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Part 1: Identify and evaluate the role of business information in decision-making.

Question 1:

Strategic Management

Strategic management is responsible for making decisions that affect whole company. These decisions are generally very complex and unstructured .They make long-term decisions.

Internal: The market trends. If the company can observe the index,it will understand the needs of the company ,so as to decide it will produce the products to gain more profi t.

External: the staffing needs. If the ∞mpany can improve employee benefits,increase their rewards ,it will make employees have more power.

Tactical Management

Tactical managers are the middle managemen t. They make medium-term de c isi o ns a忏'e c ting budget s,monit o ring oper a tions,d e v e lo p ing poli ci e s,obta in ing res o urc e s. Tactical manag e rs d ev elop tactics to ac hie ve the overall strategic aims and objectives set by the strategic manager.

Internal: The budgets. If the company has a budget process,it will be able to control the budget and control the company's cash position. And the enterprise capital will become more f lexible .

External: If the enterprise has the fixed suppliers,it will guarantee the quality of enterprise products and save operating time,thus enhances the enterprise the competitive ability and increase more profits.

Operational Management

The operational manager is the first line manager or supervisor. They are

responsible for the day-to-day opera甘ons of the business.

Internal: If the enterprise sta仔attendance record eve叩day,it can work out

a plan for a more perfect plan according to the info rmat ion,so that employees work more e仔icient ly.

External: Th e customer needs. If the enterp川se understand cus tomer needs,its products to attract customers and increase income.

Senior Management


Tactical Middle Management


Question 2:

"Enterpri se resource planning is a cross-functional enterprise sys tem driven by

an i nt egrated suite of so仕ware modules that supports the basic

interna l

business proωsses o f a ∞mpany." ERP gives a compa ny an integra ted real-time view of i怡core business processes such as production,order

processing,and inventory management,tied together by ERP applications

softwa r e and a common database maintained by a database management

system. ERP systems track business resources (such as cash,raw materials,

Me n gj i e In fonnation an d Communi c a tio ns Techn o l o gy in B usiness16/ 10/ 2013

and production capacity) and the status of commitments made by the business (such as customer orders,purchase orders,and employee payroll),no matter which department (manufacturing ,purchasing ,sales,accounting ,and so on) has entered the data into the system. ERP facilitates information f10w between all business functions inside the organization,and manages connections to outside stakeholders. (Wikipedia ,2013)

This information system would support decision-making at strategic levels.•ERP provides support to upper level management to provide them with critical decision making information.This decision support allows the upper level management to make managerial choices that enhance the business down the road.

•ERP also creates a more agile ∞mpany that better adapts to change. ERP makes a company more f1exible and less 时gidly structured so organization components operate more cohesively,enhancing the business-斗nternally and externa11y.

•ERP can greatly improve the quality and efficiency of a business. B y keeping a company's internal business process running smoothly ,ERP

can lead to bett e r output s that b e nefit th e c ompany su c h as c us tom e r

s e rvi ce,and manufactur i ng.

"Customer relationship management is a model for managing a company's interactions with current and future customers." It involves using technology to organize ,automate ,and synchronize sales,marketing ,customer service ,and technical suppo凡(Wikipedia ,2013)

This information system would support decision-making at operational levels.•Access control is crucial for the SCM too l. On the one hand,since this is team development ,may need to limit certain members of the authority;

The sub-project of the especially big projects tend to be involved in outsourcing ,at the end of the alignment stage will involve a lot of different units,need more rights managemen t. Access control ,on the other hand,
