The translation of movie title 电影名翻译

Four principles
“七”在这部电影里可谓无处不 在,七罪、七罚、七次下雨、故事发 生在七天,甚至结局也由罪犯定在第 七天的下午七时,无处不在的“7”暗 示宿命的罪与罚。
《我知道你是谁》读起来 有点拗口,而且作为一部主要 讲述FBI捉拿通缉犯的悬念迭 出的侦探片的片名,却显得语 气平淡,气势薄弱,根本无法 先声夺人,引人入胜。
比较一下这部电影在港 台地区和海外的其他译名, 如《逍遥法外》、《智抓双 雄》、《神鬼交锋》、《猫 捉老鼠》等等,就不难体会 到电影片名的翻译在技巧和 原则上都是个耐人寻味的话 题了。
e.g. 用反复法将A Few Good Man 译为“好人寥寥”, 反义法将True Lies 译为“真实的谎言”, 对照法将Old Wives for New,Love Me Tenderly 分
Four principles
4.商业价值原则 (commercial value)
Dragon Heart 《魔龙传奇》 “dragon”在英语中的负面联想意义(使人联想到残忍、 魔鬼),以及中国文化对龙的推崇(中华民族、帝王、成 功的象征),该片加上一个“魔”字译为《魔龙传奇》。
另外,片名中的习语、典故负载大量文化信息。 Rambo:First Blood 《首战告捷》 “First blood”是英语习语,意为“首战告捷”。
Four principles

1.TranslationofMovieTitle电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Translation of Movie TitlesIntroduction 周艳E 施樱华C 曹驰电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Five Methods Literal translation Transliteration Free translation Literal translation Free translation Transliteration Free translation电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Literal Translation Roman Holiday 《罗马假日》《黄土地》Yellow Earth电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Tiny changes of the sequence The Silence of the Lambs 《沉默的羔羊》《高山下的花环》Wreath at the Foot of the Mountain 电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Transliteration Jane Eyre Hamlet 《周恩来》《成吉思汗》《简爱》《哈姆雷特》Zhou Enlai Genghis Khan电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Free Translation 得意忘形Add ,simplify ,elaborate电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Free Translation She is So Lovely 《可人儿》It Happened One Night 《一夜风流》《赤橙黄绿青蓝紫》All Colors of the Rainbow 《城南旧事》Old Days in Southern Beijing电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Literal Translation Free Translation Fail to express context of the movie or inspire the audience’s esthetic sentiment Obscure Bland Base on the movie Give a fresh title Vivid , eye-catching电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Literal Translation Free Translation《人鬼情未了》电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Transliteration Free Translation Difference of language and culture Names, places, events Transliterate first Addition电影名中译英及英译中的方法概要Transliteration Free Translation。

TIP2:F ro m th e
e x a m p le s w e s e e ju s t n o w ,w e c a n fin d th a t m a n y p e o p le te n d to tra n s la te th e w o rd "m a n " o r th e n a m e o f w h ic h te lls u s h o w a s u p e rh e ro h e a l th e w o rld in to X X But sometimes rthis rule seems 侠,o n a m e a m o v ie useless whenith comes rd s the 总 w it th e w o to lik e 动员.H e re c o m e s o following situation.Let's see. n e o f th e tip s th a t s o m e tim e s w e c a n
On the Translation of Movie Titles浅析英文电影片名的翻译

On the Translation of Movie Titles浅析英文电影片名的翻译[Abstract] The translation of movie titles has become a popular topic in modern life. As is known to all, how to translate the movie title has become a controversial topic in the field of translation for a long time. The translation of western movie titles is quite different from the translation of Chinese movie titles. In the process of the translation, sometimes movie titles will have different translations owing to the different translators, because everyone has his own idea, experience and knowledge. Movies are a very important part of cultural interchanges. Therefore, the culture of the countries is becoming a major content to present in the films. This paper points out the characteristics and importance on the translation of movie titles and calls on the translators to pay more attention to it. The linguistical, cultural and commercial features characterize the film titles. So the title t ranslation isn’t a process to change one language to another. This article analyzes the current situation and existing problems on the translation of movie titles and introduces several basic approaches on the translation of movie titles, and then put forward some requirements on the title translation and to translators. Finally, we reach a conclusion: the translation of movie titles has its unique characteristics as a special form of art. Although there are many problems on the current translation of movie titles, we can still translate movie titles better and better, as long as we master the basic translation approaches and principles, and strengthen the requirements for ourselves.[Key Words]movie titles; characteristics; current situation and problems; approach; requirement【摘要】当今社会,“电影片名的翻译”已经成为一个流行的词语,众所周知,如何译好电影片名已成为翻译界热烈讨论了很长时的话题;西片的片名不同于中国电影片名,在翻译的过程中,由于译者的想法、经验和知识不同,翻译也会有所不同。

目的论指导下的英文电影片名翻译The Translation of English Movie Titles under theGuidance of Skopos Theory YANG Yongfeng,LI Hongmei(Taizhou Polytechnic College ,Taizhou ,Jiangsu 225300)With the deepening of the cross-cultural communication ,the movie ,as a cultural carrier ,is playing an increasingly important role. In recent years ,translation related to English movies is bringing more and more attention. Movie title is a trademark and advertising carrier ,the translation of which will directly affect whether the target language audience will accept it ornot ,and further determine the movie will be a success or failure in the market. Under the guidance of skopos theory,this article tries to explore the translation of English movietitles from four kinds of translation methods transliteration ,literal translation ,liberaltranslation and creativetranslation goals of conveying thetitle's information value and art recreation. ,namely,so as to realize the,commercial0 引言片名犹如电影的眼睛,是电影最好的名片。

The Matrix
大陆:黑客帝国 港澳:22世纪杀人网络 台湾:骇客任务
英文名: 3 Idiots
大陆:三傻大闹宝莱坞 香港:作死不离3兄弟 台湾:三个傻瓜
大陆:洛丽塔 港台:一树梨花压海棠
Waterloo Bridge 《魂断蓝桥》
如果译为《滑铁卢桥》让人听起来平谈无 味, 缺乏应有的美感和广告效应, 而且还会 令不少懂得欧洲历史的观众误以为是关于 拿破仑战争的历史片。译者根据影片内 容——一对年轻人在战争中的悲剧, 女主人 公在滑铁卢结束了自己的生命, 借用民间蓝 桥相会的传说, 用“ 蓝桥”代替“ 滑铁 卢” , 用“ 魂断”喻指女主人公的死亡。 译成《魂断蓝桥》不仅符合原片名的内容
Painted Skin
Everlasting Regret
Fearless Go Lala, Go! The message
画皮 长恨歌 霍元甲
Farewell My Concubine 霸王别姬 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙
电影名称翻译 The Translation of Movie Titles
音译法是电影片名最简单、最方便的翻译方法,也是最常用的方法之一。 以人名、地名、事物名称等作为片名 如:《芝加哥》(Chicago)、《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)或是有重大历史 意义的人物如《甘地》(Gandhi)、《尼克松》(Nixon)等,采用音译法能有 很好的效果。因为这些电影有稳定的观众基础,其影片的号召力来源于原 著和人物原型的个人魅力。

