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Revised on November 25, 2020


Where are you going I'm going to school。你要去哪里我上学去。

Where are you going We're going to the playground。你们要去哪我们去操场。

What's the weather like today今天的天气怎样

It's cloudy and windy. It's going to rain. 阴天又起风,快要下雨了。

What's the weather like on Monday It's rainy. 周一的天气怎样下雨。

Is that dog yours No, it isn't. 那只狗是你的吗不是的。

Whose new car is this It's mine. 这是谁的新车子是我的。

Is it Peter's Sorry, I don't know. 是彼得的吗我不知道。

Do you often play football Yes, I do. 你经常踢足球吗是的。

Do you often go to see movies No, I don't. 你经常去看电影吗不是的。

What does your father do every day 你父亲每天在干什么

He often works at his computer. 他常在电脑上工作。

What is the teacher doing 老师在干什么

He's reading some newspapers. 他在看些报纸。

Who opens the door 谁在开门

What does the math teacher say 数学老师说些什么

Bill is hungry. 比尔饿了。

Is he tall Yes, he is. 他长得高吗是的。

Is she young No, she isn't. 她年轻吗不是的。

How many people are there in your family Five. 你家有几口人五口。

Who are they 他们分别是谁

They're my grandparents, my parents and me. 我的祖父母,父母和我。

What is your father He's a doctor. 你父亲是干什么的他是医生。

Who often cooks in your family My mother. 在你家里谁常做饭的我母亲。

Who likes to watch TV in your family 在你家谁喜欢看电视的

My father and I. 我和我父亲。

The sun is bigger than the earth. 太阳比地球大。

Which is bigger, the sun or the earth The sun. 太阳和地球,哪个更大太阳。

Which is the biggest animal 最大的动物是什么

The biggest animal is the blue whale. 最大的动物是蓝鲸。

Which animal is the quickest of the three 哪个动物是这三个里跑得最快的

How many days are there in a week There are seven days。一周有几天7天。

What are they They're Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday . 它们是哪几天它们是.....。

What classes does Peter have on Monday 彼得在周一上那些课

He has English, Chinese, and .. 他要上英语、语文和体育。

I can do it. Can you 我能做,你呢

Can you skate Yes, I can. 你会溜冰吗会的。

Can you catch the bird No, I can't. 你会捉鸟吗我不会。

Where are the boys They're in the classroom. 男孩在哪里在教室里。

Where's my bag It's under your bed. 我的包在哪在你的床底下。

There isn't any food in the fridge. 冰箱里没有食物了。

There aren't any bananas in the fridge, but there are some potatoes。


What did you do last Sunday 上周日你做了些什么

I did many things. I went to a park. I watched TV. 我做了很多事。我去了公园,又看了电视。

Did you have a good time last Sunday Yes, I did。上周日你玩的开心吗是的。

Who is your best friend Daisy is my best friend你最好的朋友是谁戴茜。

She is only seven years old. She lives on a small farm。她只有七岁。她住在小农场里。

Which floor do you live on I live on the tenth floor。你住在哪一楼十楼。

Where does Sam live 萨姆住在哪儿

He lives in a tall building. 他住在一座大楼里。

Shall I wash my socks Yes, please。我可以洗我的袜子吗可以。

Shall I carry the bag for you 我帮你带这个包好吗

No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。

This carrot is too big. It's heavy. 这个萝卜太大了,很重。

Would you like some apples 你想要些苹果吗

Yes, I'd love to. No, thank you.是的。不,谢谢。

What does the man want to have. 男人想要什么

Which bedroom does the man choose 男人会选哪个房间

What pets does the woman want 女人想要哪个宠物

What do you like doing best I like playing tennis. 你最喜欢干什么打网球。

I like singing but he likes dancing. 我喜欢唱歌但他喜欢跳舞。

Is your brother named Peter Yes, he is。你的兄弟叫彼得吗是的。

How do you go to school I go there by bus. 你是怎样去上学的我乘公交车去的。

When does the zoo open It opens at 7:00. 动物园什么时候开门 7点。

When does the film start It starts at 8:00. 电影什么时候开始 8点。

How often do you go to the park 你多久去一次公园

Once a week. 一周一次Twice a month。一月两次 Three times a year。一年三次
