

西门子RUGGEDCOM RSG2000系列19寸以太网层2交换机产品介绍说明书

西门子RUGGEDCOM RSG2000系列19寸以太网层2交换机产品介绍说明书

functionality for high network availability and manageability. Coupled with ruggedness and durability that is designed in from the onset, the RSG2000 product family is ideal for creating mission critical, real-time,control applications where high reliability and availability is of paramount importance.
Data Sheet RSG2100/RSG2100P Installation Guide: RSG2100 RSG2100P
RUGGEDCOM RSG2300 / RSG2300P 32-port managed Ethernet switch with Gigabit uplinks
19" Ethernet layer 2 switches
Rack-mounted Ethernet Layer 2 switches deliver utility-grade performance, reliability and field-proven MTBF to lower OPEX costs. /ruggedcom
Data Sheet: RSG2200 User Guide: RSG2200 Installation Guide: RSG2200
RUGGEDCOM RSG2488 28-port advanced utility-grade, high density managed Gigabit Ethernet switch • Field replaceable Ethernet and time synchronization



MICROMASTER 420一、应用:MICROMASTER 420 变频器适合用于各种变速驱动装置,尤其适合用于水泵,风机和传送带系统的驱动装置。



二、主要特征1、调试简单2、模块化的结构,因而组态具有最大的灵活性3、具有三个完全可编程的隔离的数字输入4、一个可标定的模拟输入 (0V至 10V) ;它也可以作为第 4个数字输入来使用。

5、一个可编程的模拟输出(0mA 至 20mA)6、一个完全可编程的继电器输出 (30V,直流/5A,电阻负载或 250V,交流/2A,感性负载)7、采用较高的开关频率时,电动机运行的噪声很小 (在脉冲的开关频率较高的情况下,额定输出电流要降格使用)8、完善的变频器和电动机保护功三、可选项 (概览)1、 A 级/B 级 EMC 滤波器2、 LC 滤波器3、进线电抗器4、输出电抗器5、密封盖6、对变频器进行参数化的BOP 基本操作板7、具有多种文本显示功能的高级操作板 AOP8、适合亚洲地区使用的高级操作板A A O P,带有汉语和英语解释的文本显示。

9、通讯模块 PROFIBUS DeviceNet CANopen10、 PC 连接组合件11、控制柜门上安装操作板的组合件12、 PC 调试工具,在 windows95/98 和 NT/2000 /XP Professional下运行13、与Drive ES 的TIA 集成。

四、设计1、 MICROMASTER 420 具有模块化的设计。




西门子G120变频器说明书一、产品概述西门子G120变频器是一种可满足多样化要求的模块化变频器,组件采用模块化设计,功率范围宽,0.55 kW ~ 250kW,可确保始终能够组合出一种满足要求的理想变频器。

该系列变频器提供有三种电压型号,可连接 200 V、400 V 和 690 V 电网。

³西门子G120变频器由两部分组成:控制单元(CU)和功率模块(P M)。












功率范围为0.55 kW ~ 18.5 kW。

G120 CU240B-2/CU240E-2:是一种标准型变频器,采用分离式的控制单元和功率模块,适用于中等复杂度的应用场合,如输送机、起重机等。

功率范围为0.55 kW ~ 132 kW。

G120 CU250S-2:是一种高性能型变频器,采用分离式的控制单元和功率模块,适用于高精度和高动态性能要求的应用场合,如数控机床、纺织机械等。



产品介绍产品特点 (2)产品外形图 (3)安全注意事项 (3)电器连接 (4)产品标准 (4)安装安装注意事项 (5)安装步骤 (6) (9)环保/节约注意事项 (9)控制面板结构图 (10)控制面板功能及操作说明 (10)保养维护外部清洁 (16)内部清洁 (16)疑难解答常见故障分析与排除 (17)电路图及技术参数电路图 (18)技术参数 (19)装箱单装箱单 (20)非常感谢您选购了西门子电热水器!为了保证您和家人能最佳体验这款性能卓越的产品,请仔细阅读本说明书。

目录机产品特点 1. 舒适与节能⏹ 热水输出高,适合多点供水,多路热水同时使用。

⏹ 有本机控制和线控两种使用方式,方便用户使用。

LED 显示温度,随时随地了解水温变化。

⏹ 时间预约功能,灵活控制。

⏹ 具有温度显示,加热指示,运行状态一目了然。

⏹ “谷时”功能,热水器在满足基本用水的前提下,充分利用谷电时段来加热,节约电费。

⏹ “即时加热”当用户临时大量用水时,可以启动即时加热功能满足用水需求。

⏹ “插入式加热”当用户需要更多用水时,可一次性加热至所设水温。

⏹ 热水器采用整体式环戊烷发泡技术,多点绝热技术,节能环保。

2. 安全与耐用⏹ 微电脑控制;可靠的电气设计,强电与弱电控制分离,确保用户安全。

⏹ 欧洲最先进的自动焊接技术、超厚钢质内胆、进口搪瓷粉附着均匀,牢固,耐高温,耐压,耐腐蚀,确保内胆长寿命。

⏹ 国际一流不锈钢加热管,智能防干烧;内置式感温装置,自带传感器故障保护功能。

⏹ 一旦接地系统异常时,能够提供应急防护措施。

⏹ 防冻结功能,使用更安全,在严寒条件时提供安全保障。

⏹ 热水器具有“阳极消耗指示”功能⏹ 采用普通牺牲阳极的产品,用户被随时告知阳极是否有效,何时需要更换。


产品介绍机机产品外形图1 外壳2 阳极棒更换口3 出水口4 进水口5 电源线6 控制器7 挂板8 维修盖板9 出线盖板安全注意事项 ⏹ 电热水器在安装前,首先要确定安装环境的电源容量及电源配线是否满足电热水器功率的要求(电热水器参数详见电热水器铭牌)。

上海西门子开关 产品介绍 说明书

上海西门子开关 产品介绍 说明书

■ 上海西门子开关有限公司2的严格管理不仅贯穿于内部生产的各个流程,同时延伸至对供应商的日年在闵行经年底公司二期厂房扩建工程的竣平方米,体现了西门子根植于中国、长期服务于中国客户的信心和承诺。