中图分类号:H31519文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9684(2005)05-0145-04从《洛丽塔》到《一树梨花压海棠》———初谈英文电影片名的汉译①杨 洋(四川大学外国语学院,四川成都610064)摘 要:本文通过对千余部英文电影片名的汉译分析,归纳出了当前电影译名具有简明概括性和商业广告性等主要特点,并结合相关的翻译理论知识,从跨文化的角度指出了电影名的一些基本方法。
关键词:电影名翻译;功能对等;美学价值;文化价值;文化补偿;文化移植COM PAR I S O N O F T WO TRANS LAT I O N VERS I O NS O F MO V I E T I TL ELOL ITA———On the Translati on ofMovie Titles fr om English t o Chinese Y ANG Yang(College of Foreign L anguages ,S ichuan U niversity,Chengdu 610064,China )Abstract:Thr ough the analysis of more than one thousand movie titles,it is concluded that the translated movie ti 2tles should be concise and generalizing with commercial mad advertising characteristics .I n ter m s of s ome correlative translati on theory,this paper has briefly intr oduced s ome app r oaches t o translate the na mes of movies in the cr oss -cultural pers pective .Key words:movie title translati on;functi onal equivalence;aesthetic value;cultural value;cultural compensati on;cultural trans p lantati on 俄裔美国作家弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(1899-1977)的长篇小说《洛丽塔》(Lolita )一书于1958年出版后,便在社会上引起轩然大波。

As the most recent suspense
comedy Man Jiang Hong
becomes the box office champion during the Spring Festival movie season in history with a cumulative(累积的) box office of over 3.6 billion yuan, the English translation of
not the 3.___f_i_r_s_t__(one) to have disgraced(侮辱) these figures.
The statues of the infamous(臭名远扬的) politician Qin Hui and
his wife are 4.r_e_g_u__la_r_l_y_(regular) slapped and have been
What is the original verse of the following sentence?
Should youthful heads in vain turn grey, We would regret for aye.
《 满 江 红 ·写 怀 》 岳飞பைடு நூலகம்
Full River Red:逐字翻译即大白话?
越简单越留以想象空间 朗朗上口,铿锵有力 许渊冲: 水龙吟 water dragon chant 清平乐 pure serene music
《 满 江 红 ·写 怀 》 岳飞
怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇。 抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。 三十功名尘与土, 八千里路云 和月。莫等闲、白了少年头, 空悲切!

• White Nights
改编于托斯妥耶夫斯基的同名小说,照字面意思, 无论小说或电影都译成了《白夜》。但要知道, 这个词组,根据它的词源[n. 不眠夜,(夏季高纬度 地区所见的)白夜],意思是:A night without sleep, 翻译过来应为《不眠之夜》。电影中男 女主人公总是在晚上谈情说爱,最后一晚是个雪 夜,这样英文原名实有双关之意。可由于主要的 场景不是发生在雪夜,译作白夜似乎太牵强了。
Mistranslation of the Film Titles
• Roman Holiday
通常译为《罗马假日》,给人造成的印象是浪漫的意大利 之旅。可是英语中的Roman Holiday出典于罗马帝国时代 的角斗士表演,因而据American Heritage Dictionary,其 意思实际上是: 1. Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from observing the suffering of others. 2. A violent public spectacle or disturbance in which shame, degradation, or physical harm is intentionally inflicted on one person or group by another. 看过影片的人自当对这层含义有所了解,“罗马假日”跟 痛苦或者欣赏别人的痛苦是联系在一起的,而这层含义在 翻译的过程中缺失了,观众从片名中无从体会。
• One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest 台湾将之译为 “飞越杜鹃窝”,其实 “Cuckoo’s Nest”跟杜鹃没有任何关系,在 英语里是 “精神病院”的意思!cuckoo据 字典,俚语指疯子。所以大陆的翻译《飞 越疯人院》是正确的。

Raise The Red Lantern
《 大 红 灯 笼 高 高 挂 》
House of Flying Daggers
《 十 面 埋 伏 》
For example:
The Rock
电影发生的地点被称作 “恶魔岛” ,坐落旧金 山外海 ,是史上最难逃 脱也是名气最大的监狱 。 这一译名既点名了故事 发生的地点,同时也烘 托了影片的惊险气氛。
Cultural principle(文化性原则)
In order to follow the translation principle of “faithfulness”, the content and style of the original film’s title, translators must pay much attention to some cultural factors, such as literature, history, religion, tradition, legend and some other factors.
Characteristics of Western films’ titles (西方电影名的特点)
The Western film’s title is often named after
the star or the place where the story takes place.(以故事的主人公姓名命名)
1.The titles of Chinese films are used to make the most of verbs and verb phrases, which can make them much more active and attractive. (中国电影 片名常用动词和动词短语) For example:

