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第34卷第1期地球科学)))中国地质大学学报Vol.34No.1 2009年1月Earth Science)Jour nal of China Univer sity of Geosciences Jan.2009







摘要:对采自宜昌三峡地区南华纪沉积岩中碎屑锆石进行了U2Pb定年,新元古代锆石U2Pb年龄在833Ma、785Ma出现高峰,说明此时期有两期大规模岩浆活动.结合前人的Hf同位素结果,新元古代锆石U2Pb年龄与E Hf(t)值关系图表明:910~890Ma 之间锆石E Hf(t)值表现为高正值(U10,接近亏损地幔演化值),890~840Ma锆石E H f(t)值明显降低,并有负值出现,另外在890Ma处有年龄峰出现.笔者认为扬子和华夏板块的拼合可能在890Ma发生了由俯冲到陆-陆或陆-弧的碰撞,之前的高E Hf(t)值由洋壳俯冲造成,之后碰撞作用陆壳物质熔融造成了E Hf(t)值的降低;840~800Ma的锆石E Hf(t)值有正也有负,800~ 780Ma的锆石E Hf(t)值小于0,780~750Ma的锆石E Hf(t)值大于0.这些数据与830~795Ma、780~745Ma两期地幔柱事件吻合.关键词:扬子板块;锆石U2P b定年;地幔柱;R odinia超大陆;Hf同位素.


U2Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons of Nanhua Sedimentary Rocks from the Yangtze Gorges:Implications for Genesis of

Neoproterozoic Magmatism in South China

XIE Shi2wen1,2,GAO Shan1,2,3,LIU Xiao2ming3,GAO Ri2sheng4

1.F aculty of Earth Sciences,China Univer sity of Geosciences,Wuhan430074,China

2.State K ey Labor atory of Geological P rocesses and Mineral Resources,China Univer sity of Geosciences,Wuhan430074,China

3.State K ey Labor atory of Continental Dynamics,Depar tment of Geolog y,Northwest Univer sity,Xi.an710069,China

P C Inter national Resear ch Center,Beijing100083,China

Abstr act:This paper repor ts LA2ICP2M S U2Pb dates of det rita l zircons from the Nanhua clastic sedimentary rocks in the Yan2 gtze gor ges.Neoproterozoic U2Pb ages show two peaks at833Ma and785Ma,assumably cor responding t o two large2sca le pe2 r iods of magmatism.E Hf(t)values for the910-890M a zircons are positive(U10,similar to the value of the coeval depleted mantle),while those for the890-840Ma zircons tend to decr ease t o negat ive values,and there shows age peaks at890Ma. These data allow us to infer that tr ansformation of oceanic subduct ion into continenta l collision or continental2ar c collision oc2 curr ed at about890Ma via amalgamation of the Yangt ze and Catha ysia blocks.The high E Hf(t)values prior to890Ma resulted from t he subduct ion of oceanic crust.T he subsequent dr op of E H f(t)va lues was caused by the crust melting and crusta l colli2 sion.E Hf(t)values for the840-800Ma zircons a re either negative or positive,whereas E H f(t)values for the800-780Ma zir2 cons are all negat ive and E Hf(t)values for the780-750Ma zir cons are most ly posit ive.T hese data ar e in coincidence with two stages of the mant le plume beneath the Yangtze craton at830-795Ma and780-745Ma.

Key words:Yangtze block;zir con U2Pb dat ing;mantle plume;Rodinia super continent;Hf isotope.


