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the day after tomorrow, etc.
基本结构: ①am/is/are/going to + do; ②will/shall + do. 否定形式: ①am/is/are + not +going to + do; ② will/shall+not+do 一般疑问句: ①be放于句首; ②will/shall提到句首。
3. The room ______students .
A. is full with B. is filled of
C. is full of D. full of
4. What did Danny make _____ his cousin?
A. to B. for
C. out D. in
把下列句子改为一般将来时态的句子: 1. Jenny is lighting the candle now.
Jenny _i_s___ g_o_i_n_g_ __to___l_ig_h_t___ the candle tomorrow. 2. Danny goes to school from Monday to Friday.
A.Used for B. used to C.used up D.used with
3.__D_of the students in our school____from countryside.(乡村)
A.Four-fifths,comes B.Fourth-five,come C.Four-fifth,come D.Four-fifths,come
Danny __w__il_l __ ___g_o____ to school next Saturday.
汉译英: 1. 做实验 __d_o__a_n__ex_p_e_r_i_m_e_n_t______ 2. 弄湿 ______g_e_t _w_e_t_________ 3. 把自己弄干 ____d_r_y_o_n_e_s_e_lf__o_ff_____ 4. 观察 ______m__a_k_e_o_b_s_e_r_va_t_i_o_n_s_____ 5. 翻转 ___tu_r_n__…__u_p_s_id_e__d_o_w_n_/_tu_r_n__…__o_v_e_r___ 6. 气压 ________t_h_e_f_o_r_ce__o_f_t_h_e air 7. 坐在椅子上 _____s_it_i_n_a__c_h_a_ir_________ 8. 把……充满 _________fi_l_l _…__w_it_h__… 9. 用……覆盖…… ___c_o_v_e_r_…___w_i_th__…____________ 10.穿着泳衣 ____w_e_a_r_a__s_w_i_m_s_u_i_t ____
5. Danny is making an Easter egg hunt_t_o his cousin. for
1.The bottle is only__A__full. A.half B.a half
C. halfs D.halves
2.She _C___the chicken bones to make soup.
- Today is Saturday ,
why not
go shopping ?
- Today is Saturday , what about
going shopping ?
II. 用适当的介词填空。
1. How did you get wet? You need to dry yourself ______. off 2. Don't turn the jar ___o_v_e_r . It's dangerous. 3. They are talking ___a_b_o_uthe 2012 Olympics to be held in London. 4. Please sit ____i_n_ the chair and I will comb your hair for you. 5. Let's put the water ___i_n_t_o the bottle.
5.The police are h__u_n_ti_n_g_(hunt) a lost boy now. 6.My basket is _f_ill_e_d____(fill) with eggs.
Correct the mistakes:
1. They have_h_id_many Easter eggs.
2. I can’t find my watch. It’s g_o_in_g_. gone 3. Do you have lots of fun t_o_h_u_n_t for Easter eggs? hunting
4. He feels e_n_o_u_g_h_h_a_p_p_il_y to jump. happy enough
冀教版八年级英语下册-第四 单元复习
6. 使……翻转 turn over
7. 在……前面(在范围外); in front of
在……前面(在范围内) in the front of
8. 在顶端
on top of
9. 使某物离开或脱离;起飞,;脱下(衣物
等) take off
10. 为…准备 get/be ready for
汉译英: 1. 在……外部的(内部的)前面__i_n__(t_h_e_)_f_ro_n_t__o_f _…______ 2. 观察 ___m__a_k_e_o_b_s_e_r_va_t_i_o_n_s__ 3. 一个有趣的实验 ___a_n__i_n_te_r_e_s_ti_n_g_e_x_p_e_r_im__e_n_t_____ 4. 在……顶部 _____o_n__t_o_p_o_f_…_____________ 5. 拿开他的手 __ta_k_e__a_w_a_y__h_is_h__a_n_d_/t_a_k_e_h_i_s_h_a_n_d__a_w_ay 6. 从纸板上拿开他的手 _ta_k_e__h_is__h_a_n_d_o_f_f_t_h_e_c_a_r_d_b_o_a_r_d__ 7. 够强壮 ______s_tr_o_n_g__en__o_u_g_h______ 8. 用……把……充满 ____fi_ll_…__w__it_h_…______ 9. 用……覆盖…… _____c_o_v_er__…__w__it_h_…___________ 10. 翻转 _____tu_r_n__…__u_p_s_id_e__d_o_w_n_/_tu_r_n__…__o_v_e_r_______
1.Jenny has funs_p__e_a_k_in_g__(speak) English. 2.There are two_b_a_s_k_e_t_s__(basket) of eggs in the
3.Where has Danny _h_id_d__e_n___(hide) himself? 4.An Easter egg hunt is a game for_f_in_d_i_n_g_(find)
11. take away 12. be surprised
取走 使惊奇
13. a sHale Waihona Puke Baiduoonful of 一匙
14. use up
15. enough to do sth. 足够……做某事
语法 1. 分数的表达 分子用基数词表示,分母用序数 词表示,当分子大于1时,要在分 母的序数词后加 “s”。 概括为口诀: 分子基,分母序,分子>1, 分母加s 。
4. Now you know why a_m__I_wearing my swimsuit. I am
5. I am very _su__rp__ri_s_in_g_ at the news. surprised
6. It’s like water p_u__sh_ up on a boat. pushing
1.We are going to have fun ____ art.
A. learn B. learning C. to learn
2. I have _____ my lucky money in a box.
A. hide B. hid C. hidden D. hides
7. The air p_u__sh_s_ up on the cardboard. pushes
8. The force is e_n_o_u_g_h__s_tr_o_n_g_l_y to hold the water.
9. Air is _st_r_o_n_g_than I thought! stronger strong enough
口 诀: 分子基,分母序。分子﹥1 ,分母加 s
The Simple Future Tense
(一般将来时态) 概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的 状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。 时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week,
month, year…),soon, in a few minutes,
Correct the mistakes:
1. They stand i_n_t_h_e_fr_o_n_t_o_f the class. in front of 2. We will show you an i_n_te_r_es_t_ed_ experiment. interesting
3. Brain will take his hand a_w_a_y_the cardboard.
5.Yellow is a __B_____colour, but black is dark.
A. orange B. light C. heavy
Correct the mistakes:
1. There are lots of m__a_tc_h_s in the small box. matches 2. Can you let my uncle _la_u_g_h_in_g_? laugh 3. You’re very ill, so you must stop t_o_s_m_o_k_e. smoking 4. Fill the dish half _fi_ll of water. full
- Don’t turn the bottle upside down , or the water will be out .
- I am sure
you will pass the exam .
- I covered the seed with a cover .
Language notes:
二分之一 三分之一 四分之一 四分之三 五分之二 十分之九
a/one half (one second) one - third one quarter three - fourths three quarters two - fifths nine - tenths
六、Put the following Chinese into English .
1. 当她听到这消息后,热泪满眶.
❖ - When she heard the news , her eyes were filled with tears .
2.李明把篮子 装满了苹果.
- Li Ming filled the basket with apples .
4.__C__of water____. A. Three-fourths, are B.Three-four,is
C.Three-quarters,is D. Three-fourth, is
4.The river is _C____here; we can walk across.
A. deep B. fast C. shallow