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Unit 1 How often do you exercise?


go to the movies 去看电影look after=take care of 照顾

surf the internet 上网healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式

go skate boarding 去划板keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

eating habits 饮食习惯take more exercise 做更多的运动

the same as 与什么相同once a month 一月一次

be different from 不同twice a week 一周两次

make a difference to 对什么有影响how often 多久一次

although=though虽然as for 至于

want sb to do sth想某人做某事try to do sth 尽量做某事

come home from school放学回家of course=certainly=sure 当然

get good grades 取得好成绩some advice 一些建议

most of the students=most students 大多数学生

shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物

exercise=take (much) exercise=do sports 锻炼

help sb to do sth=help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事

a lot of vegetables=many vegetables 许多蔬菜

hardly=not nearly/almost not 几乎不

keep/be in good health保持健康


1、always、usually、often、sometimes、hardly ever和never

always、usually、often、sometimes、hardly ever和never是英语中最常见的频度副词。

(1)always 的频度为100%,表示动作重复、状态继续,中间没有间断,意思是“总是”、“永远地”。

The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳总是东升西落。

(2)usually 的频度为70%左右,意为“通常”、“平常”,即很少有例外。

He usually goes to bed at ten o’clock. 他通常10点钟睡觉。

(3)often 的频度为50%左右,意为“常常”,但不如usually那么频繁,表示动作重复,中间有间断。

He is often late for school. 他上学经常迟到。

(4)sometimes 的频度为20%左右,意为“有时”,表示动作偶尔发生。可以位于句首,以示强调。多用于一般现在时。

It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 天气忽冷忽热。

Sometimes he does it this way and sometimes he does it that way.


(5)hardly ever 的频度为5%左右,意为“几乎不”、“偶尔”,表频率,位置是“行前be后”。

I hardly ever go out these days. 这些天我几乎不出门。

(6)never 的频度为0,意为“从来不”、“永不”。

My parents are never late for work. 我父母上班从来不迟到。



Peter is always late for school. Peter上学总是迟到。

I usually do my homework in the evening. 我通常在晚上做作业。





This ground is too hard to dig. 这块地太硬,挖不动。

They tried hard to succeed. 他们努力工作,以求得成功。

2)hardly是表频率的副词,意为“几乎不;几乎没有”,相当于almost not。

There is hardly any coffee left.= There’s almost no coffee left.


(3)sometimes、sometime、some time和some times

He came here sometime. 他某个时候来过这里。

He will stay there for some time. 他将在那里待一段时间。

She came home some times. 她回了几次家。



— How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?

— I exercise every day. 我每天都锻炼。


Exercise makes me keep healthy. 运动使我保持健康。

John likes to take exercise in the open air. 约翰喜欢在户外锻炼。


We do morning exercises every day. 我们每天做早操。

We do English exercises to help us learn English well.




Most children like playing computer games. 大部分孩子喜欢玩电脑游戏。

【拓展】most与most of 的区别:


Most boys like playing football. 大部分男孩都喜欢踢足球。

I always spend most time learning English.我总是花大部分时间学习英语。

(2)most后不能直接跟有定冠词、指示代词或物主代词所修饰的名词,遇到这些情况用most of 代替most。