1. IntroductionMovie is a kind of art, which is different from other works. It acts on human’s senses through a variety of media, so the translation of film titles is also different from the translation of other works.On the other hands, as China and Western cultural exchange is strengthened, movies become the tool of inter-cultural communication activity.As an important means of cultural communication, films play a very important part. They are also one of the most important elements in the world. Since film titles have always been put in an eye-catching place, the translation of English film titles becomes more significant.Few domestic scholars involved the translation of English film titles, but it has gradually brought to the forefront. He Yuemin( 何跃敏,1997.4,当前本片译名中的问题对策) pointed out the problems of the translation of west films and put forward the corresponding countermeasure. According to the functional equivalence theory and combining with the characteristics of English film titles, He Ying(贺莺,2001,电影片名的翻译理论和方法) put forward the four value standard of film translation, summarized the main methods of the translation. Xiao Lujin(肖陆锦,2001.3,英语影片名汉译技法探讨)analyzed techniques of the Chinese translation of title.Good titles could attract audience. The quality of translation of film titles has directly determined the fate of the film. In this paper, the author bases on the experience of predecessors, collects the original translated titles of English films, analyses, classifies, and discusses the principles, methods and standards of the translation of English film titles.2. Features of English Film TitlesFilm titles are basically characterized by conciseness and vividness. Good film titles may add appeal to the films and contribute a lot to the box-office value. Although films have something in common with other literary forms, they have their unique linguistic aesthetic and cultural features, which translators should pay much attention, in order to provide a better understanding of the study subject.2.1 Language CharacteristicGenerally speaking, as far as their structure is concerned, English film titles are usually very short, concise in language so that they will be easy to read and to remember for the audience. In the view of the form, they employ one or two words which may be the name of hero or heroine, the place or the key year when the story takes place, for instance, Parrton《巴顿将军》. However, in most cases, they adopt various kinds of phrases and prepositional phrases, such as Titanic, Speed, Sound of Music. Only a few titles have some short sentences, for example, Catch Me If You Can and Saving Private Ryan.2.2 ArtistryTranslation can be considered as an art and the movie itself is an art. A good translation must be a good artistic work. In order to well satisfy the audience’s aesthetic tastes, film titles generally have the artistic quality. Generally speaking, the aesthetic characteristics of English film titles are closely related to the application of rhetorical devices, such as simile, metaphor, irony, personification, alliteration, and so on. The application of rhetoric devices to film title has been proved effective and powerful. Movie titles can through a reasonable application of rhetoric to achieve its artistic effect. Such as Sense and Sensibility, Old Wives for New, Tiger!Tiger!Tiger!, and so on. Whether the titles have artistic quality influence the evaluation to the whole movie made by the audiences.2.3 CommercialAs a modern commodity, a movie is excepted to earn a large box office income. Movie titles are inevitably influenced by this purpose. So there are many exciting, passionate, mysterious, and thrilling titles, although some of these titles actually reflect nothing of the original stories. Finding Nemo《海底总动员》is a model.This movie tells the story of the over-protective clownfish named Marlin, who searches for his abducted son Nemo all the way to Sydney Harbour. The English title translated into Chinese is 《寻找尼莫》, but it is named 《海底总动员》, it becomes more exciting and mysterious. Moreover, in recent years, many movies have good box office,which is named 总动员, such as Cars《赛车总动员》,Toy Story《玩具总动员》. So the translator translates it into 《海底总动员》for more commercial reasons.3.The Translation Methods of English Film TitlesFilm is a synthetical art and the translation of English film titles is a branch of non-literary translation. These two factors demand translators to follow some certain translation principles and skills and possess rich cultural knowledge and solid language foundations. English film titles translation is not to translate simply and mechanically, but to be based on the story and consider the similarities and differences between eastern and western culture as well as the acceptance of translation. We should use different translation methods to translate different movie titles.3.1 Literal TranslationAccording to the characteristics of the original language and the target language in the translation of movie titles, literal translation can preserve both the content and the form of the original to the maximum. When the functions of the original language and the target language reach higher authorities superposition, literal translation has become the most simple, effective method.There are four merits of literal translation, firstly, it is simple and direct, such as Ice Age 《冰河世纪》, the Sound of Music《音乐之声》. Secondly, it maintains the original style. Harry Potter is adopted from the best-selling fiction novel or fairy tale. If we replace the renderings, then the audiences will feel strange, and the movie propaganda will defeat. Therefore literal translation can avoid these questions. Then it requests the translation of movie titles and the movie content to be unified. For example, Saving Private Ryan《拯救大兵瑞恩》. Finally, it is advantageous to introduce the new vivid words. Cats Dogs《猫狗大战》, the translator did not translated the title into directly, because it seems that 《猫狗》is so unsuited. In order to make the title become more attractive, and can be distinguished from free translation, we should bring some novel and vivid words to enrich the expression of the language.The greatest benefit is the literal translation to maximize the retention of the original title of the form and meaning, to the audience created a familiar feeling.3.2 Free Translation“F ree translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or the word order of the original. When there exist dissimilarities or great differencesbetween English and Chinese in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and artistic devices, free translation should be used.”(黄友义,从中文书名的英译谈起,《中译英技巧文集》,1992,第40页)To some titles, especially some allusive ones, whose literal translation cannot describe the story exactly and fail to provide information and attract the audience, more details have to be added to make them more explicit. Instead of being chosen randomly, these details should be based on the story and able to help clarify the titles. For example, Stuart Little《精灵鼠小弟》,we wouldn't know what it about from the title, it just a name. Maybe it says a story of a little boy or a little girl who named Stuart. However, the movie is a story about a little talking mouse, Stuart Little, born to human parents in New York. Therefore, 《精灵鼠小弟》is a nice choice, it’s better than 《斯图亚特·里特尔》or other literal translation.Another example: Top Gun 《壮志凌云》. It would be translated into《最好的枪》, if the translator does not know that it is the code name of American Navy’s prestigious. Actually, the movie praises the school’s spirit--- a high premium placed on the pilots’ will. Thus, 《壮志凌云》is no doubt the best choice. Similar instances are Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》, Sister Act 《修女也疯狂》, and Charles’ Angel《霹雳娇娃》.But the fact isn’t neglected that some film titles use free translation to have the opposite effect. A film called Moulin Rouge, which was shown on the year 2001. It is translated in free translation《梦断花都》when it was introduced to China. The translation of this film title discards the meaning of the original film title and ignores the foreign culture. At the same time, the translators who translated this film underestimate the audiences’plane of understanding the foreign culture. We should translate it into《红磨坊》, which appeals to people who want to further know about the background of this film.3.3 TransliterationTransliteration refers to according to the pronunciation of the original title, then directly translated it into corresponding Chinese characters. This method used less, but indispensable.Transliteration is mainly applied to the Chinese audience more familiar with the names, places, events. Such as the Robin Hood sound directly into 《罗宾汉》. Robin Hood is a British Grand Theft Auto-style heroes, folk tales, many of the audience is familiar with his story. Titanic《泰坦尼克号》, Jane Eyre《简爱》, and Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》are also the translationof the Chinese audience more familiar figure. And when some new English words appear, we can’t find corresponding Chinese, we also choose transliteration. Avatar《阿凡达》, it’s a created word, we just translate it according to the pronunciation.Although in many cases, we should use transliteration, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it may be keep the foreign flavor to attract the audience’s attention; furthermore, it may promote the cultural communication between Chinese and Westerners. On the other hand, transliteration needs to seek the correspondence, to describe the English syllables through the corresponding Chinese syllables. Due to the intrinsic inadequacy of phonetic correspondence between English and Chinese, sometimes the Chinese people are unfamiliar with the sheer foreign names, so it is unnecessary to use transliteration. Cleopatra is the historical and poetic drama of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt who wants to stabilize her power by making use of the tensions of the two powerful Roman generals who love her. If we translate Cleopatra into 《克里奥佩特拉》instead of 《埃及艳后》, it will not be easily understood, and cannot attract a large group of audience.Transliteration should follow two principles, one is to base on the language pronunciation of the host country. Another is to use some conventional name.3.4 Combination of Literal Translation and Free TranslationBecause of the different culture between China and English, the translators sometimes adopt the hero’s or heroin’s names, settings, events as the titles, so we can not only identify the methods, but also add words on the basis of transliteration according to the content of the movie. The movie titles can show the connotation of the movies. Such as animated cartoon Shrek. Shrek is translated into 《怪物史莱克》which is better than《史莱克》, because we do not know what 《史莱克》is from the surface. The word怪物is so vivid and interesting ,and show the style of the cartoon, the most important, it can cause audience's curiosity. There are some similar examples, Elizabeth《伊莉莎白女王》, Tarzan《人猿泰山》, Philadelphia《费城故事》, Joe Dirt《乔·德特历险记》.4. MistranslationMistranslation of movie titles is mainly caused by the following factors:4.1 Lacking a Comprehensive Understanding of the StoryAs for a movie title, it is best left untranslated until the translator goes to the movie and fully understands the story. Only with a comprehensive understanding of the story, can he make a right and the best choice among many possible versions. But in many cases, the translator probably has to come up with a version simply from the original English title and a synopsis of the movie, without going to the movie before translating the title.Bad Company(坏蛋公司/最差搭档), the translation 《坏蛋公司》sounds not bad, but it is completely irrelevant to the story. It is about a man who has to “play” his twin brother, an agent having died in his unfinished mission. He makes a lot of troubles to hi s dead brother’s partner but finally he finishes the mission and plays his twin brother perfectly. Another version 《最差搭档》or 《临时特工》may be better for the story. The word “company” in the title means partner.4.2 Misunderstanding of Cultural InformationCulture is the way of life and its manifestations are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression. There is usually cultural information in movie titles. If the translator is not aware of it or misunderstands it, he is likely to mistranslate the title. Sometimes, English words with cultural background do not have a corresponding word in Chinese. E.g. “American dream” means the national spirit in USA and refers to the equal freedom and equal opportunities of everyone. However, we do not have a word in Chinese with the same meaning. When we translate the titles, we have to pay attention to these words and expressions.American Beauty(美国美人/美国丽人)The mainland and the HK versions both have made a mistake in taking the literal meaning of Beauty. According to the American Heritage Dictionary, “American Beauty” is a type of rose bearing large, long-stemmed purplish-red flowers. And the rose is a profound image in the Oscar winner of the Best Picture in 2001, so the Taiwan version 《美国心》,《玫瑰情》seems more to the point.4.3 Influence of Commercial ProfitsAs we mentioned above, movie itself is a sort of commodity and the movie titles are attractive to draw the audience’s attention and then film producers are able to make a lot of money. The translators are also inevitably influenced in this aspect. As a result, we always seea lot of exciting, passionate, mysterious or thrilling words in the titles though some of these titles actually reflect nothing of the original or the story. Here are some examples: Original Sin《激情叛侣》(原罪), Body Guard《终极保镖》(保镖), Charlie’s Angels《霹雳娇娃》(查理的天使) , All the President’s Men《惊天大阴谋》(总统班底) , Platoon《杀戮战场》(野战排). Extreme words that can arouse people strong emotion, such as 激情,终极,霹雳,惊天and 杀戮are used in the translated titles. The reason why these words are used is just to make the titles sound exciting and attractive in order to hit a great box office. Another situation of commercial profits is movie star effect. To some extent, a movie star is a guarantee of the box office. So sometimes the translator will translate the titles to remind the audience of the star’s other wonderful movies paying no heed to the irrelevance.Julia Roberts, one of the most famous actresses, has a successful movie Runaway Bride 《落跑新娘》and greatly impressed the audience. Another romantic comedy of hers My best friend’s wedding 《我最好朋友的婚礼》has another version 《新娘不是我》. This title is quite great and has an connection with Runaway Bride. But it is not suitable translate her Notting Hill《诺丁山》into 《新娘百分百》. The movie tells nothing about a bride but a story between a movie star and a bookstore owner. The version gives strained interpretation. Maybe the translator think that Julia’s movies always tell a bide story.However, some translators seem t o be fond of this kind of trilogy. Enemy of the state《全民公敌》brings Will Smith great success and also gives the translators great inspiration to translate Smith’s other movies.I Robot becomes 《机械公敌》and a romantic comedy Hitch is translated into《全民情敌》which makes no sense at all.5. Principles of English Film Titles TranslationThe film is a synthesis art, and the translation of film titles has already followed the certain translation principles, that are faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance. So we must have the rich cultural knowledge and the solid language foundation.The translation of the movie titles is different from that of books or novels, which demands a strict translation of literature for the intention of the author, and for reproduction of vividness. In order to meet the local market, it is permissible to make a change in the movietitles translation. However, we should follow some principles and strategies to translate in the ways of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance; meanwhile, we should consider the cultural and commercial value.5.1 Information Value PrincipleWe can get the information from the movie, we can know the western culture and the differences between China and English language country. The translation of the film titles, “we should be faithful to the content of the original work. The translator must bring out the original meaning both comprehensively and accurately without any distortion or casual addition or the original thought." (郭著章,李庆生,《英汉互译实践教程》,2003,第24页)And we should also make the titles forceful, clear and idiomatic. Different languages have different ways of expression. The translator must try to follow the custom. The film should be created for the audiences, and it must be admitted, appreciated and judged by the audiences.The audiences always understand the film through the titles, therefore the translations of film titles must be based on audience’s appreciation, with the easiest words and language. For example, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants《牛仔裤的夏天》, Stars Wars《星球大战》, Sound of Music《音乐之声》, and so on. These film titles are accepted by common people.5.2 Aesthetic PrincipleFilm is a unique art of conveying stories and through the visual language of picture and the synchronizing audio speech. And film title is a preview of the film and the artistic adequacy of film title goes hand in hand with the popularity of the film proper. The translators should use the art form of our country language to convey the artistic of image, emotion and language of the original works. According to the content of the film, translator should consider the differences between the east and the west, and acceptability of the audience, in order to not only conveys the film’s information but also show the aesthetic appeal.The Bridge of Madison County《廊桥遗梦》is believed to be one of the best translated titles. It is a four-character expression which appeals to Chinese audiences, and the characters in the title contain great meanings. There are more good versions with high artistic quality, Ghost《人鬼情未了》,A River That Runs Through《大河恋》.5.2.1 Four-character PhrasesFour-character phrases are brief and concise, it fulls of the expressive power. In our Chinese daily life, we often use four-character phrases, we use it to express our special emotion and describe something. The utilization ratio os extremely high in the film title translation. For example, Dances With Wolves《与狼共舞》, Home Alone《小鬼当家》, An Eye for An Eye《逍遥法外》. These translations are terse and smooth and appeal to all.5.2.2 Rhetoric TechniqueRhetoric uses language effectively, the translators use rhetoric techniques to make the movie titles more vivid and let audiences feel the elegance. Such as simile: Gaslight 《郎心如铁》, Some Like It Hot《热情似火》; repetition: A Few Good Man《好人寥寥》; oxymoron: True Lies《真实的谎言》; antithesis:The Great Gatsby《大亨小传》, Old Wives for New《旧宠新欢》, Love Me Tenderly《铁汉柔肠》; hyperbole: Past Tense《奇幻追杀》, Fear《致命的危机》, Mars Attack《星战毁灭者》.5.3 Cultural value principle“The translation is not only the language exchange process, at the same time is two kinds of cultural exchanges process.”(贺莺,电影片名的翻译理论和方法,《外语教学》,2001,第57页). Some English film titles will inevitably contain something peculiar to its own culture. As analyzed above, some mistranslations are caused by misunderstanding of cultural information on original titles. Therefore, the translator should understand the content of the original works, the language of the original works, and the foreign culture. And the translator should be aware of such cultural information, fully understand it, and properly translate it to the understanding of the target audience.”For the real successful translation, the translator’s bicultural grounding is even more important than his bilingualism grounding.”(Eugene A. Nida, 1993)The movie Seven is a thriller. If seven is rendered simply into《七》, the audience will surely be puzzled. In fact, seven refers to the seven crimes which are listed in Holy Bible. So if it specified as《七宗罪》, the movie will be easily classified as a detective one. Because 《七宗罪》ingeniously transmit the western religious culture to the Chinese audience who are not familiar with western culture. Then 《七宗罪》serves as a guide to the audience.Besides the western culture, the translator has to know well about the Chinese culture. We Chinese prefer to use some four-character expressions which are compendious and suitable for reading and reflect the traditional Chinese cultural appeal. So we should try totranslate the English film titles to some four-character Chinese titles.5.4 Economical benefit principleAs a modern commodity, the movie is expected to earn a large box office income. The more attractive the title is, the more audience the movie may have and the more profits it will make. So we should consider to the commercial factor when we translate the English movie titles. A well-translated title should be a perfect combination of attractiveness and quaintness, and capable of achieving both commercial and aesthetic effects. If we want to come true the commercial value of movies, at first, we should require translators with full assurance of the language characteristic and the aesthetic appeal, create an attractive movie titles which can beloved by audiences, obtain audiences approval, and let the audiences eager to see the film.Mission: Impossible has two other renderings, 《职业特工队》(HK)and 《不可能完成的任务》(Taiwan).But neither leaves a deeper impression on the audience than does 碟中谍, the three-character title, brief and forceful, full of tension and suspense. Moreover, the movie title must be novel, and good at creating anxious, exaggerating the atmosphere. Some translations of movie titles are very fascinating, It Happens One Night《一夜风流》, Sister Act《修女也疯狂》.6. ConclusionFilm has become an important tool for cultural exchange, especially in the past two decades, Europe has been the introduction of a steady stream of good domestic movies. Needless to say, whether the movie titles are attractive to the audience to watch the movie into the theater has a significant impact. As a translator, how a good translation, translation of prospective movie titles become urgent attention. It should be noted that most of the movie title translation is more successful, even in part, want to be good. But there are also many problems, misinterpretation of movie titles directly affect the spread of foreign culture in China. In order to get better translation results, you should adhere to coordinate the faithful, accurate transform for cultural connotations, both commercial value and aesthetic value, focus on the art of title between four principles, using transliteration methods.The translation of the film titles is a special process of recreation. It isn’t simple to obey the content and the forms of the original titles, but a hard exploration to the film themes, social problems, the ethnic association and national condition. So finding the balance between literal translation and free translation is rational to the translation of film titles. We wouldn’t only see a part of the film and rush into translating it into literal translation or free translation. Translation is also a process of cultural communication owing to the differences of the principles of the translation, the linguistic customs of the foreign countries and the characteristics of the film titles. That is not only to the audience, but also to the translators themselves.Different film titles require different translation methods. People should take all factors into consideration. In all, there are many challenges for us to translate the film titles, thus we should combine the practice of using translation methods. If we master the trick of the translation of film titles, everything becomes easy.References[1] Eugene A. Nida. Language. Culture and Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1993[2] Peter Newmark. Approaches to Translation. U.K: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1982[3] Venuti. L. Strategies of Translation [A]. Routledge Ency-clopedia of Translation Studies[C]. Baker, M&Mlmkj. London and New York: Routledge. 2001[4] 范仲英.《实用翻译教程》[M]. 北京: 外语教育与研究出版社, 1994[5] 贺莺. 电影片名的翻译理论和方法[J]. 外语教学,2001.1[6] 何跃敏. 当前本片译名中的问题对策[J]. 中国翻译, 1997.4[7] 贾德江.《英汉语对比研究与翻译》[M]. 北京: 国防科技大学出版社, 2002[8] 金惠康.《跨文化交际翻译续编》[M]. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004[9] 龙千红. 英语电影片名佳译赏析—兼谈电影翻译对译者的要求[J]. 西安外国语学院学报, 2003.9[10] 连淑能. 英译汉教程[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2006[11] 吴友富.《外语与文化研究》(第四辑)[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2004[12] 肖陆锦. 英语影片名汉译技法探讨[J]. 江汉石油学院学报(社科版), 2001.3[13] 熊启煦. 电影片名翻译的现状分析与对策[J]. 西南民族大学学报, 2003.8[14] 庄光明. 电影英语片名教学[J]. 敦煌英语教学杂志, 2001[15] 赵化勇.《译制片探讨与研究》[M]. 北京: 中国广播电视出版社, 2000。

