Hometown 包头英语介绍PPT

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special purpose Buses’ road
五、Local menus
Amazing Breakfirst Beizi: the most popular breakfast at local area
a kind of baked flour food. You can enjoy salty,sweet tastes, with a lot of shapes. In particular the ones called Tongue of a Cow.
Special flour foods
焖面 莜面
Unique local Moon Cake
六、Travel in Baotou
Scenic grassland
希 拉 穆 仁 Grass land
Shaomai: the most difficult to digest
Shaomai,which with mutton and onion stuffing. It is a little greasy. Sold by “liang ”, including 6 , ten RMB.
Mutton Shaomai
相传乾隆皇帝狩猎至大青山一带, 又饥又寒,时候不早了,便命随从 就近找一小店充饥,可是店主正巧 “面袋已空,肉已用完,拿甚做?” 为难无奈之下,店主只好把仅剩的 一点面、葱和碎肉归拢到一块,看 着肉不够,便在馅里加了粉面,再 把皮子擀的薄如纸,为了显眼好看, 还把碗当擀面杖,因此皮子周围就 成了花牙牙细穗穗。须臾,揭笼取 食,看着眼前的食物如罂粟开花、 玉囊闪光,乾隆迫不及待地品尝, “嚯,这东西皮薄肉滑。”顷刻统 统吃光。吃罢,他一边回味,一边 问店主:“此为何物?”店主被问得 瞠目结舌,随口说这叫稍美,意 指因为天色已晚,捎带的就卖了。
Deer in “Zoo”?
二、B a s ic s a b o u t B a o to u
Location: Baotou lies in the center of Inner Mongolia, on the north bank of Yellow river. Area: about 28,000 square Kms. Population: about 245 millions Ethnic groups: living with Mongolian, Han, Hui , Manchu and so on. The majority is?? no doubts is course
HAN ~ next is
Mongolia , and Hui.
三、Industrial City
Baotou is the largest industrial city in Inner Mongolia, is the national important foundation industry base. Baotou has a great variety of mineral resources, reach 74 types, abounding in steel and rare earth. Especially be rich in rare earth.Baotou has the largest reserve of rare earth in the world.(白云鄂博) In addition, Baotou is also called
“steel city of grassland”(草原钢城)
The centre of political, economic area. Shopping Mall: 万 达,王府井,维多利 亚,包头百货 and so on Business buildings are gathered here. You also enjoy the star hotel service here, 3~5 star
Haw Beautiful
the Blue Sky is!
Welcome to My
Oh My God! ! Are you kidding me?
一、The meaning of Bao Tou
• It is from the Mongolian “package grams map”, in Chinese character is“包克图”,which means “deer” in place, so it is also called Lucheng. • The pronunciation of “包克图”is close to Baotou ,so it is the origin of the city’s name.