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1、穿行热带雨林trek through the jungle

2、人们真正友好的地方the place where the people are really friendly

3、天气一直很暖和的地方the place where the weather is always warm

4、希望看尼亚加拉大瀑布hope to see Niagara Falls

5、想要去度假would like to go on vacation

6、考虑去巴黎游玩think about /consider going to Paris

7、法国的首都the capital of France

7、较不现实的less realistic

8、欧洲最有活力的城市之一one of the liveliest cities

9、包括埃菲尔铁塔和世界上最著名的教堂之一——巴黎圣母院including the Eiffel Tower

and Notre Dame Cathedral,one of the most famous churches in the world

10、迷人的景点fantastic sights

11、搭乘地铁去大多数地方是方便的It’s convenient to take the underground train to most

places .

12、一般/总的来说in general

13、一个消费颇高的地方quite an expensive place

14、和能为你翻译的人一起去旅游travel with people who can translate things for you

15、打包轻便的衣服pack light clothes

16、去暖和的地方go somewhere warm

17、中国东部in eastern China

18、旅游take a trip

19、今年夏天this summer

20、提供给我一些信息provide me with some information

21、到...地方旅游... travel to

22、户外活动outdoor activities

23、不介意路程的远近don’t mind how far it is

24、一个有厨房的房间a room with a kitchen

25、自己做饭节约钱save money by cooking our own meals

26、足够三人住big enough for three people

27、靠海的地方somewhere near the ocean

28、一个理想的地方a beautiful place

29、长城the Great Wall

30、云南的石林the Stone Forest in Yunnan

31、度假地点的建议give suggestions for vacation spots

32、每年的这个时候at this time of a year

33、横渡太平洋sail across the Pacific

34、梦想着我们想做的事dream about things that we would like to do

35、调查结果the finding of a survey

36、成千上万的thousands of

37、这个问题的几种答复different answers to the question

38、在完成你的学业之后after finishing education

39、尽可能快得开始工作start working as soon as possible

40、为他们的父母提供更好的生活provide better lives for their parents

41、以便so that

42、继续学习continue studying

43、做他们自己喜欢的工作do jobs they enjoy

44、根据这个调查accordint to the survey

45、电脑编程(工作)computer programming

46、成为2008奥林匹克运动会的志愿者be a volunteer at the 2008 Olympics

47、作为翻译工作as a translator

48、梦想出名dream of becoming famous

49、想要能够飞would like to be able to fly

50、坚持你的梦想hold on to your dream

51、接受好的教育have a good education

52、尽我可能地学多learn as much as I do

53、选择做.. choose to do

54、学习合适的科目study the right subjects

55、赢家的态度winner’s attitude

56、进行兴奋的旅行go on exciting trip

57 这是他曾经住过的地方。

This is the place where he has ever lived / that he has ever lived in .

58 我记得他和我们度过的每一天。

I remember every day that he spent with us .

59 在巴黎乘出租要花许多钱,但坐地铁到大多数地方游览是很方便的。

Traveling around Paris costs a lot of money , but it’s convenient to take the underground train to most places .

60 我和家人想到中国东部某个地方旅游。

My family and I want to take a trip somewhere in eastern China .

61 我们不介意有多远。

We don’t mind how far we have to go . .

62 你们能为我提供一些关于学生交换计划的信息吗?

Can you provide us with information about student exchange programs ?

66 通过在大学选择学习正确的科目来实现我的梦想。

I can achieve my dream by choosing the right subjects at the university .

67 上海这个时候很冷。如果去那儿你需要打包暖和的衣服。

Shanghai is cold this time of year . You need to pack warm clothes if you go there .

68 我们心甘情愿的坚持住在那偏僻的地方。

We are willing to hold on to living in the lonely place .