目 录ContentsSiemens Switchgear Ltd., Shanghai (SSLS) is a joint venture of Siemens Ltd., China (SLC) and Shanghai Power Transmission & Distribution Company, holding the manufacturing license to apply the latest tech-nology of Siemens vacuum circuit-breaker and medium voltage switchgear in P. R. China.Since established in 1993, relying on Siemens powerful resources and internal boundless cooperation, SSLS has provided reliable products, first-class service and innovative solutions for more than two thousand key projects both for domestic and overseas. SSLS has established a good reputation and leading position in China due to its large contribu-tion to the technique innovation and development of local switchgear industry.SSLS is a market oriented company with commitment to customers’satisfaction and to fulfill the demands for the medium voltage switchgear, with high quality and excellent reliability, by means of dynamically intro-ducing and constantly developing the applicable technique and prod-ucts to the local market. Customer’s success is our first priority. We pledge to provide the most value-added product and service, promise on-time delivery, and establish solid business partner relationship with customers, in result to create the maximum value for our customers.SSLS began to implement the customer-oriented quality management early in1996, and established a comprehensive quality management system in 2004 integrated with ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. The company utilizes the highly sophisticated machines and testing fa-cilities in production process. The high qualification of operators along with continuous in process quality control guarantee our well established and high quality standards at all times. The strict quality control is not only carried out throughout entire production processes, but also ex-tended to the daily management of our suppliers. We take environment protection as our social responsibility; meanwhile closely look after employees’ occupational safety and health.To meet the growing marketing demands, a modern factory was built up in Minhang Economic & Technological Development Zone in 2004. With the completion of second phase expansion at the end of 2006, the land plot increased to 50000sqm and shop floor to 23000sqm, which em-bodies Siemens’ commitment to root in China and serve long-term for Chinese customers.According to company’s strategy to create more competence and shorter time-to-market, SSLS R&D center was established in 2004. R&D cen-ter closely integrates into the Siemens PTD global R&D network, could share the latest Siemens technique and resources in-phase. By pre-dicting the market needs, SSLS fosters R&D in developing reliable and innovative products and tailored solutions to add value for customer’s business.Siemens switchgear has an effective system of on-site servicing from a quick-respondent, well-equipped and rich experienced field service team and a network setup all over China. The team is responsible for the guidance of on-site installation and operational safety, commit to re-spond to emergency calls within the shortest possible time and to mini-mize down time.SSLS was ranged as the Top 500 Revenue of Industrial Companies in Shanghai 7 years in row since 2000. The products won the title of Shang-hai Reputed Product 4 years in row since 2003. The company was awarded as “Good Credit Enterprise” due to its high commercial credit, and won the title of “Top 10 Fast-growing Companies in China Electric Industry” in 2006 due to over 30% increase of sales revenue continu-ously over the past three years.PRODUCT INTRODUCTIONSSLS provides air insulated Switchgear rated from 7.2 to 24kV with type 8BK20, 8BK30, 8BK40 and specially designed for Chinese market in 2007 NXAIR S, and vacuum circuit breakers type 3AH3, 3AH5, 3AH2-EP as well as SION, the latest generation of Siemens VCB synchro-nously selling world wide.All products are type tested in XIHARI to ensure the safety of personnel and operation.公司简介Company Introduction■产品介绍3■ 上海西门子开关有限公司4● Draw-out section and access door fully inte-grated interlock system.● Safe and easy draw-out section movementbehind closed cubicle door.● Easy draw-out section transfer or exchange,using central service truck, independent of floor quality.● Earthed metal partitions and shutters.● Connection of HV cables is available from front or rear part of the panel optionally.● Back-to-back or face-to-face designs available for double bus-bar design.●Reinforced insulation which fulfills Chinese system and local climate.●Direct line-up with 8BK30 Vacuum ContactorSwitchgear.● 可移开部分与柜门之间有可靠的联锁● 前门关闭后,能够很安全而且容易地移动可移开部分● 先进的中置式结构,使用专门的小车能够方便地搬运或更换可移开部分,不受现场地面平整度的限制● 金属隔板与活门均接地● 根据用户需要,可由前门或开关柜的后部进行电缆接线● 开关柜可以面对面布置,也可以背靠背布置(双母线回路)●加强了绝缘,更适合中国电力系统和气候● 可直接与8BK30型开关柜(F - C 回路)联接供电典型客户上海供电局北京供电局兰溪电厂秦皇岛港口宁波小港纸业兰州石化TYPICAL CUSTOMER Shanghai PSBBeijing PSBLanxi Power PlantQinghuangdao HarborNingbo Xiaogang Paper MillLanzhou Petro 产品特点SPECIFIC FEATURES 电气技术数据 ELECTRICAL DATA (MAXIMUM VALUES )8BK20 Switchgear with Draw-Out Circuit-Breakers, Air-Insulated, Metal Clad8BK20型金属封闭/铠装可移开式空气绝缘断路器柜■ 产品介绍5● Draw-out section and door integrated in the inter-lock system.● Minimal space requirement.● Vacuum contactor and HVHRC fuses on draw-outsection. Vacuum contactor is able to operate fre-quently due to its long mechanic life-1 millionoperations.● Draw-out section easily to move inside the cubicle.● Cable connection in front of cubicle.● Directly line-up with circuit-breaker panel of type 8BK20.● Special wheels on bottom of draw-out section provide an easy movement during in and out the cubicle.● Reinforced insulation to meet Chinese system andlocal climate.● 可移开部分与室门之间装有可靠的联锁装置● 占用空间少● 可移开部分装有真空接触器和高压限流熔断器。

西门子S7-1200小型PLC 介绍

西门子S7-1200小型PLC 介绍

西门子S7-1200小型PLC 介绍
西门子控制器系列是一个完整的产品组合,包括从高性能可编程逻辑控制器的书本型迷你控制器LOGO!到基于PC 的控制器,无论多么苛刻的要求,它都能满足要求—根据具体应用需求及预算,灵活组合、定制(系列化的控制器家族产品满足你的不同应用及需求)。



SIMATIC S7-1200 系列的问世,标志着西门子在原有产品系列基础上拓展了产品版图,代表了未来小型可编程控制器的发展方向,西门子也将一如既往开拓创新,引领自动化潮流。

西门子S7-1200小型PLC具有集成 PROFINET 接口、强大的集成工艺功能和灵活的可扩展性等特点,为各种工艺任务提供了简单的通信。

西门子 NXAirS LP 产品介绍

西门子 NXAirS LP 产品介绍

Page 9
Unrestricted © SLC EM LP BU 2017. All rights reserved
中压授权柜NXAirS LP产品介绍
Restricted © SLC EM LP BU 2017. All rights reserved
NXAirS LP 中压开关柜简介
完全符合GB3906-2006/IEC62271-200及 DL/T 404-2007等最新标准要求通过全套型 式试验的空气绝缘型中压开关柜
模块化结构:高压室, 母线室,电缆室和低 压室
模块化 设计
3150A~4000A: 1000mm
25kA/31.5kA: 2150mm
运行连续性丧失类别 LSC 2B (金属铠装)
3150A~4000A, 40kA: 2305mm
▪ 当开关的一个隔室打开时,进线电缆/母线/相邻开关柜仍可继续运行
Depth: ≤2500A, 25kA/31.5kA: 1350mm
Unrestricted © SLC EM LP BU 2017. All rights reserved
Байду номын сангаас 中压授权柜NXAirS LP产品介绍
Restricted © SLC EM LP BU 2017. All rights reserved
NXAirS LP 中压开关柜简介



西门子是全球领先的电子电气工程公司, 01 拥有广泛的业务领域和强大的技术实力
西门子品牌在全球范围内享有极高的声誉 02 和知名度,深受消费者和行业客户的信赖
西门子品牌在技术创新、产品质量和售后 03 服务等方面具有较高的市场地位和竞争力
能源管理:西门子提供能源管理解决方 0 2 案,包括智能电网、能源管理系统等
医疗设备:西门子提供医疗设备解决方 0 3 案,包括CT、MRI等设备
交通系统:西门子提供交通系统解决方 0 4 案,包括轨道交通、智能交通系统等
术支持和售后服务团队, 01
西门子产品 培训课件
01. 西门子产品介绍 02. 西门子技术优势 03. 西门子售后服务 04. 西门子品牌价值
家电产品:冰箱、洗衣机、 空调等
工业自动化产品:PLC、 变频器、伺服系统等
医疗设备:CT、MRI、X 光机等
交通设备:地铁、高铁、 飞机等
能源设备:风力发电、太 阳能发电、核能发电等
通信设备:交换机、路由 器、基站等
西门子PLC:可编程逻辑控制器, 02
西门子触摸屏:人机界面,用于操 04