百 万 《 《 Slumdog Millonaire 》 富 贫 翁 民 民窟的百万富翁》 窟 的 的 游 百 戏 万 人 富 生 翁 ( 》 直 意 结 合 )
The Blind Side
Translation of chinese film
(四)直意结合法 有些片名虽然能按字面意义直译,但译名仍不够理想。这时 可以采用直译和意译相结合的方法,即在原意的基础上适当 地调整,按照原片内容和风格增词或减词,以达到更好的效果。 如《开国大典》未按Birth of New China, 而译为The Birth of New China 。因为 该片以高超的艺术手法,将西柏坡至中华人民共和国成立的 重要历史事件真实地展现在观众面前,影片结尾才是开国大 典的壮观场景。 。如同类型的还有《front of class 》(叫我第一名)、《ET 外星人》(ET)、《山楂树之恋》(under the tree)、《风月 俏佳人》(Pretty Woman)、《小鬼当家》(Home Alone)、 《西雅图不眠夜》(Sleepless in Seattle)等。
(三)音译法(Transliteration) 音译法是电影片名最简单、最方便的翻译方 法,也是最常用的方法之一。很多电影多以人 名、地名、事物名称等作为片名,尤其当这些 名字是观众所熟悉的名字,如:《芝加哥》 (Chicago)、《卡萨布兰卡》(Casablanca)或 是有重大历史意义的人物如《木兰》 (MuLan)、等,采用音译法能有很好的效果。 因为这些电影有稳定的观众基础,其影片的号 召力来源于原著和人物原型的个人魅力。

