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[Abstract]: The streets shouting hawkers, corner breakfast hotel not in the minority, is also old, why people are not willing to in other time-honored restaurant? Through the experience of the survey, part of the Guangzhou old shop catering to a lack of appropriate marketing strategies, Guangzhou old restaurant again up the banner of how diet? This article takes the Guangzhou time-honored catering for the object, to the consumer's point of view, the cause of old fading and thriving elements through the analysis, to find countermeasures. Through a lot of information with the case show that the old should improve the cost-effective, pay attention to the brand image of the novel, in order to realize the revival of the old restaurant. The streets shouting hawkers, corner breakfast hotel not in the minority, is also old, why people are not willing to in other time-honored restaurant? Through the experience of the survey, part of the Guangzhou old shop catering to a lack of appropriate marketing strategies, Guangzhou old restaurant again up the banner of how diet?. This article takes the Guangzhou time-honored catering for the object, to the consumer's point of view, the cause of old fading and thriving elements through the analysis, to find countermeasures. Through a lot of information with the case show that the old should improve the cost-effective, pay attention to the brand image of the novel, in order to realize the revival of the old restaurant.

[Key words]:Guangzhou old;Food and beverage; marketing


1.绪论 (3)

1.1研究背景 (3)

1.2研究意义 (4)

1.2.1理论意义 (4)

1.2.2 现实意义 (4)

1.3研究内容 (4)

1.4研究思路和方法 (5)

1.4.1研究思路 (5)

1.4,2研究方法 (5)

2、文献综述 (5)

2.1老字号餐饮的相关定义 (6)

2.1.1 老字号概述 (6)

2.1.2 餐饮概述 (7)

2.1.3 老字号餐饮概述 (7)

2.2老字号餐饮的特点 (7)

3.调查问卷综述 (8)

3.1关于广州老字号营销策略研究调查问卷的设计 (8)

3.2数据来源与收集结果 (8)

3.3有关广州老字号问卷的信效度分析 (8)

3.4描述性统计分析 (10)

4.以往老字号优劣机会威胁的案例研究 (13)

4.1以往案例研究的总结 (14)

5当代广州老字号的优劣势及其机遇威胁分析 (15)

5.1优势 (15)

5.2劣势 (16)

5.3机遇 (16)

5.4威胁 (17)

5.5.老字号swot分析后的观点与总结 (17)

5.5.1文化营销 (17)

5.5.2品牌文化 (18)

5.5.3小结 (18)

7.结论 (18)

参考文献: (19)

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