Siemens GBS PortfolioMedium Voltage & SystemsRestricted © Siemens AG 2017/generatorswitchgearA Tale of Two Technologies For MV Generator Breaker SwitchgearSF6 VacuumVacuum Technology – Success Story Overview of the global market share of MV Circuit Breakers Market Penetration of vacuum breakers for MV•In 1980 – 20%•Nowadays – around 80%Reasons for success•High number of operation cycles•Preservation of the quality of the vacuumthroughout the entire life time•No monitoring system required •Maintenance-free •Environmentally friendly •Compact construction194656 6165 7075 8071520222220202036282417 1310 50%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%19801985199019952000200520102015 MarketShareforMVCircuitBreakersVacuum SF6Magnetic Min. Oil Bulk OilAdvantages of Vacuum Interruption over GasVacuum Interrupters are sealed for life•Breaking capability not affected by pressure and temperature of gas• No maintenance and monitoring of contact system• No capacitor required for High short circuit applications• No low ambient temperature concernsSpring-Spring Drive Mechanism•Opening time and speed are not affected by pressure andtemperature of hydraulic oil• No blocking of trip on low gas/hydraulic pressureNumber of Operations:• 10,000 operation electrical and mechanical cycles at rated current• 30 interruptions at 100% of short circuit current• 300 interruptions at 10-100% of short circuit currentSiemens TechnologyComparison of Lifecycle CostsLifecycleC o s t sMinimum operational andmaintenance costsG C BVacuumSignificantly lower lifecycle costGCBPurchase priceHigher number of switching operationsBreaking current [kA]O p e r a t i n g c y c l e sInstallation costSF61101001000100001000000.1110100Vacuum GCB -100kA (*)SF6 GCB -100kA (**)(*) SF6 GCB according to manualHECS – 100L document no. 1HC0066312 AC D01 Up to 70% reduction in lifecycle costsGenerator Circuit-Breaker Switchgear PortfolioHB1 - Horizontal BusbarRemovable type up to 170 MW up to 24 kV up to 6,700 A up to 72 kA, 1 sHB3 - Horizontal BusbarRemovable type up to 400 MW up to 24 kV up to 12,500 A up to 100 kA, 3 sVB1 – Vertical busbarRemovable type up to 140 MW up to 24 kV up to 5,500 A up to 72 kA, 1 sVB1-D – Vertical busbar, DrawableWithdrawable type up to 110 MW up to 17.5 kV up to 5,100 A up to 63 kA, 3 sGM-SGWithdrawable type, ANSI up to 80 MW up to 15 kV up to 4,000 A up to 63 kA, 3 sNXAIRWithdrawable type, IECup to 50 MW up to 17.5 kV up to 4,000 A up to 50 kA, 3 sGenerator Circuit-Breaker Switchgear GM-SG – Technical Data Application:Practical range 10 - 80 MW GeneratorsRatings:•U r:15 kV•I r:up to 3,000 A (4,000 A - forced cooling) •I sc (3 s):up to 63 k ABreaker types:•Type tested to IEEE C37.013a•Arc Resistant - Type 2B Dimensions:•914 x 2,507 x 2,419 mm (W x D x H) Installation•Indoor or outdoor application Connection methods •Cable•Bus ductsDegree of protection NEMA1 / NEMA3RRetrofit SolutionsMedium Voltage & SystemsRestricted © Siemens AG 2017/generatorswitchgearContact InformationDanish Mirza BaigBusiness Developer,Energy Management, Medium VoltageCalgary, ABMobile: +1 (403) 607-7617E-mail: ***********************siemens.ca/energymanagementSiemens Canada 2018Seite 50 /generatorswitchgear。



/diagnosticsADVIA, Aptio, HemaPrep,Hematek, and all associated marks are trademarks of Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. or its affiliates. CellaVision is a trademark ofCellaVision AB. All other trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Product availability may vary from country to country and is subject to varyingregulatory requirements. Please contact your local representative for availability.Order No. A91DX-HHS-150744-UC1-4A00 05-2015 | All rights reserved© 2015 Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.Global DivisionS iemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc.511 Benedict AvenueTarrytown, NY 10591-5005 USA/diagnosticsGlobal Siemens Headquarters Siemens AGWittelsbacherplatz 280333 Muenchen GermanyGlobal Siemens Healthcare HeadquartersSiemens AG, Healthcare Henkestrasse 12791052 Erlangen GermanyTelephone: +49 9131 84-0 /healthcareScalable Hematology Systems:Offering the Right Fit for Every LaboratoryADVIA 360, ADVIA 560, and ADVIA 560 AL Hematology SystemsThe Siemens Family of Hematology Analyzers: Scalable Solutions that Evolve with Your Needs While the driving trend in today’s clinical testingenvironment is consolidation, not every laboratory is affected by this paradigm shift. With major swings in testing volumes from laboratory to laboratory and network to network, one model does not fit all. Such diversity in laboratory workload builds a demand for diversity in analyzers—and scalable options are paramount.Scalable Hematology TestingOptions to Meet Your Laboratory’s Unique ChallengesSiemens now offers feature-rich, lower-capacityhematology testing systems with the flexibility to scale up to meet increases in testing demands. No matter what your capacity requirements, Siemens offers the system to fit your needs. With the ADVIA® 360 System, ADVIA 560 System, and ADVIA 560 AL System, Siemens offersstate-of-the-art hematology testing capabilities for small to mid-sized laboratories—or as back-up for systems in your main laboratory.The ADVIA 360, ADVIA 560,and ADVIA 560 AL Hematology SystemsThree options to fit your workflow needs and budgetThe low- and mid-volume family of ADVIA hematology systems offers cost-efficient solutions for various hematology testing volumes and environments. The systems help optimize and manage workflow through convenient features, including the choice of open- or closed-tube sampling, and customizable result printing. Automatic anti-clogging and cleaning procedures are employed after every fifteenth sample to ensure reliability of results. Along with automated maintenance, this reduces manual procedures and biohazard exposure.Fast, high-quality CBC testing in any laboratory environmentFast, reliable, and flexible, these systems can run up to 60 samples per hour. The systems have been engineered for safety and ease-of-operation, and deliver a wealth of user benefits, including:Intuitive hardware features for accurate and rapid results• C ap-piercing function for accurate sampling and reduced biohazard risk • Easy-to-operate color touchscreen with intuitive icon-based software • Choice of manual or automatic calibration procedures • H andheld bar-code reader for easy entry of patient ID and control information• Result printing does not delay tests in progressIntuitive software features and customizable options• Multilingual operating menu enables usability among diverse staff • B idirectional LIS communication facilitates easy patient data transfer between laboratories and minimizes paper-based work lists• F lexible and efficient interface enables uploading reference data via USB and QR codes• C ustomizable printing options include tabular reports• B uilt-in diagnostic flagging system automatically alerts operator of abnormal resultsYour Laboratory Requirementsare EvolvingADVIA 360 Hematology SystemADVIA 560 Hematology SystemADVIA 560 AL Hematology SystemADVIA 360 Hematology SystemCompact footprint and remarkable accuracy in a cost-efficient systemThe ADVIA 360 System allows smaller laboratories to efficiently generate reliable and accurate results. With a compact footprint, the ADVIA 360 System conserves precious benchtop space.• Runs up to 60 samples per hour• Processes aspiration volumes as low as 100 μL• F acilitates efficient manual sampling of both open and closed tubes• M easures 16 parameters, including a 3-part white blood cell differential • Provides storage capacity of 10,000 results • S treamlines result reporting via an integrated ticket printerADVIA 560 and 560 AL Hematology SystemsMaximum output with minimal user interventionThe ADVIA 560 System can serve as the primaryhematology analyzer in small to mid-sized laboratories, or as a backup for the ADVIA 2120i System in largerlaboratories. The ADVIA 560 AL System offers automatic sampling with an optional autoloader that can be added to the system at any time to adapt to your ever-evolving needs.Optimal performance and adaptabilityThe ADVIA 560 System offers the same convenience and safety features of the ADVIA 360 System, with the following capabilities:• Runs up to 60 samples per hour• Processes aspiration volumes as low as 110 μL • F acilitates efficient manual sampling of both open and closed tubes• M easures 20 parameters and employs laser-based optical measurement to provide a 5-part white blood cell differential• Provides storage capacity of up to 100,000 results • A ids in interpreting disease-state information with two scattergrams and two histograms per resultADVIA 560 AL System with AutoloaderA true “walk-away” systemFor even greater workflow efficiency, the ADVIA 560 AL System streamlines automated sampling. The autoloader simply plugs into the side of the system and provides even more convenient features, including:• 100 primary sample tube capacity (10 racks of 10 sample tubes each)• Ability to accept a variety of tubes• O nboard mixing system and cap-recognition sensor to ensure that only cap piercable tubes are mixed and processed• I ntegrated bar-code reader for positive sample ID • F lexibility to add the autoloader to anyADVIA 560 System at any timeSiemens scalable hematology systemsoffer the right fit for youThe Siemens family of hematology systems offers a systematic, end-to-end approach specifically designed to adapt to your changing needs. Our scalable system portfolio enables laboratories of all sizes to benefit from reliable, easy-to-use, and cost-efficient hematology solutions. From manual staining to fully automated slide creation, staining and analysis, we have a solutionto meet your needs. Our broad portfolio is adaptable enough to support even the largest laboratory, offering track-based automation and multidisciplinary connectivity, with integrated chemistry, immunoassay, and hematology testing systems.•H emaPrep® Automated Blood Smearing Systemoffers simple and consistent creation of blood films•H ematek® 3000 System standardizes semi-automated slide staining• A DVIA 360 System processes up to 60 CBCs and3-part differentials per hour• A DVIA 560 System processes up to 60 CBCs and5-part differentials per hour• A DVIA 560 AL System automates processing of CBCsand 5-part differentials• C ellaVision® DM1200 Digital Microscopy Systempreclassifies cells and offers a review rate of up to20 slides per hour• C ellaVision DM9600 Digital Microscopy Systempreclassifies cells and offers a review rate of up to35 slides per hour• A DVIA 2120i System automates the processingof up to 120 CBC/Diff samples per hour• A DVIA Autoslide System streamlines automated,reflexive, slide-making and staining•A ptio™ Automation enablesmulti-disciplinary connectivityWith Siemens as your primary diagnostic equipmentpartner, you enjoy a broad range of benefits including:• E ase of ordering to reduce accounting andprocurement hassles• C onvenient and comprehensive training and educationto enhance productivity• I ndustry-leading Siemens service and support to minimizeunnecessary downtimeLearn more about the entire family of scalableSiemens hematology systems.Visit /hematology,or contact your local Siemens sales representative.。