中西文化差异下的中文电影片名英译目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)引言 (3)一电影片名概况 (4)二中西方电影片名特点研究 (4)1 中国电影片名的特点 (4)2 西方电影片名的特点 (5)三中西方电影文化差异 (6)1 中心思想上的差异 (6)2 中西历史文化差异 (7)3 拍摄风格上的差异 (7)四中文电影片名翻译的现状 (8)五电影片名英译的原则 (9)1.信息传递原则 (9)2.文化传播和重构原则 (9)3.美学欣赏原则 (10)4.商业宣传原则 (11)六中国电影片名英译方法 (11)1.直译 (11)2.音译 (12)3.意译 (13)4.创译 (13)七结束语 (14)八参考文献 (15)摘要中国电影片名的英译首先要遵循英语语言习惯、商业宣传的效果,其次要达到弘扬民族文化的目的。
关键字电影文化,电影片名差异,翻译原则,方法AbstractThe translation of Chinese movie titles should firstly follow to the English language’s habits, commercial publicity effect. Secondly, the translation should also promote our national culture. So the translator not only need to have an accurate knowledge of what the original film,famlilar with the characteristics and connotation of the Chinese and western movie titles, but also need to know the difference between western and Chinese film culture ,and then take coordinate translation methods and translation skills. The difference in film culture is mainly represented in the center to express ideas, historicalculture,shootingstyle, etc. This essay talks about the difference between western and Chinese film culture and their film titles features, and then giving the translation principles and methods according to the translation purpose.Key wordsFilm culture, the difference of film titles, translation ,principles , methods引言在当今这样一个开放的世界,作为文化的重要组成部分———电影,已经走出国门,犹如鼓满风帆的航船,乘风破浪,穿越亚、欧、美、非、拉几,在世界的版图上播撒着中国文化和中华民族不朽的精神。
Translation of Film Title

