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Liyang:My name is Liyang,And

I’m the founder

of Crazy English. I’m very happy to be here to teach you English.And I’d like to introduce a friend to you.He is American(美国人).


Say something or give them some information about yourself.

Anthony:OK.Hi,everybody.My name is Anthony and I’m from Hawaii [hɑ:'waii:](夏威夷),USA.

Liyang:Very beautiful place,a paradise.

Anthony:That’s right.

New words:(生词)

1.dialog ['daiəlɔg]:n.对话

2.founder['faundə] n. 创立者,建立者v. 摔倒,失败,沉没,弄

3.teach[ti:tʃ] vt. 教,教书,教导,教训vi. 给予指导4.introduce[.intrə'dju:s] vt. 介绍,引进,采用,提出,提倡,放入

rmation[.infə'meiʃən] n. 信息,情报,通知,资料

6.paradise['pærədais] n. 天堂

Liyang:And what did you study in


Anthony:I studied music. Liyang:Wow.Why did you come to china?

Anthony:For opportunity.

Liyang:China is a land full of opportunities.Many many foreigners,especially

Americans(come to China.) OK,so,are your parents in favor of

your plan?


New words:(生词)

1.study['stʌdi]n. 学习,研究,学科,沉思,书房vt. 读书,计划,研究,记忆,调查vi. 学习,研究,沉思

2.college['kɔlidʒ]n. 学院,学校,社团,枢机主教团

3.opportunity[.ɔpə'tju:niti]n. 机会,时机

4.foreigner['fɔ:rinə]n. 外国人,外人

5.especially[is'peʃəli]adv. 特别,尤其

6.favor['feivə]n. 好意,喜爱,偏爱,特权vt. 给予,关心,偏爱,支持,利于,长得像

7.plan[plæn]n. 计划,策略,方法vt. 计划,设计,打算

8.absolutely['æbsəlu:tli] adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

Liyang:And are you going to go

back to America?

Anthony:I visit my parents every year.

Liyang:OK.We welcome more and more Americans to China,because we need Americans to help us with our


Crazy Baby:Hi,everybody.I’m Crazy Baby!Nice to meet you!



Crazy Baby:It’s true.

Liyang:Hey.Where did you learn such good English? Crazy Baby:I follow you.

New words:(生词)

1.visit['vizit]v. 参观,访问,拜访n. 探访,参观

2.fantastic[fæn'tæstik]adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

3.unbelievable[.ʌnbi'li:vəbl]adj. 难以置信的,不可信的

4.true[tru:]adj. 真实的,真的adv. 真实地n. 真相,精确vt. 使...平衡

5.follow['fɔləu]vt. 跟随,沿行,遵循,听得懂vi. 跟着做,之后是n. 跟

Liyang:Follow me? I’m so flattered.

Crazy Baby:Oh.Never mind.

e e on! Liyang:I’m shocked.

Crazy Baby:You should be proud. Liyang:I’m speechless.

Crazy Baby:Loudly.Quickly.

New words:(生词)

1.flattered['flætəd]adj. 奉承的,过分夸赞的


2.never['nevə] adv. 从不,未曾,永不,绝不

3.mind[maind]n. 头脑,想法,思想,理智,精神

v. 介意,留心,注意,照顾

4.shocked[ʃɔkt] adj. 震惊的,震撼的;动词shock的过去式和过去分词

5.speechless['spi:tʃlis] adj. 不会说话的,无言的,非言语能表达的

6. loudly['laudli] adv. 大声地,高声地,花俏地


is the first and most important thing if you want to learn to speak good Engoish.Do you agree?

Anthony:That’s right.I agree.

Liyang:Totally agree.
