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汉语量词与英文用法对照(Comparison between Chinese Words of Measurement and Their English Equivalents)
量词是现代汉语11类词中的一种,运用非常普遍,大约有500多个量词。除了表“量”以外,它的一个显著特点就是习惯搭配。即使是华人也有弄错的时候,学中文的外国人更是头疼。所以正确认识量词,准确翻译汉语量词也是很重要的。英语中没有像汉语这样的“量词”分类,但有类似的用法和修辞结构,如quantitive determinatives(量词限定词),portative(量词),quantifiers (量词)。它们之间有相同之处,但更多的是差异。因而,本节以一定的版面来分析其不同结构和用法,不过,更多的还是靠读者自己潜心收集认识,才能掌握如何翻译。
一群人 a crowd/group/multitude/throng/army/team/class of people;a gang/swarm/horde/pack/band of people(in a derogatory way)troop 通常指聚在一起活动的、生气勃勃的一群人。如:
a troop of demonstrators/shoppers/visitors
bevy 特指女性的“一群”,有时指鸟类,尤指鹌鹑或云雀。如:
a bevy of actresses/young women/ladies/shop girls/quails
表贬义的“一群”有:a mob of angry people/rioters/slaves/liars/blackguards
horde 原意为游牧部落,通常含有轻蔑色彩:
a horde of lazy-bones/swindlers/locusts/hooligans
band;gang 常指“帮”:
a band of robbers/gangsters/thieves/outlaws
a gang of criminals/slaves/prisoners
一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans
一群鸟 a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows/sheep/chickens
一群猎狗 a pack of hounds/wolves/grouse
一群狐狸 a skulk of foxes
一群狮子 a pride of lions
一群星星 a cluster of stars
一群鱼 a school/shoal of fish/shrimps
一群马 a stud/drove of horses
一群鹅 a gaggle/flock of geese
一群蚊子/蝴蝶 a swarm of mosquitoes/butterflies
一群(窝)蚂蚁 a colony of ants/bees
一群建筑物 a clump/complex of buildings
一片草皮 a chunk of turf
一丝睡意 a wink of sleep
一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt
一点点工作 a stroke of work
一线未来之光 a glimpse of future
一缕月光 a streak of moonlight/amber(fig)
一丝绿意;一片绿色 a tint of green
一片心意 a small token of our hearts
一丝嫉妒;一阵窘迫 a slight twinge of jealousy/embarrassment
一丝恻隐之心 a sign of sympathy for...
一丝懊悔 a slight twinge of remorse
一层霜/雪/糖霜 a layer of frost/snow/cream
一丝失望的眼神 a flicker of disappointment
(剩下)一口气/一丝气 a spark/breath of life
一丝失望的情绪 a taint/faint of disappointment
一片漆黑completely dark;dismal night;pitch dark
一片汪洋 a flood of water
a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder
a flood of tears/rain/boasts
一阵(小)雨/射击 a spatter of rain/bullets
一阵稀疏的掌声/喝彩 a spatter of applause/cheers 声响很大的
一阵隆隆的炮声/雷声 a peal of artillery/thunder 突然而猛烈的
一阵暴雨/狂风/烈火 a gust/blast of rain/wind/flame 持续短暂的
一阵怒气/激情/咳嗽 a fit of anger/passion/coughing
一阵呕吐 a vomiting fit
一阵厄运/暑热 a spell of bad luck/summer heat
一阵寒潮 a cold spell of weather
一阵昏厥 a fainting spell
(针捻刀刺般的)一阵内疚/牙痛/风湿痛 a twinge of remorse/toothache/rheumatism
一阵尴尬 a twinge of embarrassment
(抽搐或颤抖的)一阵痛苦/伤心/咳嗽/激动 a spasm of pain/grief /coughing/excitement
一阵轰炸/打击/咒骂 a hail of bombs/blows/curse
一阵弹雨/批评 a shower of bullets/criticism
一阵欢乐an agony of joy