will know the film is about a sad and complex love story at the first sight of the name “魂断蓝桥”. It is helpful to the expression of the theme in the film. Last but not least, as we all know, the film Waterloo Bridge is one of the films which was played in the early 1930s in China, in order to promote this Holywood film, it is important to combine the translation of the name with traditional Chineses culture, “魂 断蓝桥” fits the requirment.
传统的电影翻译理论认为,保留原片的原汁原 味、原封原貌的直译是最佳译法。因此,内地 对于国外影片片名的翻译多以直译为主,注重 形式的完整,稍有忽略意义或内容的表达。例 如Brokenback Mountain译作《断背山》,The Lord of the Ring直译为《指环王》。
论的任务,就是运用现代美学的基本原理,分 析、阐释和解决语际转换中的美学问题 许渊冲先生曾指出,译文不但要传达出 原文 的意美,还要尽可能地传达出音美和形美。许 渊 冲先生的“三美”论是针对诗歌翻译提出 来的,但是仍 然适用于电影片名的翻译

Four principles
3.审美价值原则 (artistic value)
片名的翻译讲求摆脱原文词语束缚,深入把握作品 的思想美学内容。用本族语言的艺术形式传达原作的形 象、情感和语言的艺术美,从而将美感经验传导于观众。 A. 实现审美价值首先要讲求炼字。炼字讲求传神,用语 言创造一种意境,气氛。 (1)You Can’t Take It With You 【译一】你无法带走;【译二】浮生若梦 (2)A Man from Snowy River 【译一】来自雪河的人;【译二】雪河男子汉 (3) Ordinary People 【译一】普通人 ;【译二】凡夫俗子 第二种译法能够充分发挥汉语优势,选词精当,意 境深远,切中原片主题,因而更胜一筹
Translation of Film Title
电影名的翻译有着自己显著的特点。应该说, 电影这种艺术形式非常容易被各种文化层次的观众 所接受。电影片名往往以突显影片内容,传达主题 信息,确立全片感情基调,提供审美愉悦,吸引观 众,增加票房为其终极目标。 观看本国电影时,各文化层次的电影观众对电 影中所蕴含的本国文化非常容易理解,而对异国文 化的理解就有相当的难度。因此当我们翻译电影名 给异国观众时,必须采用异国各个文化层次的观众 都能接受的形式。在电影片名翻译跨文化、跨语言 的转换过程中,往往体现了四项最为基本翻译原则 和价值取向。
Four principles
2. 文化价值原则(value of culture)
文化价值的实现首先表现在充分理解、准确传递原 片名所承载的文化信息、情感、社会问题、哲理,避免 出现误译。 So we can say that the film title is just like a bridge connecting people in different culture, the carrier of culture may varies, but what are behind the culture, which in detail ,are the emotions, the annoyance resulted from social contradictions ,the philosophy of life, the chasing of an equal and peaceful world,are common wherever in the world . All of these are the essential part of a classic movie, and should be dug out in the progress of film title translation.

ContentsAbstract (1)Key words (1)摘要 (1)关键词 (2)1. Introduction (2)2. Features of Film Titles (3)Art feature art feature (3)Economic feature (3)Social feature (4)3. Approaches of the Film Title Translation (5)Literal translation (5)Free translation (8)4. A Further Discussion on the Literal and Free Translation (10)5. Some Other Influential Factors on the Film Title Translation (11)Translator as a dispenser role on the film title translation (12)Audience as an acceptant role on the film title translation (12)6. Conclusion (12)Bibliography (13)On the Translation of Film TitlesAbstract:Today’s society, the translation of film titles has become a popular term. We all know that how to do the film title translation very well has been the topic of heated discussion in the translation industry for a long time. Western film titles are different from th we should not say which one is better because the two translation methods are complementary. The author suggests that the two should be combined by analyzing specific issues. On the problems in the film title translation the two translation methods could achieve a balance by adjusting the orders, adding or reducing some words of the original film titles.Key words:film titles; literal translation; free translation; culture 摘要:现今社会,“电影片名的翻译”已经成为一个流行的词语。

