英国和君主立宪制Britain and Constitutional Monarchy

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• The first battles of the war were fought in 1642. • The leading commander was Oliver Cromwell.
• Charles I was sentenced to death as a tyrant, murderer, and enemy of the nation. He was beheaded in 1649.
Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)
• From that point, there were various factions pressing for the Dutch Protestant Prince William of Orange to replace King James II. • In November 1688, William landed in England with an invading force, and succeeded in being crowned king, and Mary, his wife and the daughter of James II, as the Queen.
Restoration (复辟时代)
• The monarchy returns: Charles II was restored as the British king. • A serious disease “Black Death” and the great fire ravaged London • After Charles II died, his brother became King James II. • James II, a Roman Catholic, wanted to bring back Catholicism as the state religion.
• English Bourgeois Revolution/Puritan Revolution • Charles I: the Short Parliament and the Long Parliament • The Civil War broke out between the forces of the king and the forces of Parliament. • “Roundheads” and “Cavaliers”
• Many of the English barons revolted. They forced John to agree to a settlement in 1215, known as Magna Carta.
Magna Carta (《大宪章》)
• A charter of liberty and political rights
• ruled by the king • 以君主(皇帝、国王、大公、苏丹和沙皇等) 为国家元首的政体形式。共和制的对称。在 君主制下,君主一般是世袭的,终身任职。
The Monarchy(三类君主制)
• 君主专制制(absolute monarchy):实行君主独裁 的政体形式;君主拥有无限的权力,他的意志就是 国家的法律,臣民必须绝对服从。 • 代表人物:法国君主路易十四;中国历史上的皇帝
• The Petition is most notable for its confirmation of the principles that taxes can be levied only by Parliament, that martial law may not be imposed in time of peace, and that prisoners must be able to challenge the legitimacy of their detentions through the writ of habeas corpus. • The Petition's ban on the billeting of troops is reflected in the Third Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Bill of Rights
• The Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament in December 1689 and was a re-statement in statutory form of the Declaration of Rights, presented by the Convention Parliament to William and Mary in March 1688, inviting them to become joint sovereigns of England. • The bill was enacted partly as a response to the events of the Glorious Revolution.
• 君主立宪制(constitutional monarchy):资产阶 级国家以君主(国王、皇帝)为世袭元首,但君主 权力受到宪法和议会不同程度的限制的政体形式。 英国1688年“光荣革命”后,建立了世界上第一 个君主立宪制国家。此后,资产阶级力量较弱、实 行改良的国家都仿效英国的政体。
King John of England
The Commonwealth and Protectorate
• The new Commonwealth: 共和国制 • England became a republic called the Commonwealth of England in 1649. • Lord Protector(护 国公): Oliver Cromwell • In 1953 Cromwell dismissed parliament. • He died in 1658.
“Divine right of kings”:
• the sovereign derived his authority from God, not from his subjects • “君权神授说”是古代以宗教来主导政治时期君主 为了巩固自己的权力而提倡的一种说法 • 中国的君权神授 • 西方的君权神授
Bill of Rights 1689
• 列举革命前王室的十二大过失(违法乱纪、破坏典 制、僭用王权、剥削民众等等) • 列举了宪政的十三要义(包括维护法律尊严,限制 王权僭越,废除宗教法庭,严格限制税收,确认人 民请愿权,禁止平时招募常备军,准许人民携带自 卫武器,自由选举国会议员,国会议员言论自由, 厘清和改进司法审判,国会必须定期召开,以讨论 国政,增进人民福利等); • 确立了王位继承顺序; • 《权利法案》不仅是英国宪政的又一个里程碑,而 且影响到其他国家的宪政,演化为各国宪法中的权 利条款。
• 在1688年的光荣革命中,国会废除了不听话的詹 姆士二世,迎来了詹姆士二世的女婿、荷兰执政、 奥伦治亲王威廉三世。威廉自然要召集国会,而国 会在尊奉威廉为王的同时发布了权利宣言( declaration of rights),并在这一宣言的基础上 制定了《权利法案》(the bill of rights)。
Petition of Right
• A major English constitutional document, which sets out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibited from infringing. • It was produced by the English Parliament in the run-up to the English Civil War. It was passed by Parliament in May, 1628, and given the royal assent by Charles I in June of that year.
• Magna Carta was the first document forced onto an English King by his subjects in an attempt to limit his powers by law. • Magna Carta was the most significant early influence on the extensive historical process that led to the rule of consititutional law today. Magna Carta influenced the development of the common law and many constitutional documents, such as the United States Constitution.
• Magna Carta, Latin for Great Charter, literally “Great Paper” • This charter placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power;
• It is regarded as Britain’s key expression of the rights of citizens against the Crown.
• John Lackland • One of England’s worst kings and as the king who granted Magna Carta.
• To recover lost lands, John needed more money to continue the war against France, so he demanded more taxes and services from his subjects than ever before. The war failed.
• 英国是一个没有成文宪法的国家。他们的宪法是由 一系列的文件和法案组成,其中具有奠基意义的一 份,就是在1215年6月15日,由英国国王与贵族们 签订的《大宪章》。 • 大宪章要求皇室放弃部分权力,及尊重司法过程, 接受王权受法律的限制。 • 这张书写在羊皮纸卷上的文件在历史上第一次限制 了封建君主的权力,日后成为了英国君主立宪制的 法律基石。大宪章是英国在建立宪法政治这长远历 史过程的开始。
• 等级君主制(limited monarchy):等级君主制是王 权借助等级代表会议实施统治的一种政权形式,贵 族和市民阶层共同参政,并在一定程度上分享权力。 • 等级君主制相对于中世纪早期的政治混乱和割据状 态而言,具有历史进步意义,推动了社会经济的进 一步发展。1265年召开的英国议会和1302年举行 的法国三级会议,标志着英、法两国等级君主制的 初步形成。
• • • •
未经国会同意国王不得征税 非依法不得拘捕人民 军队不得驻扎民房 和平时期不得行使戒严法。
• 由此,大宪章的精神得到了重申、明确和扩展。正 是查理一世对大宪章的践踏和对权利请愿书的漠视 违背,才引发了英国革命。
Engliwenku.baidu.comh Civil War
Britain And Constitutional Monarchy
Week Three
Britain’s Political Culture • It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.
The Monarchy (君主制)