude
Civil rights fighter &womanist
Walker’s Works
Walker’s Works
• Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her marriage to "Mister," a brutal man who terrorizes her. Celie eventually learns that her abusive husband has been keeping her sister's letters from her and the rage she feels, combined with an example of love and independence provided by her close friend Shug, pushes her finally toward an awakening of her creative and loving herself.
Brief Introduction
Civil Rights Movement
Deal with sensibilities of black women in a society pervaded by sexism83年一举拿下代表美国文学最高荣誉的三大奖:普利策奖 (Pulitzer Prize)、美国国家图书奖(The National Book Awards)、全 国书评家协会奖(NBCC Award)。
• This collection of short stories portrays black women who vary greatly in background but are bound together by their vulnerability to life.