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JGJ70 规定的普通砂浆凝结时间是指截面 积为30mm2的试杆压入砂浆25mm时,所 需阻力为0.5MPa时的时间。 时的时间。 不分初凝和终 凝。 而特种砂浆的凝结时间通常是用维卡 仪测试, 仪测试,分初凝和终凝时间。 分初凝和终凝时间。如自流平和 聚合物水泥防水砂浆
m −m W = 1 − α × (m − m
× 100 )
Bulk density, 密度 用容积为1升(或0.5升)的标准容量筒, 的标准容量筒,装满 新拌砂浆。 新拌砂浆。
Air pore content, 含气量 EN 1015 - 7
After compacting the HSP mortar with help of the shock table air content is measured through the top part where air will be pressed in to the down pot. With the reading and calculation the air content will be evaluated. Result in volume % of air. Usually we do the test immediately, after 15 min. and 30 min. by Using the same mortar with out steering between the measurements.
Workability, 施工性, 施工性, Elotex method
- Mixing properties,和易性 - Consistency,稠度 - Application performance,施工性
Setting time,凝结时间 Vicat“ test
Cured mortar test 硬化砂浆
Flexural and compressive strength Adhesive strength
EN 1015 – 11
AW 2.3/06/807 AW 2.3/06/808 AW 2.3/06/810 AW 2.3/06/032 AW 2.3/06/004 AW 2.3/06/005
Flexural modulus of elasticity, EN ISO 178
Prisms 160 x 40 x 10 mm have to be prepared. After the storage time, the prism specimens are tested with special equipment made by Netzsch. Force and deformation are determined, and the modulus of elasticity is calculated using a special mathematical formula. As lower the result in N/mm2 is the more flexible the mortar.
Water absorption of a mortar, EN 1015 - 18
依据 EN196-1搅拌砂浆, 将砂浆分两层装试模中, 将砂浆分两层装试模中,每层均需要振实60下,7天后脱模, 天后脱模,然后放于 23°/ 50% r.h下养护至21天,将试件的4个长边用硅胶密封, 个长边用硅胶密封,7天后将试件从中间切开, 天后将试件从中间切开,将断面放 入水中5 to 10 mm ,测试件在吸水 10 分钟、 分钟、 90 分钟 和 1 天后的重量
Mortar consistence by plunger penetration, EN 1015 – 4
After the standard mixing process as per EN196-1, the mortar is poured in two layers into the bronze backer and slightly compacted with a damper. Then after a fixed time regarding mortar life time the plunger will activated and falls down into the Mortar. The impact deepness in mm will be measured and compared by different times.
Elotex - 提供创新的解决方案
Elotex AG 是国民淀粉化学有限公司旗下的成员
Fresh mortar test 新拌砂浆
Workability 施工性能 Setting Time, 凝结时间, 凝结时间, Water retention 保水性 Pot life,适用期( 适用期(使用时间) 使用时间) Mortar consistence by flow table Mortar consistence by plunger penetration Bulk density 密度 Air pore content 含气量 Workable life and correction time 调整时间 EN 1015 - 3 EN196,JGJ70 JG/T230-2007
Flexural and compressive strength, 抗压、 抗压、抗折强度
特种砂浆的抗压和抗折强度。 特种砂浆的抗压和抗折强度。不同的砂浆产品依据相应的标准, 不同的砂浆产品依据相应的标准,养护方式有所不同 依据JGJ70的规定, 的规定,普通砂浆只测抗压强度, 普通砂浆只测抗压强度,是采用边长70.7mm的立方试件
新拌砂浆的测试—保水率依据JG/T230-2007 预拌砂浆
金属或硬塑料圆环试模, 金属或硬塑料圆环试模,内径100mm,内部深度25mm。 医用棉纱, 医用棉纱,尺寸为110mm×110mm,宜选用纱线稀疏、 宜选用纱线稀疏、厚度较薄的棉纱。 厚度较薄的棉纱。 滤纸, 滤纸,符合GB/T1914中速定性滤纸, 中速定性滤纸,直径110mm,200g/m2。 2片金属或玻璃的方形或圆形不透水片, 片金属或玻璃的方形或圆形不透水片,边长或直径大于 110mm。 1. 将试模放在下不透水片上,接触面用黄油密封,将搅拌均匀的砂浆一次装入试 模,装至略高于试模边缘,用捣棒顺时针插捣25次,然后用抹刀将砂浆表面刮平, 将试模边的砂浆擦净,称量试模、下不透水片和砂浆的质量。 2. 用2片医用棉纱覆盖在砂浆表面,再在棉纱表面放上8片滤纸。将上不透水片盖在 滤纸表面,然后用2kg的重物压着上不透水片。 3. 静置2min后移走重物及上不透水片,取出滤纸(不包括棉纱),迅速称量滤纸质 量 4. 保水率按下式计算 4 2 W--砂浆保水性,%; m1--试模与下不透水片的质量,g; 3 1 m2—8片滤纸吸水前质量,g; m3—试模、下不透水片与砂浆总质量,g; m4—8 片滤纸吸水后质量,g; 2007-28 2007-1111 α —砂浆含水率
Mortar consistance by flow table, 跳桌流动度, 跳桌流动度,EN 1015 - 3
