



弟子规Standards for Being a Good Student and Child弟子规,圣人训,•Standards for being a good student and child is a book that was taught by Chinesesaints and sages of the ancient past.首孝悌,次谨信.•First it teaches us how to be dutiful to your parents, and how to be respectfuland loving to our siblings.•Then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters and things inyour daily life and how to be a trustworthy person and to believe the teachings of ancient saints and sages.泛爱众,而亲仁,•Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally, and to be close to and learnfrom people of virtue and compassion.有余力,则学文.•When you have accomplished all the above duties, you can study further to learn literature and art to improve the quality of your cultural and spiritual life. 第一章:孝(入则孝)Be a Dutiful Child When at Home父母呼,应勿缓.父母命,行勿懒.•When your parents call you, answer them right away.•When they command you to do something, do it quickly.父母教,须敬听.父母责,须顺承.When your parents instruct you, listen respectfully.When your parents reproach you, obey and accept their scolding; try hard to change and improve yourself and start anew.冬则温,夏则.晨则省,昏则定.•In the winter, keep your parents warm; in the summer, keep your parents cool.rest well.出必告,返必面.•Before going out, tell your parents where you are going, for parents are always concerned about their children.•After returning home, go and see your parents to let them know you are back, so they don’t worry about you.居有常,业无变.•Have a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life. •Persist in whatever you do and do not change your aspirations at will.亲所好,力为具,亲所恶,谨为去.•If whatever please your parents is fair and reasonable, try your best to get it for them.•Should something displease your parents, if within reason, cautiously keep it away from them.身有伤,贻亲忧,德有伤,贻亲羞.•When your body is hurt, your parents will be worried.•If your virtues are compromised, your parents will feel ashamed.亲爱我,孝何难,亲恶我,孝方贤.•When you have loving parents, it is not difficult to be a dutiful child. •But if you are still dutiful to parents who hate you, you will meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.亲有过,谏使更,怡吾色,柔吾声.•When your parents do wrong, urge them to change.•Do it with a kind facial expression and a warm gentle voice.谏不入,悦复谏,号泣随,挞无怨.you dissuade them again, followed by crying to make them understand why. •If they end up whipping you, do not hold a grudge against them.亲有疾,药先尝,昼夜侍,不离床.•When your parents are ill, taste the medicine first before giving it to them. •Take care of them night and day, do not leave their bedside.丧三年,常悲咽,居处变,酒肉绝.•During the first three years of mourning after they passed away, remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their kindness in bringing you up.•During this period, you should arrange your home to reflect your grief and sorrow. Avoid festivities and indulgence in food and alcoholic drinks.丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事死者,如事生.•Observe the proper etiquette in arranging their funerals. Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate their anniversaries with your utmost sincerity. •Serve your departed parents as if they were still alive.第二章:悌(出则悌)Standards for a Younger Brother When Away from Home兄道友,弟道恭,兄弟睦,孝在中•Older siblings should befriend the younger ones. Younger siblings should respect and love the older ones.•Siblings who keep harmonious relationships among themselves are being dutiful to their parents.财物轻,怨何生,言语忍,忿自泯.•When siblings value their ties more than property and belongings, no resentment will grow among them.•When siblings are careful with words and hold back hurtful comments, feelings of anger naturally die out.或饮食,或坐走,长者先,幼者后.younger ones should follow.长呼人,即代叫,人不在,几即到.•When the elder is asking for someone, get that person for him right away. •If you cannot find that person, immediately report back, and put yourself at the elder’s service instead.称尊长,勿呼名,对尊长,勿见能.•When you address an elder, do not call him by his “given name”.•In front of an elder, do not show off.路遇长,疾趋揖,长无言,退恭立.•If you come across an elder you know on the street, promptly clasp your hands and greet him with a bow.•If he does not speak to you, step back and respectfully stand aside.骑下马,乘下车,过犹待,百步余.•Should you be riding on a horse and you spot an elder you know walking, you should dismount and pay respect to the elder.•If you are riding in a carriage, you should stop, get out of the carriage, and ask if you can give him a ride.•If you meet an elder passing by, you should stand aside and wait respectfully; do not leave until you can no longer see him.长者立,幼勿坐,长者坐,命乃坐.•When an elder is standing, do not sit.•After the elder sits down, take a seat only after you are told to do so. 尊长前,声要低,低不闻,却非宜.•But if your voice is too low and hard to hear, it is not appropriate.进必趋,退必迟,问起对,视勿移.•When meeting an elder, walking briskly towards him.•When leaving, do not exit in a haste.•When answering a question, look at the person who is asking you the question. 事诸父,如事父,事诸兄,如事兄.•Serve your uncles as if you were serving your parents.•Treat your cousins as if they were your own siblings.第三章:谨(谨而信)Be Cautious in Your Daily Life朝起早,夜眠迟,老易至,惜此时.•Get up early in the morning before your parents. Go to bed at night only afterthey have gone to sleep.•When you realize that time is passing you by and cannot be turned back, and that you are getting older year by year, you will especially treasure the present moment. 晨必盥,兼漱口,便溺回,辄净手.•When you get up in the morning, wash your face and brush your teeth. •After using the toilet, always wash your hands.冠必正,纽必结,袜与履,俱紧切.•You must wear your hat straight, and make sure the hooks of your clothes are tied. •Make sure socks and shoes are worn neatly and correctly.置冠服,有定位,勿乱顿,致污秽.•Place your hat and clothes away in proper places.•Do not carelessly throw your clothes around, for that will get them dirty. 衣贵洁,不贵华,上循分,下称家.•It is more important that your clothes are clean, rather than how extravagant they are.•Wear what is suitable for your station and wear clothes according to your family traditions and customs.对饮食,勿拣择,食适可,勿过则.•When it comes to eating and drinking, do not pick and choose your food. •Eat only the right amount; do not overeat.年方少,勿饮酒,饮酒醉,最为丑.•You are still too young, so do not drink alcohol.•When you are drunk, your behavior will turn ugly.步从容,立端正,揖深圆,拜恭敬.•Walk composed, with light and even steps.•Stand up straight and tall.•Your bows should be deep with hands held in front and arms rounded. Always pay your respect with reverence.勿践阈,勿跛倚,勿箕踞,勿摇髀.•Do not step on doorsills.•Do not stand leaning on one leg.•Do not sit with your legs apart or sprawled out.•Do not rock the lower part of your body while sitting down.缓揭帘,勿有声,宽转弯,勿触棱.•Lift the curtain slowly, do not make a sound.执虚器,如执盈,入虚室,如有人.•Hold carefully the empty containers as if they were full. •Enter empty rooms as if they were occupied.将入门.问孰存,将上堂,声必扬.•When you are about to enter a main entrance, ask if someone is inside. •Before entering a room, make yourself heard, so that those inside know someone is approaching.人问谁,对以名,吾与我,不分明.•If someone asks who you are, give your name.•To answer “It’s me” or “me” is not clear.