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饺子dumpling 庙会temple fair 舞龙dragon dance 舞狮lion dance 虎头鞋Tiger-head shoes 红包red packet 压岁钱lucky money 烟花,烟火fireworks 鞭炮firecrackers 春晚Spring festival Gala 春节Spring festival 除夕New Year’s Eve 年画New Year paintings 剪纸paper-cuts 门神Door gods 农历lunar calendar 年夜饭reunion dinner 对联poetic couplet 香包perfume pouch 粽子Zongzi
Unit 2
龙舟dragon boat 端午节Dragon boat festival 纸钱spiritual paper 青团sweet green rice ball 踏青spring outing 清明节Tomb-sweeping day 春卷spring roll 立春Beginning of spring 地支Earthly branch 天干Heavenly stem 灯笼,花灯lantern 灯谜lantern riddle 元宵节Lantern festival 年糕rice cake 汤圆Glutinous rice ball 元宵rice glue ball 土地神Local god of the land 八宝粥rice with eight delicacies 龙王dragon king 十二生肖Chinese zodiac
Unit 3
财神The God of Wealth 针灸acupuncture 中医traditional Chinese medicine 馄饨wonton 冬至winter solstice 夏至summer solstice 重阳节Double Ninth Festival 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 端午节Dragon Boat Festival 中元节Ghost Festival 七夕节Magpie Festival 艾蒿Mugwort 菖蒲calamus 中国结Chinese knotting 雄黄酒realgar wine 臭豆腐stinky tofu 玉兔Jade Rabbit 嫦娥Chang’e 大闸蟹Chinese mitten crab 糖葫芦Tanghulu
Unit 4
馒头steamed bun 火锅hot pot 皮蛋century egg 包子steamed stuffed bun 油条fried bread stick 豆浆soybean milk 京剧Peking opera 麻将Mahjong 城隍庙the temple of the town God 水墨画iInk wash painting 旗袍cheongsam 泥人clay figure 刺绣embroidery 油纸伞oil-paper umbrella 卷轴scroll 漆画batik 围棋the game of go 象棋Chinese chess 熏香Incense 镇纸paperweight
Unit 5
砚台inkstone 毛笔writing brush 宣纸rice paper 丝绸silk 玉器jade ware 陶器pottery 漆器lacquer ware 瓷器porcelain 吉祥如意Everything goes well 孟子Mencius 孔子Confucius 佛教Buddhism 道教Taoism 五行five elements 八卦eight trigrams 世外桃源Shangri-La 功夫Kung fu 小品sketch comedy 相声cross talk 算盘abacus
Unit 6
印玺seal 篆刻sealcutting 团扇oval fan 折扇folding fan 工笔画Gongbi 宝塔pagoda 说书monologue story-telling 皮影shadow play 紫砂壶Yixing clay teapot 青花瓷blue-and-white porcelain 景泰蓝cloisonne 唐三彩tri-colored pottery 风筝kite 鼎tripod 编钟chime bells 二胡Chinese two-string fiddle 琵琶Chinese lute 古筝Chinese plucked zither 岁岁平安Peace all year round. 古琴Chinese seven string zither
Unit 7
恭喜发财Wishing you prosperity 盆景bonsai 兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors 红茶black tea 普洱茶Pu’er tea 绿茶green tea 乌龙茶Oolong tea 茶tea 书法calligraphy 华表ornamental column 牌坊memorial arch 烽火台beacon tower 亭,阁pavilion 孔庙Confucian temple 道观Taoist temple 佛教Buddhist temple 圆明园Old Summer Palace 天坛Temple of Heaven
故宫Forbidden City 长城the Great Wall
Unit 8
米酒Chinese rice wine 科举Imperial examination 孔明灯sky lantern 回锅肉double-fried pork slices 过桥米线vermicelli soup 羊肉串lamb kebab 麻辣豆腐Mapo tofu 拉面hand-pulled noodle 锅贴pan-fried dumpling 烧卖pork dumpling 烧饼sesame pancake 咸鸭蛋salted duck egg 白切鸡boiled chicken slices 鱼香肉丝Yuxiang Shredded Pork 宫保鸡丁Kung Pao chicken 北京烤鸭Beijing-style roast duck 龟苓膏Chinese herbal jelly 豆腐脑tofu pudding 阳春面plain noodle 轿子litter