高考读后续写佳句之二 动作描写

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1.He twittered and chirped and hopped along the wall as if he were telling her all sorts of things


2.She walked round and round the gardens and wandered about the paths in the park.她在花园里走来走去在公园的小路上徘徊。

3.But after a few days spent almost entirely out of doors,she wakened one morning knowing what it was to be hungry,and when she sat down to her breakfast she did not glance disdainfully at her porridge and push it away,but took up her spoon and began to eat it and went on eating it until her bowl was empty.但几天后,她几乎完全不在家,一天早上醒来她知道什么是饥饿,当她坐下来吃早饭时,她没有轻蔑地瞥了她一眼粥,把它推开,但拿起勺子,开始一直吃直到她的碗空了。(描写小孩饿坏的情景与动作)

4.She put her hand accidentally upon the tapestry near her, and then sprang back,feeling quite startled.



5.And she took her by the arm and half pushed,half pulled her up one passage and down another until she pushed her in at the door of her own room.她挽着她的胳膊,半推半拉,把她拉上一个通道,然后另一个通道,一直到她把她推到自己房间的门口。(形象神动地描绘了把某人拉回房间的情景和动作)

6.She took the key out of her pocket,and it fitted the ing both hands,she managed to unlock the door.Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching.But there was no one,so she pushed the door,which opened,slowly,for the first time in ten years.She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her.At last she was inside the secret garden!她从兜里掏出钥匙,插进孔中,双手一起使劲打开了那道锁,然后她转过身看看有没有人看见,但是一个人也没有,于是她推动了那扇门。门缓缓地开了,这是10年来第一次。她很快走进花园,随手关上了门。她终于进了这座秘密花园!

7.Mary showed him the work she had done in the garden,and they talked as they cut and cleared.玛丽向他展示了她在院子里做的工作,他们一边修剪枝条,清理残叶,一边说着话。

8.Dickon was already there,digging hard,with the crow and a young fox beside him.狄肯已经在那儿了,正起劲地挖着土,


9.The next afternoon Colin was carried downstairs by a man servant,and put in his wheelchair outside the front door.Dickon arrived,with his crow,two squirrels and the fox,and started pushing the wheelchair gently away from the house,and into the gardens.Mary walked beside the chair.第二天下午,柯林由一个男仆抱下楼放在大门外的轮椅上。狄肯来了,带着他的乌鸦、两只松鼠和狐狸,开始慢慢推着轮椅离开房子到花园里去。玛丽在旁边跟着。

10.Colin covered his eyes with his hands until he was inside the four high walls,and the door was shut again.柯林用手捂住眼睛,直到进了那四堵高大的围墙里才松开,门又被关上了。


1.”I don’t believe you,”said Mary;and she turned her back and stuck her fingers in her ears,because she would not listen any more.


2.They tried to be kind to her,but she only turned her face away when Mrs.Crawford attempted to kiss her,and held herself stiffly when Mr.Crawford patted her shoulder.


3.She walked through the station to the railway carriage with her head up and trying to keep as far away from her as she could,because she did not want to seem to belong to her.


4.Poor Martha was shaking in her shoes.Colin was still frowning.


5.During the confusion and bewilderment of the second day Mary hid herself in the nursery and was forgotten by everyone.