用人物,须明求,倘不问,即为偷.•Before borrowing things from others, you must ask for permission. If you do notask, it is stealing.借人物,及时还,后有急,借不难.•When borrowing things from others, you should return them promptly. •Later on, when you have an urgent need, you will not have a problem borrowing from them again.第四章:信Be Trustworthy凡出言,信为先,诈与妄,奚可焉.•When you speak, honesty is important.•Deceitful words and lies are not allowed.话说多,不如少,惟其是,勿佞巧.•Speak the truth; do not twist the fact.奸巧语,秽污词,市井气,切戒之.•Cunning words, foul language and bad habits must be avoided at all costs. 见未真,勿轻言,知未的,勿轻传.•What you have not seen with your own eyes, do not readily tell to others. •What you do not know for sure, do not readily pass to others.事非宜,勿轻诺,苟轻诺,进退错.•When asked to do something that is inappropriate, do not promise lightly. •If you do, you will be wrong either way.凡道字,重且舒,勿急疾,勿模糊.•When speaking, make the words clear and to the point.•Do not talk too fast or mumble.彼说长,此说短,不关己,莫闲管.•Some like to talk about the good points of others while some like to talk about the faults of others.•If it is none of your business, do not get involved.见人善,即思齐,纵去远,以渐跻.•When you see others do good deeds, think about following their example. •Even though your own achievements are still far behind those of others, you are getting closer.见人恶,既内省,有则改,无加警.•When you see others do wrong, immediately reflect upon yourself.make the same mistake.唯德学,唯才艺,不如人,当自砺.•When your morals, conduct, knowledge, and skills are not as good as others, youshould encourage yourself to be better.若衣服,若饮食,不如人,勿生戚.•If the clothes you wear or the food you eat and drink are not as good as others,do not be ashamed.闻过怒,闻誉乐,损友来,益友却.•If criticism makes you angry, and compliments make you happy, bad company willcome your way and good friends will shy away.闻誉恐,闻过欣,直谅士,渐相亲.•If you are uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, sincere and understanding virtuous people will gradually get close to you.无心非,名为错,有心非,名为恶.•If your mistake is not done on purpose, it is only an error. If it is done onpurpose, it is evil.过能改,归于无,倘掩饰,增一辜.•If you correct your mistake and do not repeat it, you no longer have the mistake. •If you try to cover it up, you will be doubly wrong.第五章:泛爱众Love All Equally凡是人,皆须爱,天同覆,地同载.•Human beings, regardless of nationality, race, or religion, should be loved equally.•We are all sheltered by the same sky and we all live on the same planet Earth. 行高者,名自高,人所重,非貌高.•What people value is not based on outside appearance. (One’s outstanding ability will naturally honor him.)才大者,望自大,人所服,非言大.•A person’s outstanding ability will naturally honor him with a good reputation.•Admiration from others does not come from boasting or praising oneself.己有能,勿自私,人所能,勿轻訾.If you are a very capable person, use your abilities for the benefit of others.Other people’s competence should not be slandered.勿谄富,勿骄贫,勿厌故,勿喜新.•Do not flatter the rich or despise the poor.•Do not ignore old friends and take delight in the new ones.人有短,切莫揭,人有私,切莫说.•If a person has a shortcoming, do not expose it.•If a person has a secret, do not tell others.道人善,即是善,人知之,愈思勉.•Praising the goodness of others is a good deed in itself.•When people approve of or praise you, you should feel encouraged and try even harder.扬人恶,即是恶,疾之甚,祸且作.•Spreading rumors about the wrongdoings of others is a wrongdoing in itself. •When the harm done has reached the extreme, misfortunes will surely follow. 善相劝,德皆建,过不规,道两亏.•When encouraging each other to do good, the virtues of both are built up. •If you do not tell others of their faults, you will both be wrong.凡取与,贵分晓,与宜多,取宜少.•It is better to give more and take less.将加人,先问己,己不欲,即速已.•What you ask others to do, first ask yourself if you will do it.•If it is not something you will do, do not ask others to do it.恩欲报,怨欲忘,抱怨短,报恩长.•You must repay the kindness of others and let go of your resentments. •Spending less time holding grudges and more time paying back the kindness of others.待奴,身贵端,虽贵端,慈而宽.•When you are directing maids and servants, you should be respectable and dignified.•Even though you are respectable and dignified, treat them kindly and generously. 势服人,心不然,理服人,方无言.•If you use your influence to make them submissive, their hearts will never be with you.•If you can convince them with sound reasoning, they will then have nothing more to say.第六章:亲仁Be Close to and Learn from People of Virtue and Compassion同是人,类不齐,流俗众,仁者稀.•We are all humans, but we are not the same.•Most of us are ordinary. Only a few have great virtues and high moral principles. 果仁者,人多畏,言不讳,色不媚.•A truly virtuous person is greatly respected by others.•He will not be afraid to speak the truth and he will not fawn on others. 能亲仁,无限好,德日进,过日少.•If you are close to and learn from people of great virtue and compassion, you will benefit immensely.不亲仁,无限害,小人进,百事坏.•If you are not close to and learn from people of great virtue, you will suffer a great loss.•People without virtue will get close to you and nothing you do will succeed. 第七章:余力学文After all the above are accomplished, study further and learn literature and art to improve your culture and spiritual life.不力行,但学文,长浮华,成何人.•If you do not actively make use of what you have learned, but continue to study on the surface, your knowledge is increasing, but it is only superficial. What kind of person will you be?但力行,不学文,任己见,昧理真.•If you do apply your knowledge diligently, but stop studying, you will only do things based on your own opinion, thinking it is correct. In fact, what you know is not the truth.读书法,有三到,心眼口,信皆要.•There are methods to study correctly. They involve concentration in three areas: your mind, your eyes and your mouth. To believe in what you read is equally important. 方读此,勿慕彼,此未终,彼勿起.•When you begin to read a book, do not think about another.•If you have not completed the book, do not start another.宽为限,紧用功,工夫到,滞塞通.•Give yourself a lot of time to study and study hard.•Given time and effort, you will thoroughly understand what you read.心有疑,随札记,就人问,求确义.•If you have a question, make a note of it.•Ask the person who has the knowledge for the right answer.房室清,墙壁净,几案洁,笔砚正.•Keep your room neat, your walls uncluttered and clean, your desk tidy and yourbrush and inkstone properly placed.墨磨偏,心不端,字不敬,心先病.•If your inkblock is ground unevenly, it shows you have a poor state of mind.•When word are written carelessly, showing no respect, it shows your state of mind has not been well.列典籍,有定处,读看毕,还原处.•The books should be classified, placed on the book shelves, and in their proper places.•After you finish reading a book, put it back in its right place.虽有急,卷束齐,有缺损,就补之.•Even though you are in a hurry, neatly roll up and bind the open bamboo scroll you were reading.•Any missing or damaged pages are to be repaired.非圣书,屏勿视,蔽聪明,坏心志.•If it is not a book on the teachings of the saints and sages, it should be discarded and not even be looked at.•These books can block your intelligence and wisdom, and will undermine your aspirations and sense of direction.勿自暴,勿自弃,圣与贤,可驯致.•Neither be harsh on yourself, nor give up on yourself.•To be a person of high ideals, moral standards and virtue is something we can all attain in time。