Moreover, the need for instrumentation was necessary since any time when manual measurements are made, workers get exposed to the undesirable effects of silica dust. As OSHA standards or rules have evolved not only to protect those in direct contact to dust, but also individuals in the surrounding areas.
• Time and cost savings
By having an automated level measurement system, the customer is able to reduce the amount of trips to the top of the bins, reducing time and labor costs. The RD500 monitoring system reduces the manpower time and costs to make level measurements manually.
A company in the Southwest US provides “Fracking” Sand for the shale oil industry.
They have 19 sand storage silos, and needed a more reliable and accurate means of monitoring the inventory in those silos. They had been using ropes with weights to determine the levels in the silos. That process was crude and not very accurate. The undesirable results were bin shortages, inventory inaccuracies and product overflow.



OB1主程序循环时间降低 4倍以上 等时模式下显著的性能增强
OB 61-64 循环周期更快
S7New SIMATIC S7-400 Firmware Version 4.0; Technical Information
全面升级的S7-400PLC 全面升级的S7-400PLC S7
—— 显著增强的通讯性能
Industrial Framework open for all
TIA的核心控制部件 TIA的核心控制部件
Automation 自动化
T.I.A. incl.Drives and Low Voltage Control Systems UMC Universal Motion Control
制造业/过程工业通用自动化控制平台 制造业 过程工业通用自动化控制平台 全集成自动化先进理念的控制核心 西门子功能最强大的高端PLC 西门子功能最强大的高端 全球市场占有率第一 中国市场占有率第一,高达 % 中国市场占有率第一,高达35%
S7New SIMATIC S7-400 Firmware Version 4.0; Technical Information
最快指令执行时间 (µs) 定点数加法 浮点数乘法 浮点数除法 浮点数加法 浮点数数乘法 浮点数除法 复杂算术功能
0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0,4 bisto 0.60 0,24 bis 0,36 0,16 bis 0,24 0,6 0.40 0.24 to 0.36 0.16 to 0.24 0.4 0.4 0.24 0.24 0.16 0.16 0.3 0.3 0.18 0.18 0.12 0.12 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 1,71,71,7-7,8to 7.80 1,0-4,6 1,0-4,7 0,7-3,1 0,7-3,1 0.68 0,71.70 1,7-7,8 1,0- to 4.68 0,7- to 3.12 1.02 1,0-



1 x PROFINET IO (2 端口交换机)
1 x PROFINET IO (2 端口交换机)
1 x PROFINET IO (2 端口交换机) 1 x PROFINET
1 x PROFINET IO (2 端口交换机) 2 x PROFINET

• 降低响应时间,提高生产效率 • 提高程序循环时间 • CPU 位指令处理时间最短可达 1ns • 集成运动控制,可控制高达 128 轴
• 统一纯文本诊断信息,缩短停机 / 诊断时间 • 即插即用,无需编程 • 可设置操作密码 • 使用寿命长,运行时间长达 50,000 小时 • 支持自定义启动显示界面
STEP 7V13 及以上版本 STEP 7 V12 及以上版本 STEP 7V13 及以上版本
尺寸 W×H×D(mm)
0 ... 60 ºC(水平安装);0 ... 40 ºC(垂直安装)
CPU1516-3 PN/DP
新! CPU1518-4 PN/DP
6ES7 511-1AK00-0AB0 6ES7 513-1AL00-0AB0 6ES7 515-2AM00-0AB0 6ES7 516-3AN00-0AB0 6ES7 518-4AP00-0AB0
组态 / 编程软件
STEP 7 V12 及以上版本
32 KB;过程映像中的所有输出
S7-1500 信号模块



西门子Hipath3800集团电话交换机HiPath3800数字程控交换机是德国西门子公司最新一代推向市场的为中小企业提供通讯服务IP PBX功能的多媒体交换机,它可以提供最优的,多种多样的数字,模拟以及IP中继和用户线路接口。

Hipath3800程控交换机:最大384端口西门子HiPath 3800产品简介•HiPath 3800 IP集成系统通过易用的高质量终端设备,为中型企业(可多达1000个用户)提供可靠的语音通信。

如果HiPath 3800作为独立系统使用,可支持达500个工作点。

64个HiPath 3800系统可进行透明联网。

HiPath 3800是新的一代具有改进性能的高端硬件平台。



在无线移动语音应用中,可通过DECT及VoWLAN两种解决方案来实现,其中VoWLAN 为真正意义上的IP层解决方案。



HiPath3800交换机处理机采用IBM 专用通讯处理芯片,每端口话务量为0.54Erl,BHCA值为25000。




故障处理能力强,无风扇,功耗低HiPath 3800系统功能:(1)应答前语音提示。



TIA Introduction
Zhu Chengshi
Industry Sector
For internal use only
西门子F CPU历史
基本概念 安全PLC PROFISAFE 典型应用
1980SIMATIC S5-110F
CPU 416F-2 MPI/DP & DP
(PROFINET via CP 443-1 Advanced)
支持多CPU模式 > 1000 F D-I/O
CPU 416F-3PN/DP MPI/DP & Ethernet 集成2端口交换机 支持多CPU模式 11,2 MByte 集成Web server > 1000 F D-I/O
CPU 412H CPU 414H CPU 417H