es and at the same time, people shouldn’t forget it after seeing it. Ther
efore, the translation of movie titles is very important.
• introduction • some translation titles • opinions
• •
《The Color of a Hero》——(《英雄本色2》的译名
《From Beijing with Love》——从北京带着爱(到香港换不了菜,《国产007》
• •
《Flirting Scholar》——正在调情的学者(《唐伯虎点秋香》) 《Royal Tramp》——皇家流浪汉(1992年版周星驰的《鹿鼎记》,为什么不译 成“皇家马德里”?)
• • • •
魔”这个字是翻译外国电影片名中的常用字,这里用“魔”字来修饰“戒指 ”,把原来“指环王”过于中性的意思一下子给点明了,同时很恰当地体现 这部巨作的魔幻风格。
2.It Happened One Night (1934)
• 英语原名的意思为“发生在一个夜晚”, 讲述了记者与一个离家出走的名门淑女一 段偶遇的爱情轻喜剧。为这部电影写译名 ,既要反映故事情节,又要照顾到中国观
体现了斯特劳斯一生对爱情和圆舞曲创作的 无比激情,然后让观众在影片中,寻找与片 名相覆的斯特劳斯那段略带遗憾的爱情故事 和浪漫成为翻译片名 的经典。
Suspicion (1941)
• 原文意思为“怀疑”。译者如果直译就很扣 题,也符合电影风格,但译者没有满足在这
the translation of film names 2