总序Outline弟子规圣人训首孝悌tì次谨信Di Zi Gui or Standards for Being a Good Student and Childis a book that was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past.The book first teaches us how to be dutiful to our parents,and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings.It then teaches us how to be cautious with all people,matters ,and objects in our daily lives;how to be a trustworthy person;and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.saint [seint]n.圣人, 道德崇高的人, 圣徒sage [seɪdʒ] n.贤人, 圣人, 年高望重的人ancient ['einʃənt]adj.远古的, 旧的dutiful ['du:tɪfəl]adj.忠实的, 顺从的, 守本分的, 恭敬的, 孝敬的sibling ['sɪblɪŋ]n.兄弟, 姐妹, 同胞, 同属cautious['kɔ:ʃəs]adj.谨慎的, 小心的trustworthy ['trʌst,wɜ:ði:]]adj.可信赖的believe [bi'li:v]v.有坚定的宗教信仰的, 相信, 信任, 认为, 想《弟子规》是中国古圣先贤的教诲。





《弟子规》Standards for Students《总叙》Preface弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信These are the rules for being a student handed down to us by ancient sages first of all, be filial to your own parents and respectful to all of your elders; be trustworthy and cautious泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文Be kind and draw near to those who are good. Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning.《入则孝》On BeingFilial At Home父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒父母教须敬听父母责须顺承When your mother or father is calling, don't be slow to respond.When your parents need to instruct you, you should listen with patient respect. Whatever your parents must scold you, accept it with faithful compliance.冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定In the winter, make sure they are warm; in the summer, make sure they are cool.In the morning, cheerfully greet them; in the evening, tell them "Good night." 出必告反必面居有常业无变Tell your parents if you plan to go out; report to them when you get back. settle down in one certain place; don't switch from one job to another事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏No matter how small the affair, don't act just as you please.For if you act just as you please, then you haven't performed as you should物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤
Although a thing may be small, don't save it just for yourself.For if you hoard things for yourself, your parents' hearts will be grieved.亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去Whatever your parents like best, you should provide for them soon. Whatever your parents dislike, you should do your best to remove.If you carelessly injure your body, your parents will worry and fret.If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disagrace to your parents.身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞If you carelessly injure your body, your parents will worry and fret.If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disagrace to your pa亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤When your parents are loving and kind, of course it's not hard to be filial.The true test of being a person comes when parents are hateful and cruel.亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声If you recognize faults in your parents, exhort them to change for the better Speak to them kindly and gently with a pleasant smile on your face谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨If they can't accept your advice, wait for an apportune time.You may even use tears to exhort them, but don't resent it if you are published 亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝When your parents are ill, call the doctor, be sure the prescription is right. Wait on them day after day, at their bedside by day and by night.For 3 years after their death, remember them always in sorrow.丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生Don't drink wine or eat meat during this period of mourning;take care of their funeral arrangements, make offerings on their behalf revrently cherish their memory as if they were still in the world《出则弟》On Practicing True Brotherhood兄道友弟道恭兄弟睦孝在中When the older children are friendly and the younger children and respectful then brothers and sisters won't fight, and it's clear they know how to be filial财物轻怨何生言语忍忿自泯Don't think of wealth as important, or else they will feel resentfulbe patient when talking to others, then you won't be troubled by anger或饮食或坐走长者先幼者后when people are eating or drinking, sitting down or taking a walk, let those who are older go first, the young ones should follow behind长呼人即代叫人不在己即到if an elder is looking for someone, you should run errand insteadif the person you seek can't be found, hurry back and report what you learned 称尊长勿呼名对尊长勿见能speaking to those who are older, use the proper terms of respect;when you are facing teachers and elders, don't show off or try to look smart 路遇长疾趋揖长无言退恭立if you meet an elder while walking, greet him or her with respectif the elder doesn't address you, respectfully stand to one side骑下马乘下车过犹待百步余if an elder is walking and you're riding, stop and ask if he's traveling far respectfully wait till he has passed you before you continue on in your car长者立幼勿坐长者坐命乃坐when an elder person is standing, the young one should not take a seatbut wait till the elder is seated and sit down when you are told尊长前声要低低不闻却非宜speak softly in front of your elders, in a low voice that pleases the earbut you are wrong if you are speaking so softly that no one can hear近必趋退必迟问起对视勿移greet your elders promptly, and take your leave slowlyanswer questions respectfully and don't let your eyes dart around事诸父如事父事诸兄如事兄you should treat everyone's parents just the same as you treat you owntreat all brothers and sisters just like your family at homein the morning first wash your face, and next brush your teeth very wellafter you go to toilet, use water and soap on your hands冠必正纽必结袜与履俱紧切you should put on your hat with care, and fasten your buttons and snapsthen pull up your socks very neatly, and tied your shoelaces as well置冠服有定位勿乱顿致污秽
your hat and other clothes should be put in their own special placesdon't leave them just lying around, or they are sure to get wrinkled and soiled 衣贵洁不贵华上循分下称家your clothing should always be neat. If it's not new and stylish, don't worry. what you wear should make common sense, don't spend too much money on clothes对饮食勿拣择食适可勿过则
don't fuss and complain about tastes when you're given something to eateat enough so that you're full, but don't eat more than you need.during the time when you're young, don't drink liquor or take harmful drugsto get drunk is disgraceful and ugly, taking drugs bring you nothing but shame 步从容立端正揖深圆拜恭敬your walk should be easy and graceful. when you stand, keep your back tall and straightyour half bows should be deep and full, and your full bows made with respect 勿践阈勿跛倚勿箕踞勿摇髀
watch your step as you enter a doorway, stand up straight and don't lean again the walldon't sit sprawled all over the floor, or wriggle and squirm when you walk缓揭帘勿有声宽转弯勿触棱best be careful when closing a door, do it slowly without too much noise. whenever crossing a room, don't bump into the tables and chairs执虚器如执盈入虚室如有人
you should carry an empty container as carefully as one that is fulland enter a room that is empty as you would if a crowd is inside事勿忙忙多错勿畏难勿轻略there is no need to be in a hurry, if you rush you will make a mistakedon't be afraid of what's hard, and don't be careless with what's easy斗闹场绝勿近邪僻事绝勿问
never go to rowdy places or places where people are fightingwhen something is low and improper, it's not worthy your talk or your questions.将入门问孰存将上堂声必扬when you're going to enter a room, first knock to make sure it's permitted when joining a gathering of people, let them all know you've arrived人问谁对以名吾与我不分明