CFC, Safety Matrix
LAD, FBD 带PROFIsafe行规 的PROFINET ET 200pro ET 200S ET 200pro
执行器 传感器
For internal use only
基本概念 安全PLC PROFISAFE 典型应用
标准 工程工具 STEP 7
Failsafe 工程工具 Distributed Safety
Failsafe 应用程序
标准 远程 I/O



三、西门子S7-200 PLC 功能及扩展 西门子
1、S7-200 PLC 功能 1)执行指令速度高,0.8~1.2us; 2)指令丰富,几乎包括了一般计算机所具有的 各种基本操作指令; 3)良好用户功能,如脉宽调制(PWM)、位控 (PTO)、PID等功能; 4)输入/输出的直接查询与赋值; 5)严格的口令保护; 6)输入或输出的强制功能; 7)强大的网络通讯功能,如PPI、多主机和令牌 方式。
二、西门子S7-200 PLC 特点 西门子
1、机械结构特点 1)体积小 2)重量轻 3)DIN 导轨安装和安装孔 2、电器结构特点 1)免维护性; 2)内配24V/180mA或280mA 直流; 3)灵活中断输入; 4)便于扩展 ; 5)机内配有高速计数器, CPU212为2kHz加/减计数 器,CPU214 ~CPU216有两个独立7kHz高速计数器; 6)模拟电位器外部设定。 CPU212有一个, CPU214 ~CPU216有两个; 7)CPU214还有脉冲输出、实时时钟等功能; CPU215/CPU216在此基础上还有PID指令、通讯能力 强等特点。
可编程控制器 2、应用
图1 电机Y—△起动图
电机 Y—△起动控制梯形图
可编程控制器 第一章
西门子S7-200 PLC 介绍
西门子S7-200 PLC 介绍 西门子
目的: 目的:
通过对日本欧姆龙公 司C40P学习,掌握了PLC 的原理及应用,本次课的 目的是让大家知道遇到不 同的PLC如何去使用。
内容: 内容:
1、西门子S7-200 PLC 产品介绍; 2、西门子S7-200 PLC 特点; 3、西门子S7-200 PLC 功能及扩展; 4、西门子S7-200 PLC I/O地址分配及应用。



Wi-SUN SDK GAGecko SDK Suite 4.0December 15, 2021Wireless Smart Ubiquitous Network (Wi-SUN) is the leading IPv6 sub-GHz mesh technol-Array ogy for smart city and smart utility applications. Wi-SUN brings Smart Ubiquitous Networksto service providers, utilities, municipalities/local government, and other enterprises, byenabling interoperable, multi-service, and secure wireless mesh networks. Wi-SUN canbe used for large-scale outdoor IoT wireless communication networks in a wide range ofapplications covering both line-powered and battery-powered nodes.Silicon Labs' Wi-SUN hardware is certified by the Wi-SUN Alliance, a global industry as-sociation devoted to seamless LPWAN connectivity. Wi-SUN builds upon open standardinternet protocols (IP) and APIs, enabling developers to extend existing infrastructure plat-forms to add new capabilities. Built to scale with long-range capabilities, high-datathroughput and IPv6 support, Wi-SUN simplifies wireless infrastructure for industrial ap-plications and the evolution of smart cities.These release notes cover SDK versions: released December 15, 2021Compatibility and Use NoticesFor information about security updates and notices, see the Security chapter of the Gecko Platform Release notes installed with this SDK or on the Silicon Labs Release Notes page. Silicon Labs also strongly recommends that you subscribe to Security Advisories for up-to-date information. For instructions, or if you are new to the Silicon Labs Wi-SUN SDK, see Using This Release.Compatible Compilers:IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM) version 8.50.9•Using wine to build with the IarBuild.exe command line utility or IAR Embedded Workbench GUI on macOS or Linux could result in incorrect files being used due to collisions in wine’s hashing algorithm for generating short file names.•Customers on macOS or Linux are advised not to build with IAR outside of Simplicity Studio. Customers who do should carefully verify that the correct files are being used.GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 10.2.1, provided with Simplicity Studio.Contents Contents1Wi-SUN Stack (2)1.1New Items (2)1.2Improvements (2)1.3Fixed Issues (2)1.4Known Issues in the Current Release (2)1.5Deprecated Items (2)1.6Removed Items (2)2Wi-SUN Applications (3)2.1New Items (3)2.2Improvements (3)2.3Fixed Issues (3)2.4Known Issues in the Current Release (3)2.5Deprecated Items (3)2.6Removed Items (3)3Using This Release (4)3.1Installation and Use (4)3.2Security Information (4)3.3Support (5)Wi-SUN Stack 1 Wi-SUN Stack1.1 New ItemsAdded in release•Added release quality libraries. They provide the same Wi-SUN features but are not logging anything.•Added a new API sl_wisun_reset_statistics that resets all the counters read by calling sl_wisun_get_statistics.•Added new APIs sl_wisun_get_neighbor_count() and sl_wisun_get_neighbors() that indicate the neighbor count (par-ents and children) and their MAC address.•Added a new API sl_wisun_get_neighbor_info() that returns information about a neighbor.•Added a new API sl_wisun_set_unicast_settings() that configures the frequency hopping unicast dwell interval. •Added a new API sl_wisun_set_trace_level() and sl_wisun_set_trace_filter() that configure the stack traces.1.2 Improvements•Added support for mbedtls v3.0•Stack flash footprint reduction1.3 Fixed IssuesFixed in release Reworked Wi-SUN stack tasks priorities. A race between an interruption routine and a task was causing intempestive connection losses when using FreeRTOS.750407 Fixed the unicast channel filtering. Under certain conditions, a bit-order conversion was missing and was allowing forbidden channels to be used to transmit.731225 Fixed an error causing the authentication waiting list to be broken. It was causing the authentication of new devices to be significantly slower when connecting a few dozen in parallel.1.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseNone1.5 Deprecated ItemsNone1.6 Removed ItemsNoneWi-SUN Applications 2 Wi-SUN Applications2.1 New ItemsAdded in release SupportNew Applications:•Wi-SUN - SoC Network Measurement•Wi-SUN - SoC RCP. Used by the border router reference design2.2 ImprovementsChanged in release•Major refactor at the Application Framework•More granular components (OR relationship)•Wi-SUN SDK - Application Core•Wi-SUN SDK - POSIX-compliant Socket•Wi-SUN SDK - Application CLI•Wi-SUN SDK - Ping•Wi-SUN SDK - Event Manager•CoAP PUT request to LED toggle•Nanostack dependency removal•Wi-SUN SoC Border Router: added new CLI commands to configure the frequency hopping unicast and broadcast intervals.•Wi-SUN SoC CLI: added new CLI commands to read neighbors’ information, configure the stack traces and the frequency hopping unicast interval, and reset the stack statistics.2.3 Fixed IssuesNone2.4 Known Issues in the Current ReleaseIssues in bold were added since the previous release.Simplicity Studio – Network Analyzer: Wi-SUN EncryptedPackets are not supported yet.2.5 Deprecated ItemsNone2.6 Removed Items•Wi-SUN - SoC Border Router with backhaul.3 Using This ReleaseThis release contains the following•Wi-SUN stack library•Wi-SUN sample applications•Wi-SUN border router pre-compiled demos•DocumentationIf you are a first time user, see QSG181: Silicon Labs Wi-SUN Quick-Start Guide.3.1 Installation and UseThe Wi-SUN SDK is provided as part of the Gecko SDK (GSDK), the suite of Silicon Labs SDKs. To quickly get started with the GSDK, install Simplicity Studio 5, which will set up your development environment and walk you through GSDK installation. Simplicity Studio 5 includes everything needed for IoT product development with Silicon Labs devices, including a resource and project launcher, software configuration tools, full IDE with GNU toolchain, and analysis tools. Installation instructions are provided in the online Simplicity Studio 5 User’s Guide.Alternatively, Gecko SDK may be installed manually by downloading or cloning the latest from GitHub. See https:///Sili-conLabs/gecko_sdk for more information.Simplicity Studio installs the GSDK by default in:•(Windows): C:\Users\<NAME>\SimplicityStudio\SDKs\gecko_sdk•(MacOS): /Users/<NAME>/SimplicityStudio/SDKs/gecko_sdkDocumentation specific to the SDK version is installed with the SDK.3.2 Security InformationSecure Vault IntegrationThis version of the stack does not integrate Secure Vault Key Management.Security AdvisoriesTo subscribe to Security Advisories, log in to the Silicon Labs customer portal, then select Account Home. Click HOME to go to the portal home page and then click the Manage Notifications tile. Make sure that ‘Software/Security Advisory Notices & Product Change Notices (PCNs)’ is checked, and that you are subscribed at minimum for your platform and protocol. Click Save to save any changes.3.3 SupportDevelopment Kit customers are eligible for training and technical support. Contact Silicon Laboratories support at /support.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USA IoT Portfolio /IoT SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support & Community /communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Redpine Signals ®, WiSeConnect , n-Link, ThreadArch ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, Precision32®, Simplicity Studio ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。