After the standard mixing process as per EN196-1, the mortar is poured in two layers into the conical bronze hopper and slightly compacted with a damper. After 15 minutes open time the hopper is taken up and the plaster will be shocked for 15 times by 10 mm fall heightnes. Afterwards a cross measurement is taken and the medium value recorded. We differentiate different consistencies depends the spread measurement. 20072007-1111-28 Stiff < 140 mm Plastic 140 to 200 mm Soft > 200 mm
EN 1015 – 12, JG/T230-2007 EN 1015 – 18 ASTM D - 4060
Water absorption coefficient Abrasion resistance Hydrophobicity, water drop test Hydrophobicity, bLeabharlann Baidu surface area Flexural modulus of elasticity 1x4x16 Surface hardness Crack formation Discoloration of mortars
AW 2.3/06/028 AW 2.3/06/021 AW 2.3/06/071 AW 2.3/06/054 AW 2.3/06/801
EN 1015 – 4, JGJ70 AW 2.3/06/802 EN 1015 – 6, JGJ70 AW 2.3/06/803 EN 1015 - 7 EN 1015 - 9 AW 2.3/06/804 AW 2.3/06/805
Water retention, 保水率, 保水率, Elotex method
2 water absorbent tiles with 2mm mortar between. After 1h, scratch the mortar from the tiles and weigh it. Place the mortar in an oven until all the water has evaporated. Measure the difference, and calculate the water retention of the formulation in %.
EN ISO 178
AW 2.3/06/015 AW 2.3/06/029 AW 2.3/06/057 AW 2.3/06/063
Pot life, 适用期( 适用期(使用时间), 使用时间), Elotex method
搅拌100g 干混砂浆, 干混砂浆,我们观察在搅拌杯中可以使用的时间.
Workable life and correction time, 调整时间, 调整时间,EN 1015 – 9 method C
依据 EN196-1搅拌砂浆,将砂浆涂于指定的基层, 将砂浆涂于指定的基层,包括粘土砖、 包括粘土砖、混凝土或其他基层。 混凝土或其他基层。 厚度与实际应用时相同。 厚度与实际应用时相同。将与基材相同材质的材料切成 5 x 5 cm 的小块, 的小块,然后每隔一段时间 将其放于砂浆表面并用重物压30秒,当砂浆密度> 1000 Kg/m3 用1.2Kg重物, 重物,当砂浆密度 < 1000 Kg/m3 用0.5Kg重物. 30秒后拿起小块并计算其被润湿的面积, 秒后拿起小块并计算其被润湿的面积,记录当润湿面积小于 或等于50%时的时间
m −m W = 1 − α × (m − m
× 100 )
Bulk density, 密度 用容积为1升(或0.5升)的标准容量筒, 的标准容量筒,装满 新拌砂浆。 新拌砂浆。
Air pore content, 含气量 EN 1015 - 7
After compacting the HSP mortar with help of the shock table air content is measured through the top part where air will be pressed in to the down pot. With the reading and calculation the air content will be evaluated. Result in volume % of air. Usually we do the test immediately, after 15 min. and 30 min. by Using the same mortar with out steering between the measurements.
Workability, 施工性, 施工性, Elotex method
- Mixing properties,和易性 - Consistency,稠度 - Application performance,施工性
Setting time,凝结时间 Vicat“ test
Cured mortar test 硬化砂浆
Flexural and compressive strength Adhesive strength
EN 1015 – 11
AW 2.3/06/807 AW 2.3/06/808 AW 2.3/06/810 AW 2.3/06/032 AW 2.3/06/004 AW 2.3/06/005
Flexural modulus of elasticity, EN ISO 178
Prisms 160 x 40 x 10 mm have to be prepared. After the storage time, the prism specimens are tested with special equipment made by Netzsch. Force and deformation are determined, and the modulus of elasticity is calculated using a special mathematical formula. As lower the result in N/mm2 is the more flexible the mortar.
Water absorption of a mortar, EN 1015 - 18
依据 EN196-1搅拌砂浆, 将砂浆分两层装试模中, 将砂浆分两层装试模中,每层均需要振实60下,7天后脱模, 天后脱模,然后放于 23°/ 50% r.h下养护至21天,将试件的4个长边用硅胶密封, 个长边用硅胶密封,7天后将试件从中间切开, 天后将试件从中间切开,将断面放 入水中5 to 10 mm ,测试件在吸水 10 分钟、 分钟、 90 分钟 和 1 天后的重量
Mortar consistence by plunger penetration, EN 1015 – 4
After the standard mixing process as per EN196-1, the mortar is poured in two layers into the bronze backer and slightly compacted with a damper. Then after a fixed time regarding mortar life time the plunger will activated and falls down into the Mortar. The impact deepness in mm will be measured and compared by different times.