if someone should ask who you are, you should answer by giving your name if you respond "It's me", you've not giving a proper reply.用人物须明求倘不问即为偷if you use someone else's belongings, be sure you ask for permissionif you don't get the owner's permission, then stealing is what you have done 借人物及时还后有急借不难
if you must borrow something from another, make sure you return it on timeif someone ask you for something, loan it to them as soon as you can《信》On Being Honest凡出言信为先诈与妄奚可焉whatever it is that you say, you should speak so that you can be trusted tell the truth so others can believe you, to lie is against human nature话说多不如少惟其是勿佞巧to talk just a little is better than to chatter non-stop all day longtalk only about what you're sure of , avoid cunning or flowery words奸巧语秽污词市井气切戒之don't use words to be mean and cruel, or speak about things that are coarse let your language be pure and correct, stay away from all that's unworthy见未真勿轻言知未的勿轻传if you haven't seen something quite clearly, don't speak of it as if you knowif you are not sure about what exactly happened, don't spread rumors around 事非宜勿轻诺苟轻诺进退错when you know something is wrong, don't simply follow alongif you just go along with the crowd, you're bound to make a mistake凡道字重且舒勿急疾勿模糊when you speak, say the words clearly, distinctly and smoothly they flowif you talk too fast, no one will heed you. The same if you mumble too low彼说长此说短不关己莫闲管
some like to talk about good points, others like to find faults, big and smallif something is none of your business, simply pay no attention at all见人善即思齐纵去远以渐跻when you see the good points of others, you should strive to imitate them though you don't match up to them now, preserve and one day you will catch up见人恶即内省有则改无加警when you notice bad habits in others, reflect on your own shortcomingsif you have the same faults, correct them; if not, never let them arise唯德学唯才艺不如人当自砺if you virtue, learning and talents don't measure up to othersthen spur yourself to work harder, accept nothing less than your best若衣服若饮食不如人勿生戚
if your wardrobe is seldom in fashion, and your home is simple and plain while your friends have the newest and finest, don't be upset and never complain闻过怒闻誉乐损友来益友却if you're angry when told of yours faults, and happy when praise comes your wayharmful friends will draw near to you, and wholesome friends will stay away闻誉恐闻过欣直谅士渐相亲if compliments make you uneasy, and hearing your faults makes you glad forgiving and straightforward friends will then gradually come to your side无心非名为错有心非名为恶when an error is not made on purpose, it's simply called a mistakebut to deliberately do something wrong is not a mistake, but an evil过能改归于无倘掩饰增一辜if you can reform your offenses, your faults will all disappearbut trying to cover them over makes your offenses more severe《泛爱众》To Cherish All Living Beings凡是人皆须爱天同覆地同载for all creatures throughout the world, one should cherish a kind regard the sky covers all of us equally, the earth supports all human kind行高者名自高人所重非貌高people whose conduct is fine are sure to have good reputations good conduct is what we respect; fine look can't bring people honor才大者望自大人所服非言大people who have great ability thereby enjoy great prestigeothers will follow their lead, but great talkers don't earn much respect己有能勿自私人所能勿轻訾the abilities you yourself have should not be used to attain selfish goals the abilities others may have should not be belittled and scorned勿谄富勿骄贫勿厌故勿喜新it's not right to flatter the rich, or be arrogant towards the poor what's old need not be rejected; what's new is not necessarily good人不闲勿事搅人不安勿话扰if you see a person who is busy, leave him alone until he is free if you see that a person is upset, don't annoy him with idle chatter人有短切莫揭人有私切莫说although you may know someone's faults, there is no need to tell everyone the personal business of others should not be the subject of talk道人善即是善人知之愈思勉Praising the virtue of others is itself a virtuous deed when people hear they've been praised, they will want to improve even more扬人恶既是恶疾之甚祸且作there is anything good in talking of others' shortcomings if they hear, they will surely resent it, they will see you mean nothing but trouble善相劝德皆建过不规道两亏we should urge each other towards goodness, and develop our virtue together if our faults are not corrected, we will surely stray from the way凡取与贵分晓与宜多取宜少the amount you give and you get should always be clearly distinguished make sure that your giving surpasses that amount you receive将加人先问己己不欲即速已before you begin to blame others, first you should question yourself: "Would I want to be scolded and blamed?" if not, then don't do it to someone else恩欲报怨欲忘报怨短报恩长kindness must be returned, let enmity just fade away grudges are better forgotten, make kindness increase day by day待婢仆身贵端虽贵端慈而宽treat your employees with fairness, be proper and just with each other and not only proper and just, you should also be kind and forgiving势服人心不然理服人方无言if you try to rule others by force, you'll never win their hearts if you lead them with virtue and reason, then they will feel oppressed and apart.《亲仁》On Drawing Near to Goodhearted People同是人类不齐流俗众仁者希many different kinds of people all live on the earth together there are many who follow the crowd, there are few who are truly humane果仁者人多畏言不讳色不媚yet those who are truly humane are often feared by other people for they don't hide behind words, or try to please with their looks能亲仁无限好德日进过日少to follow the true humane will bring immeasurable good virtue will grow day by day and mistakes will slowly fade away不亲仁无限害小人进百事坏not to follow the true humane will bring immeasurable harm unworthy people will draw near you and everything will go away《余力学文》On Study Whenever We Can不力行但学文长浮华成何人cultural refinements have value, but not at the expense of real work if you're just superficially polished, then what can you expect to become?但力行不学文任己见昧理真but if you do nothing but work and have no understanding of culture, you'll be bound by your own narrow views, and your notions of truth will be murky读书法有三到心眼口信皆要when you're pursuing your studies, on the "Three Places" focus attention: your mind, your eyes and your month, it's important to train all these three.方读此勿慕彼此未终彼勿起when you've taken up study of something, don't let yourself become sidetracked be sure that you've finished one project before starting off on another宽为限紧用功工夫到滞塞通let your goals be lofty and broad, let your efforts be focused and steady onceyou have skill and experience, you'll solve every problem with ease心有疑随札记就人问求确义when a question comes up in your reading, make note of it before you forget then ask someone else who will know and who can explain the meaning房室清墙壁净几案洁笔砚正your room should be kept neat and tidy, with walls and floors uncluttered and clean your desk should be kept in good order, pencils, papers and pens well arranged墨磨偏心不端字不敬心先病if your desks and papers are messy, it's likely your mind's mixed up too if your writing is sloopy and careless, it's likely your mind is not focused列典籍有定处读看毕还原处each of the books that you use should have its proper place on the shelf after you've finished your reading, put them back in the place they belong虽有急卷束齐有缺坏就补之although you may be in a hurry, you should close your books the right way if the pages or covers are damaged, be sure to take time to repair them非圣书屏勿视敝聪明坏心志what hasn't been written by sages is not something you should be reading such books block your intelligence and undermine your resolve勿自暴勿自弃圣与贤可驯致don't ever look down on yourself, or fail to progress towards goodness we allcan gradually learn to become worthies and sages.。