Siemens 电子产品说明书

Siemens 电子产品说明书

全集成自动化 — 机场解决方案西门子(中国)有限公司工业业务领域工业自动化集团驱动技术集团楼宇科技集团本宣传册中提供的信息只是对产品的一般说明和特性介绍。




如有变动,恕不事先通知订货号:E20001-A-0163-C700-X-5D007018-SH905836-05101西门子公司版权所有北方区北京北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号邮政编码:100102电话:(010)6476 8888传真:(010)6476 4915济南济南市舜耕路28号舜华园商务会所5楼邮政编码:250014电话:(0531)8266 6088传真:(0531)8266 0836西安西安市高新区科技路33号高新国际商务中心28层邮政编码:710075电话:(029)8831 9898传真:(029)8833 8818天津天津市和平区南京路189号津汇广场写字楼1401室邮政编码:300051电话:(022)8319 1666传真:(022)2332 8833青岛青岛市香港中路76号青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店405室邮政编码:266071电话:(0532)8573 5888传真:(0532)8576 9963郑州郑州市中原中路220号裕达国贸中心写字楼2506室邮政编码:450007电话:(0371)6771 9110传真:(0371)6771 9120唐山唐山市建设北路99号火炬大厦1308房间邮政编码:063020电话:(0315)317 9450/51传真:(0315)317 9733太原太原市府西街69号国际贸易中心西塔16层1610B 邮政编码:030002电话:(0351)868 9048传真:(0351)868 9046乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐市五一路160号鸿福饭店C 座918室邮政编码:830000电话:(0991)582 1122传真:(0991)584 6288洛阳洛阳市中州西路15号洛阳牡丹大酒店4层415房间邮政编码:471003电话:(0379)6468 0295传真:(0379)6468 0296兰州兰州市东岗西路589号锦江阳光酒店21层2111室邮政编码:730000电话:(0931)888 5151传真:(0931)881 0707石家庄石家庄市中山东路303号石家庄世贸广场酒店1309室邮政编码:050011电话:(0311)8669 5100传真:(0311)8669 5300烟台烟台市南大街9号金都大厦16F1606室邮政编码:264001电话:(0535)212 1880传真:(0535)212 1887淄博淄博市张店区共青团西路95号钻石商务大厦19层L 单元邮政编码:255036电话:(0533)230 9898传真:(0533)230 9944无锡无锡市解放路1000号金陵饭店24层2401-2403邮政编码:214007电话:(0510)8273 6868传真:(0510)8276 8481徐州徐州市彭城路93号泛亚大厦18层邮政编码:221003电话:(0516)8370 8388传真:(0516)8370 8308合肥合肥市濉溪路278号财富广场27层2701、2702室邮政编码:230041电话:(0551)568 1299传真:(0551)568 1256宜昌宜昌市东山大道95号清江大厦2011室邮政编码:443000电话:(0717)631 9033传真:(0717)631 9034连云港连云港市连云区中华西路千樱小区B 幢3单元601室邮政编码:222042电话:(0518)8231 3929传真:(0518)8231 3929扬州杨州市江阳中路43号九州大厦7楼704房间邮政编码:225009电话:(0514)8778 4218传真:(0514)8787 7115杭州杭州市西湖区杭大路15号嘉华国际商务中心1710室邮政编码:310007电话:(0571)8765 2999传真:(0571)8765 2998温州温州市车站大道高联大厦9楼B1室邮政编码:325000电话:(0577)8606 7091传真:(0577)8606 7093苏州苏州市新加坡工业园苏华路2号国际大厦11层17-19单元邮政编码:215021电话:(0512)6288 8191传真:(0512)6661 4898宁波宁波市沧海路1926号上东商务中心25楼2511室邮政编码:315040电话:(0574)8785 5377传真:(0574)8787 0631南昌南昌市北京西路88号江信国际大厦1401室邮政编码:330046电话:(0791)630 4918传真:(0791)630 4918常州常州市关河东路38号九洲寰宇大厦911室邮政编码:213001电话:(0519)8989 5801传真:(0791)8989 5802绍兴绍兴市解放北路玛格丽特商业中心西区2幢玛格丽特酒店10层1020 室邮政编码:312000电话:(0575)8820 1306传真:(0575)8820 1632/1759南通南通市人民中路20号中城大酒店(汉庭酒店)9楼9988邮政编码:226001电话:(0513)8532 2488传真:(0513)8532 2058扬中扬中市扬子中路199号华康医药大厦703室邮政编码:212200电话:(0511)8327 566传真:(0511)8323 356华南区广州广州市天河路208号天河城侧粤海天河城大厦8-10层邮政编码:510620电话:(020)3718 2888传真:(020)3718 2164福州福州市五四路136号中银大厦21层邮政编码:350003电话:(0591)8750 0888传真:(0591)8750 0333南宁南宁市金湖路63号金源现代城 9层 935室邮政编码:530022电话:(0771)552 0700传真:(0771)556 0701深圳深圳市华侨城汉唐大厦9楼邮政编码:518053电话:(0755)2693 5188传真:(0755)2693 4245东莞东莞市南城区宏远路1号宏远大厦1403-1405室邮政编码:523087电话:(0769)2240 9881传真:(0769)2242 2575厦门厦门市厦禾路189号银行中心21层2111-2112室邮政编码:361003电话:(0592)268 