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Last night Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stayed home. It was cold and rainy and they didn’t want to go out in the bad weather. Mrs. Rojas made some popcorn and ice tea. At 8:00, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas went into the living room, sat on the sofa and began the movie and ate and drank. At 8:15, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas realized they already watched the movie last year and they didn’t want to watch it again.

“Now what?” asked Mr. Rojas. “Let’s play cards!” answered Mrs. Rojas. At 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Rojas started to play cards. They were playing for about 10 minutes when Mr. Rojas looked out the window. The rain changed to snow and the trees were covered in beautiful white snow. “I’m happy we stayed home tonight. It looks beautiful outside but this weather is very dangerous to drive in.” said Mr. Rojas. “You’re right,” said Mrs. Rojas, “but I’m bored. Let’s play some music and dance.”

Mr. Rojas was surprised. “Dance? But I really don’t ….”

“Oh come on!” Mrs. Rojas insisted. She put on a romantic CD and they b oth started to dance. They were dancing for about 1 minute when suddenly the music stopped and the lights w ent out. Mrs. Rojas laughed. “We’re just not very lucky tonight, are we?” she said. Mr. Rojas said, “Of course we’re lucky! We are together!” He ki ssed her and continued to dance with her, in the dark and without music.

21. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Rojas stay at home last night?

A. They wanted to stay together.

B. The weather was so terrible.

C. They had a dinner at home.

D. They planned to watch a movie.

22. When it started to snow, Mr. and Mrs. Rojas were _________.

A. making popcorn

B. watching a movie

C. playing cards

D. dancing to the music

23. We can infer from the passage that .

A. It was a rainy day in summer

B. Mrs. Rojas cooked very well

C. Mr. Rojas loved to dance at first

D. Mr. Rojas was in love with his wife


Staying with family members or receiving professional care ? Seniors(老年人)in Harbin have a new choice to enrich their life in retirement(退休), as


The seniors can take a bus to a day-care nursing home every day between 8 am and 5 pm, just like others go to work, and go back home to be with their families in the evening.

In the nursing home, they will receive professional care, have lunch, take part in activities such as calligraphy(书法) and singing, and take university courses designed for them.

According to a research, there were 1.75 million seniors by the end of 2017. Less than 10 percent choose to stay in the nursing home while most live at home. Loneliness and shortage of care are the major problems facing the stay-at-home seniors.

"After my mother passed away, I struggled to take good care of my father," said Zhou, an office worker.

Those who have retired parents agree that their parents spend a boring and lonely day at home, watching TV all day and filling their stomach with food. The situation becomes worse in winter when elders are unable to go out due to the cold.

However, the cost of such nursing homes is different from person to person but stands at around 2,000 yuan ($290). Another problem is the shortage of facilities (设施). Even if two seniors share a room in the nursing home, the city still lacks(缺少) at least 100,000 such rooms.

24. In the day-care nursing home, the seniors can ________.

A. go to work

B. stay with their families

C. attend university

D. get professional care

25. What is the main problem for seniors staying at home?

A. A lot of seniors choose to live at home.

B. They are lonely and short of care at home.

C. Their children won’t take care of them.

D. They are unable to go out especially in winter.

26. What information can be inferred from the passage?

A. People have no trouble attending their retired parents.

B. The day-care nursing home is getting popular among seniors.

C. The price of staying in the nursing home remains the same.

D. Two seniors must share one room in the day-care nursing home.


When I was in my fourth year of teaching, I was also (and am still) a high school track and field coach (田径教练). One year, I had a student, John, who entered my class when he was a junior (三年级学生). John changed to our school from Greece, and seemed to be interested in athletics, so I encouraged him to join our track team. I explained to him that even though he had never taken part in it before, I did believe that he could do well in any event, and I would be willing to coach him at whichever ones interested him. He accepted the offer, and began to work hard at every practice.

About a month later, I had found out from other sources that John was a