弟子规(英文文字版)第一章:开宗明义章Chapter Principle And Explaining the Meaning弟子规,圣人训。





The rules for being a student are instructions given by sages.首孝悌,次谨信。


Of all rules,the first is respect, for your parents and all of your elders,learn to be careful andtrustworthy。



Be friendly and kind to all, draw near to people who are good.有余力,则学文.假如以上都能努力去实行,还有更多的能力,就应该研究学问。

Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning.第二章:孝Chapter Two:Filial Piety父母呼,应勿缓,父母命,行勿懒.父母教,须敬听,父母责,须顺承。












父母呼,应勿缓,父母呼唤我们时,马上回答,不要迟缓.When father and mother are calling, answer them right away。



弟子规英文对照版XXX' teachings。


冬则温,XXX,晨则省,昏则定In winter。

keep them warm。

in summer。

keep them cool.In the morning。

be frugal。

in the evening。

be settled.解:冬天要给父母添衣保暖,夏天要给他们降温解暑;早上要节俭,晚上要安稳。

出必告人归必见己When you go out。

tell someone。

when you return。

report to yourself.解:出门要告诉别人,回来要自己报告。

行必有方,言必有序When you walk。

have a n。

when you speak。

have order.解:走路要有方向,说话要有条理。

穿必有恭,立必有容When you dress。

be respectful。

when you stand。

have composure.解:穿衣要恭敬,站立要端庄。




cook - do everything with your own hands.解:打扫、拂尘、整理、做饭,要亲手去做。

Do your best to XXX’ likes。



XXX’ feelings。


有则改勿忘过过则勉再努力If you make a mistake。

correct it and don’t et it。

If you’ve done well。

strive to do even better。



When your parents are ill。



弟子规英文版Standards for Being a Good Student and Child总叙Outline弟子规。


Standards for Being a Good Student and Child was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past. 首孝悌。

次谨信First it teaches you how to be dutiful to your parents, and to be respectful and loving to your siblings. then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in your daily life, and to be a trustworthy person; to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.泛爱众。


Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally,be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.有余力。


When you have accomplished all the above dutiesyou can further study and learn literature and art to improve the quality of your cultural and spiritual lives.第一章入则孝Chapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to Your Parents父母呼。




jǐn谨26zhāo qǐ zǎo yè mián chí朝起早,夜眠迟。

Early to rise, Late, waking eyes.lǎo yì zhìxī cǐ shí老易至,惜此时。

One ages fast; Now’s turning past.【释义】清晨要尽早起床,晚上要迟些才睡。


【英文】In the morning it's best to rise early, at night you should go to bed late. Cherish the time that is left you, don't expect that old age will wait.谨27chén bì guàn jiān shù kǒu晨必盥,兼漱口。

A morning bath, A cleaned mouth.biàn niào huí zhé jìng shǒu便尿回,辄净手。

At th’ toilet stand,Wash your hand.【释义】早晨一定要洗脸漱口。


【英文】First wash your face after rising, and next brush your teeth very well. After you go to the toilet, use water and soap on your hands.谨28guān bì zhèng niǔ bì jié冠必正,纽必结。

Being capped right,And buttoned tight.wà yǔ lǚ jù jǐn qiè袜与履,俱紧切。







As one of the most popular primers in China, Guidelines for Children (Dizi Gui) was written by Li Yuxiu in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (1661-1722). It is based on the ancient teaching of the Chinese philosopher Confucius that emphasizes the basic requisites for being a good person and guidelines for living in harmony with people. The Chinese version was written in three-character verses for the sake of smooth reading. To keep the original style, the English translation is also written in three-word verses without the loss of content, in order to help the English readers not only understand the text but also capture the essence of Chinese civilization that belongs both to China and to the whole world.Children should abideBy Confucius’ guide:Respect elders ’n parent;Be trustworthy 'n prudent.【释义】《弟子规》这本书是孔子对学生的生活规范。



弟子规英文版弟子规英文版总叙Preface Outline弟子规。


These are the rules for being a studentHanded down to us by Ancient Sages.Standards for Being a Good Student and Child is a book thatwas taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past.首孝弟。


First be filial to your own parentsAnd respectful to all of your elders.The book first teaches us how to be dutiful to your parents, and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings.It then teaches us how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in our daily life, and how to be a trustworthy person; and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.泛爱众。


Be trustworthy, cautious and kind,And draw near to those who are good.Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally,and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.有余力。





When your parents call you,You should answer without delay.When your parents ask you to do something,You should act immediately as your parents say.父母教,须敬听。


When your parents instruct you,You must listen to them respectfully.When your parents rebuke you,You must take their rebukes obediently.冬则温,夏则凊。


You should make your parents enjoy warmth in winter,You should let them live in cool in summer.In the morning you should pay your respects to them,In the evening you should arrange them to slumber.出必告,返必面。


Before you leave home, you must tell your parents about your leaving.As soon as you come back (home), you must report to them about your returning home.Your living quarters should be fixedAnd your profession should remain the same.。



《弟子规》中、英文对照学习版总序Outline弟子规圣人训首孝弟次谨信Di Zi Gui or Standards for Being a Good Student and Child is a book that was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past. The book first teaches us how to be fealty to our parents, and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings. It then teaches us how to be cautious with all people, matters, and objects in our daily lives; how to be a trust worthy person; and to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.《弟子规》是中国古圣先贤的教诲。



泛爱众而亲仁有馀力则学交Furthermore, it teaches us to love all equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion. Only when have accomplished all the above can we then study further and learn literature and art to improve the quality of our cultural and spiritual lives.接着它教导我们应该要平等地去爱一切众生,要亲近仁慈、有德行的人,向他们学习我们必须先把自己本份内的责任都做到了,如还有剩余的时间和精力,才可以更进一步学习研究文学艺术,来提升自己的精神生活品质。



fàn ài zhòng泛爱众58fán shì rén jiē xūài凡是人,皆须爱。

Love every one Under the sun.tiān tóng fù dì tóng zài天同覆,地同载。

The same Nature, The same creature.【释义】不论是什么人,我们都要关怀爱护,因为我们都共同生活在这天地之间。

【英文】For all creatures throughout the world, we should cherish a kindred regard. The sky covers all of us equally. The earth supports all humankind.fàn ài zhòng泛爱众59xìng gāo zhě míng zì gāo行高者,名自高。

