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林毅夫 刘明兴*

内容提要 探讨长期内决定不同国家或地区经济增长绩效的因素是经济增长分析的一个基本立足点。本文结合增长理论既有的一些研究经验,对中国经济在近20年来的高速增长提供一个较为全面的解释。我们通过经验分析来探讨影响中国经济增长绩效的主要因素;不同的省份或地区之间,是否存在“增长收敛”的现象及“增长收敛”现象中存在的时域和地域特性;同一区域内部(特别是城乡之间)出现人均收入水平发散的原因。

关键词 增长收敛 地区差距 收入分配 技术选择指数

*林毅夫、刘明兴:北京大学中国经济研究中心 100871 

电子信箱:mxliu @nber .o rg 。




林毅夫 刘明兴


林毅夫 刘明兴


林毅夫 刘明兴


林毅夫 刘明兴


林毅夫 刘明兴

(截稿:2003年3月 责任编辑:宋志刚) 中国的经济增长收敛与收入分配

Growth C onvergence and Income Distribution in C hina

Lin Yif u Liu Mingx ing

In this paper,w e ex plo re the potential causes for the dy namic pa tterns in China's economic g row th fro m1978to1999.The empirical results hig hlig ht the key role o f dev elopm ent stra tegy adopted by the gov ernment in ex plaining g row th conv ergence,regional dispa rity,a nd inco me distribution.W e co nstruct the prox y fo r the dev elo pm ent strategy,a nd sho w its distributio ns fit fo r va rio us stylized facts o f fundamentals.The co mpeting hypotheses are also tested.

Economic Analysis of Pirate Software in Peripheral

C ountries and the Policy Implication

Liu Yuanc hun Liao Shuping

This paper analy zes the pirate so ftw are from the point view of maximiza tion o f so cial w elfare using a product differentia tion m odel.It ex plains the reaso ns o f by comparing the legitimate softwa re's price,dema nd,pro fit and co nsum er utilizatio n w ith the pira te softw are's under different conditions.Its co nclusions demonstrate tha t pirate softwa re has different effects on peripheral countries a t different economic dev elopm ent stag es,it isn't optim al fo r these countries to suppress the pirate so ftw are a rbitrarily,they should ado pt the gov ernance mode acco rding to their economic dev elo pm ent,the ability of crea tiv ity a nd the demand o n so ftw are.

On the Comparison and Development of the Asset Pricing Theory

Dai Jinping Li Zhi

Tw o kinds o f asset pricing theories,i.e.inductiv e and deductiv e m ethods,are compared in this paper.The hy po thesis of rational economic man is no t entirely tena ble,w hich leads to the wide applicatio n of the technical a nalysis metho d in the capital market.Thoug h deductiv e method,w hich based on the precise ma thematical m odels,cannot solve practical problems successfully at present,it has been alw ays prog ressing.Behavioral finance and vo lum e-based stock price series a re the tw o im po rtant develo pments o f the financial asset pricing theory.
