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T ranslationofEn g l i s h F i l m TitlesandtheCommercialEffect
Abstr act: The film , an important part of modern li fe as w ell as a special k ind of a rt, pla y s an im portantrolenotonlyineducationandentertainmentbutalsoincommerce.WithChina’s l arge-scaleimportofEnglishfilmsinrecentyears,thetranslationofmovietitleshasbecomemoreandmoreimportant.Therefore,go odtranslationoffilmtitlescanaddsplendortotheoriginalfilmsandhelpenhancethecommercialvalue.Shortas movie ti tles a re, they incarnate the essence of the fi lm s and are important in bring ing them successfully tothe market. This paper analy zes l ing uistic features of movie ti tles, discusses the principles and m ethods and
show s the com mercial effect a g ood m ovie ti tle ma yhave.
关键词:片名语言特点, 翻译原则,翻译方法, 商业效应
Films are the product of entertainment mixed with art, which decides that the translation of movie titles is different from some other kind of translations. Translators are supposed notto s t i ck t oth e pri nc ipl e sof t ransla t ion nor to s earchfornovel t ywit hout cons i deringt h e orig ina lmeaning, buttofindthebestpointofartandmarketbasedonprinciples.Thisarticlemakesa discussionaboutthecomme rcialeffectagoodtitletranslationmayhaveonthebasisofsome i ns t ances, c om bine d w ith t he featu r es of movie t it l es and the meth ods of title translation.
1.Fea tures of filmtitles
Filmtitleisthefinishingtouchofthefilm.Itconveystheinformationaboutthefilmandaims to attract the audience. Therefore, it is important to have a good knowledge of thefeatures of film titles so that a proper translation can be made. The main feature of the movie titlesis briefandvivid,thoughsometimestherearealsosomelongones.Rhetoricaldevices,asakindof literary mean, are often used in English movie titles; as a result, they make thelanguageexcitingandfullofwitandhumor. Inaddition,someidioms,allusionsandslangarealso
adopted in the translation of movie titles. Now, the paper lists some features of the movietitlesfol low.
1.1L inguisticfeatures
Obviously,thelanguagefeatureoffilmtitleisconcisewithasimplestructure.Manyfilmsde no m i na tethe msel ve saftert hen am e softheheroe s or he r oi nes,s uc h a s J aneEyre,E dward Scissorhands,HarryPotterVan Helsing;Somefilmsare named after the place or time thestory happened, such as Grand Hotel,Pearl Harbor,The Apartment,Con Air,Sahara; Still some aft e r the pl ot, The C ol e,Die H ard 3,Brief Encount e r, A Lot L i ke Love; and som ea f terthetheme,Serendipity,Ghost,etc.Mostofthetitlesareveryshort,justonewordortwo.Butundoubtedlytherearealsosomerelative longones,evena complete sentence. For instance,Wh e n a Man Lov e s a Wo m a n,It Happened One Night and I Know W hat You Did LastSumme r.Ofcourse,therearemoreshorttitlesthanthelongones. Besides, phrases, especially nounphrasesareusedinalargenumberinfilmtitles,suchasAWalkintheClouds,DanceWith Wolves,A lmos t F am ous,H om eAloneandIn t he B edroom.I n Engl i s h,noun i spredom i nant,becauseitprovidesamorevariablechoice ofexpressions.Itiswidelyusedtodescribeactions,changes, emotions and soon.
1.2Artisticf e atur e s
The film is a modern art which has its unique artistic characteristics, and the movietitles can fully reflect its artistry. Generally speaking, the artistic of the movie title is embodied intheskillfulus eof rhetoricalde vi ceswhich a reoft e na dopt edin E ngli s hmovi e titles.Rhet or ical devices can make the title more vivid and attractive so as to get a better effect of publicity. The oftenusedrhetoricaldevicesinthemovietitlesincludemetaphor,personification,oxymoron,contra st, irony, rhyme a nd so on, ea c h havi n g it s s pe cia l f eat ur e a n d effec t. Take i r onyfo rinstance,ironyisamethodofhumorousorsarcasticexpressioninwhichtheintendedmeaning ofthew ordsisthedirectoppositeoftheirusualsense.Theironyusedinthemovietitlescanlea d t he audience to dee ply tho u g ht an d inspire them t o watch the fi l m. F or anot he r example,the use of metaphor in movie titles can concisely and clearly reveals the theme of the film,firing people's imagination. At the same time, the cantabile and vivid language guidestheaudience to enjoy the charm of art. For example:
Sense and
Sensibility(alliteration)Tiger! Tiger!
OneFlewoverthe Cuckoo’s Nest(metaphor)The
Green Grass of Home(alliteration)