A great aim, A good name.rén suǒ zhòng fēi mào gāo人所重,非貌高。

What one seeks, Not good cheeks.【释义】一个品德高尚的人,名声自然高远。


【英文】People whose conduct is fine are sure to have good reputations. Good conduct is what we respect; Fine looks cannot bring people honor.泛爱众60 cái dà zhěwàng zì dà才大者,望自大。

Great as such, Renowned as much.rén suǒ fúfēi yán dà人所服,非言大。



亲仁73tóng shì rén lèi bùqí同是人,类不齐。

The same kind Different you find.liú sú zhòng rén zhě xī流俗众,仁者希。

Of the multitude, Few are good.【释义】同样是人,但类别不一样。


【英文】We live on the earth all together, but we people are not all the same.There are many who follow the crowd; but few who are truly humane.亲仁74guǒ rén zhě rén duō wèi果仁者,人多畏。

Fair who appears May cause fears.yán bú huìsè bú mèi言不讳,色不媚。

A righteous one, He hides none!【释义】真正仁慈的人,大家都会敬畏他,因为他直言不讳,也不阿谀奉承。

【英文】Yet those who are truly humane, intimidate average souls.Because they're direct and outspoken, and because they won't flatter and please.qīn rén亲仁75néng qīn rén wú xiàn hǎo能亲仁,无限好。

Seeking who's kind Is good, unconfined.dérìjìn guò rìshǎo德日进,过日少。



chūzétì出则弟15xiōng dào yǒu dì dào gōng兄道友,弟道恭。

Befriend the elder,Respect the younger.xiōng dì mù xiào zài zhōng兄弟睦,孝在中。

Good, good brother,Love each other.【释义】做兄长的要爱护弟弟,做弟弟的要尊敬兄长。


【英文】When all the brothers are friendly, and sisters show respect, the harmony blessing these children, is a sign of the Filial Way .chūzétì出则弟16cái wù qīng yuàn hé shēng财物轻,怨何生。

Properties you despise;No disputes arise.yán yǔ rěn fèn zì mǐn言语忍,忿自泯。

Harshness you restrain;None will complain.【释义】把财物看得轻淡些,兄弟之间就不会相互怨恨,处处忍让、和颜爱语便不会引起忿怒。

【英文】If wealth is not viewed as essential, how could resentment arise? When words are both gentle and patient, bad feelings will soon disappear .出则弟17 huò yǐn shí huò zuò zǒu或饮食,或坐走。



