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Electrical Diagram Usage
电控系统电路图的使用 Types of electrical diagrams
– 电路图类型
Identify components on a wiring diagram
– 识别电路图中的各种符号
Trace a circuit on a wiring diagram
– 传感器的电阻值范围在500到40千
The resistance of sensors is inversely propertional to temperature,the change in resistance is not liner
– 传感器的电阻与温度成反比,这种变 化不是线性的
Troubleshooting temperature sensors: check the resistance of the sensors – 温度传感器的故障诊断:
Actuators 执行器
Solenoids actuators – 电磁阀式执行器
Pulse Width Modulation or PWM actuators – PWM可变式执行器
Other electronic device 其它电器设备 Thermal device /加热器 Relay/继电器 Lamp/指示灯 Fuse/保险丝
– 掌握不同类型的传感器接头维修方法
Connector types
Deutsch connectors
– Deutsch接头
AMP connectors
– AMP接头
Weather Pack connectors
– Weather Pack接头
Bosch connectors
– 进气压力传感器/增压压力传 感器
OEM supplied pressure sensors – 主机厂提供的压力传感器
Type of Pressure Sensors
压力传感器的种类 Capacitance pressure sensors
– 电容压力传感器
Crystal pressure sensors
Electrical Troubleshooting Logical Steps
Gather Information
– 了解情况
Analyze Information
– 分析原因
Perform Tests
– 进行测试
Perform Repairs
– 进行维修
Input device/输入设备
– Sensors/传感器输入 – Switches/开关输入
Electronic Control Module or ECM/电子控制模块
– microprocessor/ 微处理器 – Memory/存储器
Output device/输出设备
– Actuators/执行器
– 如何跟踪电路图中线路
Color coded wires
– 线路颜色含义
Electronic Wiring
电控系统线束 Wire types and wire gauge
– 导线类型及标号
Identify different connector types
– 识别不同类型的传感器接头
Identify the methods for repairing different connectors
– 阐述电压,电流,电阻
Ohm’s law
– 欧姆定律
Electric shock 触电
Electric shock
– 触电
Digital Multi-meter Feature
Auto-range – 自动量程特性 Range Hold or Manual Hold – 量程保持特性 Touch hold – 数据保持特性
– 将压力和温度传感器组合在同一壳体上
– Oil sensors
– Intake air sensors
– Fuel sensors
Fluid Level Sensors 液位传感器
Coolant level sensor
– 冷却液液位传感器
– Bosch接头
Metri-Pack connectors
– Metri-Pack接头
Deutsch connectors
3 pin/3针 6 pin/6针 9 pin/9针 21 pin/21针 29 pin/29针
Deutsch connectors Repair
Sensors 传感器
Temperature sensors – 温度传感器 Pressure sensors – 压力传感器 Combination sensors – 组合式传感器 Fluid level sensors – 液位传感器 Speed and position sensors – 速度及位置传感器
Electronic Control Module or ECM/电子控制模块
– microprocessor/ 微处理器 – Memory/存储器
Output device/输出设备
– Actuators/执行器
Electronic Control System Familiarization 电子控制系统介绍
– 着车试验
Basic Electrical Theory 基本电工理论
Define basic electrical terms
– 明确基本电工术语
Define basic electrical concepts
– 明确电学基本概念
Explain Voltage,Current,Resistance
– 车辆速度传感器
Speed and Position Sensors
Variable reluctance sensors
– 可变磁组传感器
Hall effect sensors
– 霍尔效应传感器
Position Sensor 位置传感器
Accelerator position sensor
Different types of electrical circuits
不同类型的电路 Series circuit/ 串联电路
I=I1=I2 U=U1+U2 R=R1+R2 1/R=1/R1+1/R2
Parallel circuit/ 并联电路
U=U1=U2 I=I1+I2
Series/Parallel circuit 串/并联电路 – Parallel circuit/并联部分
Temperature Sensors
Coolant temperature sensors
– 冷却液温度传感器
Intake air temperature sensors
– 进气温度传感器
Fuel temperature sensors
– 燃油温度传感器
Oil temperature sensors
Welcome to attend BETT and Basic INSITE Training 欢迎参加 电控基础及INSITE 培训 电控基础及
Cummins East Asia Training Center 康明斯东亚培训中心
BETT&INSITE Training 电控发动机基础培训 Course contents / 本课程主要内容: – BETT
Digital Multi-meter Usage
数字式万用表的用途 To take voltage
– 测量电压
To take current
– 测量电流
To take resistance
– 测量电阻
To test a diode
– 测试二极管
Electrical Circuits
电 路 A complete circuit
Symbol of Switches 开关的符号
Single Pole-Single Throw Switch – 单刀单掷开关 Single Pole-Double Throw Switch – 单刀双掷开关 Double Pole-Single Throw Switch – 双刀单掷开关
– INSITE 5.4
INSITE 5.4 介绍
Basic Electrical Theory & Troubleshooting 基本电工理论及故障诊断与排除
Objective 本课程主要内容: – Basic Electrical Theory 基本电工理论 – Digital Multi-meter Usage 数字万用表的使用 – Electronic Circuits 电路 – Electronic Control System familiarization 发动机电控系统 – Electronic Diagram Usage 电路图的使用 – Electrical Wiring 电控系统线束
¤ U=U1=U2 I=I1+I2 1/R=1/R1+1/R2
– Series circuit/串联部分
¤ I=I1=I2 U=U1+U2 R=R1+R2
Electronic Control System Familiarization 电子控制系统介绍
Input device/输入设备
– Sensors/传感器输入 – Switches/开关输入
– 油门踏板位置传感器
Idle validation sensor
– 怠速有效传感器
Single Pole-Single Throw Switch – 单刀单掷开关
Single Pole-Double Throw Switch – 单刀双掷开关
Double Pole-Single Throw Switch – 双刀单掷开关
Water-In-Fuel sensor
– 油中有水传感器
Speed and Position Sensors
速度及位置传感器 Engine speed sensor
– 发动机速度传感器
Engine position sensor
– 发动机位置传感器
Vehicle speed sensor
– 完整电路
Circuit types
– 电路类型
Calculate voltage,current and resistance
– 电路参数计算
Troubleshooting short circuits,open circuits,and high resistance circuits
– 电路故障诊断:短路,断路及高电阻
– 晶体压力传感器
“Guage”pressure sensors
– “仪表”式压力传感器
“Absolute”pressure sensors
– “绝对” 压力传感器
Combination sensors
Combine both pressure and temperature sensors in one housing
– 检测传感器的电阻
Application of Pressure Sensors
Oil pressure sensors
– 机油压力传感器
Ambient air pressure sensors
– 大气压力传感器
Fuel pressure sensors
– 燃油压力传感器
Intake air pressure sensors/Boost pressure sensors
– 机油温度传感器
OEM supplied temperature sensors
– 主机厂提供的温度传感器
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Feature of Temperature Sensors
Temperature Sensors utilize thermistors
– 温度传感器应用热敏电阻
The resistance of sensors is from 500 ohms to 40k ohms