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课题:Unit 2 What time do you go to school?第六课时

Section B 3a-Selfcheck

Teaching aims:

一、功能:Learn how to write a passage about your own daily routine.

二、词汇和常用表达Learn and use the words and phrases :life, taste, clean, brush, get dressed, get up , take a shower, radio station, on weekends , do one’s homework , take a walk…..

三、文化知识Understand the English National People's daily habits

Teaching steps:

Step I. Teaching Aims

Tell the Ss the learning aims: to talk about daily activities and learn how to write about daily routine. ( 设计意图:展示目标,让学生有针对性学习)

Step II. Lead in:

1.Sing a song学唱下列歌谣。

Get up, get up.

I get up at six.

Go to school, go to school,

I go to school at seven.

Have lunch, have lunch,

I have lunch at twelve.

Go home, go home,

I go home at four.

Go to bed, go to bed,

I go to bed at night.


2.Let’s talk about some our daily activities.

A: What time do you usually…?B: I usually ….at…

get up 起床have/eat breakfast吃早餐get dressed 穿衣服

brush teeth 刷牙take/have a shower 淋浴have dinner吃晚饭

have lunch 吃午饭go home 回家go to school去上学

go to bed 去睡觉do homework 做作业


Step III.Presentation

3a Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine.

___ I usually exercise from six to seven.

___ I always get up at six.

___ After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight.

___ Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast.

___ I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.

___ I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.

___ I have a very healthy life.

___ I have dinner at seven thirty.

___ I go to bed at ten.


Task1 Talk about your daily routine.

I usually get up at seven o’clock.

I exercise…


Task2 3b Write about your own daily routine.





I+ usually/often+动词短语+at+时间。

1. Give the Ss several minutes to write their composition. Choose one student to write

his/her own daily routine.on the Bb.

2. After all the Ss finish writing, first check the composition on the Bb together with all the Ss according to the following evaluation scale.

Choose several Ss to evaluate the composition item by item in the evaluation scale.

3. Then, ask the Ss to check their partner’s composition according to the above evaluation scale.

4. Choose several Ss to read their composition. The other Ss listen carefully and prepare for answering the teacher’s questions later o n.

(设计意图: 典型展示→师生评价→生生互评)

5. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation.

One possible version:

I have a healthy life. I usually get up at seven. I exercise from a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then I have breakfast and brush my teeth. I go to school at eight o’clock. I have lunch at twelve o’clock. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework.

I have dinne r at six then I watch TV. I go to bed at nine thirty.


Task3 Think about your weekends’ activities then fill in the blanks.

I have a relaxing weekend. I usually get up at eight. Then I exercise for half an hour. I eat breakfast at nine. I brush my teeth at nine past twenty. I …