5508传真:(0592)268 5505佛山佛山市汾江南路38号东建大厦19楼 K 单元邮政编码:528000电话:(0757)8232 6710传真:(0757)8232 6720海口海口市大同路38号海口国际商业大厦1042房间邮政编码:570102电话:(0898)6678 8038传真:(0898)6678 2118珠海珠海市景山路193号珠海石景山旅游中心229房间邮政编码:519015电话:(0756)337 0869传真:(0756)332 4473汕头汕头市金海湾大酒店1502房邮政编码:515041电话:(0754)848 1196传真:(0754)848 1195湛江湛江市经济开发区乐山大道31号湛江皇冠假日酒店1616单元邮政编码:524022电话:(0759)338 1616/3232 传真:(0759)338 6789西南区成都成都市人民南路二段18号川信大厦18/17楼邮政编码:610016电话:(028)8619 9499传真:(028)8619 9355重庆重庆市渝中区邹容路68号大都会商厦18层1809-12邮政编码:400010电话:(023)6382 8919传真:(023)6370 0612昆明昆明市北京路155号红塔大厦1204室邮政编码:650011电话:(0871)315 8080传真:(0871)315 8093攀枝花攀枝花市炳草岗新华街泰隆国际商务大厦B 座16层B2-2邮政编码:617000电话:(0812)335 9500/01传真:(0812)335 9718宜宾宜宾市长江大道东段67号华荣酒店0233号房邮政编码:644002电话:(0831)233 8078传真:(0831)233 2680绵阳绵阳市高新区火炬广场西街北段89号长虹大酒店四楼商务会议中心邮政编码:621000电话:(0816)241 0142传真:(0816)241 8950贵阳贵州省贵阳市新华路富中国际广场15层C 区邮政编码:550002电话:(0851)551 0310传真:(0851)551 3932西宁西宁市新宁路新宁花苑A 座紫恒国际公寓16楼21613室邮政编码:800028电话:(0971)550 3390传真:(0971)550 3390售后维修服务中心西门子工厂自动化工程有限公司(SFAE )北京市朝阳区仙桥东路9号A1栋8层邮政编码:100016电话:(010)8459 7000传真:(010)8459 7070上海西门子工业自动化有限公司(SIAS ) 上海市中山南二路1089号徐汇苑大厦22-25楼邮政编码:200030电话:(021)5410 8666 传真:(021)6757 9500技术培训北京:(010)8459 7518上海:(021)6281 5933-305/307/308广州:(020)3810 2015武汉:(027)8548 6688-6400沈阳:(024)22949880/82518219重庆:(023)6382 8919-3002 技术资料北京:(010)6476 3726技术支持与服务热线电话:400-810-4288传真:(010)6471 9991E-mail :*************************Web: 亚太技术支持(英文服务)及软件授权维修热线电话:(010)6475 7575传真:(010)6474 7474Email:***********************************银川银川市北京东路123号太阳神大酒店A 区1507房间邮政编码:750001电话:(0951)786 9866传真:(0951)786 9867塘沽天津经济技术开发区第三大街广场东路20号滨海金融街东区E4C 座三层15号邮政编码:300457电话:(022)5981 0333传真:(022)5981 0335东北区沈阳沈阳市沈河区北站路59号 财富大厦E 座13层邮政编码:110013电话:(024)8251 8111传真:(024)8251 8597大连大连市高新园七贤岭广贤路117号邮政编码:116001电话:(0411)8369 9760传真:(0411)8360 9468哈尔滨哈尔滨市南岗区红军街15号奥威斯发展大厦30层A 座邮政编码:150001电话:(0451)5300 9933传真:(0451)5300 9990长春长春市西安大路569号长春香格里拉大饭店401房间邮政编码:130061电话:(0431)8898 1100传真:(0431)8898 1087包头包头市钢铁大街 66号国贸大厦 2107室邮政编码:014010电话:(0472)590 8380传真:(0472)590 8385鞍山鞍山市铁东区园林路333号鞍山四海大酒店716室邮政编码:114010电话:(0412)6388 888传真:(0412)6388 716呼和浩特呼和浩特市乌兰察布西路内蒙古饭店15层1508房间邮政编码:010010电话:(0471)693 8888-1508传真:(0471)628 8269华东区上海上海市浦东新区浦东大道1号中国船舶大厦10楼邮政编码: 200120 电话: (021)3889 3889传真: (021)5879 5155 长沙长沙市五一大道456号亚大时代2101房邮政编码:410011电话:(0731)8446 7770传真:(0731)8446 7771南京南京市玄武区中山路228号地铁大厦18层邮政编码:210008电话:(025)8456 0550传真:(025)8451 1612武汉武汉市汉口江汉区建设大道709号建银大厦18层邮政编码:430015电话:(027)8548 6688传真:(027)8548 6668目录机场全集成自动化2机场的首选:SIMATIC 控制器可根据机场大小和吞吐量选择型号 4高效的操作和监视:SIMATIC HMI6从传送系统直至机场运行中心的统一通讯:SIMATIC NET8随需应变的可靠驱动解决方案 10功能强大的高效传感器:SIMATIC 传感器 14全集成智能楼宇控制系统 16多样的化的产品为您提供更多解决方案 17稳定可靠的配电系统 18致力于满足您的业务需求 20技术支持与服务 — 卓越的国际化技术支持与服务团队与您携手共步成功! 22精彩实例:北京机场行李处理系统 24应用实例25机场是一个综合性项目,通过创新和整合推动一个机场的变革,使其运营更为高效以下是西门子为优化机场运营,提高客户满意度,增强机场安保措施,绿色节能等理念,提出的全方位系统解决方案。