电影名称翻译技巧1 音译法(transliteration):以人名,地名,事物名为名字的一些英文电影,尤其是该名字为观众所熟悉时,翻译成汉语常用音译法。
例如:Chicago 《芝加哥》Casablanca 《卡萨布兰卡》Gandhi 《甘地》Nixon 《尼克松》Sherlock Holmes 《大侦探福尔摩斯》Titanic 《泰坦尼克》Pearl Harbor 《珍珠港》2. 直译法(literal translation):以最大程度保留原作品的形式和意义,使之原汁原味。
例如:Roman Holiday 《罗马假日》;Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》Dance with the wolves 《与狼共舞》Rain man 《雨人》The Graduate 《毕业生》Pirates of the Caribbean 《加勒比海盗》War Horse 《战马》Star Wars 《星球大战》The Princess Diaries 《公主日记》Independence Day 《独立日》Brave Heart 《勇敢的心》One Day 《一天》1) 增词法: 在对原作正确理解的基础上,适当在原名基础上增加一些词使观众更好的理解电影内容。
例如:Seven 《七宗罪》Kramer VS Kramer 《克莱默夫妇》ET《外星人ET》Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》2)减词法:有时当英文名字过长而成为汉语理解的障碍时,只需将关键词翻译出来即可。
例如:It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world 《疯狂的世界》3)颠倒词序:为了符合中文表达习惯。
例如:Robinson Hood-Prince of thieves 《盗侠王子罗宾汉》The silence of the lambs 《沉默的羔羊》Edward Scissorhands 《剪刀手爱德华》3. 意译法(liberal translation):不同的语言存在文化差异,当原文的思想内容与译文的表达有矛盾时,多采用意译法,主要为传达原作精神。
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The translation of movie title 电影名翻译音译《Jane Eyre》《简. 爱》《Casablanca》《卡萨布兰卡》《Billy Elliot 》《比利.艾略特》《Evelyn 》《伊芙琳》《Garfield 》《加菲猫》《Harry Potter 》《哈里.波特》《Hannibal 》《汉尼拔》《King Kong》《金刚》直译《The Godfather》《教父》《Mr. and Mrs. Smith》《史密斯夫妇》《史密斯夫决战史密斯妇》《Fahrenheit 9/11》《华氏911》《Gosford Park》《高斯福德庄园》《Gladiator》《角斗士》《Hotel Rwanda》《卢旺达饭店》《Kill Bill》《杀死比尔》《Basic Instinct》《本能》意译《The Waterloo Bridge》《魂断蓝桥》《The Bridges of Madison Country》《廊桥遗梦》《Lolita》《一树梨花压海棠》《Leon the Professional》《这个杀手不太冷》《Lethal Weapon》《轰天炮》《Impossible Mission 》《碟中谍》《E.T》《外星人》《Bridget Jones》《BJ单身日记》《Bruce Almighty》《冒牌天神》《The Matrix》(1999) 《黑客帝国》《The Matrix Reloaded 》(2003) (重装上阵) 《The Matrix Revolutions 》(2003) (矩阵革命)《Going On 30》《女孩梦三十》《Holes》《别有洞天》《The Interpreter》《翻译风波》《Home Alone 》《小鬼当家》混译《Schindl er’s List》《辛德勒的名单》《Sissi》《西西公主》《Elizabeth》《伊丽莎白女王》《Forrest Gump》《阿甘正传》《Joe Dirt》《乔-德特历险记》《Kangaroo Jack》《抢钱袋鼠》《Lost in Translation》《迷失东京》《Shakespeare In Love 》《莎翁情史》中国电影的英文译名《Farewell My Concubine》《霸王别姬》《Be There or Be Square》《不见不散》《Seventeen Years》《回家过年》《Ashes of Time》《东邪西毒》《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》《水浒传》《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora‘s Box》中国的奥德赛1:潘多拉宝盒(《大话西游之月光宝盒》《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella 》灰姑娘(《大话西游之仙履奇缘》《Funeral of the Famous Star》《大腕》明星的葬礼港台电影译名《Legally Blonde》台湾翻译:金法尤物香港翻译:律政可人儿《Moulin Rouge 》台湾翻译:红磨坊香港翻译:情陷红磨坊《The One》宇宙追缉令台湾翻译:救世主香港翻译:最后一强《Pay It Forward 》《浮世因缘》台湾翻译:让爱传出去香港翻译:拉阔爱的人《Amelie》艾梅丽台湾翻译:艾蜜莉的异想世界香港翻译:天使爱美丽《Rush Hour》台湾翻译:尖峰时刻香港翻译:火并时速《Chocolate》台湾翻译:浓情巧克力香港翻译:情迷朱古力《Tomb Raider》古墓丽影台湾翻译:古墓奇兵香港翻译:盗墓者罗拉《Cats &Dogs 》台湾翻译:猫狗大战香港翻译:猫狗斗一番《Dr. Dolittle》台湾翻译:怪医杜立德香港翻译:D老笃日记American Sweethearts》台湾翻译:美国甜心香港翻译:甜心人《Billy Elliot》芭蕾之梦台湾翻译:舞动人生香港翻译:跳出我天地On Translating English Film Titles from the CulturalPerspective IntroductionAs an audiovisual art, film is one of the most influential mass media, it follows and reflects people’s life and it is a product of particular culture. Over the past decades, with the increase in cultural exchanges, the western movies have gradually entered the Chinese market and held an important position in Chinese people’s recreational life.The film title, being short in form but rich in meaning, has its own cultural, linguistic, aesthetic features. A properly-translated English movie title should be concise, condensed and compact, which can grip the attention of the audience at their first sight and stimulate their association with the plot, reveal the theme or offer some clue. So they deserve careful investigation and consideration from the translator. However, as a branch of non-literary translation, it has not yet received due attention despite their importance.Therefore, in this thesis, I will introduce the general features and functions of English film titles, analyzing the translation techniques largely employed in film title translation. Furthermore, I will examine from the cultural perspective the different versions in Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and analyze the relevant strategies adopted and the effectiveness of these strategies. The social-cultural context of each region will be explored to find the factors resulting in this disunity in versions作为一种视听艺术,电影是最有影响力的大众媒体,它遵循并反映人民群众的生命,它也是一种特别的文化产品。
Clint Eastwood always explores the darker side of human nature and the duality of man. His dark hero of Unforgiven, William Munny, tries to repent only to be thrust back into that violent world he knows so well. His regretful Frank Horrigan of In The Line Of Fire and his womanizing Steve Everett of True Crime also want redemption.Eastwood's Frankie Dunn of Million Dollar Baby is the most conflicted, weathered, and vulnerable he's ever played. When he weeps in a darkened church it's like watching a house of cards begin to fall. This is a man whose had a regretful past and can't run away from the curve balls life has thrown at him. Frankie Dunn is like most of us where we eventually get punished for our good deeds.The funny thing is that Million Dollar Baby is not a boxing movie despite the way it's being advertised like a female version of Rocky. Yes, Hilary Swank's Maggie trains to be a boxer under the guidance of Clint Eastwood's Frankie Dunn. Yes, Morgan Freeman is Scrap, Frankie's tough friend and ex boxer. Yes, the bulk of it takes place in a boxing gym. Yes, there are numerous boxing matches. Despite all this it's still not a boxing movie.When you see it you'll be surprised by the utter humanity in the piece. This film runs very deep and you will care for the three main characters. Eastwood gives us something we rarely get in films today. He gives us real people.The film is about the triumph of the human spirit, the emotional world we try to hide from that eventually sucks us all in, our compassionate hearts, and the difficult decisions we face when it comes to those we care about. It's about friendship, trust, and the bonds of the heart that are unavoidable. It is a true masterpiece.Hilary Swank is all fire and guts as Maggie. Her intensity and commitment has guided her to another Academy Award. She knows she's poor, she accepts it, and she pushes forward despite her limitations. This is not to say she can't be hurt. We watch her eyes well up a few times andtruly feel her pain despite the fact that she is as tough as they come. Morgan Freeman, who finally won a long overdue and well deserved Oscar, plays Scrap with the perfect combination of toughness and compassion. He knows the situation from every angle and his narration of the film rings true.See this film. It deserves it's accolades because it's about real characters and it's directed with honesty, warmth, and true pain. Clint Eastwood gets better with age and his films reflect the days of real movie making. The sets are simple, the characters are complex, and the story moves in a pace closer to real life than any other director could reach. Eastwood has been called the Hemingway of Film making. You don't get more real than that. It was great seeing this natural storyteller take home his second Oscar for Best Director and Picture."Million Dollar Baby" has great characters, but it doesn't glorify them. It has a wonderful story, but it never tries to impress you. The photography, score and direction is superb, but never distracting. What this movie is, if I have to call it something, is passion. Passion for film-making, passion for storytelling, passion for its characters, passion for its actors, and passion for its story and the means at which it will go to tell it. Amazing.Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) owns a messy boxing gym which is populated, mostly, by downbeat losers who he spends some time training. He runs it with his friend and former student Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Morgan Freeman), who now lives contently at a room in the gym. One day a young woman named Maggie (Hilary Swank) walks in, looking for a manager and trainer. Frankie shafts her immediately ("girly, tough ain't enough"). Frankie has bigger things on his hands. He's managing a fighter who has a shot at a title bout.But Frankie is old and weathered and not an appealing manager, so the fighter leaves him. Frankie is broken by this; it is another in a long line of rejections and separations. We can tell that, at this time in his life, he only gets really close with those he's training (Scrap is the only exception). We can tell that his loneliness – and a bit of persuasion from Scrap –cause him to agree to teach Maggie. Teach, that is the agreement, not manage. But, by the end of the film he will have devoted his life to her.So the rest of the story follows these two people. There is no real 'plot' that you could describe in a trailer because it isconstantly changing…it is not the inspiring underdog story you may think of it as. No, what it's 'about' is these characters, and how they react to the circumstances around them, which change with each scene.Narrating the story is Scrap, speaking like he's looking back to a time long ago when everything has passed. His voice seems flat, deadpan, but there is a working of subtle sorrow in it. Scrap is a sad human being, he sees himself as the result of missed opportunities in the past, and so he spends his time helping the others, offering them his wise advice, with a tone of deadpan humor and even cockiness. Scrap knows what should be done, and what will happen regardless, and he is sort of okay with everything, in a sort of passive way. But the man also knows what's right and he has a deep, inner strength which is displayed in one scene in particular where you just have to cheer. It is an intriguing character, and personally I think it's Freeman's best performance.And Eastwood's best too. He is an elderly man; some might say too elderly to still be working. After all, most people are retired by his age. But if you had to guess when you're watching this film, you would never, ever say the man is seventy-four. You would say something closer to the sixties, because the man has such amazing energy and dedication, and above all, he has talent. It's been forty long years since "A Fist Full of Dollars" and film has come a long way, and so has this man. At seventy-four, passed all those years as an action hero, nearing what's could be the end of his career, Eastwood has made his best movie. I really, really hope he has time to make many more.As for Swank, well, she must have found something big that she shared with her character, because this is not acting, it is existing. Swank is Maggie. That's all there is too it. This could be the movie she will be remembered for.So, "Million Dollar Baby" is a masterpiece. I saw it last night when it opened in my city, and everyone else was seeing "White Noise", and I was shaking my head. Everyone who is even remotely interested in movies should see this one, just so they can know how movies are supposed to be made. I'm trying to think, and there is not a single thing here where Eastwood went wrong. The acting, directing, writing, score, cinematography…they all accomplish precisely what they're supposed to with sublime perfection. Many of these aspects will certainly receive Oscars and all of them should.You may cry through this film, you may cheer. Whatever the case, you will love it从归化和异化理论看英文电影片名的翻译摘要: 本文通过分析以往经典电影和近年来极受欢迎的英文片名的翻译案例, 对比归化理论和异化理论在电影片名翻译中的具体应用, 提出了在电影片名翻译中应该遵循的四个原则, 并试图找到一种符合中国人心理、文化接受能力和语言习得的翻译策略, 同时探讨了翻译理论。