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Public Shared Function MD5(ByVal strKey As String) As String

Dim sPwd As String

Dim bytPwd As [Byte]() = ConStrArr(strKey)

Dim hashPwd As Byte() =

CType(System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig.CreateFro mName("MD5"), _

System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm).ComputeHash(b ytPwd)

sPwd = BitConverter.ToString(hashPwd)

sPwd = LCase(sPwd.Replace("-", "")) ‘去掉中间


Return sPwd

End Function

Public Shared Function MD5(ByVal Key As Byte()) As Byte()


CType(System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig.CreateFro mName("MD5"), _

System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm).ComputeHash( Key)

End Function

当初写这代码是为了将用了.NET的MD5验证的程序能够用于没有MD5算法的Windows 2000 SP4以下版本,另外也可以更好的了解MD5算法的原理和步骤。


Public Class MD5Class MD5

Private Const AA As Integer = &H67452301

Private Const BB As Integer = &HEFCDAB89

Private Const CC As Integer = &H98BADCFE

Private Const DD As Integer = &H10325476 Private Const Ts As Long = &H100000000 Private Const S11 As Integer = 7

Private Const S12 As Integer = 12

Private Const S13 As Integer = 17

Private Const S14 As Integer = 22

Private Const S21 As Integer = 5

Private Const S22 As Integer = 9

Private Const S23 As Integer = 14

Private Const S24 As Integer = 20

Private Const S31 As Integer = 4

Private Const S32 As Integer = 11

Private Const S33 As Integer = 16

Private Const S34 As Integer = 23

Private Const S41 As Integer = 6

Private Const S42 As Integer = 10

Private Const S43 As Integer = 15

Private Const S44 As Integer = 21 Private Si As Integer() = New Integer() {}字节函数#Region " 字节函数"

Private Shared Function Int64ToBytes()Function

Int64ToBytes(ByVal IntValue As Int64) As Byte()

Return New Byte() {(IntValue >> 0) And

(IntValue >> 8) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 16) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 24) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 32) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 40) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 48) And &HFF, _

(IntValue >> 56) And &HFF _


End Function Public Shared Function

Int32ToBytes()Function Int32ToBytes(ByVal IntValue As Int32) As Byte()

Return New Byte() {(IntValue >> 0) And

&HFF, _

(IntValue >> 8) And