西门子PLM软件Parasolid 产品介绍说明书

西门子PLM软件Parasolid 产品介绍说明书

Siemens PLM Software ParasolidSummaryParasolid® software is the world’s premier 3D geometric modeling component, selected by leading application vendors and end-user organizations spanning multiple industries as their preferred platform for delivering innovative 3D solutions with unparalleled modeling power, versatility and interoperability. A key offering within Siemens PLM Software’s PLM Components family of software products, Parasolid is tar-geted at a broad range of applications across the product lifecycle and provides robust, high-quality functionality that is easy to use and cost-effective to implement.World-class geometric modeling for demanding 3D applications Parasolid supports solid modeling, facet modeling, generalized cellular modeling, direct modeling and freeform surface/sheet modeling within an integrated framework. Parasolid is available in three commercial packages: Designer, Editor and Communicator – each of which is offered with convergent modeling technology as an option – and is also available to the aca-demic community via an Educator package. The functional scope and typical application at each level are outlined below. The table on the next page summarizes the corre-sponding functionality.Parasolid Designer delivers the full power of Parasolid functionality for unlimited creation, manipulation, interrogation and storage of 3D models. Over 900 object-based API functions provide the most comprehensive and robust 3D modeling platform for demanding 3D applications. Parasolid Editor provides an extended subset of Parasolid functionality that is ideal for analysis, manufacturing and other downstream applications that need to easily manipulate, edit, repair or simplify 3D models without the need for advanced modeling operations.Parasolid benefits• Provides ideal foundationfor innovative 3D applica-tion development• Reduces development costsand risks by providing aproven 3D modelingsolution• Ensures state-of-the-artquality and robustness• Convergent modeling tech-nology seamlesslyintegrates classic b-rep andfacet b-rep modeling opera-tions in a unifiedarchitecture• Offers world-class technicalsupport for rapidtime-to-market• Enables instantcompatibility with otherParasolid-based applicationsthrough translation-freeexchange of 3D data/plmcomponentsParasolidPLM COMPONENTSParasolid Communicator comprises versatile base functionality, including interoper a bility, visualization and data interro g ation capabili-ties, that provides a platform for applications to consume existing 3D models.Parasolid Educator, complementing the above commercial packages, provides academic institutions with the full power of Parasolid functionality for teaching,research and industrial collaboration.Parasolid facts• Fully integrated modeling of 3D curves, surfaces and solids with over 900 API functions • Modeling foundation for hundreds of the world’s leading CAD, CAM and CAE applications• Corporate standard forSiemens’ NX™, Solid Edge®, Femap™ and Teamcenter® software solutions • Used in over 3.5 million seats of application soft-ware globally• Licensed by 170 software vendors for integration into more than 350 applications • Provides industry-leading robustness with over a mil-lion quality tests run daily • Provides unmatched two-way data compatibility via Parasolid native XT format Parasolid usageParasolid is the component of choice for both cloud-based solutions and traditional stand-alone workstations. Parasolid is deployed across a wide range of PLM application domains, including:• Mechanical CAD • CAM/manufacturing • CAE/validation • AEC• Visualization • Data exchange • Interoperability • Knowledge-based engineering • CMM/inspection • CNC/machine tools • Corporate R&D • Academic R&DPLM COMPONENTSFoundation capabilitiesParasolid is built on critical foundation capabilities that enable Parasolid to be deployed successfully in a wide variety of software applications. Enabled across all relevant functionality, Parasolid foundation capabilities include:• Tolerant modeling for intrinsically reliable modeling with imported data• Convergent modeling technology, available as a licensed option, seamlessly integrates classic b-rep and facet b-rep modeling operations in a unified architecture• Attributes and callbacks for application-specific character-istics and behavior• Session and partitioned rollback for flexible history and undo/redo implementation• Data management and tracking for managing models and associated data as they evolve• Thread safety and symmetric multi-processing support for optimal performance on multi-processor machines• Model storage in forwards and backwards compatible native XT format• .NET Binding to integrate Parasolid into .NET applications written in C#• Broad platform coverage including comprehensive support for Windows, Linux, Unix and MacGetting startedParasolid is delivered with a compre h ensive set of documen-tation and developer resources, including a complete Jumpstart Kit of tools that promote easy integration of Parasolid into new and existing applications:• Full Product Documentation Suite in html and pdf formats • Parasolid Workshop prototypingenvironment for Windows• Example Application Resourcesto get you up and running• Code Example Suite illustratesbest implementation practice• Parasolid ‘Getting Started’ Guideanswers your questions• Parasolid Overview summarizesParasolid capabilities• Parasolid API Training Materialsto educate the team Support, training and consultingParasolid has a renowned technical support, training and consulting team, dedicated to helping customers achieve the best possible implementation by providing expert advice on all matters related to Parasolid usage.Responsive telephone and email support is backed by an online support center that provides round-the-clock access to frequent product updates, as well as customer-specific issue reporting and tracking.In addition, specialized training and consulting services are available that can be tailored to customer requirements. Whether you are starting fresh, extending an existing appli-cation or transitioning from other modeling technology, the Parasolid support, training and consulting team is with you every step of the way.Interoperability productsThe Parasolid product suite is augmented by a range of add-on products that provide high-quality interoperability with third-party CAD data. These include Parasolid Bodyshop, a specialized tool for boosting the success of 3D data exchange by cleaning and repairing imported models, and Parasolid Translator toolkits for converting model data between Parasolid and other major standard and proprietary CAD formats, including STEP, IGES, Catia V4, Catia V5, Pro/ Engineer and ACIS(SAT).Siemens PLM Software partners with Tech Soft 3D to offer Hoops Exchange. This highly-integrated and industry-proven 3D data collaboration solution for Parasolid provides high performance import, export, healing and visualization toolsfor a wide range of 3D file formats.Siemens PLM SoftwareAmericas +1 314 264 8499Europe +44 (0) 1276 413200Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3308/plmrespective holders.5661-Y7 3/16 BConvergent modeling: facetmodel of knee joint withb-rep surgical guide, mod-eled in single architecture.。

西门子HiPath 4000 系列产品介绍

西门子HiPath 4000 系列产品介绍

目录1HIPATH 4000 - 概述 (2)1.1 H I P ATH 4000硬件设计 (2)2HIPATH 4000管理 (9)3创新电话技术—— HIPATH 4000与工作终端 (13)3.1 OPTI P OINT 500 (13)optiPoint 500 Entry (14)optiPoint 500 Eco (14)optiPoint 500 Basic (14)optiPoint 电话机适配器 (16)optiPoint 模拟适配器 (16)optiPoint ISDN适配器 (16)optiPoint声学适配器 (16)optiPoint录音适配器 (16)optiPoint IP适配器 (16)3.2 OPTI P OINT 400 (17)3.3 PC客户端 (17)4HIPATH 4000与计算机电话集成(CTI) (19)1HiPath 4000 - 概述HiPath 4000 IP集成平台是新一代产品,为大中型企业客户提供真正的全球业务解决方案。





HiPath 4000 IP集成平台考虑了现有Hicom用户和新客户对新一代产品以及以后产品的使用。

1.1HiPath 4000硬件设计HiPath 4000系列包含二个不同类型,能满足不同规模企业的具体需求。

4300是一个1,392端口的中间系统,HiPath 4500是一个5,760端口系统,专为大型公司而设计。


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Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.19
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
Automation and Drives
S7-400™: 模块
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.11
通讯处理器 (CP)
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.5
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
状态指示 存储器卡 PPI 连接
S7-200™: S7-22x系列CPU设计
模式选择器 电位器 I/O 扩展
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.7
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
PS (可选)
IM (可选)
S7-HiGraph Modular PID Control S7-PDIAG
Standard PID Control
Pቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱODAVE MPI
STEP 7 Professional
Automation and Drives
S7-300™: CPU设计
2002年 10月之前的CPU 314
2002年 10月之后的CPU 314
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.9
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.16
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
STEP 7 工具
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.17
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
哪种 PLC?
STEP 7 Micro/WIN
STEP 7 软件
STEP 7 Lite
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.12
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
Power PG
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Field PG
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.13
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.15
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
EM 221 DI 8 x DC24V I.0 I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4 I.5 I.6 I.7
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
S7-200™: 模块/扩展模块(EM)
I / O 模块
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
>= P133
>= P233
>= 48 MB
>= 128 MB
>= 96 MB
>= 128 MB
根据安装, 介于 300 MB 至 600 MB, 加上 128 to 256 MB 用于Windows 交换文件

CP5611 (PCI)或 CP5511 / CP5512 (PCMCIA)或 PC适配器 存储器卡编程适配器(可选)
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.14
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
安装 STEP 7 软件
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
处理器 RAM
硬盘: 鼠标 接口:
安装STEP 7对PG/PC的要求
Windows (所有的, Win 3.1, 3.11和 XP Home除外)
>= P133
>= P150
I0.5 I1.5 I0 .6 I0 .7
Q0 .0 Q0 .1 Q0 .2 Q0 .3 Q0 .4 Q0 .5 Q0 .6 Q0 .7
Q1 .0 Q1 .1
CPU 214
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.4
- 计数 - 定位
- 闭环控制
CP: - 点-到-点
- PROFIBUS - 工业以太网
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.8
SITRAIN Training for
I0 .6 I0 .7
Q0 .0 Q0 .1 Q0 .2 Q0 .3 Q0 .4 Q0 .5
CPU 212
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.3
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
I0 .0 I0 .1 I0 .2 I0 .3 I0 .4 I0 .5
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.1
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
学习了本章之后,你将 ...
了解 SIMATIC® S7系统家族概况
熟悉 S7-200™ 和 S7-300/400™ 自动化系统
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.
Date: File:
2022/3/23 SystemFamily.6
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
SITRAIN Training for
Automation and Drives
S7-200 ™
S7-21x (旧版本)
I0.0 I1.0 I0.1 I1.1 I0.2 I1.2 I0.3 I1.3 I0.4 I1.4
SIMATIC® Software
SIMATIC® Controller
Siemens AG 2003. All rights reserved.