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aunt uncle daughter granddaughter son grandson parents grandparents sister brother cousin

playing a game reading playing football painting taking a photo straight直的 short短的 long 长的 fair金黄色的 quiet安静的funny有趣的 curly弯曲的 naughty淘气的 clever聪明的 small小的

big 大的 beard络腮胡 moustache八字胡 doctor医生 farmer农民doctor医生 about关于 science科学


Grandma’s quiet.

Dotty’s naughty.

She’s clever.

She wants to be a doctor.

Suzy wants to give her dog a bath.

He loves riding his bike.

She doe sn’t like having baths.

She loves painting.

she enjoys reading about science.

※want to+动词原形




house flat lift village country town city

plants绿植 basement 地下室 balcony 阳台 garden 花园 floor地板

/楼层 stairs 楼梯 go upstairs上楼 go downstairs 下楼

move house搬家 new address新地址

naughty cat淘气的小猫 I don’t think so我认为不是这样的

A house in the village A flat in the town

1.We live in a flat in a big city. It’s got a balcony and a lift.

2.We live in a house in a small village. It’s got two floors and a big garden, but it hasn’t got a basement.


one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

thirteen-thirty fourteen-forty fifteen-fifty sixteen-sixty seventeen-seventy eighteen-eighty nineteen-ninety one hundred一百two hundred二百

1.What’s your name?

My name is LiMing.

2.Where do you live?你住哪儿?

I live in a house in a small village.

3.What’s your address?你的地址是什么?

It’s 55 Xingfu Road.

4.What’s your phone number?你电话号码是多少?

It’s 1234567890.



wake up醒来 get up起床 put on=get dressed穿上 take off=get undressed 脱下 have a shower=have a bath洗澡 go to bed上床睡觉 wash hands 洗手/face洗脸/hair洗头/feet洗脚/clothes洗衣服 catch a bus乘公交车do my homework做我的作业 take me to school带我到学校 go out to play 出去玩 have breakfast吃早饭 have lunch吃午饭 have dinner吃晚饭lessons start上课 go shopping去购物 go swimming去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼 listen to music听音乐 read comics看漫画书 ride a bike骑自行车

after school放学后 in the morning在早上 in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在晚上 on the way在路上

1.What time is it?=What’s the time?现在几点了?

It’s seven o’clock. 7:00

It’s seven thirty o’clock.=It’s half past seven o’clock. 7:30

2.What do you do before breakfast?早饭之前你做什么?

I have a shower before breakfast.

3.What do you do after dinner?晚饭之后你做什么?

I read books after dinner.

4.What time does he do his homework? 他几点做作业?

He does his homework at eight o’clock in the evening.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekday工作日 weekend周末 one week一个星期

1.What day is it today? 今天星期几?

It’s Monday.

2.What’s the date today? 今天几月几号?

It’s Nov.27th .


always总是 sometimes有时 never从不 every day每天

3.How often do you watch TV?

I watch TV every day. 我每天都看电视。

I sometimes watch TV on Saturdays.我有时候周六看电视。

I never watch TV on weekdays.我从不在工作日看电视。

4.How often does Simon play in the park?

Simon plays in the park every day.

Simon sometimes plays in the park on Wednesdays.

Simon never plays in the park on Mondays.


work a lot工作很多 follow people跟踪人

Where are you?你在哪儿

You aren't in the detective agency.你没在侦探事务所啊。