Elotex - 提供创新的解决方案
Elotex AG 是国民淀粉化学有限公司旗下的成员
Fresh mortar test 新拌砂浆
Workability 施工性能 Setting Time, 凝结时间, 凝结时间, Water retention 保水性 Pot life,适用期( 适用期(使用时间) 使用时间) Mortar consistence by flow table Mortar consistence by plunger penetration Bulk density 密度 Air pore content 含气量 Workable life and correction time 调整时间 EN 1015 - 3 EN196,JGJ70 JG/T230-2007
Flexural and compressive strength, 抗压、 抗压、抗折强度
特种砂浆的抗压和抗折强度。 特种砂浆的抗压和抗折强度。不同的砂浆产品依据相应的标准, 不同的砂浆产品依据相应的标准,养护方式有所不同 依据JGJ70的规定, 的规定,普通砂浆只测抗压强度, 普通砂浆只测抗压强度,是采用边长70.7mm的立方试件
新拌砂浆的测试—保水率依据JG/T230-2007 预拌砂浆
金属或硬塑料圆环试模, 金属或硬塑料圆环试模,内径100mm,内部深度25mm。 医用棉纱, 医用棉纱,尺寸为110mm×110mm,宜选用纱线稀疏、 宜选用纱线稀疏、厚度较薄的棉纱。 厚度较薄的棉纱。 滤纸, 滤纸,符合GB/T1914中速定性滤纸, 中速定性滤纸,直径110mm,200g/m2。 2片金属或玻璃的方形或圆形不透水片, 片金属或玻璃的方形或圆形不透水片,边长或直径大于 110mm。 1. 将试模放在下不透水片上,接触面用黄油密封,将搅拌均匀的砂浆一次装入试 模,装至略高于试模边缘,用捣棒顺时针插捣25次,然后用抹刀将砂浆表面刮平, 将试模边的砂浆擦净,称量试模、下不透水片和砂浆的质量。 2. 用2片医用棉纱覆盖在砂浆表面,再在棉纱表面放上8片滤纸。将上不透水片盖在 滤纸表面,然后用2kg的重物压着上不透水片。 3. 静置2min后移走重物及上不透水片,取出滤纸(不包括棉纱),迅速称量滤纸质 量 4. 保水率按下式计算 4 2 W--砂浆保水性,%; m1--试模与下不透水片的质量,g; 3 1 m2—8片滤纸吸水前质量,g; m3—试模、下不透水片与砂浆总质量,g; m4—8 片滤纸吸水后质量,g; 2007-28 2007-1111 α —砂浆含水率
Mortar consistance by flow table, 跳桌流动度, 跳桌流动度,EN 1015 - 3
After the standard mixing process as per EN196-1, the mortar is poured in two layers into the conical bronze hopper and slightly compacted with a damper. After 15 minutes open time the hopper is taken up and the plaster will be shocked for 15 times by 10 mm fall heightnes. Afterwards a cross measurement is taken and the medium value recorded. We differentiate different consistencies depends the spread measurement. 20072007-1111-28 Stiff < 140 mm Plastic 140 to 200 mm Soft > 200 mm
EN 1015 – 12, JG/T230-2007 EN 1015 – 18 ASTM D - 4060
Water absorption coefficient Abrasion resistance Hydrophobicity, water drop test Hydrophobicity, bLeabharlann Baidu surface area Flexural modulus of elasticity 1x4x16 Surface hardness Crack formation Discoloration of mortars
AW 2.3/06/028 AW 2.3/06/021 AW 2.3/06/071 AW 2.3/06/054 AW 2.3/06/801
EN 1015 – 4, JGJ70 AW 2.3/06/802 EN 1015 – 6, JGJ70 AW 2.3/06/803 EN 1015 - 7 EN 1015 - 9 AW 2.3/06/804 AW 2.3/06/805
Water retention, 保水率, 保水率, Elotex method
2 water absorbent tiles with 2mm mortar between. After 1h, scratch the mortar from the tiles and weigh it. Place the mortar in an oven until all the water has evaporated. Measure the difference, and calculate the water retention of the formulation in %.
EN ISO 178
AW 2.3/06/015 AW 2.3/06/029 AW 2.3/06/057 AW 2.3/06/063
Pot life, 适用期( 适用期(使用时间), 使用时间), Elotex method
搅拌100g 干混砂浆, 干混砂浆,我们观察在搅拌杯中可以使用的时间.
Workable life and correction time, 调整时间, 调整时间,EN 1015 – 9 method C
依据 EN196-1搅拌砂浆,将砂浆涂于指定的基层, 将砂浆涂于指定的基层,包括粘土砖、 包括粘土砖、混凝土或其他基层。 混凝土或其他基层。 厚度与实际应用时相同。 厚度与实际应用时相同。将与基材相同材质的材料切成 5 x 5 cm 的小块, 的小块,然后每隔一段时间 将其放于砂浆表面并用重物压30秒,当砂浆密度> 1000 Kg/m3 用1.2Kg重物, 重物,当砂浆密度 < 1000 Kg/m3 用0.5Kg重物. 30秒后拿起小块并计算其被润湿的面积, 秒后拿起小块并计算其被润湿的面积,记录当润湿面积小于 或等于50%时的时间