周末英语角丨弟子规中英对照版《弟子规》Standards for Students《总叙》Preface弟子规圣人训首孝悌次谨信These are the rules for being a student handed down to us by ancient sagesfirst of all, be filial to your own parents and respectful to all of your elders; be trustworthy and cautious泛爱众而亲仁有余力则学文Be kind and draw near to those who are good. Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning.《入则孝》On Being Filial At Home父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒父母教须敬听父母责须顺承When your mother or father is calling, don't be slow to respond.When your parents need to instruct you, you should listen with patient respect.Whatever your parents must scold you, accept it with faithful compliance.冬则温夏则凊晨则省昏则定In the winter, make sure they are warm; in the summer, make sure they are cool.In the morning, cheerfully greet them; in the evening, tellthem 'Good night.'出必告反必面居有常业无变Tell your parents if you plan to go out; report to them when you get back.settle down in one certain place; don't switch from one job to another事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏No matter how small the affair, don't act just as you please.For if you act just as you please, then you haven't performed as you should物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤Although a thing may be small, don't save it just for yourself.For if you hoard things for yourself, your parents' hearts will be grieved.亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去Whatever your parents like best, you should provide for them soon.Whatever your parents dislike, you should do your best to remove.If you carelessly injure your body, your parents will worry and fret.If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disagrace to your parents.身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞If you carelessly injure your body, your parents will worry andfret.If you heedlessly damage your virtue, you bring shame and disagrace to your pa亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤When your parents are loving and kind, of course it's not hard to be filial.The true test of being a person comes when parents are hateful and cruel.亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声If you recognize faults in your parents, exhort them to change for the betterSpeak to them kindly and gently with a pleasant smile on your face谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨If they can't accept your advice, wait for an apportune time.You may even use tears to exhort them, but don't resent it if you are published亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝When your parents are ill, call the doctor, be sure the prescription is right.Wait on them day after day, at their bedside by day and by night.For 3 years after their death, remember them always in sorrow.丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生Don't drink wine or eat meat during this period of mourning;take care of their funeral arrangements, make offerings on their behalfrevrently cherish their memory as if they were still in the world《出则弟》 On Practicing True Brotherhood兄道友弟道恭兄弟睦孝在中When the older children are friendly and the younger children and respectfulthen brothers and sisters won't fight, and it's clear they know how to be filial财物轻怨何生言语忍忿自泯Don't think of wealth as important, or else they will feel resentfulbe patient when talking to others, then you won't be troubled by anger或饮食或坐走长者先幼者后when people are eating or drinking, sitting down or taking a walk, let those who are older go first, the young ones should follow behind长呼人即代叫人不在己即到if an elder is looking for someone, you should run errand insteadif the person you seek can't be found, hurry back and report what you learned称尊长勿呼名对尊长勿见能speaking to those who are older, use the proper terms of respect;when you are facing teachers and elders, don't show off or try to look smart路遇长疾趋揖长无言退恭立if you meet an elder while walking, greet him or her with respectif the elder doesn't address you, respectfully stand to one side骑下马乘下车过犹待百步余if an elder is walking and you're riding, stop and ask if he's traveling farrespectfully wait till he has passed you before you continue on in your car长者立幼勿坐长者坐命乃坐when an elder person is standing, the young one should not take a seatbut wait till the elder is seated and sit down when you are told尊长前声要低低不闻却非宜speak softly in front of your elders, in a low voice that pleases the earbut you are wrong if you are speaking so softly that no one can hear近必趋退必迟问起对视勿移greet your elders promptly, and take your leave slowlyanswer questions respectfully and don't let your eyes dart around事诸父如事父事诸兄如事兄you should treat everyone's parents just the same as you treat you owntreat all brothers and sisters just like your family at homein the morning first wash your face, and next brush your teeth very wellafter you go to toilet, use water and soap on your hands冠必正纽必结袜与履俱紧切you should put on your hat with care, and fasten your buttons and snapsthen pull up your socks very neatly, and tied your shoelaces as well置冠服有定位勿乱顿致污秽your hat and other clothes should be put in their own special placesdon't leave them just lying around, or they are sure to get wrinkled and soiled衣贵洁不贵华上循分下称家your clothing should always be neat. If it's not new and stylish, don't worry.what you wear should make common sense, don't spend too much money on clothes对饮食勿拣择食适可勿过则don't fuss and complain about tastes when you're given something to eateat enough so that you're full, but don't eat more than you need.during the time when you're young, don't drink liquor or take harmful drugsto get drunk is disgraceful and ugly, taking drugs bring you nothing but shame步从容立端正揖深圆拜恭敬your walk should be easy and graceful. when you stand, keep your back tall and straightyour half bows should be deep and full, and your full bows made with respect勿践阈勿跛倚勿箕踞勿摇髀watch your step as you enter a doorway, stand up straight and don't lean again the walldon't sit sprawled all over the floor, or wriggle and squirm when you walk缓揭帘勿有声宽转弯勿触棱best be careful when closing a door, do it slowly without too much noise.whenever crossing a room, don't bump into the tables and chairs执虚器如执盈入虚室如有人you should carry an empty container as carefully as one thatis fulland enter a room that is empty as you would if a crowd is inside事勿忙忙多错勿畏难勿轻略there is no need to be in a hurry, if you rush you will make a mistakedon't be afraid of what's hard, and don't be careless with what's easy斗闹场绝勿近邪僻事绝勿问never go to rowdy places or places where people are fighting when something is low and improper, it's not worthy your talk or your questions.将入门问孰存将上堂声必扬when you're going to enter a room, first knock to make sure it's permittedwhen joining a gathering of people, let them all know you've arrived人问谁对以名吾与我不分明if someone should ask who you are, you should answer by giving your nameif you respond 'It's me', you've not giving a proper reply.用人物须明求倘不问即为偷if you use someone else's belongings, be sure you ask for permissionif you don't get the owner's permission, then stealing is what you have done借人物及时还后有急借不难if you must borrow something from another, make sure you return it on timeif someone ask you for something, loan it to them as soon as you can《信》On Being Honest凡出言信为先诈与妄奚可焉whatever it is that you say, you should speak so that you can be trusted tell the truth so others can believe you, to lie is against human nature话说多不如少惟其是勿佞巧to talk just a little is better than to chatter non-stop all day longtalk only about what you're sure of , avoid cunning or flowery words奸巧语秽污词市井气切戒之don't use words to be mean and cruel, or speak about things that are coarselet your language be pure and correct, stay away from all that's unworthy见未真勿轻言知未的勿轻传if you haven't seen something quite clearly, don't speak of it as if you knowif you are not sure about what exactly happened, don't spread rumors around事非宜勿轻诺苟轻诺进退错when you know something is wrong, don't simply follow alongif you just go along with the crowd, you're bound to make a mistake凡道字重且舒勿急疾勿模糊when you speak, say the words clearly, distinctly and smoothly they flowif you talk too fast, no one will heed you. The same if you mumble too low彼说长此说短不关己莫闲管some like to talk about good points, others like to find faults, big and smallif something is none of your business, simply pay no attention at all见人善即思齐纵去远以渐跻when you see the good points of others, you should strive to imitate themthough you don't match up to them now, preserve and one day you will catch up见人恶即内省有则改无加警when you notice bad habits in others, reflect on your own shortcomingsif you have the same faults, correct them; if not, never let them arise唯德学唯才艺不如人当自砺if you virtue, learning and talents don't measure up to others then spur yourself to work harder, accept nothing less than your best若衣服若饮食不如人勿生戚if your wardrobe is seldom in fashion, and your home is simple and plainwhile your friends have the newest and finest, don't be upset and never complain闻过怒闻誉乐损友来益友却if you're angry when told of yours faults, and happy when praise comes your wayharmful friends will draw near to you, and wholesome friends will stay away闻誉恐闻过欣直谅士渐相亲if compliments make you uneasy, and hearing your faults makes you gladforgiving and straightforward friends will then gradually come to your side无心非名为错有心非名为恶when an error is not made on purpose, it's simply called amistakebut to deliberately do something wrong is not a mistake, but an evil过能改归于无倘掩饰增一辜if you can reform your offenses, your faults will all disappear but trying to cover them over makes your offenses more severe《泛爱众》To Cherish All Living Beings凡是人皆须爱天同覆地同载for all creatures throughout the world, one should cherish a kind regard the sky covers all of us equally, the earth supports all human kind行高者名自高人所重非貌高people whose conduct is fine are sure to have good reputations good conduct is what we respect; fine look can't bring people honor才大者望自大人所服非言大people who have great ability thereby enjoy great prestige others will follow their lead, but great talkers don't earn much respect己有能勿自私人所能勿轻訾the abilities you yourself have should not be used to attain selfish goals the abilities others may have should not be belittledand scorned勿谄富勿骄贫勿厌故勿喜新it's not right to flatter the rich, or be arrogant towards the poor what's old need not be rejected; what's new is not necessarily good人不闲勿事搅人不安勿话扰if you see a person who is busy, leave him alone until he is free if you see that a person is upset, don't annoy him with idle chatter人有短切莫揭人有私切莫说although you may know someone's faults, there is no need to tell everyone the personal business of others should not be the subject of talk道人善即是善人知之愈思勉Praising the virtue of others is itself a virtuous deed when people hear they've been praised, they will want to improve even more扬人恶既是恶疾之甚祸且作there is anything good in talking of others' shortcomings if they hear, they will surely resent it, they will see you mean nothing but trouble善相劝德皆建过不规道两亏we should urge each other towards goodness, and develop our virtue together if our faults are not corrected, we will surelystray from the way凡取与贵分晓与宜多取宜少the amount you give and you get should always be clearly distinguished make sure that your giving surpasses that amount you receive将加人先问己己不欲即速已before you begin to blame others, first you should question yourself: 'Would I want to be scolded and blamed?' if not, then don't do it to someone else恩欲报怨欲忘报怨短报恩长kindness must be returned, let enmity just fade away grudges are better forgotten, make kindness increase day by day待婢仆身贵端虽贵端慈而宽treat your employees with fairness, be proper and just with each otherand not only proper and just, you should also be kind and forgiving势服人心不然理服人方无言if you try to rule others by force, you'll never win their hearts if you lead them with virtue and reason, then they will feel oppressed and apart.《亲仁》On Drawing Near to Goodhearted People同是人类不齐流俗众仁者希many different kinds of people all live on the earth together there are many who follow the crowd, there are few who are truly humane果仁者人多畏言不讳色不媚yet those who are truly humane are often feared by other people for they don't hide behind words, or try to please with their looks能亲仁无限好德日进过日少to follow the true humane will bring immeasurable good virtue will grow day by day and mistakes will slowly fade away不亲仁无限害小人进百事坏not to follow the true humane will bring immeasurable harm unworthy people will draw near you and everything will go away《余力学文》On Study Whenever We Can不力行但学文长浮华成何人cultural refinements have value, but not at the expense of real workif you're just superficially polished, then what can you expect to become?但力行不学文任己见昧理真but if you do nothing but work and have no understanding of culture, you'll be bound by your own narrow views, and your notions of truth will be murky读书法有三到心眼口信皆要when you're pursuing your studies, on the 'Three Places' focus attention: your mind, your eyes and your month, it's important to train all these three.方读此勿慕彼此未终彼勿起when you've taken up study of something, don't let yourself become sidetracked be sure that you've finished one project before starting off on another宽为限紧用功工夫到滞塞通let your goals be lofty and broad, let your efforts be focused and steady once you have skill and experience, you'll solve every problem with ease心有疑随札记就人问求确义when a question comes up in your reading, make note of it before you forget then ask someone else who will know and who can explain the meaning房室清墙壁净几案洁笔砚正your room should be kept neat and tidy, with walls and floors uncluttered and clean your desk should be kept in good order, pencils, papers and pens well arranged墨磨偏心不端字不敬心先病if your desks and papers are messy, it's likely your mind's mixed up too if your writing is sloopy and careless, it's likely your mind is not focused列典籍有定处读看毕还原处each of the books that you use should have its proper place on the shelf after you've finished your reading, put them back in the place they belong虽有急卷束齐有缺坏就补之although you may be in a hurry, you should close your books the right way if the pages or covers are damaged, be sure to take time to repair them非圣书屏勿视敝聪明坏心志what hasn't been written by sages is not something you should be reading such books block your intelligence and undermine your resolve勿自暴勿自弃圣与贤可驯致don't ever look down on yourself, or fail to progress towards goodnesswe all can gradually learn to become worthies and sages(完)。



