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• 第一滴血:First blood • 杀3人:Killing Spree(欢闹,放纵的行为) 大杀特杀 杀4人:Dominating(主要的,独裁的) 主宰比赛 杀5人:Mega(巨大的) Kill 杀人如麻 杀6人:Unstoppedable无人能档 杀7人:Wicked Sick 杀得变态 杀8人:Monster Kill 妖怪般的杀戮 杀9人:God Like 如同神一般 杀10人:Holy Shit(惊叹的语气)(文字是写"Beyond Godlike") 超越神了 • Double Kill 双杀 Trible Kill 三杀 UltraKill (过激的,极端的)疯狂杀戮 Rampage 暴走
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RAIGOR STONEHOOF, Earthshaker: • 撼地神牛 • • "Bring it on." 开始吧 "I am able to help." • 我对你有很大帮助 • "Ho now." 怎么? "Do not push me or I will impale • you on my horns." 别把我逼急了 • 不然我会把你挂在我的角上 • "Doubles?" 又来了 • "Got milk?" 想从我身上挤奶还是 • 怎么样 "There is a lot at stake here." • 这里树桩多的是你老点我做什么 • "Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass?"
嘿你在我屁股上烙的那都是什么 RESPAWN: 出生语音 "May my ancestors watch over me.“ 愿我的祖先护佑着我 MOVEMENT: 移动语音 "For the tribes." 为了部落 "Immediately." 马上 "Well done." 会办好的 ATTACK: 攻击语音 "Death to the enemies of the horde!" 部落的敌人华丽的去死吧 "Start Running!" 奔跑吧
• DotA是Defense of the Ancients的简称,可以 译作守护古树、守护遗迹、远古遗迹守卫. • Dota is played by most senior high school students, college students and other large age groups. In this game team cooperation(合作) and personal technology are very important, this is a so good game that many people are obsessed(令人着迷的) with.
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What are your conditions?你开的条件是? • We must revolt.我们必须反抗。 • Need a smuggler? 需要秘密运输船吗? • Vamos Muchachos! 冲! • I go freely.我自由地去。 • Adios amigos!再见,朋友! • Here‘s a hot papaya! 这有个火热的番木瓜! • For the republic!为了共和国! • Traitors must be eliminated! • 叛徒必须被清除! • Take me back to Havana! • 把我带回到哈瓦那(古巴首都) • I've been discovered! 我被发现了! • Sir yes sir!长官,是长官! • Ready! 准备好了! • Squared away sir! 正远方,长官! Orders?命令是? How about some action? 来一些行动,怎么样? Can do! 能干!
• Question 1. Do you like game , and what’s it ? 2. Could you say a few words from the game you played? 3. How do you think of the influence of games on university students?
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• Crystal Maiden: 冰女(水晶室女) "Things are starting to get a little weird." 事情开始有点奇怪了 "I can help." 我来帮你 • RESPAWN: 出生语音 "Thats curious." 真让人好奇 • None. 木有 "Shh, I'm trying to think here. • MOVEMENT: 移动语音 嘘.. 我在考虑问题 "What's the plan?" 计划是什么? • "Sounds good." 听起来不错 I'm no warrior.我可不是什么战 • "I'll check it out." 我去看看 士 • Sounds interesting.听起来很有 趣 "All I ever wanted was to study." • I'll take care of it.我会处理好的 我最希望的还是好好学习 • ATTACK: 攻击语音 "The currents of magic are in upheaval." • "I hate resorting to violence." 魔法界目前正在经历一场巨变 • 我讨厌诉诸暴力 "I pray my father is safe." • "You asked for it." 你要求的 我祈祷我的父亲平安无事
Made by: 孙刚 聂瑞阳 童帅 王刚 郭智凯
• Most of the English in game is simple and spoken, we can learn a lot in the imperceptibly(不知不 觉地), such as: The bomb has been planted at A side. Your soul is mine. Yes sir. Commander. Got it. Influence character by environment that we normally inadvertently(无意中) escape one's lips, is helpful to cultivate the sense of language. • 游戏中的英语大部分比较简单、口语化,我源自文库 在不知不觉中就能记住很多,比如:The bomb has been planted at A side. Your soul is mine. Yes sir. Commander .Got it.潜移默化的影响让我们 平时不经意间脱口而出,对培养语感有一定帮 助。
• 双刀架设计每次剃须都能保证干 干净净 • "Wazza be!" 怎么了
RESPAWN: 出生语音 "My blade has seek veagence." 我的刀在寻求着复仇 MOVEMENT: 移动语音 "I will hear you and obey." 听从您 的命令 "Excellent choice." 不错的选择 ATTACK: 攻击语音 "Haiii!" 是~~~~~~~~的~~~~` "Hoooh!" 啊~~~~~~~~~ "Taste my blade." 尝尝我的刀 ATTACK HERO: 攻击英雄 "For the Burning Blade!" 为了燃 刃氏族!
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《英雄联盟》英文名:League Of Legends,简称LOL。 第一滴血 First blood. · 第一次杀敌(或死了重生后第一次杀敌) You have slain an enemy. 己方英雄被杀 An ally has been slain. 敌方英雄被杀 An enemy has been slain. 英雄被防御塔等非英雄击杀 Executed. 某方被团灭 aced (Enemy) Double kill. / Triple kill. / Quadro kill. / Penta kill. 双杀/三杀/四杀/五杀 (Enemy) Killing Spree. xxx正在大杀特杀 (Enemy) Rampage. xxx已经暴走了 (An enemy is) Unstoppable. 人类已经无法阻挡xxx (An enemy is) Dominating. xxx已经主宰了比赛 (An enemy is) God like. xxx神一般 (An enemy is) Legendary. xxx已经超越神了 Shutdown! 连杀被终止 Your team has destroyed an inhibitor(抑制).
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MANGIX, Pandaren Battlemaster: • • 熊猫人酿酒师 Is trouble brewing? 有什么麻烦么 • Name your potion. 给你的药取个名字 "You seem a little pudged." • 你看起来好像发胖了 • Ale is my bare necessity. • 麦酒就是我的最低生活必需品 • "Last call before closing.“ • 关门前最后一杯啦 • "Come drown your sorrows." • 来借酒浇愁吧 • "This **** all owe you." • 这一杯算我欠你的 • "I'd kiss you, but I've got puke breath." • 我真想吻你但是我嘴里都是呕吐的味道 • "My dad, he was a bi-polar. • •
我老爹他是一只大白熊 “I can’t breed in captivity." 我不能人工繁殖 RESPAWN: 出生语音 "Fresh, cool ale here." 新鲜冰凉的麦酒出售 MOVEMENT: 移动语音 Oh gladly. 哦很乐意 I'll give it a shot. 我要给他一下 Have one on the house. 每人一杯 I'll put it on your tab.就算在你帐上了 ATTACK: 攻击语音 "This will be grizzly." 这可不是什么好事 Now you're endangered.现在你很危险 I bring pandamonium. 我带来了 Prepare to get thrashed.准备挨打吧 ATTACK HERO:攻击英雄 "For Pandariaaaa!" 为了熊猫国
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YURNERO, Juggernaut: 剑圣 • • "Yes Lord." 是的,先生 "What task is there." • 我的任务是什么 • "I am yours." 我听您调遣 • "Snatch the pebble from my and, grass hopper." • 来吧小子 看看你能不能从我手里 • 拿走这块小石子 • "My blade can cut through armor, • and still cut a tomato." • 我的刀能切开盔甲当然能切土豆 • "Twin blade action, for clean close • shave everytime."