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流水线技术是提高系统吞吐率的一项强大的实现技术,并且不需要大量重复设置硬件。20世界60年代早期的一些高端机器中第一次采用了流水线技术。第一个采用指令流水线的机器是IBM7030(又称作Stretch计算机)。后来的CDC 6600同时采用了流水线和多功能部件。

到了20世纪80年代,流水线技术成为RISC处理器设计方法中最基本的技术之一。RISC设计方法的大部分技术都直接或者间接以提高流水线性能为目标。从此以后,流水线技术也被有效地应用到CISC处理器的设计中。Intel i486是IA32体系结构中的第一个流水线实现。Digital的VAX和Motorola的M68K的流水线版本在商业上也取得了成功。



[关键词] 流水线技术猜测法中断处理吞吐率指令重叠加快短循环程序的处理


Pipeline technology is to improve the system throughput of a powerful technology, and does not require repetitive set hardware. The 20 world early 60's some high-end machines used the first pipeline technology. The first use of the instruction pipeline machine is IBM7030(also called Stretch computer ). Later CDC6600at the same time lines and multiple functional components.

In the nineteen eighties, pipeline technology to become the RISC processor design method is one of the most basic techniques. The design method of RISC most of the techniques are directly or indirectly to improve performance as the goal line. Since then, assembly line techniques have also been applied effectively to the CISC processor. Intel i486 is IA32 architecture is the first in a pipelined implementation. Digital VAX and Motorola M68K pipelined version also achieved success in business.

Pipeline technology is the current instruction set processor is widely used in the design of technology. Here we will focus on the ( scalar ) pipelined processor design. A pipelined processor in the design of many methods and techniques, for example, used to detect and resolve the relevant pipeline interlock mechanism, is a scalar processor design method.

The current trend is towards super depth line direction. Pipeline depth has less than10 to the development of more than 20depth of water is always necessary to obtain high speed frequency, which is to improve the performance of a very effective method. There are signs. This trend will continue.

Keywords: Pipeline technology forecast method of interrupt processing throughput instruction overlapping accelerate short cycle program processing


第一章绪论 (5)

1.1现代RISC中的流水线技术 (5)

1.1.1超流水线技术 (5)

1.1.2超标量技术 (4)

1.1.3流水技术在Pentium系列微处理器中的实现 (6)

第二章流水线基础 (8)

2.1流水线概念 (8)

2.1.1指令重叠 (9)

2.1.2流水线 (10)

2.1.3流水线的特点 (10)

2.1.4流水线的分类 (11)

2.2流水线的主要性能 (12)

2.2.1吞吐率 (12)

2.2.2加速比和效率 (13)

第三章指令流水线设计 (14)

3.1流水线理想假设 (14)

3.1.1一致的运算分量 (14)

3.1.2重复的运算 (15)

3.1.3独立的运算 (16)

3.2指令流水线 (17)

3.2.1指令流水线设计 (17)

3.2.2指令集体系结构的影响 (18)