《弟子規》Guidelines for Being a Good Person弟子規聖人訓首孝弟次謹信Di Zi Gui was written by ancient Chinese sages. It teaches us the guidelines for being a good human being.First, it teaches us to respect and love our parents and to be kind to our siblings.Second, it teaches us how to interact with people and engage in daily tasks.泛愛眾而親仁有餘力則學文It also teaches us to be a trustworthy person.Furthermore, it teaches us to love all beings and to be close to kind and virtuous people.Having learned how to do all these, we can then expand our horizons by studying the arts.(一)入則孝Respecting and Loving Our Parents at Home父母呼應勿緩父母命行勿懶When our parents call us, we should answer them right away. When they tell us to do something, we should do it promptly.父母教。




When our parents instruct us, we should listen respectfully. When they scold us, we should sincerely accept what they say.冬則溫。

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•Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally, and to be close to and learn from people of virtue
•When you have accomplished all the above duties, you can study further to learn literature and art to improve the
• First it teaches us how to be dutiful to your parents, and how to be respectful and loving to our siblings. • Then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters and things in your daily life and how to be a trustworthy person and to believe the teachings of ancient saints and sages.
第一章:孝(入则孝) Be a Dutiful Child When at Home
父母呼,应勿缓.父 母命,行勿懒.
•When your parents call you, answer them right away. •When they command you to
父母教,须敬听.父母责,须 顺承.
或饮食,或坐走,长 者先,幼者后.
•Whether you are drinking, eating, sitting or walking, let the elders go first; younger ones should follow.
长呼人,即代叫,人 不在,几即到.
• When the elder is asking for someone, get that person for him right away. • If you cannot find that person, immediately report back, and put yourself at the elder’s
•Have a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life. •Persist in whatever you do
亲所好,力为具,亲所 恶,谨为去.
• If whatever please your parents is fair and reasonable, try your best to get it for them. • Should something displease your parents, if within reason,
• Before going out, tell your parents where you are going, for parents are always concerned about their children. • After returning home, go and see your parents to let them know you are back, so
亲有过,谏使更,怡 吾色,柔吾声.
•When your parents do wrong, urge them to change. •Do it with a kind facial expression
谏不入,悦复谏,号 泣随,挞无怨.
• If they do not accept your advice, wait until they are in a happier mood before you dissuade them again, followed by crying to make them understand why.
•During this period, you should arrange your home to reflect your grief and sorrow. Avoid festivities and indulgence in food
丧尽礼,祭尽诚,事 死者,如事生.
• Observe the proper etiquette in arranging their funerals. Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate their anniversaries with your utmost sincerity.
长者立,幼勿坐,长者坐, 命乃坐. •When an elder is standing, do not sit. •After the elder sits down, take a seat only after you are
尊长前,声要低,低不闻, 却非宜. •Before an elder, speak softly. •But if your voice is too low and hard to hear, it is not
身有伤,贻亲忧,德 有伤,贻亲羞.
•When your body is hurt, your parents will be worried. •If your virtues are compromised, your parents will feel
亲爱我,孝何难,亲 恶我,孝方贤.
• When you have loving parents, it is not difficult to be a dutiful child. • But if you are still dutiful to parents who hate you, you will meet the standards of the saints
Standards for Being a Good Student and Child
•Standards for being a good student and child is a book that was taught by Chinese saints and sages
晨必盥,兼漱口,便溺回, 辄净手. •When you get up in the morning, wash your face and brush your teeth. •After using the
冠必正,纽必结,袜与履, 俱紧切.
Standards for a Younger Brother When Away from Home
兄道友,弟道恭,兄 弟睦,孝在中
• Older siblings should befriend the younger ones. Younger siblings should respect and love the older ones. • Siblings who keep harmonious relationships
亲有疾,药先尝,昼 夜侍,不离床.
•When your parents are ill, taste the medicine first before giving it to them.
丧三年,常悲咽,居 处变,酒肉绝.
• During the first three years of mourning after they passed away, remember them with gratitude and feel sad often for not being able to repay them for their
称尊长,勿呼名,对 尊长,勿见能.
•When you address an elder, do not call him by his “given name”. •In front of an elder,
路遇长,疾趋揖,长无言, 退恭立.
• If you come across an elder you know on the street, promptly clasp your hands and greet him with a bow. • If he does not speak to you, step back and
骑下马,乘下车,过犹待, 百步余. •Should you be riding on a horse and you spot an elder you know walking, you should dismount
• If you are riding in a carriage, you should stopห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ get out of the carriage, and ask if you can give him a ride. • If you meet an elder passing by, you should
When your parents instruct you, listen respectfully. When your parents reproach you, obey and accept their scolding; try hard to change and improve
冬则温,夏则 .晨则省, 昏则定.
朝起早,夜眠迟,老易至,惜 此时. •Get up early in the morning before your parents. Go to bed at night only after they have gone to sleep.